A Silver Lining

By Amymar123

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*SEXUAL CONTENT 18+* *Violence* *Mysteries* From a girl that thought she had her whole life figured out, she... More

Chapter 1: A new beginning
Chapter 2: St. Johnsons College
Chapter 3: Moonlight Masked Ball
Chapter 4: Charms Changed
Chapter 5: Insanity
Chapter 6: Werewolves
Chapter 7: Mate
Chapter 8: Perfectly Powerful
Chapter 9: They're Coming
Chapter 10: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 11: Suprises
Chapter 12: Monster
Chapter 13: Fury
Chapter 14: Training
Chapter 15: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
Chapter 16: Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones
Chapter 17: Apologies
Chapter 18: Safety
Chapter 19: Love Hurts
Chapter 20: Failure
Chapter 21: Damaged
Chapter 22: Nightmare
Chapter 23: Livid
Chapter 24: The Past
Chapter 25: Breakdown
Chapter 26: The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 27: Darkness
Chapter 28: Cassidy
Chapter 29: Home
Chapter 30: The Feeling is Mutual
Chapter 31: Guilty
Chapter 32: Normality
Chapter 33: Forgetting
Chapter 34: Nightclub Nightmare
Chapter 35: The Dark Side
Chapter 36: Sympathetic
Chapter 37: Running Away
Chapter 39: Conquered Cave
Chapter 40: Oblivion
Chapter 41: Trauma
Chapter 42: Finally

Chapter 38: Warehouse Wonders

25 2 2
By Amymar123

Hey cherries🍒 Sorry for the wait! This is a VERY long chapter full of twists and turns so BUCKLE UP, it's a rollercoaster that's for sure! I was going to split this into two parts but I personally love reading a nice and long chapter so this is for you;) ENJOYYY:)

I'm almost there.

I can do this.

So close yet so far.

Just a couple more hundred metres and I'm there.

I know everyone hates me at the college right now but it's safest place for me at the moment.

I just took off without evening sparing another glance at that kind women.

I don't care that I'm wearing barely any clothes, I want to be safe. For once in my god damn life I want to be completely, utterly and fully safe!

Tears pour down my cheeks when Ethan pops in my mind. I miss him so fucking much. I'm in so much pain that I honestly have no clue how I'm even fast walking right now. It feels like there is a hole in my chest. The only way to fill it up, is if he's by my side.

I wipe the tears away, pushing away those thoughts and look up at the blazing sun. It's around 90 degrees Fahrenheit today. In other words, I'm sweating my tits off! I want to run to the college but I don't have the energy. I also don't want to attract that much attention since I'm already in danger.

Every time a vehicle zooms past me on the road my shoulders tense up. I want to say that I'm safe...but I know I'm not.

I squint my eyes and stare ahead, seeing a sign for the college. It's the first exit on the right. Exactly where the women said it would be.

My face slowly turns up into a massive grin when hope washes over me. It's in my blood, in my veins and my adrenaline is so high I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm one step closer to safety. On step closer to being with my true mate.

I quicken my fast-walk into a full on run as I make my way to the turn up ahead. I laugh to myself as I run like a lunatic. For the first time in ages happiness consumes me. I actually cannot believe-

*honk honk*

I freeze.

"Well well well, if it isn't little miss run away princess. You really didn't think you would get away from us that easily did you?!" The familiar strangers angry voice laughs darkly.

Before I know it, there is a bag over my head and I'm in complete darkness.



I wake up with a major headache.

When I open my eyes, I see that I'm in the middle of the warehouse they took me to. I hear the breeze, and the brush of leaves hitting each other outside.

I look down to see that the floor is wooden boards with a bunch of cracks.

I lift my head to look around, it's really dark so I can't really see much. I try and move my arms and that's when I notice they have me tied up in zip ties around my wrists and ankles. I'm also sitting in an old wooden chair.

I hear distant voices, increasing with volume as they appear closer.

"Ahhh, look the princess is up!" says the stranger that kidnapped me earlier. Or was it yesterday? I don't know what day it is at this point.

I glare at him and struggle to get out of the chair, but it's no use.

"Oh no need to worry little one we've brought you a friend-" he turns his head to look at someone and that's when I notice Liam at the end of the building, his arms folded, and he has an emotionless expression on his face "-haven't we Liam?" Liam nods once and turns around.

