Night and Day

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Courtney's POV

We lay in bed with Jason and Nicole again. Everyone's sleep is restless. Nicole makes any sound and Both Jason and Nikki wake to check on her. My feelings are mixed and confused when it comes to her. I hate her one minute because she had sex with my husband. Then I feel bad about it. She does nothing but try to make me feel welcome here. She even fought for my position here leaving herself weak. Than there's the babies she's carrying and the way Nikki behaves towards her. Sometimes I just want to say fuck off, take Ruby and leave. What would I do if Ruby shifted in front of strangers. Nikki is the one who keeps her from doing that. Someone might want to hurt her out of fear. I sigh. I do real love the beast that is my husband. I feel his arms tighten around me as he sleeps. Why does Nicole have to be so gentle and kind? I know she has been the one to draw the line between herself and Nikki. I'm happy she has Jason. They've waited so long to be together. It's strange how the wolves think. Jason and Nikki are ok with each other touching Nicole but anyone else they are a jealous monster. It's going to be tough on them to allow her to complete her contract with the packs.

Suddenly Nicole's eyes fly open. They are shining brightly. I can feel the heat that is beginning to radiate from her. She cries in pain waking the boys. Sirona rushes into the room.

"Jason fill the tub with cold water. Nikki bring her. Courtney please get the bags of ice from the freezer." She orders. "We have to keep the fever down while the babies shift."

When I come back with the ice. Sirona takes them immediately and dumps both bags in. I step back out of the way. Jason is supporting Nicole's head. Nikki has her hand in his.

"Jason keep her from shifting. She'll lose the babies if you don't." Sirona says calmly.

I watch Her concentrate on her granddaughter's well being. Her eyes glow so does Nikki's and Jason's. Every so often Nicole whimpers her body writhing in pain. I wince when she screeches in pain. Sirona hand remains on Nicole's stomach. Her eyes move quickly it's amazing she is seeing inside her body.

"Nikki help Jason. He's tiring." Sirona whispers. It seems to last for ever before she finally goes quiet.

"It's over they've survived." She breathes out in relief.

Nikki lifts her out of tub holding her close. I grab towels and help dry her off. He takes her to the bed and lays her down. Jason lays near her exhausted he passes out. Nikki is exhausted too. I pull him into bed and cover us all with the blanket. Sirona checks Nicole and the men one last time before she leaves the room. Nikki is weeping quietly.

"What's wrong? She said they were alright." I whisper.

"They were tearing her insides apart. I couldn't do a thing. If her grandmother hadn't been here to heal her." he chokes and goes quiet. I don't know what to say to him. I just hold him tightly till he falls asleep.

They are all sleeping. It takes me awhile longer. I reach over and brush the hair away from Nicole's face. She's so pale. At least she is no longer in pain. Does she love my husband? Does he love her?

Nikki's POV

I wake to the light shining through the curtains. Courtney is already out of bed. Jason and Nicole are still asleep. I can't seem to resist. I lean over and kiss Nicole's neck then nuzzle her tummy. Last night was frightening. I was so afraid for Nicole and our babies. I pull away reluctantly. It's time to get out of bed and see how Courtney is. I can hear her in the kitchen so I go to join her.

"Good morning baby." I Whisper and nuzzle her neck.

"How are you feeling?" She asks giving me a hug.

"I'm ok." I hug her back.

"How are Nicole and Jason?" She questions.

"They are still sleeping." I answer.

"Do you think we might have some time to ourselves?" She smiles.

"I think I might be able to arrange that." I smirk.

"Mama! Mama!" It's Tom. If he's awake so are the rest. I kiss her softly.

"Tonight I promise." I hope I can keep that promise. We head for the nursery. Entering we find all the little ones bright eyed and ready for the day but are we ready for them. John, Paul, Gorge, and Ringo are shaking their crib. The rest wait with a little more patience. Ruby, Tom, Alisa, and Tina are lined up against the rail of their crib with big grins. Emma and Collette Nicole's six year old daughters roll their eyes at the babies. They believe they are to old to be in the nursery. We set to work checking and changing the ones who still wear diapers. Then we release them. They head straight for the kitchen where they make a nuisance out of themselves as Courtney tries to make breakfast. I have Ruby and Tom under control, but the rest not so much. I'm trying to bottle feed Eli and Levi our newest members of our family. I'm getting frustrated when in comes Rowen and Willow. They giggle

"We got this Mr Sixx." Rowen says to me. Then they growl and eye their younger siblings their eyes aglow. The little ones hustle out of the kitchen like their pants are on fire.

"Thanks girls and call me Nikki." I smile at them as they bounce out of the kitchen after the babies.

Olivia, Violet, and Scarlett come slouching into the kitchen a moment later like all normal teenagers. They smile. Violent takes one of the boys from me to feed. Her sisters ask Courtney if they can help. Nicole's children are very polite. They all have good dads and a good mom who has tried her best to stay in their lives. Ashton, Rowen's and Willow's father, told me he and the other fathers meet as often as they can with their children. They want them to know each other and have a sense of family. I smile at the children at play. Except Luna, Astra, and little Tom all of her children have her beautiful dark eyes that light up the color of golden honey. I scent a familiar presence. I look into Nicole's beautiful lit eyes. I can feel her gentle sweet arousal as she gazes at me. She closes her eyes and turns away.

"I'm sorry you had to handle them without us. But it looks like you got it under control." She smiles. She tries to help.

"No you sit and rest." Courtney says. The girls back her up. She takes a seat near me. Jason comes in, tips her head so he can give her a soft kiss. I push away my desire to kiss her too.

"Good morning everyone." he smiles. Olivia hands him a coffee as he settles into his favorite chair. He grabs his paper and starts to read. Not one mention of last night. They've already moved on. The Wolves live in the moment.

"I hope I'm not intruding on family time." Jake says as he comes through the kitchen door with his brothers in tow.

"You know you're part of our family and always welcome." Nicole smiles in greeting.

"Well I'm actually here for advice Jason." He says as they settle in chairs.

"What about?" he asks.

"We have a visitor camping nearby. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal." He shrugs. I worry since Damon is nearby too."

"Would this visitor be female?" Jason asks with a sigh.

"Yes so she's a target." He confirms. "From what Sebastian has seen she's a wildlife photographer. She has an empathy with animals she senses their feelings. A female pitbull follows her around like a big puppy. I hope her dog will give her warning if he gets near."

"What he's trying to get at is how do we tell her to nicely go away when we usually welcome her kind." Jeff adds.

"That is a dilemma." Jason says softly.

"We thought we could frighten her in our wolf form. Until we watched her turn away a bear." Joe huffs.

"Are you sure she's human." Jason asks.

"As far as we can tell." Jake groans in irritation.

"Not to change the subject. But why do you think Damon is wanting so many children? He doesn't seem the fatherly type." Jeff asks watching Damon's sons play.

"He doesn't want children. He wants a monster like himself another sociopath. That's why I wanted to examine his sons and the girl's babies. I had to make sure their minds were healthy. We don't need another Damon." Nicole answers and gestures at the boys. "He doesn't care about them.

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