My Fiance

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Jason's POV

Nicole has left on the hunt with the others. I smile she acted like a cub at her first hunt. She hasn't run with a pack in awhile. Unless you count her mating runs. I growl low in frustration. None of that I remind myself. I just hate to see her cry every time she has to leave her cubs. She gave up a chance at a life mate for so long. Why should she have to give up raising her children too. I always found a way for her to see our son Nate and daughter Nyx. My people have done so many things to ease the fact that males out number females so drastically. Some Women have taken up to three mates. Humans have been taken as mates. Hybrid female are being searched for. And of course the breeders like Nicole. They are being treated like they are dirt. Nicole should be given respect. Growling to myself I gather with others in the predawn light at the fire pit. I'm bringing my ideas up at the next Gathering of the Packs. We are hosting this year in a couple of weeks. I'm certain Nicole is carrying as certain as you can be this soon. If Mr Sixx can't claim the cubs I will. The pack will know by scent I didn't sire them but they won't argue. The privilege of being an Elder.

I see Mr Sixx has joined us this morning. I watch as he converses and laughs with Carol. Nicole won't so I guess it's up to me to explain to the man some of our ways and what it means to claim.

Nikki's POV

I feel I'm being watched. Sure enough Jason is assessing me closely. He seems very close to Nicole. I guess she must have told him what happened between us. I don't want an enemy among them. I'm coming to like it here. I would like to visit as often as I can. Is he jealous? I'm ashamed to say when I saw her pair off with him I was. I tried to shake it off. It was just one night. I'm married and I love my wife. Jason comes closer. I'm hoping this isn't going to be a confrontation. I'm sure I'd lose. He pours a cup of coffee.

"Come Mr Sixx we should speak." Is all he says and moves away from the group. I follow behind I guess I owe him a few nasty words at me if he thinks of Nicole as his woman. He looks more like he would like to punch me in the face though. I'm confused. I'm not sure I understand this since Nicole was supposed to be meeting a fiancé in LA. I have so many unanswered questions. Jacob says she sacrifices for the packs. How does she? We come to a stop some distance away.

"I didn't mean to have sex with Nicole. I'm not sure why it even happened." I quickly state. He looks at me strangely.

"I'm not upset about that." He shakes his head. "No decent male wolf would leave a female to suffer in that condition. As for the why Nicole was in heat. I've seen full grown male wolves follow her around a week before her full heat hits. She's very desirable." He chuckles.

"Then why have you been giving me dirty looks since I got here." I ask bemused.

"It was your lack of self control that I'm pissed about. You acted like a cub getting his wick wet for the first time leaving your mark on her like that." He growls. "And then you..." He stops short there.

"My mark." I ask trying to understand my sin.

"You bit her, claimed her." He says frustrated. Then he sighs. "I forget you are new among us. You're taking to it so naturally. It isn't just a common love bite. There's an intention behind it. It's like if you had proposed to your woman during sex so very uncouth." He grunts.

"I proposed to Nicole. I didn't know." I groan.

"Nicole understands. It doesn't make it less emotional for her. As far as I know you're the only male she's been intimate with in her human form. It must have taken a lot of self-control for her not to mark you in return." He grunts.

"What do I do?" I ask.

"In her confusion during heat she gave her consent for the mark. You don't have to marry. But you will always have a first claim on her, any male who wants her has to go through you now." He answers as he looks down.

"Can't I release her from my claim." I ask..

"Yes if you wish to shame her in front of the pack." He answers.

"Oh," I mumble.

Jason looks into my eyes. He's very proud.

"So I'm asking Nikki. I'm asking for Nicole. I've loved her for a long time. I would even agree to co-mate with you. I know I have to wait for her to finish her time as a breeder. After that I want her to come to me." He waits for my answer. I'm dumbfounded.

"If it's what Nicole wants I won't stand in the way." I answer. He seems so relieved.

"Jason what do you mean by a breeder?" I ask curious.

He looks sad.

"She moves from pack to pack. She mates. She births. She leaves." He answers. It's hard on the women who do it. They have no spouses. They don't get to raise their cubs.

"That's cruel." I growl.

"It's an unfortunate necessity or haven't you noticed the lack of females around you." He states.

Yes I had noticed. All the things said to me now make sense. No wonder Jacob and Sean had promised to protect my daughters and warned me of the LA pack. Females are priceless to the packs.

"So she is going to LA, is someone already selected for her?" I want to know how this works.

"No. The whole male pack will run." He answers.

"Huh?" I raise an eyebrow.

"She will run. They will chase. The fittest and smartest will catch her. The victor gets to breed." He shrugs.

"Strong and healthy male, strong and healthy children." I understand logically. My heart bleeds for Nicole.

Yes that's how it works. Though everyone thinks she slowed for old Tom a couple years back." He smirks. "He was over hundred. He was the biggest wolf I have ever seen."

"Was?" I ask.

"He was out hunting. He was shot by a trespassing hunter. Nicole still mourns him. After he passed she was forced to move on early. That's why she was on the plane." He answers sadly.

"Why force her?" I continue my questions.

"She was bred by two others. One was the Alpha. His wife was jealous." He explains. He looks thoughtful

"Nikki there is a reason why breeders aren't supposed to be claimed. It would cause conflict between the packs. Your family isn't part of a pack yet and You now have the right to turn down any pack that asks for her that you deem unfit. Nicole is frightened of the LA pack they have become brutal in their desperation. You can turn them down as her fiance..."

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