Under the spotlight

By holly_ju

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Fire is all Agnes has known during this last two years. With 18 years she enters "The Elite Academy of arts"... More

Chapter 2: the Dinner
Chapter 3: It's never easy
Chapter 4: Agnes's Pasta
Chapter 5: Being embarrassed
Chapter 6: Goals
Chapter 7: The seven capital sins
Chapter 8: Envy
Chapter 9: Gluttony
Chapter 10: Greed
Chapter 11: Pride
Chapter 12: Lust
Chapter 13: Wrath
Chapter 14: Sloth
Chapter 15: Private
Chapter 16: Katarina's story
Chapter 17: Practice
Chapter 18: Tasting gold
Chapter 19: Reinworvs
Chapter 20: Nervoussnes
Chapter 21: Teamwork
Chapter 22: New York City
Chapter 23: Therapy
Chapter 24: A kiss
Chapter 25: Fire alarm
Chapter 26: Confessions part 1
Chapter 27: Confessions part 2
Chapter 28: Feeling good
Chapter 29: Company
Chapter 30: Tuesday
Chapter 31: Ballad
Chapter 32: Desperate
Chapter 33: Halloween
Chapter 34: The morning after
Chapter 35: Hiding
Chapter 36: Sebastian's secret
Chapter 37: Representation night
Chapter 38: Night kisses
Chapter 39: Thoughtfull
Chapter 40: Proving Agnes
Chapter 41: Tango
Chapter 42: Cuarteto
Chapter 43: Back on Monday
Chapter 44: Away
Chapter 45: Not really Thanksgiving
Chapter 46: Home sweet home
Chapter 47: The grandparents
chapter 48: Love
Chapter 49: When your eyes close
Chapter 50: Slumber
Chapter 51: When your eyes open
Chapter 52: Trying
Chapter 53: The Last day
Chapter 54: Cycles
Chapter 55: Last rehearsal
Chapter 56: Never enough

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Elite academy for Arts

16.3K 400 14
By holly_ju

When a letter arrived at my house saying I got accepted to the Elite Academy, my eyes couldn't even believe it! It was the first time something happy had happened to me after the accident. My grandparents were absolutely frenetic, super happy. I remember crying every day before sleeping and after waking up. Tears of happiness. I mean, being accepted at this university, where most of the rich kids went, and to live the American dream as a ballet dancer, wow. I don't have words to describe how fortunate I feel.

So, When summer ended I left Vancouver, the life I had been experiencing for 2 years. Everything I knew. I took a cab, my things and left my home.


The big wooden doors were in front of me. My suitcases were on the floor and the cab had just left. You will ask how an 18 year old girl was now about to enter The Elite Academy for Arts. Well, that's something I'm asking myself too. For all my life all I have wanted was this, and now I had achieved my goal. All the first year people were saying goodbye to their parents and some had already started chatting with the rest. I was, in fact, alone, trying to calm my pulse. Everything was going to be alright and I had nothing to be worried about. Looking around I saw all types of girls, some were nervous, others had confident looks on their faces. Finally there I was, not thinking I even belonged here. I watched how a middle-aged woman tried to speak to everyone with a lot of struggle.

"PLEASE!" She screamed and everyone shut up "Thank you, my name is Clarice" the woman smiled gratefully at everyone "It's my pleasure to welcome everybody to the Academy." A round of applause made her laugh "Now that you've said your goodbyes it's time to enter the facilities." The air tensed "Come with me please"

We all followed Clarice throughout the enormous Hallway while various people with elegant uniforms gazed at us. I couldn't stop blushing from all the attention we were given. I know that it wasn't me that they watched, but it seemed like it. A man came up to us, talked, called out the boys and they all left the other way. After a couple of minutes of walking through the campus, we entered a dorm building.

"Well, it's time for everyone to get into their own dorms. You'll have two hours to settle in and rest. After that, it's the welcome activities. Something we do for you to learn where everything is located. Don't worry if you don't get it right away, you'll get used to it."