His back facing away from me, and he's pulling something. He stops pulling whatever it is, then steps away, that's when I see a beat up Clara before me.

Oh my god CLARA?!

"What did you do to her?" I scream trying to reach her, but my arms are restrained to the chair.

"She is one hell of a fighter if I do say so myself, but she's stupid. A complete idiot." The male states and I turn my head in disbelief at Liam.

"How could you?!" I grit out at him.

"She's your fucking sister!" I scream.

Liam looks down at the ground; arms still folded. Not showing any emotion. But I can see it in his eyes. He's ashamed. He didn't want to do this. I'm going to find out why.

"You hungry?" the man asks.

I spit at his shoes.

He then lifts me by the neck, so I'm looking in his eyes, making the zip ties add pressure to my wrists as they grind against my skin.

"I try to be nice and all you do is act like a fucking brat" he says before slapping me hard across my left cheek.

He then grasps Clara by the foot, drags her to the wall, chaining her wrists.

My breathing increases.

I squirm in my chair; trying to get free.

The man laughs darkly at me, "Now now princess, save your energy for the boss."

With that he walks away, heading for the door. Just before he exits he turns to Liam, "Stay here until I'm back. Feel free to hit them but don't kill. Bosses orders."

He closes the door with a bang and I flinch.

"Liam how could you do this?" my voice cracks and I stare at Liam. I feel like I'm looking at a stranger.

"She's your sister for gods sake!"

"Liam are you even listening to me?!"

"You should be ashamed of your-"

"-SHUT UP!" Liam shouts and I openly glare at him.

He walks back to the end of the building, leaning his back against the wall and closes his eyes. Bastard.

I slowly turn my head and look at Clara. She is currently passed out. She has scratches and marks of dry blood all over her.

I hate to say it but I forgot about her. So much has happened ever since she left. Aubrey said she's the enemy; obviously she was wrong.

"Clara....." I say softly.

My eyes are half open. I'm running on the last of my energy right now. The hole in my chest is getting bigger. I don't want to live anymore. What's the point?

But I have to save Clara. I don't know why but I feel like I'm part of the reason she is beaten up and that is a horrible thought. I just don't understand why?

"Clara if you can hear me I'm sorry-" I take in a deep breath through my nose, "-I don't know what I did yet but i do know that this is probably all my fault. I'll fix this okay you can count on it. I'll save you....even if I have to die along the way" I whisper and turn my head straight ahead to see Liam staring at me.

I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

I fall asleep with one thought and one thought only. Ethan.

I'm going to try and reach out to him when I wake up. I have to at least try.


"It's just that-"

"-Let me ask you this. Do I give a fuck?"


"Do I give a single fuck?!"


"Exactly in fact I have zero fucks to give so go get them and bring them over here. Now!"

I hear voices but I'm too tired to open my eyes. I presume the man is talking about Clara and I and Liam is bringing us somewhere.

In my sleep I've come to the conclusion that there is no way out of here. I've also come to the decision that I'm done talking. It's too much effort and I'm dying of depression as of now so what's the point fighting when there's nothing to fight for.

I feel Liam untie the zip ties on my wrists and ankles. He picks me up bridal style and carries me about 50 metres across the warehouse and places me in another chair except this one is metal and cold. I suck in a breath when I feel Liam tie me up in chains.

The chains have spikes in them; if I move my feet or wrists the spikes will dig into my skin.

I groan as I open my eyes slowly.

"Awwww the princess is awake! Hooray!" The man says, "Are you tired? Does Lola need her nap time again" he mocks in a baby voice and I just glare at him.

"Oh so you're not speaking.....I see. Well that makes my ears lives easier because every fucking time you open that pretty little mouth of yours my ears bleed, so this is a good strategy of yours" he laughs and I look around me.

Instead of being in the middle of the warehouse, I'm at the very end facing the doors. Obviously something is about to happen. I'm not sure if I'm going to like what's to come.

Beside me is another chair that Clara is currently slouching in. She is still passed out. I would give anything to heal her right now.

I look from Clara to Liam and give him my dirtiest look. How could he do this to his SISTER! None of this is making sense.

