Good Morning

123 11 1

Courtney's POV

I've been laying in bed lost in thought. Nikki is still asleep by my side. I sigh. It had been easier to focus on being pissed at Nikki and Nicole. Then thinking of how I'd almost lost my husband. He didn't even look like he had been injured when I saw him get off the helicopter. I'd been so relieved. I'd seen pictures of the crash on the news it was a miracle he had survived. I had thanked God for it. I just didn't realize that miracle had come as a tiny dark haired woman who could shift into a wolf. Who had also shared an intense moment of passion with my husband and now carried his babies. She's having four to be exact. She had shared that news with us before we went to bed. We were both shocked but it seems it's not abnormal for them. We didn't talk much last night we just went to sleep at least he did. I was wide awake for hours it felt like. I feel him reach for me in his sleep. He pulls me to his chest. I didn't realize he had been so badly hurt. Now that I'm aware I can see the faded scars. She did such a good job healing him you can barely see the ones where he's tattooed. I kiss the tattooed star on his chest.  He sighs

"What was that for?" He asks in a sleepy voice.

"I'm not angry with you anymore." I whisper. "I'm so happy your alive and I can hold you." I feel the tears slide down my cheeks. I can't help it. He growls playfully and nuzzles me his beard tickling my neck. He gently nips then leaves a kiss. I think I'm starting to like his wolfie gestures.

"It sounds like the household is coming to life." He chuckles and pulls away. I must have looked disappointed because he whispers sweetly in my ear.
"Tonight I promise."

Walking into the kitchen we find chaos. Wolf cubs under foot and everyone grabbing biscuits off the table making their own breakfast biscuit with eggs and various meats. Jason in contrast sits quietly sipping coffee.

"Come on dad the contests are about to begin." Nyx giggles trying to hurry her father.

"Go ahead kids. We'll be out soon. Let Nikki and Courtney eat." Jason smiles benignly.

"Ok dad." Nathan laughs. Come on you guys we don't want to miss the first races." He gestures to his age mates including ours and they all scatter. Nyx and Rachel pausing just long enough to heard their cubs.

"Good morning." Nicole giggles. "I promise. My children usually have better manners."

"Sit have some coffee and breakfast." Jason offers.

Sitting down I watch Nicole busy herself with her babies.

"Are you still hungry?" She asks. They sit on the floor their tails wagging. They all head to the table. "You have to be human to eat at the table." They don't seem happy but they shift anyway. She pulls shorts on each one and sits them at the table. Once the food is in front of them. It disappears and so do they leaving their little shorts behind.

"Do you think they even tasted the food." Nikki laughs.

Nicole groans.

"I don't think Selena spent much time with them. I don't think they've spent much time as humans since I left either. They were being neglected."

"It's ok Nicole we are all here for them now." Jason reassures her.

"Luke and Jesse didn't seem the type to neglect." I emphasize sadly.

"Their not." Nicole says. "But they are busy. They are the Alpha and beta of their pack. They depend a lot on Selena to run the domestic side. She can be difficult.

"Difficult my ass she is a terror." Jason grumbles. "She's also an ingrate after you healed her."

"She doesn't know I healed her Jason. I sensed right away what was wrong. I was already in heat though. I thought I could perform the healing after. But she was so angry at me. She barely tolerated my presents. I healed her when Luke got tired of her complaints and made her sleep. I was so thankful when Tom made room for me. It was hard to stay with Luke, Jesse, and her."

Nicole is quiet for a moment and in that moment I make up my mind.

"Nicole I owe you my thanks. Without you my husband wouldn't be here." I throw my arms around her hugging her.

"You don't need to thank me for a healing I was born to it. But I will except the forgiveness for my transgression I see in your mind." She whispers.

Nikki's POV

It's feels good to be back in my wife's good graces. We've had so much fun watching the competitions. Gunner even won a foot race he entered. After all the excitement everyone is staving. We are just setting down to eat when Jason touches my shoulder.

"Here they come Nikki." I turn to see sixteen young men pile out of a passenger van. They are followed by a very pregnant girl and four tiny boys. The one in front I'm assuming is Damon. They move as a group towards the food. Nicole is up before either Jason or I can stop her. Her older daughters gather behind her close enough to intervene if necessary.

"May I examine the girl and the cubs." She asks calmly.

"Why not." He answers carelessly. He eyes Nicole hungrily a smug look on his face. He grabs his junk and groans. His pack laughs at his antics. Nicole is unimpressed.  I growl low. I guess he didn't get the message that she's already pregnant. I watch Nicole lead the girl away followed by the cubs. Her daughters close behind.

All the festive feeling has disappeared with their arrival. Everyone is guarded. Young girls are kept far away from the all male rogue pack.

Nicole returns awhile later.

"How is the girl?" I ask as she sits between me and Jason.

"Tired and suffering from malnutrition. She is carrying two boys. I think her labor will start in the next day or so. Nyx has her hooked up to an IV. In hopes to strengthen her a bit." She answers irritation in her voice.

"How are the boys?" Jason asks.

"Staving." She whispers.

It's not long before two of Nicole's daughters identical twins appear with the now clean cubs in tow.

"You're in for it Mama they bite." They say in unison.

Nikki, Courtney these are my daughters Lunar and Astra." she introduces us.

"Hello." They grin.

"We have to go help serve." Lunar says.

"It's nice to meet you both."Astra adds and they disappear quickly.

Nicole's attention is now on the cubs.

"Are you hungry?" She asks the skinny boys.

"Yeah." The oldest boy answers.

She sits them with us at the table. Carol brings them each a plate. They dive in right away. 

"What's your names?" Nicole asks the boys.

The oldest answers again.

"I'm John. This is Paul, George and Ringo." He answers between bites.

The creep has one redeeming trait. He likes The Beetles. Suddenly a fight starts between George and Ringo over a large piece of meat. Jason and I both grab a snarling and snapping ball of fur. Getting bit in the process. The twins were right. They do bite.

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