Meeting A Hunter

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Courtney has somewhat gotten use to the packs' mental sharing. It's still hard on her. I figured she needed a break. I left Jason in charge. My Wife and I are in need for some one on one time and I'm trying  not to be distracted. But my thoughts keep wandering.

"I don't know if I will ever get use to the wolves' diet." She sighs drawing my attention back to her.

"We are carnivores." I smirk and take a bite of my rare steak.

"Frankie is still suffering with her desire for meat." She says compassionately.

"I know and I'm sorry. She's a tough one though, she will come to terms with it." I answer taking another bite.

"Nikki when are we going home? We won't be that far from the pack. You can still see them." She whispers bringing up a subject she has wavered back and forth on since the beginning.

"As soon as I hand over my pack to Garrett." I answer. My emotions are confused between pleasing Courtney and caring for Nicole. There has to be a compromise somehow. Even going such a short distance makes me feel like I'm abandoning Nicole and our unborn cubs.

"When are you going to tell Nicole?" She asks pushing the subject.

"Soon, I promise." I groan quietly. I hear another human enter the diner. The man smells of leather and gun powder. I turn to face him. His eyes are a cold grey. Several scars line his face. He wears a black cowboy hat and duster. He pulls up a chair and straddles it laying his arms across the backrest.

"Hello Mr Sixx." He sneers.

"What does a hunter want with me?" I ask.

"You're quick to realize what I am." He chuckles amused.

"The Ruger 50 caliber Super Blackhawk hidden under your duster is hard for me to miss." I comment dryly.

"Yes it's pretty standard for us big game Hunters. I gave a bear coup de grace not long ago with it." He grins. "As for the reason I'm here. I was sent to observe and if any of the rogues escaped. I was ordered to dispatch them."

"It's over why are you still here?" I growl low. He glares at Courtney.

"You sicken me woman Letting him pollute your body with his seed? You're filthy." He hisses. Growling I'm on my feet shielding my wife.

"Shut the fuck up!" I feel my claws grow. He leaps from his chair gun in hand aiming it at my head.

"I wouldn't try it. I have no problem blowing you away. Then I'd put your woman out of her misery just like I did my own daughter after she was defiled by your kind."

"Why are you still here?" I ask again backing down slightly trying to keep my cool. He lowers his gun watching me carefully.

"The Hunter council wishes to let you know that since the packs handled this issue themselves. There will be no retaliation over the deaths of the human women. We will be still watching Nicole. She is never to be the mate of a pack Alpha. So it's a good thing you are giving up your position, make sure it's done quickly." He begins to back out the door. He stops. "I wonder Sixx how many by blows do you think you have out there. If they don't find a pack fast. They will be considered to be rouge and placed on my kill list. So much fun for me." He laughs nastily as he leaves.

"We need to get back Courtney." I take her hand and lead her out and back to the jeep. How did no one notice him pointing a gun at me. There were a few people in the diner. They acted as if they saw nothing.

Courtney is being very quiet on the ride home. I guess she's still in shock. There is so much danger being what I am. I feel guilty for dragging her along for the ride. Now I'm thinking of children I might have fathered. I never gave much of a thought about it before, the privilege of being male I guess. My mind keeps rushing forward. Why are they keeping surveillance on Nicole? Why does it matter who her mate is?

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