Twice's 10th Member •Slow Upd...

By Imagodfightme

85.6K 2.4K 1.3K

Follow the adventures of Lee Kyungji a former trainee who is added into the popular girl group Twice as she f... More

Things you need to know before reading the story
•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 6.5 1/2•
•Chapter 6.5 2/2•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 10.5•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Halloween Special•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 14.5 1/3•
•Chapter 14.5 2/3•
•Chapter 14.5 3/3•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Christmas Special•
•Chapter 17•
•New Years Special•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Author-nim's Special Chapter•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Valentine's Special•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 33.5•
•Chapter 34•
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•

•Chapter 38•

815 16 3
By Imagodfightme

•3rd Person POV•

   The referee raised their hand, as everyone waited in anticipation.





   Once the hand fell, the two advanced forward for an attack. Both held their stance as the other exchange deadly blows. Their elements are starting to surround them as the duel grows longer.

   The entire JYP family started to worry when lightning sparks emitting from Kyungji's sword and ember flying from Woojin's. The back and forth continued, the sparks and embers grew bigger. To the point that Woojin had to swipe his sword to get rid of the flame and Kyungji gripped tighter on the handle and the sparks disappeared.

   Kyungji took a step back, then a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Her hearing sense sharpened and she hear Woojin's feet and struck him on the head.


   Woojin snarled before returning back to his point and so does Kyungji. They waited for the count down with both gripping the sword tightly.


   He took the first step this time and charged forward with an downward strike. Seeing this, Kyungji blocked it before turning and slaming her sword on his head.

   "Point! Kyungji wins!" With this Kyungji bows before turning her back towards Woojin, which boiled his blood further.

   'Does she think I'm a joke?' His question was short lived as Kyungji heard him since he was whispering.

   "Yes I do, you are utterly pathetic to look at," Everyone silently watched as the two stayed on the stage, "you know that she is already taken, yet you won't leave her. I know what you've been doing."

   Woojin grind his teeth as everyone around them started whispering, and Sana was watching carefully. Hoping that nothing bad happens.

   "A relationship is meant to be between a man and a woman, not between two men and two women," this comment made people cheer and this is when Twice was reminded that this country prohibits any lgbt couple.

   Woojin then smirks, "and, you need to be kicked out, you filled Sana's mind with your ideals and now she's you're girlfriend? What a joke!!"

   Kyungji's grip on the sword tightens. She repeatedly tells herself to calm down, if not things would get worse. The young girl glances around her surroundings as the stadium was filled with negative comments about her and with the other idols giving her eyes of pity.

   She takes her helmet off and gave the stadium a glare.

   "So what," the noise died down as she finally spoke again, "so what if I'm in a relationship with Sana? I love her and who are you to stop me? I bet you didn't know that I've been dating Sana since we were in high school."

   This caused the stadium to be filled with gasps and whispers.

   Kyungji didn't know where this confidence came from, but it was there and it wasn't leaving.

   "If an entire society couldn't stop me, what makes you this a boy like you could?" This time she really walked off the stage as the emotions where getting to her. Flash backs to her past started to rise back to remind her how horrible the world can be.

   Woojin was left there dumbfounded before turning back off the stage towards his members, who were not impressed. Kyungju stayed silent while the rest scolded Woojin on his actions, and when they were done, the twin came up to him and gave Woojin the hardest punch he's ever gotten on his face. He swore he heard his jaw crack.

   "You don't belong in this group anymore," Kyungju started walking towards the direction his twin went to, but he stopped and turned around to face Woojin, "no one, and I mean no one talks about my sister like that. Do I make myself clear?"

   Without waiting for an answer he left and jogged towards the changing rooms. On his way he bumped Into Sana who coincidentally bumped into Minji on her way to find the younger girl.

   "I'm guessing we're looking for the same person?" The two girls nodded and they stood there thinking of where the young tiger could be.

   "She might be on the roof," Sana suddenly piped up. She remembered how Kyungji always hind on the roof because of the stress that their school was putting on her.

   "Lets go then."

   When the three of them arrived at the roof, they released a sigh of relief that she was okay. Without waiting any longer, Kyungju ran toward his to surprise her. The two girls smiled at the scene of the twins laughing as the wind blew their worries away.

   "You should've seen his nose!! It wasn't straight like you!!!" Sana and Minji approached their significant other with a hug.

   "I'm glad you're okay," Sana whispers as her grip around the younger's shoulder tightens. Kyungji turns and stands while lifting the love of her life in the air.

   "I'll always be okay," with a goofy smile Kyungji continues, "May it be with my siblings, my friends, twice, or you, I will always be reminded that I'm never alone, and that I have people that are ready to help me when I need it."

   With a peck on the lips Sana felt like she can handle the world again, that it wasn't going to be like Japan again. Then the peck turned into something more. Minji and Kyungju decides not to interrupt and just go back inside to see what happened while they were gone.

   But to Kyungji and Sana, it didn't matter. They were in their own world.

