Night Shine

By JennySixx69

5.8K 539 125

A Wolf's Journey... A devastating accident brings two strangers together. The more Nikki learns about Nicole... More

Second Class
A Cold Night/A Strange Morning
Learning the Truth
My Fiance
More Truths
Love Me Still
I have No Alpha
A Game Of Chess
Life Mate
Wolfshifter Biology
Good Morning
The Council meeting
Two Alphas
Where Are The Girls
Bed Rest
Joys And Sorrows
A Wolf's Desire
Tensions High
Night and Day
A Challenge
My Women
My Family, My Pack
Of Wolves And Lambs
The Whys And The Hows
Affairs Of The Heart
Love And War
A Time To Mourn
The Problem with Little Girls
Love and Lust
Battle Royale
Pain After Battle
Dealing With My Pack
Meeting A Hunter
Just Deserts
More Than Moon Lust
The New Hunter And The Pursued
Promises To Keep
Note to my readers

Meeting the Pack

172 13 3
By JennySixx69

Nikki's POV

Sean approaches with an older man. I'm assuming it's his father.

I'm Jacob this ones father." He shakes my hand. "I'd like to invite you to our home, bring your family."

I feel like I can't turn down his invitation. I'm ready to leave anyway. I don't know what to do for those who are being told they will never see their loved one again. So I agree to follow the pack to their home.

It's a long drive into the woods to reach where the pack makes their home. I'm not really sure what to expect as I finally reach our destination. It's not a cult like compound thank god. It's like a small village several cabins in amongst the trees. There are what looks like two community buildings, a playground, a large garden. and large gathering area with a fire pit.

Once we stop people gather to greet Nicole. Here she seems to have family.

We are greeted instantly as we get out of our vehicle.

"Hello I'm Carol, Jacob's mate." She smiles warmly. "We are going to have a gathering to celebrate Nicole's visit. She doesn't get to often. I'm so glad you came. New faces are always welcome." She laughs. "I know none of you have had a descent bed in days. I set you up in the bed and breakfast my husband and I run for out of town hunters."

"Thank you." Courtney says with a smile.

"Nyx would you show them their rooms?" She calls to a young woman.

"Sure." She answers. Come on follow me."

We follow her into the largest building. If I'm not mistaken she looks like Nicole. I wonder who her father is? Has he passed away is that why Nicole is remarrying? She shows us to our rooms. She lets us know we can gather with the others anytime we're ready.

"Is Carol your mother? I ask. "She's a sweetheart."

"She helped raise me but no. Nicole is my mama. I'm sure you will meet my dad Jason at the gathering tonight. He's an elder. I'm his late in life baby." She giggles and heads back down the stairs.

"Nothing wrong with that." I quip and cuddle Ruby. Courtney rolls her eyes in amusement. Now I'm even more confused. Do wolf's divorce?

I head outside after my shower making my way to the gathering area. I'm stopped by Jacob.

"So newbie your human wife doesn't know yet?" He asks.

I shake my head no.

"Your children don't know what they are either?"

"No." I groan.

"This is a tough one." He smiles in sympathy. "You're smart though you'll figure it out."

"Thanks." I huff. "How long have you known Nicole?"

"Since she came here twenty three years ago. That old man beat all us youngsters out to mate Nicole. He wasn't going to run. She called to him though. She gave him a son and daughter. He had lost his whole family. She gave him a reason to really live again. She's a blessing to the packs." He pauses for a moment before he speaks again." She has sacrificed a lot of her happiness for us."

"Why does she have to?" I query. And what is a mating run I want to ask.

"That's a long story. Before you leave Take the time. In our community building is a library. I'll let Jill know you are permitted to read our histories. But for now go meet the pack. We would love to have you affiliated with us."

"I live in LA." I laugh.

"Cities are neutral ground you don't have to pick a pack just because it close. You are a hybrid that hasn't turned. You don't have to join at all. I would like you to and we know you moving to a nearby town." I look at him in surprise.  He smirks and jogs away to some other business. I hadn't made any announcements. I thought I had been discrete. I mean I knew it would come out. I just wanted a little quiet time to transition. How did he know?

Nicole's POV

Nikki joins us and is greeted warmly by everyone. I've always felt the most comfortable here. Jason the father of two of my cubs has always welcomed me into his home. This is where I come to rest between breeding. Its not that I don't want to stay with my babies. I do. It's the jealousy of wives. It's impossible to avoid mated men. In my heat all that matters is are they the fittest and there is the pressure to breed again. I have to move to the next pack. I've had men who want to get me alone trying to bring on my heat. You add on the insults I get over having the wrong colored fur. It's black. The norm is variations of grey and brown with white mixed in. I'm amazed I am a breeder. It all takes it's toll. Here I'm treated with respect. I can enjoy spending time with my kind without the pressure. I've been offered a permanent place here when my use as a breeder is over. I had planned to join with Jason. I'm worried Nikki claiming me will keep us apart. I heard Jake offer Nikki a pack affiliation. I hope he excepts. It will keep him and his family safe. I hope his wife will except him, telling someone you love that you are not quite the same species can be difficult. If she finds how he found out it will cause so much pain. I'm sorry about that. I watch his children socialize with younger pack members. I think they will be fine. Once they get over the shock. Feeling arms encircle me I look up to see Jason's smile. He leans down and kisses the corner of my mouth softly. We get hoots and laughter.

"Miss her much Jason." Sean smirks.

He squeezes me tight.

"Yes I did." He sighs.

I've missed him too. He knows I'm carrying. His hand slips to my stomach. He will love them like they are his. The whole pack will know soon. I can't hide the scent of pregnancy from my fellow wolves.

Nikki greets his wife and pulls her into his lap. He holds her like she might disappear. I reach for my shoulder where he left his mark. The scar has turned red like all claiming bites do. He did it out of instinct. It wasn't intentional. The mate bond isn't complete till I claim him and that can't happen for so many reasons. One of the reasons is the woman sitting in his lap.

We've eaten till everyone is full and content. Now we sit in conversation. It's getting dark. Courtney is about to get a shock. Maybe that's want Jacob had in mind all along. No One here is gonna feel the need to hide their eyes. Sure enough Courtney starts to notice our eyes. She panics immediately. She turns to her husband seeing his eyes. She screams.

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