Wolfshifter Biology

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Nicole's POV

The young are asleep. We sit enjoying the night on the front porch. The moon is full. It makes the younger wolves a bit lustful. Jake suggested Nikki's children should sit it out this time. It can get rough and tumble. So he and Nikki made it a command. They sit mostly obvious to the Primitive drives and lust in the air.

"Nicole how different is shifter reproduction." Storm asks bluntly. I like these kids they speak their mind.

"Well for one we come into heat one to two times a year. It's the only time conception is possible." I answer.

"Will we do that?" Frankie asks.

"Depends on whether your transformation ends with a complete shift." I shrug.

"What will it be like for me When I become pregnant with Gunner's baby?" Dasha asks shyly.

"Well first thing you should know is a shifter's gestation is shorter then a humans. We carry for six months. You'll give birth earlier at about eight months. That's why it's harder for you the baby or babies grow faster then your body is use to. Like a wolf mother you will crave rarer meat. The closer you get to your due date you might become aggressive towards males that aren't your mate." I take a drink of my tea and continue." During your pregnancy your body will keep the young from shifting but once you go into labor. The baby will try to shift in confusion. It's important to have your mate or trusted male and of course a skilled wolf midwife present."

"We only carry for six months. That's awesome." Storm grins.

"What's it mean for me and my boyfriend." Frankie asks rolling her eyes at her sister.

"Your babies will be fine." I reassure. "They will have all the wolf abilities except the ability to shift apparently that is carried by the y chromosome. That's why male human/female wolf pairings are prohibited. Don't worry the pack won't press you in this. Jake will make sure." She looks relieved.

Jake has pulled a lot of strings and used a lot of favors owed to protect these girls. They will be given choices most wolf females don't get. They've been brought up in a different world. He has argued this point about every hybrid or human female brought into the pack. If not done gently it can be traumatic.

I glance at Nikki. I've been watching his reactions to our culture. He's slowly adjusting. I sigh. I have a feeling Jake and Victor have a plan for my new mate. I'll be damned if I'll allow them to drag him into pack politics so soon. Let him get use to being a wolf first. Both Jason and I now believe he will shift and it's eminent. I can sense his wolf clawing to get out. His family's movements are changing becoming more wolf like. They walk quieter. They interact with their environment differently using all their senses. They are no longer blind to it like humans anymore.

"Is breeding lust really that intense?" Decker asks interrupting my train of thought.

"Yes," I laugh. "A bomb could go off and you wouldn't notice." My smile slips. "Matter of fact here's an example how strong it is. Long ago there was a hunter we called the butcher. His favorite method of hunting was to kidnap a female coming into heat. He would wait till the fever and pain left her mindless. He'd tie her out in the woods and wait for her scent and cries to lure males in. If an Alpha wasn't there to control them It became a bloodbath. Only Alphas and Elders have control during a heat and that comes with practice and time."

"I'm getting more tea. Does anyone else want something to drink?" I smile and take orders. I keep running through things they need to know right away. I sigh as I enter the kitchen. There is just so many things.

Nikki's POV

As soon as the door swings shut Gunner turns to Jason.

"Please tell me that prick she mentioned met a horrible end."

"As the tale goes he did." Jason immediately goes into story mode.

"It's said when Tom was in his forties he finally met his one and only. A beautiful young girl named Esme. It was love at first sight. She was the Alpha's cherished daughter. She was meant for the son of another Alpha. But when she fell for Tom. She would have no other. Her father gave her her way. After they wed she was out gathering herbs for her grandmother when the butcher found her. He was a devious hunter. He came from down wind and rendered her unconscious. Her pack searched but could not find her. The Butcher kept her hidden till she was mindless from her heat. Then he tied her out. But her father had heard of his trap. He kept his pack under control. As for Tom he was not some young pup controlled by his hormones. He surprised the Butcher where he hid. The hunter turned and fired his gun. It didn't stop Tom who had become enraged. He tore the Butcher to pieces. In the end it was to late for Esme. Tom found her in chains. The fever had burned to long. It's said that Tom held her in his arms and kissed her one last time. She sighed and passed from this life. He never took another mate.

"Wait it's possible to die from being in heat." Storm looks skeptical.

"Yes if the fever gets to high and lasts to long. When a young woman can't breed or refuses to. She treats it like an illness with medication to control fevers and ice or cool water. Sometimes that's not enough and they pass away. Age is also a factor once a women reaches her twenties it's fatal not to breed.  I don't think you pretty ladies need to worry. You won't have trouble finding a willing male." He reassures.

The night suddenly is full of yips and howls. I catch Gunner sneaking off with his wife. The rest mutter about how unfair. A young girl races around the corner giggling. Decker nearly falls out of his chair staring. Jason laughs. He gives a command.

"Go to bed and sleep you three." They get up obediently. "Maybe next time." he smirks.

After they leave Jason moves closer to Courtney.

"I sense how you feel about Nicole and I don't like it." He says low to her. I place myself between them and push him back.

"Easy Jason." I try to keep us both calm. He's really pissed though.

"Nyx examined her mother on her return to make sure nothing was healing wrong. You wouldn't have a husband to be pissed at if it wasn't for her. She took the full impact of the crash that would have killed your then human mate. She was a mess of internal scars that Nyx had to clean up. A piece of metal went through her chest barely missing her heart. She took a blow to the head that could have left her deaf to the pack. Even after that she burned a lot of her own calories mending him of a serious concussion and a broken leg that would have left him permanently crippled. So please show some respect to her like I do to your husband for being there for Nicole."

Nicole comes through the door with our drinks just as Jason finishes his rant. His expression looks guilty liked he'd been caught doing something Nicole wouldn't approve of.

"What did I miss." She looks worried seeing how tense we are."

"You didn't hear anything." He looks worried.

"Not since Nikki's kids went to sleep. Their thoughts are so loud." She giggles.

"Maybe you should have Nyx and your other daughters examine you again tomorrow. You're not hearing things that you wouldn't have missed before." He looks shameful and his concern is real.

"Ok Jason I will." She agrees softly. Jason takes the drinks from her and sets them down. He pulls her into a tight embrace.

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