A blonde girl with the same uniform as before came to Clarice and told her something in her ear.

"This is Caroline, she's a senior and is in charge of the dorms unit, we call her the prefect. When you need help with your rooms, you ask for her" There was an uncomfortable silence "She will now assign you your dorms" This time came to a wave of whispers.

Caroline started to give everyone a keycard that said our dorm number. When there was a match between friends there would be a scream. Finally, I got mine, 102. It was at the end of the floor. I walked over there and opened the door easily. It was a beautiful and big room with a huge window covering the whole outside wall. A mini kitchen was just beside the entrance, the living room had a couch, a desk, and a TV. Before I could go into my bedroom the door behind me opened.

"Hi!!!" a shrill voice called. I turned around. "I'm Sarah! guess we are roommates, isn't that just sooo cool" I smiled.

"Hi" my voice was shyer "I'm Agnes"

"Let's go, we have work to do, where is your baggage?" I moved so she could see my two small bags "That's all? How girl?" She turned to let me see her four huge suitcases. We laughed together "Would you help me with this?"

"Yes of course" We took two each and went to the bedrooms. "Which one do you want?" She seemed to analyze each of them

"The left one" I nodded and left her stuff besides the bed. "Thank you!"

I did the same with my things, once I got my clothes in the closet I finally rested my head in the bed. My eyes closed and in a second I slept like a baby.

The air is thick. My lungs are asking for oxygen to breathe but there isn't any. I see my mom's face smiling and my dads wanting to reach for me. They vanish and I scream and fight to get to them. A hand appears and I try to take it but it also disappears. I'm now crying and I feel like I'm never getting out...

"Agnes! please! Agnes wake up!"

I open my eyes confused, Sarah is standing in front of me worried as hell. She's holding my wrists and I watch how my hands are painted with blood. I suddenly realized what had happened and make her let go of the grip. I look at my palms, my nails marked in them. I frown with disappointment. The last time I had done that was a year ago...

"What the hell happened, you scared the fuck out of me girl" I don't answer and she frowns like me "Okay, you don't have to tell me, just...Let's go, it's been three hours and the tour already happened"


"I tried to wake you up but you didn't even move" I nodded "Clarice was a little bit mad but I told her you were exhausted"

"I'm sorry I put you in that position, I swear I don't even have a hard time sleeping" I laughed a little. "Let's go get a coffee, I really need one" She smiled and we got up, I had slept with my clothing on so I didn't have to change. I washed my hands in the bathroom and the blood easily disappeared.

There was a coffee shop on the campus near our building. The sun was starting to set so we had to hurry, apparently there was going to be a welcoming dinner that neither of us knew about. The whole school was attending and it was an elegant thing. Once we got there we went to the line and ordered our drinks. Between laughs and small chat we waited. Sarah was really beautiful, she had brunette hair with olive skin, her eyes were emerald green and she had a hourglass figure. Her hair went down to her waist in small waves. Everyone would die for her.

"So...what are you studying?" she asked me.

"Ballet" She was now surprised. It was weird for people to study Ballet here because of how strict the academy was, not many people could even graduate. "You?" I said to take the focus off me.

"Em...Theater" I smiled, of course she was studying theater.

"I must've known"

We laughed and the conversation didn't go further because the drinks were given to us before Sarah could even ask anything. We sat down to enjoy them when someone opened the entrance door. Sarah was facing back to it but I wasn't and I watched how a boy with an angel like face entered. I had never seen anyone so handsome in my whole life. Suddenly he looks at me and for a minute our eyes lock. I turned around fast, blushing to myself. The angel, okay not the angel, but the boy was now ordering a drink.

"What's so interesting behind me?" Sarah said laughing

"Shh" I gestured at him with my eyes and she turned around just in time to see his face. Her mouth literally dropped. "I know" I answered for her.

As fast as he came he went. It was like the wind, maybe a dream. Either way, it didn't look real.