"Stop scrunching your face like a beast. We would like your pretty face intact with no wrinkles thank you very much" the man chuckles and I stare at him with heavy lidded eyes. I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"Liam have I introduced myself to the princess?"

"No sir."

"Wow how rude of me" he laughs mockingly and grabs a wooden chair, placing it in front of me and sits down; his knee almost touching mine.

"Hello dear, my name is Matt and I'm going to make your life a living hell. You see Lola-" he points a finger in my face "-YOUUUU have a gift and it is a very special gift at that. We could really use you over here at the Kirpers Pack" I gasp.

"Oh sorry that's right you don't know-" he laughs, puts his hand on my knee and I stiffen "-I'm the beta of the Kirpers Pack and the current Alpha is on his way here as we speak. But the future Alpha is actually standing in this very room. Isn't that right Liam?"

I turn my head to Liam and tears pool in my eyes. Liam looks down at the ground and does a slight nod of his head.

"I don't want to be the Alpha but Liam has always dreamt of it-" Matt continues "-you Lola are a Luna of the Johnson's Pack isn't that correct? Which is quite unfortunate because that would mean for you to join our pack we would need to kill the Alpha. As far as my memory goes isn't the Alpha your mate little one-" a tear falls down my cheek and Matt's hand trails up along my thigh "-no need to worry we will make it quick and painless. But than that would leave the beta to become the alpha right? No no no we can't have that! But that's okay because we will just kill him too. Lola this whole war between the two packs was just a trick. A war means a place and time and both teams fighting but....that was just a little set back. We will show up to your pristine college unexpected and kill them all-" he squeezes the top of my thigh "-than we will have you all to ourselves. With your powers we could take down the WORLD! This will be-" I cut him off by kneeing him in the balls; which in turn makes the spikes glide across my ankles.

I scream in pain and Matt falls off the chair groaning holding onto his package. I bite down on my lip to stop my screaming.

Matt jumps up and grabs onto my chin ruffly. "You little BITCH!-" he punches me in my right cheek and eye "-what good did that do huh? You stupid fucking brat!" He kicks me in the shin and punches me over and over again in the face. My nose starts to bleed and I feel blood coming out of my mouth. I don't make a sound while he abuses me. I just let it happen.

"Matt stop! You're going to kill her!" Liam shouts.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself bitch?!" Matt says slapping me across the face; completely ignoring Liam's shouts.

"Just kill me" I whisper; blood drooling out of my mouth.

Matt yanks my head back from my hair making me wince slightly.

"What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Please kill me" I say in a hoarse voice.

Matt starts to laugh uncontrollably, letting go of my hair. He turns to Liam who is watching this with pained eyes.

"Did you hear that?" Matt asks laughing.

"Oh poor princess wants to die. Well too fucking bad because we could use you. Plus we aren't the ones making the life or death decisions. The bosses are and they've actually just arrived" he says happily.

Him and Liam both head for the doors and shut it behind them.

After that my legs are covered in bruises, my face is swollen and also covered in bruises, the blood is still coming out of my nose and down my neck, the blood in my mouth is going down my chin.

My eyes are half open from how sore and swollen they are.

I slowly turn my head towards Clara and see that she is waking up.

"Clara...." I whisper weakly.

"Clara it's me-" I take a deep shaky breath "-Lola."

Clara turns her head and stares at me in shock and disbelief.

"Lola!" She sobs and I cry with her.

"What happened to you Clara?" I whisper.

"I.....they took me one day when I was hunting in the woods. They punished me and locked me up. They said that they would free me when you showed up....but you never did" she says sadly and I shake my head.

"Oh Clara I'm so sorry but we had no idea where you were. So much has happened since you left. You have to believe me when I tell you I had no idea you were taken" I plead in a shaky voice.

"I believe you Lola don't worry. What's happening now?"

"The boss or bosses are here I don't know?"


Just then the door opens and my eyes widen as much as they can at the site in front of me.

Matt walks in, followed by Liam, followed by Christopher and lastly.....Richard.

Matt silently laughs at my shocked face. Liam is looking at Clara with worried eyes. Christopher has a smug smile on his face and Richard looks like he just won a brand new car.

This should be interesting.


"Lola, long time no see" Christopher greets me.

I look at Richard and watch as he grabs the chair in front of me that fell on the ground and puts it back a bit and sits down.

