Learning the Truth

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Nikki's Pov

"It ok Courtney. Please don't be scared. I won't hurt you. No one here will." It was Ruby's cries that finally bring her around. She cuddles her looking into her eyes. She's frightened but looks to me for an explanation. I pull her gently away from the group of wolves. My children follow. They are frightened and confused.

"I'm a wolf hybrid Courtney. Being around one of my kind flipped the genes on I guess. I'm patriarch of my family so it's happening to my kids too."

"Well that explains somethings." Gunner sighs. "I thought I was going out of my mind."

"Me too." Storm agrees

Decker and Frankie just stand dumbfounded.

Courtney is still studying Ruby.

"She is still your baby just with a few upgrades." I say softly.

"I know." Courtney whispers.

"They are willing to show us the ropes. I think we should stay awhile learn to be what we are." I make the suggestion. My kids agree.

"Is everything ok?" Nicole asks eyeing Courtney.

"It will be." I answer.

"Would you like to come to hear some of our stories? It's a fun way to learn our ways and histories. Jason is going tell his favorite about Santino the Italian." She giggles.

My family come back to the fire and huddle closely together. I watch Jason come forward to tell his tale. I take in his appearance as he readies himself. His hair is all grey. His eyes a light brown. He's well built and shows no sign of his eighty years in his face. I guess being a wolf has its advantages.

"Long ago when our human brothers began to fear us and the killings began there was one amongst named Santino. He was brave and a strong Alpha. He was away on a long hunting trip with a few of his hunters. On his return he found his pack had been murdered. His mate and young cubs cut to pieces."

The pack groans sadly. Jason continues.

"In his rage he led his hunters a stray and straight into an ambush. They fought bravely but they were out numbered. They fought till only Santino was left standing. The humans finally managed to bind him in strong chains. They hauled him away. The leader of the humans taunted him daily. He himself had killed Santino's mate and Cubs. Santino swore he'd take the man's wife from him. By the time they had reach where he was to be imprisoned. He was very weak from his wounds. The humans had poisoned their weapons. While he was kept there a woman would come daily to clean his wounds and to offer food. It wasn't long before he found this was the man's wife. She was gentle and so was Santino's heart. He couldn't kill her, so he seduced her instead."

Laughter erupts from the pack.

He wooed her with sweet words and a gentle touches. After a time he captured her heart.
She would come in the night to love him. Each night his chains got looser. After many nights his chains fell away. She stood before him vulnerable. Love made her overcome her fear. He was free but his plan backfired his heart wasn't. Love had driven hate from him. They ran away into the night together. That's how Santino took his enemy's mate and took his revenge."

I chuckle, then sigh. Well Courtney except me.

Several others tell stories before Jacob calls it a night.

"We have a hunt early morning. Everyone joining should get some sleep."

The group slowly breaks up as people head home. I hear Nyx ask her Mama if she was joining the hunt and she gives an affirmative answer. Courtney and I head back to our rooms with kids in tow.

"Nikki!" I turn to face Sean. "Nicole was going to talk to you, but she got called away to help with a birth."

He pauses with a blush.

"What about?" I ask. What could make a grown man blush.

"She said she didn't finish your healing. Your body finished on its own." He pauses again.

"Ok spit it out." I urge

"She said your body undid your surgery." He points down.

"Ooh." Is all I can say. He dashes off message delivered.

I'm still kinda in shock as I climb into bed. Then it hits me did I heal before, durning, or after we had sex. Well fuck.

Nicole's pov

It's late as I enter Jason's home.

"How'd it go?" He asks. He knows he's just wants to talk with me. He listens as I ready for bed.

"It started rough since her mate is gone with our son on some diplomatic mission. Jacob stepped in keeping the little one from shifting and hurting his human mother. It went smoothly after that."

"Good I was afraid there would be damage. Rick would never have forgiven himself." He comments.

"Between me and Nyx we brought her through in one piece."

Well you two are the best healers in all the packs." He smiles with pride. "Come woman let me hold you."

I crawl in and feel his strong arms encircle me. Jason is my best friend. We have rules. We only mate in wolf form and only during heat. No jealousy is acceptable. We've never claimed.

He nuzzles my neck gently. Now that I'm home I can feel emotions coming to the surface. The last pack I stayed with the Alpha's mate had survived the x virus. She was left sterile. He was one of the three males who caught me during the run. She couldn't forgive me. Then the male I had been living with was killed by a hunter. The lives lost in the crash. What happened on the mountain with Nikki. Just to much. I feel the tears in my eyes. I'm holding them back.

"Nicole you don't always have to be strong." He strokes my cheek. I let go of my tears. He holds me tight as they fall.

"Jason what am I gonna do about the cubs, Nikki, and Damon." I choke out through my tears.

"If your pregnancy takes I'm here for you. Nikki seems to be a good man. Things will work out. As for Damon he can wait or find another available breeder.

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