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Nicole's POV

I'm coming into heat and far away from my destination. I quietly watch the man across the fire from me. I'm not sure how to handle our closeness tonight. I look away and concentrate on the fire. By tonight I'll be in full season. I groan I'm dreading it. I'm afraid If I don't breed the fever will set in my body's way of burning off my unneeded fuel that would be used during the chase. The fever could be fatal. If it wasn't for the crash I'd be preparing for the mating run. Male wolves would be teasing me exciting me. By the time I'm ready to run I would be drunk with the desire to mate. The wolf would completely take over. But no for some reason fate has me stuck in the middle of nowhere with a married human male. I growl softly even though he's a human his male scent is driving me to distraction. My lower region is hot, wet, and ready. There will be no relief and I'm scared. I can also hear them. They haven't been quiet since I started to show signs of heat. The four nightmares are far away so I  can only hear them in my mind. How can they reach me when I can't mentally reach anyone else.

Mr Sixx shifts to a more comfortable position.

"Are you pain." I ask concerned.

"A little." He admits.

With out a word. I use some of our water to make willow bark tea. He watches silently. Once its ready I hand it to him to drink. He gives me a skeptical look.

"Trust me I know my plants. My father made sure all his children did." I reassure.

He takes a sip as I check him over.

"You're healing well with no infection." I once again delve into his body easing pain urging his bones and flesh to heal further. I come to his separated vas deferens such a waste in such a healthy virile male. I could mend it. I smirk I don't think he would appreciate my interference.

"You don't seem to like your father much" He states out of the blue catching me off guard.

"I think it goes both ways." I shrug.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I was born and numerous things after." I answer bluntly.

"Unhappy childhood?" He questions further.

"Not always. My Mother was very loving. As I grew a boy who was older than me took interest in me when I was six. He made me happy for awhile. He would help me escape from my father's tyranny as often as he could. When I got older he asked me to marry him we were so in love or we thought we were. I was only twelve. He was fifteen. My twin Sara found out. Jerald was the last unrelated male to us in the community unmarried. She knew she would have to go to another community to marry so she went to our father. Sara is father's favorite daughter. He gave Sara to Jerald as his betrothed. He couldn't refuse. My father rules with an iron fist." I finish.

"God you do belong to a cult. What happened after that?"

"I had always been curious what was beyond our territory. I would sneak off as often as possible. Even sneaked off to watch Motley in concert once. I was beaten pretty bad for that one." Nikki winces at that. I notice. "Don't feel bad it was my own doing." I shrug. "Well when he made the announcement public. I lost it. I attacked my sister. I was pulled off and sent away to another community. My father figured I should get my wish. I haven't been back since." I look away from Nikki. I had felt shame for hurting my sister. I was the stronger wolf and I knew it. I wasn't just sent away. I was traded.

"It was underhanded what your sister did your anger was justified even if you were kinda young for thinking of marriage. Nicole why go back? You could run."

"Where would I go. I need them as much as they need me." I whisper. "A wolf isn't meant to be alone. There is no wolf without a pack and no pack without its wolves." I think to myself Nikki looks at me upset.

"That's brainwashing Nicole." He says gently.

"No I do this for my people." I say softly.

I wish I could make him understand how important children are to all packs. After the war with the hunters and the plague that killed so many females. I sigh.

Some males had taken human wives. It helped but they are so fragile. It's hard on them to carry a hybrid. For a time I was only one of twenty adult fertile females wolves left on the East coast. Some were luckier then others. The majority got to settle down with bonded mates others like myself are breeders. We go where we are told. Being traded to my first four mates as a breeder was my fathers punishment for attacking his favorite daughter. After they cast me off. I chose to be a breeder protected by the wolf council. It was better then allowing my father to shame me as being abandoned and useless. It's ok I live with it Most of my daughters have grown and now have bonded life mates and are happy. I find my happiness in that.

"Brainwashing." He repeats and rolls over with a disgusted grunt.

I wish I could tell him the truth.

Night comes faster when you're afraid of it. I know he's cold. I've been avoiding contact. I'm nervous to get closer. I finally get up my nerve and crawl under the blanket with him. I hear him sigh in relief at my warmth. I bite my lip trying not moan out loud. He falls quickly to asleep. His arm comes to rest around my waist. It almost more then I can stand. His breath against my neck makes me shiver. I'm trying so hard to control my heat. I refrain from pressing up against him. His male scent is intoxicating. I can't help it. I give in and roll over to face him. I bury my head against his chest. Breathing him in I scent something familiar. I smell wolf. It's so faint. It had to have been several generations ago. I would give anything to awaken that wolf. I whimper with need. The longer I deny myself makes my temperature rise. The over stimulation to my body will eventually turn pleasure to pain. I fight the urge to rub against him. I pant as my heat gets stronger. My teeth and nails are growing. I know without seeing my eyes are shining brightly. I can't I belong to the four nightmares and the next male wolves I breed. I fight the need.

Nikki wakes slowly feeling my heat and shaking.

"Nicole your burning up with fever." He whispers concern in his voice.

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