He doesn't say anything just....observes.

"I can understand your shock and discomfort at the moment but that will die down eventually. Did you eat?" Christopher asks quietly and carefully.

Matt clears his throat "She's not speaking boss."

"Oh I see....what words has she spoken" I glare at Christopher.

"Well she has said a few. A couple of minutes ago she was begging me to kill her"

"Is that because you're depressed Lola? Look I get how it feels when you're without your mate but the pain will go away." Christopher says in a bored tone, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

There are no words to describe how much I'm pissed off right now.

"Okay so I'm just going to explain myself. I'm not the head of this pack. I'm not the alpha. But I do control things. Being the Vice President of the college is good and all but it isn't enough for me. In this pack I feel more in-charge. I'm sure Ethan has said stuff about me to you. I treated him unfairly when he was a child. I was hard on him but that has made him the alpha he is today.

"-I don't love him but thats fine because I'm sure he doesn't have love for me either. We will probably have to kill him which is obviously not the best circumstance but it's what we have to do to take down Johnson's pack, be the most powerful pack and to make you apart of our pack. You're probably wondering why I would do that to the pack I've worked with for so long. It's a really good pack but my loyalties are with the Kirpers.

"-Richard's loyalties are also with this pack. They always have been. We've been plotting against it for so long. Putting chips in people's brains. The whole first years attacking humans was our doing. We brainwashed their minds so you could look bad.

"-Ethan has ruined my life the minute he was born. He ruined my marriage. He ruined my sanity. I have to take him down. I've never considered myself his father. Never have and never will. Richard isn't the main person in charge in the college. It's Candice who mainly owns it. Richard is only there because he's married to her. Richard wants to own something of his own and now he does. He's the Alpha of the Kirpers pack. I'm leading it with him because we're partners-" Richard stands up from the chair, walks up to Christopher and holds hands with him "-and I'm in love with him." They turn to each other and start kissing.

What the fuck?!

What the actual FUCK?!

I lean forward and throw up but all that comes out is blood. The chains glide and grind against my skin making tears fall from my eyes.

My....dad is in love with Ethan's dad? But Richard isn't my real dad so that's better? Right?

"What about Candice?" I whisper when I finally find my voice again.

"She doesn't know obviously but once we take down your pack. I will let her know" Richard says curtly. I stare at him in disgust. How could he do this to Candice?

He married her to lead a pack. He ended up not leading it fully so he moved packs in secret. He fell in love with Christopher and now they're both leading the Kirpers pack. Christopher basically fucking hates Ethan so he has no problem taking down his pack and killing him along the way. They are doing ALL of this just so they can be the most powerful pack AND so they can take me? This is all so fucked up.

"What the hell do I have to do with all of this?" Clara asks in a raised voice.

"Well we are keeping you here to keep you safe. Our pack is attacking your pack in two days. We needed to keep you safe. Both of you" Christopher says staring at me the whole time.

"Why keep me safe?" Clara asks in confusion.

"Liam is the future alpha of our pack. We noticed him the first day he came into the college. We believe he will do a great job. Although he's not in-charge quite yet he had just one request which was to keep his sister safe....so that's what we did." Richard says and looks lovingly at Christopher.

"But you tortured me!" Clara shouts and Matt laughs.

"That was for my amusement. Don't worry Liam didn't like it at all but he doesn't have that much control yet" Matt says in amusement and I throw up blood again.

Is this me dying?

"You guys are fucked up" I whisper in disgust.

How dare they do all this? To Ethan, to Candice, to Clara, to me!

Christopher walks over to me, places a finger under my chin, tilts my head up gently and slaps me so hard I choke on a sob.

"You're one to talk" he grits out and walks away.

I scream in pain when my nose throbs in pain, more blood comes out of my mouth, blood drips from my wrists to the tips of my finger and onto the ground; creating a puddle of blood.

I'm too weak to heal. I would be able to heal easier if my mate was-


Is that.....


Hey cherries🍒 Sorry for such a long chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! A lot happened in it. Thank you so much for 800 reads:) I love you all sooooo much;) I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

In the next chapter we will get Ethan's POV on what he's been up to so get ready for it! There's a lot of surprises in the next one so see you then;)

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