Where Are The Girls

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Warning sexual violence...trigger warning.

Nikki's POV

It's Starting to get dark. I spent more time in the library then I meant to. The history of the pack is interesting and there is a lot of it. Some of it so long ago it seems more legend then history. I also read up on some of the pack laws. They make more sense if you consider they have a foot in two worlds. As shifters they are both human and wolf in the same body. I haven't shifted yet but my senses are so heightened. I feel stronger and I'm not feeling the cold like I use to. I've taken to wearing cut off jean shorts like the rest and not much else. I approach Jason and the other men.

"Where's Courtney and Nicole?" I ask not seeing them with the other women and men cooking dinner. They volunteer often.

"They went for a hike. Courtney was curious about the flowers and herbs that grow around here." He answers as he continues to whittle. The piece of wood is slowly turning into a miniature wolf.

"Do you think that is safe with Damon around?" I ask.

"Probably not, but Nicole doesn't like to be told what she can or can not do." He chuckles.
I get distracted watching Ruby and the cubs play. Tom is so gentle with his tinier playmates. I laugh as he lets Tina and Ruby tackle him.

Nicole's POV

It's been fun talking plants and flowers with Courtney. We finally made it to the over look. It's a beautiful view. I smile at her reaction. We stand for a moment longer taking it in.

"I guess we should get back." I say "I don't want anyone to worry."

"You're right." She agrees. "I don't want Nikki to worry."

We begin our long trek down the trail. We haven't gone far when I catch a scent that makes me freeze mid step.  It's Damon I'd recognize his stench anywhere and his not alone. I push Courtney behind me. I really hadn't expected Damon to have the balls to mess with me here. I guess I misjudged him. I notice as we are surrounded his numbers have grown from twenty to thirty.

"Ah look who we have here just the women I was looking for." He sneers.

"Don't do this Damon. There will be consequences."  I warn. He just laughs.

"My pack is growing soon no one will stand against me. What do I have to fear." He gloats.

I pull Courtney close. I hope she can hear my mental voice. Taking her with me I suddenly launch myself at the small male guarding the trail knocking him flat.

"Run!" I shout mentally. "No matter what you hear don't look back, don't stop." She takes to the trail faster then I thought a human could run. I howl to my pack.
"Please help me!"

I shift and turn on them biting the first wolf I can reach. He yelps in pain.
I hear Damon tell them to let her go. They can have her later when they kill the males of Jake's pack. I shake in fear but I have to give Courtney time to get to the protection of the packs. They begin their harassment. They bite and claw. I twist and turn trying to face them all. I know I can't but I'll fight till I can't. When I turn to face one attacker. Damon takes that moment to mount. I screech in pain as he thrusts deep. I try to pull away but he has swelled. We're tied. He pumps hard and fast. I snap at him making him yelp. I whimper as the others continue to bite. I feel my stomach begin to cramp. I screech again in pain. Damon thrusts once more and goes still.

Nikki's POV

I hear Nicole's frightened plea for help. All I can see is red. I can feel her fear. Without a second thought I take to a run. My bones and muscles begin to feel like they are tearing apart. My skin starts to burn. It just feeds my anger. I feel like I bursting from my skin. Then I'm on all fours and racing through the woods. I sense the other wolves around me but they don't concern me. I have to reach my mates. Finding Courtney first I sniff and nuzzle reassuring myself she's ok. Then I hear Nicole's pain ridden screech and I'm off again. I see them and race for them. Nicole lays under Damon. I know what he's done. I charge for him only to have him run escaping into the woods with his pack in tow. The only thing that stops me from giving chase is Nicole's moans. I nuzzle my mate she's in so much pain. She's covered in bite marks and scratches. There is blood on her thighs. My anger burns.

I growl and howl into the night.

"Come back you coward so I can kill you!"

I hear others around me growling the same promise. There has to be over a hundred wolves at my back. I guess Damon hadn't expected so many to answer Nicole's call. I'm nudged out of the way by some of Nicole's daughters. They have shifted to their human form. They lift her gently and head for the camp. The rest follow still in wolf form. Our senses alert for Damon's pack.

At our home Nicole's girls are quick and have their mother on her bed examining her. Their attention is intense as they heal her wounds. Jason and I try not to be pests. We just can't make ourselves leave her side. Courtney cuddles close to me on a large pillow brought in for her comfort. I nuzzle her gently. I know she's still in shock over the attack. She whimpers guiltily over running. Everyone has told her even me that she had done the right thing. She wouldn't have survived. I shake in anger over the thought that they could have killed her.

Finally Nicole's pain eases. Jason and I sigh in relief. Chloe Nicole's oldest daughter turns to us.

"She's going to be ok. It was a close one but the cubs will be alright too." She goes back to tending her mother.

More water is brought in and they wash away the remaining dirt and blood from Nicole's body. Afterwards we are allowed by her side. I rest my head close to her shoulder. She opens her eyes slowly and smiles weakly.

"Nikki you're black furred like me." She says sweetly and falls asleep.

Other packs that normally just send a representative have been sent for.  The gather won't be ending anytime soon. This is the last straw. Damon will no longer be tolerated. We've been told that guards have been placed to give warning if Damon comes back. Jake says to get some sleep.

Courtney has consented to sleep in bed with Jason and Nicole. Because every time I got to far away from Nicole I'd get agitated and I'd pace. She grumbled a bit, but she wanted some sleep. I sigh heavily. I rest contentedly now that I have both my mates near me.

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