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Nikki's POV

Lost in my own thoughts I almost miss Nicole's change in posture. Her ears are up. Her head is cocked. She's listening.

"What is it?" I ask. She looks up at me and makes an oof sound. Then I hear a word in my mind.


I can hear it now the sounds of a helicopter. Nicole changes again this time from wolf to human. She quickly pulls on her clothes. We see it fly over then turn back. It lands near the plane where the crash had made a large clearing. A young man comes trotting from the copter. He immediately picks up Nicole in a tight hug.

"Mama." He hollers. He nuzzles her neck in greeting. "I'm so glad to see you. Is there anyone else alive?"

"No Sean, just us." She shakes her head.

"Oh there are so many family members gathered at base camp waiting." He groans sadly. "Let's get you two on board."

He helps put out the fire completely don't want another disaster. We are greeted warmly and checked over when we're in the copter. Sean takes a deep breath near me. He grins.

"I had no idea Mr Sixx welcome brother wolf to our pack territory."

"What?" I glance at Nicole accusingly.

He laughs amused.

"She didn't do anything. We are born, not made. Being around her just awoke what was already there." He explains casually.

"Are all of you werewolves?" I ask still trying to digest his words.

"Yes except Rob our pilot. He just puts up with our wolfie ways. And we really prefer the term wolves. We don't ran around out of control on full moons in a half man, half wolf form. Yuck." He answers.

"Sorry didn't mean to offend." I apologize.

"It's fine." He smirks.

"What does it mean for me?" I ask nervously. How do I explain to my wife. Hey honey pass the salt by the way I'm a wolf.

"It depends how many generations ago or whether you inherited the genes from your mother or father. You just might have heightened senses and be stronger. You might get blessed with the night shine. There are the teeth and nails. I watch him change enough to show long teeth and nails. Some hybrids don't always shift fully." He shrugs. "We usually leave males of your kind be. It seems harder for men to live in a pack and be stuck between. We do search for Hybrids. There are quite a few untapped potential females out there." He stops and looks at me in speculation. I get a glimpse of his thoughts.

"Stay away from my daughters." I growl.

"Well you can hear our thoughts some. I'm sorry. I couldn't help but think it. We are trying not to become extinct. You should know you are the patriarch of your family. As you change so will they. If you need guidance my pack will be here for you. Be wary of the LA pack. The alpha is becoming desperate. They are searching for female hybrids to breed with. They may not be full wolves but they are stronger then human women. We will keep your secret." He finishes speaking.

"Thank you." I whisper. I can hear his mind. If they came to my father's pack. They would never be forced. Always be cherished and protected. He grins. I growl.

"You got the growl down." He chuckles.

Great now I have to worry for my children. Why do I always step into shit. I have to admit the strength I'm feeling is pretty damn awesome.

I glance at Nicole. She's quiet I'm worried about her too. How pissed at her is her fiancé going to be if he finds out she has cheated. He also has missed his shot at her if children was his only goal. I guess he will have to wait for her next heat.

Landing at base camp I search for familiar faces. I see my family racing to them I hug them tightly. I've missed my kids so much. I get to Courtney and cling to her. I've so much to tell you. I'm not sure what to tell you. Oh god Courtney I bury my head against her neck. Please please keep loving me.

Nicole's pov

Watching Nikki greet his wife makes me wish I had a bonded mate a husband to come to. Just then my daughter Nyx practically knocks me down with her hug.

"I was scared I'd lost you Mama." She blurts out.

"I'm so sorry. I hit my head sweetie. It's taken awhile to heal. I'm just now starting to hear everyone again."

She checks my head and finds the fading scar on my temple.

"I'm glad it wasn't permanent. I can't think of anything worse then being deaf to the pack." She moans.

I hug her it had been miserable. It's the only way I can handle physically leaving my cubs behind as I move from pack to pack. I can still reach out and touch their minds. I tuck some thoughts deeper into my mind as we join other members of her pack. I'm no longer showing any sighs of heat not even a bit. I'm sure I'm carrying cubs. I wonder how many this time. I know Sean's father Jake would let me stay here to birth. I could stay with Jason. He's an elder. Like Ceil my Uncle He lost his mate to human hunters and never mated again. He is the closest I have ever come to having a husband. I sigh. I'm afraid to cause a dispute amongst packs. The LA Alpha is a belligerent male. That's being kind. He is going to have to wait for now. It does mean I'm going to have to breed closer together then I like. I grumble at that. I'm not as young as I use to be. I refuse to breed till I die in childbirth. Damon is vain. He thinks he is going to sire cubs on me in a mating run. Ha neither me or my inner wolf like him. It's just not gonna happen. How do I handle the ass without causing drama? I'm still confused why a twenty something year old pack leader didn't choose a younger breeder.

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