Resistant - an Allegiant Cont...

By AuriBee3

288 1 0

"I'm sick of Jak and Allie - all they do is talk and sleep when we need to be focusing on escape. What I real... More

Chapter One - Tris
Chapter Three - Tris
Chapter Four - Tobias
Chapter Five - Tris
Chapter Six - Tobias
Chapter Seven - Tris
Chapter Eight - Tobias
Chapter Nine - Evelyn
Chapter Ten - Tris
Chapter Eleven - Allie
Chapter Twelve - Evelyn
Chapter Thirteen - Christina
Chapter Fourteen - Tris
Chapter Fifteen - Allie
Chapter Sixteen - Tobias
Chapter Seventeen - Jak
Chapter Eighteen - Tris
Chapter Nineteen - Sandy
Chapter Twenty - Cassie
Chapter Twenty One - Tris
Chapter Twenty Two - Evelyn
Chapter Twenty Three - Tobias
Chapter Twenty Four - Tris
Chapter Twenty Five - Sandy
Chapter Twenty Six - Tobias
Chapter Twenty Seven - Christina
Chapter Twenty Eight - Tris
Chapter Twenty Nine - Tobias
Chapter Thirty - Tris
Chapter Thirty One - Evelyn
Chapter Thirty Two - Allie
Chapter Thirty Three - Tobias
Chapter Thirty Four - Tris
Chapter Thirty Five - Tobias
Chapter Thirty Six - Tris

Chapter Two - Tobias

16 0 0
By AuriBee3


I work hard, sleep long and force laughs on myself, but even that cannot fully block Tris' presence from my mind. I feel as if she's watching over me, a guardian angel. Unfortunately, the thought does nothing to cheer me up.

I enter Evelyn and I's flat and see her preparing dinner at the kitchen counter. I go over and embrace her.

"Hello Tobias," says my mother. I unclasp my arms from around her and lean over her shoulder to see what she is cooking.

"Lasagne?" I say. I don't tell her this, but I actually hate lasagne. Don't get me wrong, it tastes delicious, but the memories that come with it are better left alone. Too many lunches with Tris in the cafeteria in the Dauntless compound, too many hearty laughs shared with friends who are no longer with us. I sigh and sit down at the table to eat. Evelyn serves me up just as Christina comes in the door.

"Hey," she says.

"Oh!" I say, looking at the calendar. "I didn't realise it was Thursday, sorry!"

Christina established a rota for dining arrangements to stop me getting lonely; I eat at hers on Mondays, Zeke eats at hers with Amar on Wednesdays, she eats at mine on Thursdays and we all go for take-out of Fridays. She sits down at the table and thanks Evelyn for the food. We tuck in, Christina glancing at the many framed photos of Tris that adorn my walls.

She suggested removing the photos some time ago, to try to forget about her death and start over, and I blew up at her. There was no way that I was going to forget Tris, not in my lifetime, not in a million years. I love her, whether she's alive or not. I just wish that I could've done things differently – maybe she would still be alive today if I had. Still, it does no good to dwell in the past. I focus on spooning my lasagne into my mouth, barely tasting it. Trying not to relieve those golden days when the girl I love was still with us.

*I have no idea if anyone actually read the first chapter, because it has two views but I think that it's probably just myself. Thanks you so much if you are reading this and I will continue later today probably!*

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