Two Alphas

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Nicole's pov

"I've finally caught you without our pack to use as a meat shield little brother." Adan says his voice harsh. He directs his next words to the Council and those gathered. "I did not abdicate my leadership by choice. Ciel and I made the mistake of leaving him in charge when we left to The United Kingdoms on pack business. When we returned he had taken over the pack using the voice. He commanded them to defend him with their lives. He has hid behind them to keep me away.1" His voice softens. "He also took our mate to be for himself." He pauses. "I accuse him of using the voice for his own benefit, betrayal of a brother, and theft."

"How do you intend to settle this dispute?" Lance asks.

"Trial by combat." Adan answers growling.

"So be it." Lance says.

This hasn't happened in over a century. The crowd slowly moves giving the combatants room. I feel a soft touch my mother has come to my side. Courtney stands at my side too. Jason and Nikki place themselves on either side of us. Courtney and my mother are the same height. I feel small compared to my family. Growling brings my attention back to my uncle and father as they circle each other. They shift in a blur. My uncle's fur is black like me, rare for an alpha. Teeth snap as they try for vulnerable parts. Henry charges Adan only to be tossed to his back. He rolls away when Adan tries to pin him. They circle again both looking for an advantage. Adan catches Henry off guard dragging him to the ground. They roll snarling and snapping. When they come to a stop Adan has Henry by his throat. We can hear their minds.

"Don't make me kill you." Adan growls. "Concede little brother." His jaw tightens on his brother's throat.

"I concede." Henry yips.

Adan lets go and howls in triumph. He is back at the head of his pack. My mother races to Adan and wraps her arms around his furry neck in a hug. She rests her head against his side. Ciel joins them hugging them both.

"It's late and will be time for dinner soon. This meeting will have to finish tomorrow." Lance announces.

Before everyone can disperse my natal pack arrives. They come forward confused. They look to both Henry on the ground and Adan standing. Slowly they go to one knee and expose their neck in submission to Adan. I'm gleeful to see Henry laid low. All the times he yelled and cuffed me for the littlest mistake. The day he drugged me away from my mother and traded me to four packless males.

Shorts had been brought to the men. I watch as Henry reaches for his leather jacket. I pull away from Jason's embrace.

"Adan I have a request? I ask shyly.

"Anything for you Nicole." He answers softly.

"I want that leather jacket." I gesture to it. He's bemused but he shrugs it off.

"Give her the jacket." Adan orders. Henry hands it over a sour look on his face.

I take it and head straight for the large fire pit. My family in tow. I toss the thing in and watch it burn.

Adan's POV

I make the connection quickly. I was told he traded her for an article of clothing. She watches it burn with a satisfied expression. I sigh. How do I tell her I'm her father and why I didn't rescue her. When I returned and found Henry had betrayed me. He had already taken Colene as his wife. I had promised her father we would wait and let her mature. We were twenty two years old I figured we had plenty of time to make cubs. I guess Henry had disagreed. He bred her at her first heat. She was only twelve. She came to me after, bruised and in tears. She was still feeling her heat. she pleaded for me to show her some gentleness. I didn't think any of the cubs she was carrying would be mine. Ciel and I were at the gathering that night Colene gave birth. When he left the tent where she gave birth. I followed to rescue the black runt he didn't want, but Jason had beat me to it. I shake myself from my memories. I have a pack to lead. They have gathered around me waiting for me to speak.

I turn to my brother Henry first. I feel Ciel at my back.

"Henry you've abused your gift of the voice. From now on you will not be able to use it. " I state calmly. My Twin backs me up as we enforce this command on our unwilling brother. There is an audible sigh from the pack. Turning to the pack. "Henry will remain with the us. He has to pay restitution to those he has harmed. No one will harm him. He is still my brother. Tonight when the moon rises I wish to run with my friends and family again until then enjoy the gather."

I was late. I really what to know how it went with Damon and when the wedding Ceremony will be. Approaching my daughter's new family and reclaimed mate I smile. Nicole looks as happy as I feel.

"It's good to meet the men and lady who are making Nicole so contentedly happy." I grin and shake hands with everyone. "It's so good to see you again Nicole." She lets me hug her.

Nicole invites me and her mother back to their home. We find ourselves sitting on the porch sipping tea.

"It must have been so hard to always see him in that jacket." Nikki Says gently touching Nicole's arm. She leans over and kisses his cheek.

"It was. I just tried to avoid him as much as possible." She answers. "Uncle why are you keeping Henry in the pack?" She addresses me quietly.

Hearing her call me uncle hurts.

"Because I'd rather him be a nuisance where I can see him." I sigh.

"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer." Nikki quips.

"Exactly." I smirk.

"So when did you last see Nicole?" Courtney asks .

My smile disappears.

"I was the one who found her after the men had abandoned her. She was running a fever and in labor. Ciel and I looked for you as soon as we found out what he had done Nicole. It took so long for us to locate you. I'm so sorry." I say quietly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved me." She reassures me.

Maybe if I gotten there sooner. I..." she cuts me off.

"Don't blame yourself for the loss of my cubs Adan. You got me help as fast as you could." She hugs me tightly.

Will she hate me when she knows the truth. Will she understand how my hands were tied by my brother.

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