Bandana baby (sequel to Bulli...

By fayesxoxo

342K 8.5K 3K

I'd suggest reading the first book (: >>> Bullied by Magcon More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
a couple years later...

Chapter 1

14.4K 276 30
By fayesxoxo


Long time no see, aye? Yeah. I'm doing pretty good actually. It's been 4 years since Taylor cheated and I left. I'm actually really- "Mommy!" My cheerful baby girl yelled.

Oh yeah! Dylan Grace is doing great. She goes by Dylan, and I did leave her last name Caniff. She just turned four and I recently moved to California. No one really remembers me, every once in a while a fan remembers me. I haven't gotten ahold of any of the boys or Emily in a while. But I'm okay because I have my beautiful baby girl, Dylan, and my handsome brother, Luke.

"Yes?" I smiled picking her up. "Where is Bubby?" She gave me the cutest confused look. "Luke is up in his room. Would you like to go see him?" I smiled sitting her down on the counter in the kitchen. "Yes!" She screamed clapping her tiny skinny hands together.

She looks so much like Taylor, it's unbelievable.

"Well, how about we eat first and then I'll allow you to sleep with Bubby tonight?" I smiled. She loves sleeping with Luke. He always lets her watch a movie and play his video games before he goes to sleep. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She clapped again. I smiled and picked her back up and sat her down in a seat next to Luke and across from me. "Luke!" I screamed. "Coming!" He yelled. He ran down the stairs in his spiderman beanie and shirt, with khakis, and black vans. He hasn't changed. I giggled to myself.

He took a seat next to Dylan. "Hey silly girl." He giggled pinching her cheeks. God I love them. "Hey sissy. What'd you make?" He smiled. "Well, I made spaghetti. If you'd come out of your room once in a while you'd know." I giggled. "Whatever." He laughed back. I giggled at the sauce all over Dylan's face. I wiped it off finishing my supper.

Once everyone was done, I cleaned the dishes, cleaned the table, cleaned the living room filled with toys, and took a shower. Geez, kids are hard to deal with.

"Dyl! Time for your bath!" I yelled. "Noooo!" She yelled back. "Come on Dylan." I begged walking into her room. She didn't answer then I heard a little sneeze coming from the closet. "Oh Dylan. Where ever could you be?" I giggled tiptoeing toward the closet. I got right to the door and swung it open. "Ah ha!" I yelled picking her up and swinging her over my shoulder. "Got you, you little sneaker." I giggled. She just laughed until we got into the bathroom.

I was washing her hair as she was playing with her Barbie dolls. Luke came in the bathroom as he had the home phone in his hand. "Aye, Jaz. Somebody wants to talk to you." He said handing me the phone.

"Yes? Who am I speaking with?"
"It's me! Emily!"
"Yes! How have you been?"
"I've been fantastic! How about you?"
"So, how's you and Jack?"
"We're still together."
"Really? Have you talked to the guys lately?"
"Well, not really. I have talked to the other Jack."
"Well, of corse. I haven't talked to any of them. You're the first person I've talked to since.. Since I- I-"
"You left?"
"So? Have you had.. Um.. The baby?"
"Haha.. I did."
"Really?!?! What's it's name? Is it a boy or girl? Oh my gosh!"
"She's a girl and her name is Dylan."
"That's gorgeous!"
"You haven't told any of the guys?! Have you?!"
"Well.. Um Jack found out when you first found out you was having Dylan, and no others. You need to tell them. Soon, jasmine."
"I know. I'm planning on it."
"Soon. You better not say anything!"
"I won't. I promise. Well, it was nice talking to you. Keep in touch."
"I will, em. Bye."

I'm glad she called...

I finished washing Dylan's hair and I put on her onesie. I walked her to bed and tucked her in, in her hello kitty blanket. I gave her her teddy bear that Taylor gave me on my birthday. I kissed her forehead and turned out the light. "I wuv you momma." She cooed. "I love you too, sweetie." I smiled shutting the door.

I couldn't ask for a better life..


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