•Kyungji's POV•-•A few days later in Twice's dorm•

[BREAKING NEWS]—————————

   After the events of ISAC, JYP had immediately terminated Kim Woojin's contract......


   We were watching the news as there were some of our workmates texting us about the event.

   "I didn't expect that to happen," Nayeon blurted out. We nodded in unison, despite the fact that I was expecting this as the night of the incident Jinyoung called me and my siblings to his office to talk about what happened while Woojin was in this room.

   With sound of the roaring thunder I sighed.

   "Who's hungry?" I asked as they all looked at me.


   I swear these people are younger than me.

   "Alright what do you guys want me to cook?" I stood up from my seat, without missing my girlfriend's pout, and made my way to the kitchen.

   "Jokbal!!" Momo enthusiastically shouted and the others started suggesting other dishes. I then opened the fridge and found it full of ingredients.

   A sticky note was there and I took it to read.

   (I figured you were going to forget to get ingredients so I did it before we went for ISAC

   - The best bro, Kyungseo)

   I shoot my head as I took out what I needed, "can I get some help here?" Dahyun and Sana rushed in and were very eger to help.

   I decided to teach them and warned them about certain things while cooking. Though in the middle of cooking Jungyeon and Momo decided to raid the table while Dahyun and Sana were too focused of not cutting themselves.

   In the corner of my eyes I saw this, "Mina, Chaeyoung," not a second later chains pulled the two shikshins to the living room as the group laughed at their failed attempt.

   "SANA, KYUNGJI YOU GUYS ARE FAMOUS!!!!!!" I heard Nayeon screeching from the living room. I turned the stove down to the lowest setting before walking to the living room with Sana and Dahyun in tow.

   "Twice members dating each other," flashed on screen while they show people's responses from twitter. There were positive ones, but most are talking about how I'm ruining Twice's name and image. It was a straight gut punch. To see how much hate there was towards our relationship.

   I could feel the members' worried states as even the reporter was disgusted about this. Before I could run away, it showed Jinyoung.

   "Any actions that are harmful towards Twice we will take immediate legal action," he was standing on a stage talking on in front of a podium with many reporters. "They're dating ban has been lifted a while ago and I give them my full support, Kyungji and her siblings has been through a lot and I do not want anyone coming after them for being open. Not only them, but the rest of my idols as well."

   The following line not only shocked me, but everyone else in the room.

   "I've lost Kyungji and Kyungju a long time ago, I will not be doing the same thing again, this time, I will be fighting for my kids."

   He said it.

   The eyes were on me again, but not with sorrow, but with utter shock.

   "You and Kyungju....." Nayeon started.

   "Are Jinyoung's kids," it broke me to see the betrayal on Sana's face.

   "I can explain-" both Kyungseo and Kyungha bursted in the dorm whist hold my twin's shirt collar.

   "You better tell us what the hell is going on," I've never seen so much anger in Kyungseo's eyes. I glanced at my brother and he had a defeated look.

   "When you guys calm down we will," Kyungju finally spoke up after a long time of silence.

   Everyone fitted on the couch while the two of us sat opposite to them on the floor. I looked at Kyungju and he looked back before nodding.

   "So, we're actually Parks, not Lees," Kyungseo scoffed and Kyungha elbowed him.

   "Jinyoung and Ms. Lee had an affair, that's why your mom would be away most of the days, since both of you were young she easily lied to you," I explained and watched Kyungha and Kyungseo seeing how they would reacted.

   "When we were born, Jinyoung and Ms. Lee agreed to have them named after her so her husband wouldn't be suspicious, he left us with you guys, I ran away after I learned what happened and who I really was," Kyungju explained this time and we saw their heads nodding.

   "It's also why I was heavily abused, because I was showing more signs of having Aeromancy than any of the family's magic, so mom forced me into heavy studying of Electromancy, the only one in the family I could learn outside of being born with it, I would be abused if I get it wrong or if I miss a class," I shivered at the horrible memories as my brother hugs me tight.

   "I only learned about the affair when I signed under JYP, but before that I really didn't know," I looked down feeling my brother's glare burning a hole in my head.

   There was silence in the room before Kyungseo shot up from his seat as he makes his way towards the door.



   He whipped around and gave us the deadliest glare he's ever given, "STUP UP BOTH OF YOU."

   "Kyungseo!" Kyungha stood up this time.

   "Are you really going to defend those two?? They're not even our real siblings!!" This crushed my heart. It hurts so much to hear this.

   "They're still related to us!!!"

   "Through our wretched mother," he glares at us one last time before letting out the words that hurt the most.

   "They're not my siblings anymore."


   Ayo, I know I said I would update more, but I just didn't get to it, I'm really sorry. So I'm just going to change the title to slow updates, because I'll still update it's going to take awhile. I hit a blocking point writing this chapter that's why it took me a long time, because I didn't know how to write it so I'm sorry if it's short or disjointed. I'm really trying to pick it back up and finish it.

   Anyways that's it for me, well for now so I'll see you on the next one.

Author-nim logged out

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