Affairs Of The Heart

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Nikki's POV

I don't think Nicole has forgiven me yet. Every time she glances at me I see a flash of her night shine in her eyes. It's like dark sweet honey. I loved to change that glare to one of passion. I sigh. She has a very sexy sway to her hips when she's angry. I pull my eyes away from her and chastise myself for my thoughts. I do wonder where she and Yennefer got their build and eye color from. Nicole's mother is 5'10 with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. Their father is 6'2 dark haired with one brown and one green eye.

"They look like their grandmother Mara on their father's side. She was one hell of a lady." Jason answers mentally. His eyes are glued on Nicole. I chuckle at him. I'm glad Courtney can't hear my errant thought. But If she could hear she would know when I say "I love you" I mean it.

Nicole is in charge of the cooking tonight and howls to call everyone to dinner. Courtney is helping serve. I kiss her before I take my seat. Meals are hectic here with so many wolves. Getting all the kids seated is a chore in it's self. Parents having to remind the littlest ones to stay in human form. I watch Decker take a seat. Taya and Brita sitting on either side of him. Still not sure what to think of this development. Him becoming a father like this. Taya nuzzles Decker's shoulder. Brita glares at him. I see heartbreak coming there. Jake got what he wanted though. His grandchildren have my Lykaon linage. I didn't know it existed and I don't understand why that means so much to him. All I care about is my children's and now my grandchildren's happiness.

Courtney, Nicole, and Yennefer finally come and join me and Jason at the table. They sit between us. The conversation is lively as usual. Nicole talks to everyone but me. I guess she's not over it yet. Jason told me earlier to have patience. She's hasn't had a steady man in her life to care for her or to disagree with since she was twelve. The ones she did have before that were horrible. I huff. I really didn't think she would still be grouchy. I mean she did agree with my reasoning. At least Courtney and Yennefer are talking to me tonight.

Halfway through dinner our rescuers return tired and hungry. Nicole's whole demeanor changes when she sees her daughter. I guess she was just worried about one of her babies. She's quick to make sure Nyx has food before she returns to her own. Feeling her gentle touch on my back as she brushes by to take her seat again lets me know I'm forgiven. Courtney had gotten up leaving the space between me and Nicole open. Emma and Colette take advantage and crawl up making themselves comfy. They have that cat's grin every little girl has when they got a secret they wanta spill.

"Mama Scarlett smells like you." Emma whispers not so quietly and giggles. Nicole eyes flash. She gets up and retrieves her daughter gently. They head for the privacy of the house. I follow behind. Scarlett may need saving from her mother. The look on Nicole's face was one of extreme anger.

I enter silently Nicole has her daughter sitting on the couch.

"Did Salvatore and Dominic pressure you? They promised to wait till you were married. I'll thrash the both of them." Nicole rants.

"No mama. They didn't." Scarlett whimpers.

"Then who baby? You're engaged. What were you thinking?" Nicole sighs. The girl starts to cry. I make my way over and sit with her. "Well girl who?" her mother presses.

"Isaac." She cries softly and lowers her head.

"Isaac one of the Hounds you know we can't mix with other shifters. You're going to miscarry I can't believe you've carried this long. Let me help you end it now." Nicole says gently.

"I don't want to mama." Scarlett moans.

"Let's go get you to bed in the infirmary. Let me check you and the pups." I help get Scarlett to bed. My heart hurts for her. I back away and wait at the door. Nicole had motioned me to stay. "They are weak. Their hearts are failing. I know you have been holding on to them and strengthening them with your gift of healing sweet girl. You can't do it much longer you will weaken yourself. Don't risk yourself for dying babies." Nicole whispers and softly strokes her daughter's hair.

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