Joys And Sorrows

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Author's note There is a scene ahead that might be difficult for some...Trigger warning.

Nicole's POV

"It's near bed time. I've been so bored. Jason has as promised kept me in the loop. The Elders and Alphas have decided there is safety in numbers. So the packs are staying. More food is being brought in to feed the horde of wolves and more wolves are joining the gather. I'd say there are around 300 warriors here to protect the packs, including my very pissed off Uncles. Jason also told me Sirona is here. Did she bring them mine and Joel's sons. Joel came to me when I was staying with Sirona waiting to know where I was to go next. He asked for Children. His last living son, Damon's father, had died. He was sure his daughter-in-law was a murderer. He couldn't trust her. She had given birth to a son. He hadn't approved of his son's choice. Joel said he just felt something was wrong with mother and son. So He asked me to conceive and birth his cubs in secret. I consented. I came into heat. We mated. He left the next day. I gave birth six months later to twin sons. I didn't even get to see or hold them. Sirona took them and disappeared. I found out later she was with a small pack in a remote part of Alaska. I wasn't able to form any bond with them like my other cubs. I ached for them. Has she told them who their parents are. Will they forgive me for my complete absence?

"Look who all want to say goodnight." Jason laughs as my Cubs including little Ruby come bounding into the room. I can't help but smile. Nikki and Courtney come in behind them and help them on to the bed. They nuzzle and hug. I cuddle them in return. They are finally staying in human form more often. I glance at Ruby who had held back. Her eyes are glowing bright blue. The look on her face is pure concentration. I watch as her teeth and nails grow.

"Nikki, Courtney, look." I giggle. Everyone looks just in time to see Ruby shift into a fluffy white ball of fur. She howls in triumph she's so happy with herself. The other cubs shift and howl too. I join their song. Jason and Nikki add their voices. Then from outside comes a multitude of howls. They sing. We can hear their thoughts "welcome little sister". Nikki scoops her up and cuddles her close. She licks both her parents faces making them laugh.

"How come she shifted first? She's the baby." Decker groans from the doorway. Then he shrugs.

"Maybe tomorrow as long as we stay in the sight of the guards and if I'm let out of bed. we can take a family run. It sometimes stimulates it." I smirk.

Then I hear them my cubs one by one wishing me goodnight.

"I hear them Jason! I hear my cubs! I can hear them at a distance again!" I squeal. I settle down and whisper to them. "Goodnight my babies. I love you."

Nikki's POV

Nicole is over the moon to have her ability to communicate at a distance back. I've been told not everyone has that gift. It came in to good use for her since she has to leave her children behind.

I'm still not content to leave Nicole at night. It's not that I don't trust Jason to protect her. I just feel I need to protect her myself. I groan. I don't know why I'm still awake. I have Courtney in my arms and Nicole within reach. Nicole whimpers in her sleep. Jason nuzzles to soothe. I get brief flashes of her nightmare. I grind my teeth in response. The coward had torn free from her when he heard us coming. Even after being healed by her daughters she's still tender. Poor Courtney had suffered with her. The mental connection she'd made to tell her to run held through the whole attack. God I hope he's still suffering.

I hear soft foot steps head for the kitchen Then another. They are probably after a drink of water. Thank god this is a big house. Because of Damon all Nicole's young daughters are here for their safety. They were afraid if he couldn't get the mother he'd try for her girls. I'm still trying to remember all my new children's names. Hmm
She had Three cubs at 20. They are 28. That's Zoey, Chloe, and Sophia. I met them the night Nicole was hurt. Then three more cubs Lunar, Astra, and Noah. They are 26. I've met the daughters not the son yet.

She had Nathan and Nyx. They are 23 now.
Olivia, Violet, and Scarlett
are 19.
She had Rowen and Willow. They are 11. Then two more Colette and Emma are 6. And of course the cuties Tom, Tina, and Alisa. They are 2. Then me the dumbass comes along and knocks her up again. Now she's having four. I guess she was going to be pregnant anyway. That's a lame excuse. I still can't wrap my head around the fact they expect her to get pregnant one more time after this. Carol says that female wolves can conceive well into their sixties. She also said that doesn't mean they should. She said I was godsend now they can't pressure Nicole into anymore pregnancies. Because I can tell them as her mate to go get stuffed. Those are her words. Thank god There are larger gaps. At the beginning she gave birth every two years. I groan shut up brain. I close my eyes. I need sleep.

I'm brought out of my dose by screams. We're all on our feet and rushing to see who's screaming. Nicole is there first. It's Violet and Scarlett. On the floor is the thirteen year old Megan. Damon's latest victim. She's cut her wrists. Nicole goes down on her knees trying to save the girl.

"Go Violet, Scarlett get Nyx?" She orders.

Jason and I help her get the child back on her bed in the infirmary.

"You can't make me give birth to monsters." The child says weakly and closes her eyes. I can't hear her heart or breath anymore.

"I'm to late." Nicole whispers. The girls return dragging Nyx and Chloe with them.
"Nyx, Chloe help me. Nikki and Jason please put the girls to bed." She closes the door.

Jason and I return quietly to wait for Nicole. As we approach we hear the cries of two newborns. She was able to save the cubs. After awhile The door finally opens. The girl's body has been covered with a sheet. The floor is clean. The babies are cleaned up and wrapped in blankets. Her and her daughters leave the room. Nicole shuts the door and locks it. We follow them to the kitchen. The babies need milk. Zoey and Sophia come through the door taking in the situation.

"Mama you and our sisters are tired. Let us take it from here." Sophia says softly.

"That's a good idea." Jason agrees taking the bottles away from Nicole and handing them to Zoey.

We usher her back to the bedroom. Once the door is closed. Nicole crawls onto the bed and sits with her face in her hands.

"I told her she was going to be ok." She says listlessly and begins to weep. Courtney pulls her close. Jason and I sandwich them between us. We lay together waiting for her tears to dry and sleep to come.

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