"You know, I would die for someone like him" I laughed "For real, what is he, a god?" I nodded in agreement with her statement. "So...You must be really good at dancing"

"I wish I was, I'm here to learn"

"Oh so modest of you, I heard there are only six students for Ballet this year. And you're the only freshman" My mouth dropped "Don't be surprised, last year there weren't any at all"

"How do you know that?"

"I did an essay in high school last year about it" I frowned "If everything's the same you'll have classes with two seniors and three from fifth-year"

"Are you kidding? Not even from the third year?" She shook her head "Fuck"

The conversation went on and on about the classes we had and blah blah. Nothing really interesting other than the fact that we had to pick our dresses from the student's shop. Yes, we had our own clothing shop that provided us with FREE stuff for necessary events. Like shows, dinners or galas. If grandma could even hear this she would die of happiness. When the time came we rushed to this store or whatever and looked around at the dresses. Sarah took a red and tight dress with a large V-Neck that really did her justice. The dress itself shined a little bit, she was going to receive a lot of attention. I, on the other hand, didn't like any of the options, don't get me wrong, they were stunning and that was actually the problem. I didn't want to be seen by anyone. While Sarah got her dress put in a fancy box I looked for more things. Then a woman came up to me.

"Hello, I'm Jasmine, do you need help?"

"Actually, yes" she nodded so I could tell her "I want something that doesn't catch a lot of attention"

"I gotcha, come with me" I followed her to the back of the store. "This dress is not on the shelves yet but I don't think there will be any problem if you get it" She opened a bag that contained a beautiful dark blue dress. It wasn't very long or short, it went to the knees and had a golden belt around the upper waist. The sleeves were short and my shoulders would be bare. It was perfect.

"I love it" Jasmine smiled satisfied with my reaction

"I'll get it ready for you"

"Thank you"

"Don't worry, you'll look stunning" I smiled back


Getting ready with Sarah was a big deal. She had to be perfect. I didn't care that much. I had put on my dress and shoes and had my hair curled. I put my hair in a half bun and the rest of it hung to my shoulders. It was simple but neat.

"I don't know how you do it so naturally" I laughed "For real, I need like hours I don't have"

"Wait, let me help you," I said picking up the hair Iron and straightening the last strands

"You are a lifesaver, thanks"

"I'll be in the living room" She nodded and I left the bathroom. My purse was hanging from the chair. It was also gold and it matched my dress incredibly. Sarah had loved it and said I would steal all the gazes without even trying.

The time passed very fast. It was now 10 pm and we had to leave now to get there on time. The Ballroom was far from the dorms and Sarah hadn't even finished her makeup. I was starting to lose my patience, something I rarely did.

"Please Sara, hurry, we're going to be late"

"I know smart ass, why don't you help me instead of saying the obvious" I rolled my eyes and went to her closet, took the jacket out and threw it to her. "Let's go," she said and we left the building running. "My God, my feet are killing me"

"I know smart ass" I repeated her phrase

"haha very funny" I smiled and when we started to see more people we slowed down.

We could now see the doors to the ballroom. I noticed how nervous I actually was. This was the moment where people would meet me, I had to be perfect like Sarah said earlier. She took my hand. At this moment it didn't matter that I had met her only 10 hours ago, it felt like she was my only best friend...


"Not really" She laughed and we opened the doors


YES!! first chapter! I'm very happy with the result. What do YOU think about it? any recommendation? Let it in the comments. What do you think about Agnes? And Sarah? are they going to be good friends? Who is this Angel boy? What will happen in the dinner? This and more I would LOVE to write about. I can make updates almost every day, or many days in the week. Don't doubt that. The thing is, I need motivation and for that I would love for you to vote and comment, it will fill my heart. Kisses!!

I wanted to thank 

for helping me with the editing of this first chapter. Big big big hugs for her and her awesome and kind corrections. 

First edited: 5/10/2020


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