The Problem with Little Girls

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Nikki's POV

I just got out of the shower after Adan and Ciel have worked my ass off when I realize I'm being followed by two of Nicole's daughters Rowan and Willow. They are Nicole's little mini mes.

"Do you two need something?" I ask. They giggle with their eyes all a glow. I shrug my shoulders and walk into the kitchen. They follow. Olivia and Violet are getting ice tea from the fridge so I ask them.

"What's up with these two?" They just giggle and exit stage left with their tea.

Jason lowers his news paper.

"Better you, them me." he chuckles and goes back to reading.

Nicole finally comes in in a huff.

"Jason don't be so mean." she laughs. "They are coming into first heat. They have decided you will make a good guardian."

"Huh" I ask.

"Girls give me a moment to speak with Nikki." she shoos the girls out of the kitchen. Then she turns to me. "Well where do I start hmm Like human girls cycles it starts between 11 and 14." Jason starts to laugh. "Shut up Jason." Nicole reprimands. "It usually starts with giggles, blushes and a choice of a trusted male. All you need to do is keep the males away. They are enticing to younger ones. Even if They show no real sexual interest yet, they can still become pregnant. Just keep them safe.

"Is there anything else I should know." I know I'm blushing.

"Hmm they may develop a headache and a slight fever. They might want cuddles, just touch their cheeks and stroke their hair like you might a sick child."

"What happened to Ava if this is the norm?" I ask. I am a curious sort.

"Every parents worst nightmare but it happens sometimes when our numbers are low. Jake handled it gently and she will still have time to be a child." she answers.

"Don't forget to tell him this is their special day you have to cater to all their little girl whims even if it's to watch the live movie Beauty and The Beast several times in a row." Jason smirks over his paper.

"I think I can handle that. I'm used to dealing with feminine whims." I Joke. "Ouch Court, you hit hard for a human woman. Ouch." You'd think I learn to shut up.

"You would think." Courtney answers my unspoken thought giggling.

Willow and Rowan come dashing back into the kitchen nearly bouncing.

"I'm hungry." They say in unison.

"Well your Mama has made pancakes. Let me serve you Young Ladies." I smile. While they eat Jason gives them two beautifully carved wolves. Other gifts are given I'm at loss as what to do till Courtney hands me two of the glass bead bracelets I had made with the cubs a couple days ago. Courtney's and Yennefer's Idea to keep them busy. I love the woman she saves me so often. I present my handmade gifts. They both give me a sticky syrup kiss on the cheek. After breakfast they want to play tag in wolf form which is fun. And it's what the healer ordered she told me to keep them on the move. Later the girls taught me how to stalk bunnies without them knowing. We didn't hunt them the girls had eaten hamburgers for lunch. They explained to me that you shouldn't hunt it if you weren't gonna eat it. I woof in agreement hiding my chuckle. Feeling the The girl's temperature is going up I decide we need a swim in the pack pool where we are joined by their other siblings. They tire of the pool quickly and want to go for a run. They're not happy when I keep to the perimeter of the village instead of the forest trails. Their heat is starting to cloud their judgement and making them grouchy. I don't feel like having to two unruly cubs where it is harder to protect them. A few of Damon's pack chased a small group of cubs that strayed to far away stalking a squirrel. It was a close call for the little guys. So I'm keeping Rowan and Willow well within the sight of the guards. They run wanting me to chase. I keep pace with them easily with my longer legs. They don't have the speed and strength of their mother yet. They taunt some. I chuckle and speed up a little I don't want them to know I could catch them without trying. It might hurt their pride. Their heat is peaking. Nicole suggested it would be better for them to sleep through it. I'm about ready to heard them back towards the house when out of brush comes three of Damon's pack rushing the girls. The young pups have under estimated my speed. Using my larger size I crash into one sending all of them to the ground. I jump to my feet in seconds. I stand over them growling my hackles raised my teeth bared. Before They can escape they are surrounded by several other snarling wolves.

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