Life Mate

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Nicole's POV

I've never felt so at peace. I have a pack. It's been so long since I've belonged anywhere. Feelings of joy lighten my step as I walk through our small village. I just came from being examined by my daughter. I am pregnant. I'm carrying four cubs. This will be my largest birthing. Nyx isn't worried I'm healthy and strong. Spotting Jason I race to him and jump into his arms. He chuckles.

"How many?" He smirks.

"Four." I giggle. "Do you think Nikki will be happy? He's probably not use to multiples."

"Shocked maybe but I'm sure he'll get over it." He Smiles. "Come in let me show you around." They have the place cleaned up. Our family has grown and is still expanding. Jake had decided we should make our home in the old orphanage. It might have had sad beginnings. The Elder Wolf who ran it tried her best to bring joy. We hope to make even happier memories there. Everyone has been working hard to make it liveable again. Most of it will be done before Nikki and Courtney return for the gather in a week. Jason has set aside a room for them. Nothing has been decorated. Jason is leaving that up to me and Courtney. He wants her to feel at home here. I have picked out some furniture that I hope she will like. I'm waiting for her help to decorate the nursery that Ruby will share with my cubs. That's another reason I'm so happy. Selena has become pregnant after years of thinking she was barren. She doesn't want my cubs under her feet. So when her and her Alpha mate come to gather. My two year old cubs are coming to stay with me permanently. I can't wait to see them. All my other children should be here too. It's the only time I get to see them all together.

"Nicole." Jason whispers dragging me from my thoughts. "Would you like to see our bedroom?"

"Yes I would." I answer softly.
He picks me up in his arms and carries me to our room. Laying me down on the soft bed he whispers in my ear.

"I'm going to break one of our rules."

I'm ok with that." I sigh. He kisses my lips for the first time.

"Now I'm going to break another. He tugs my clothes off one by one kissing and caressing my human skin. Finding my breast he sucks gently making me moan. He kisses his way back to my lips there he pauses. His eyes shining. His fingers soft on my cheek.

"I'm going to break another by saying this. I love you Nicole." He says His words soft

"I love you Jason." I whisper back.

Our lips meet passionately as I help him out of his jean shorts. We groan together. Our human skin coming together for the first time. He thrusts deep and we move together gently at first our eyes locked on each other. We want this moment to last. But our control finally slips and his strokes speed up leaving us breathless. We cling together as we cum crying out each other's names.

Nikki's POV

I lay in bed thinking. It's been about two weeks since we left the pack. Courtney and I have been doing a lot of talking. We've had several heated arguments. Over my screw up having sex with another. The babies Nicole is carrying. The Thought of me having a mate among the pack. It's all eating at her. I've tried hard to reassure her that I love her. That the marriage is only a cultural formality. It all seems to be falling on deaf ears. We'll be heading back in a couple days. She doesn't want us to go. I don't blame her. But this isn't something that will go away. My family are still going to be hybrids. I'm not so proud that I believe we don't need their guidance. I also don't want to wake one day to one of my daughters missing because the LA pack kidnapped her. They might believe I have stolen their potential children from them. I also feel obligated to stand by Jake's side. I owe him that much. His daughter is taking Nicole's place. If they except it. If they don't I want Jake's pack watching my back. And I won't have that if he thinks I ran away like a coward leaving behind a pregnant Nicole. I would do just about anything for my Wife except risk my children. So we are making plans to return.

I roll to my side to face my wife. She has her back to me.

"What do you want Nikki?" She asks not bothering to look at me.

"Are you going to forgive me?" I whisper.

"Give me time." She sighs.

"How long?" I reach to pull her close. She comes to me willingly. I'd lived with a woman for years that couldn't forgive me. We were miserable. I don't want that for me and Courtney.

"They mate for life Nikki. You won't be able to just cast her aside." She whimpers.

"For life has always been my goal in marriage. Aren't you my life mate?" I nuzzle her neck. "And I have no intention to cast her aside. We will be co-mates with Jason and Nicole. We don't have to go through the public ceremony. If you don't want to."

"You're asking a lot of me." She answers.

"I won't touch her again Courtney." I state.

"I'm sure she feels like she has a right to touch you." She pouts. "She'll always be a reminder that you strayed. She's going to have your children."

"Ok Courtney let me make this right with them. I owe them that much. Once this is settled I'm sure Jason and Nicole can live without us. I just want to make sure her and the babies are safe. Then I will keep my distance if that's want you want." I tell her gently. "If it's what it will take to make it right with you."

"You will do that for me?" She asks.

"Yes I love you." I acquiesce.

The babies will have Jason and their mother. They will be ok without me. I try to reassure myself.

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