Vicious Love [Teddy Lupin]

By lynnnxnn

627K 21.5K 29.8K

He likes to tease her. He likes to annoy her. He can't ever seem to stay away from her. Little does she know... More

1. Quidditch World Cup
2. Diagon Alley
3. Hogwarts
4. Classes
5. Sam & Stars
6. Black Lake
7. Quidditch Tryout
8. Befuddlement Draught
9. Hogsmeade Trip
10. Margaret's Party
11. Mood Swings
12. Apologies
13. Shut Up And Dance
14. Mischief Rises
15. Halloween
16. Ser Hodgkin
18. Shrieking Shack
19. Rain & Thunder
20. Dueling Week (I)
21. Dueling Week (II)
22. Alternate Universe
23. Holiday Break
24. Day Well Spent
25. Lazy Day
25.5. Weasleys
26. Rookwood Party
27. Visiting Lupin
28. Just for Tonight
29. Christmas
30. Christmas (Pt.2)
31. Snow
32. New Years Eve
33. Confront & Confess
34. Ser Hodgkin's Secret
35. Down in the Forest
36. Acceptance
37. Acceptance (Pt. 2)
38. Field Trip
39. Emperor's New Clothes
40. Reckless and the Brave
41. Family
41.5. Meet Up
42. Family Reunion
43. Rescued
44. How to reply to a love confession? Viciously.
45. Boyfriend
46. Nightmares
47. Darker Side
48. Golden Days
49. Epilogue

17. Monday Afternoon

11.3K 386 342
By lynnnxnn

It's the middle of November and it's already freezing. It's not snowing but it's up to the point where everyone is everything at least two to three layers of clothing. After long Monday classes, I went straight to my dorm and hid under my blankets while doing my assignments. Luckily, I only have to do some reading so I didn't need to do much. I have my Potions book and my Care of Magical Creatures book to read, a hot chocolate, and most importantly, snacks.

I'm flopped down on my bed reading my Care of Magical Creatures book while munching on crisps. You can't study with an empty stomach, right?


5:45 in the afternoon and I found myself waking up in another room. The boys' dormitory and more specifically, my brother's bed. Looking around, I see scraps, trash and pieces of clothing scattered all over the floor. The smell isn't too good either. There is no one else in the room with me so I'm a little confused. Did I walk here by myself through sleep walking? Did someone bring me here? If so, why?

Standing up, I walked around the room to find anything suspicious. There is literally nothing here but prank products and boy trash. I looked under Seth's bed and almost gagged at the smell of dirty clothes and who the hell knows what else is there behind the laundry. Having enough, I headed for the door and right as soon as I opened it, cold water poured all over me.

Gasping, I ran back inside the room and pulled out a towel from someone's closet. I didn't even think about whose closet it is. I just pulled out a white towel and wiped myself with it. Mind you, the temperature is quite low so it's literally freezing out here already, and with the cold water, I couldn't help but shiver.

Not too long after I warmed myself up with Seth's blankets, I felt something crawling on my back. At first, I thought it's only my hair since it's by my shoulders but when I felt the crawling on my chest, I made the mistake of peaking down. That's when I saw a small black thing with 8 legs and I swear to Merlin, I have never screamed louder.

A bloody spider is on my shoulder and I literally jumped from Seth's bed to Lupin's bed that is across from Seth's. Just when I thought I was safe there, there's another crawling thing on my leg and this time, it was a centipede. All of its million legs are on my thigh and I wanted to cry at that moment. I went from Lupin's bed to Fred's bed and more bugs came to me. The more I ran away, the more bugs and insects I attracted.

The last straw was when a massive tarantula landed on my head. I let out a piercing scream and used my wand to get all the insects off me. I didn't exactly have the perfect spell that would get them off me. I wasn't fully thinking so I did what the first thing that came to my mind; I splashed myself with water, pouring it all over my body just so the insects would leave. Fortunately, it worked. The downside was I am once again drenched and cold.

On the outside, I am freezing but on the inside, I am hot and fuming in anger. I stormed out of the dormitory and marched down to the common room to find Lupin, Seth, Fred and James talking among themselves as if everything is perfect.

"You! I hate all of you so much!" I hissed, my hand tightening around my wand.

Lupin had a massive grin on his face but as soon as he looked at me, it dropped and was replaced by a scowl. "Are you crying?"

"It was their idea and I had nothing to do with it!" Seth blurts out. "I tried to stop them, I swear."

Fred raised his hands up. "It was James and Teddy."

"Thanks a lot Fred." James scoffs before turning to me with an innocent smile. "Hi Sammy. Looking good!"

"It was just a small prank. Relax." Lupin shrugs. "It just occurred to me that we haven't pulled a prank on you for such a long time and -- "

Out of everything in the world, I hate bugs and insects the most. I guess Lupin fits in that category as well.

"You two better run. Like now. If you want to live."


After hexing Lupin and James and sending them to the hospital wing, I refuse to talk to them. A few minutes before dinner starts in the Great Hall, I sat with Colleen, Lowell and Francis. I literally just sat there in silence with my hand on my cheek because Colleen and Lowell are being all lovey dovey and I haven't spoken to Francis ever since Halloween. Not after what Lupin told me.

Francis has tried talking to me as if he didn't just say those things about me but I bet it's because he feels bad or something. Well, guess again pretty boy, I ain't talking to you anymore so you don't have to deal with my lameness, weirdness and awkwardness. But then again, just me sitting near him is awkward already.

"Um, Sam?" The handsome french speaks quietly. I smiled at him weakly before looking away. "Why haven't you talked to me? Have I said something wrong?" He asked weakly, scooting closer to me. "I'm sorry if I have. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." I hate that he's so cute and his accent is so cute.

The genuine confusion on his face puzzles me. He seems completely clueless of what he's done. Unless he's just acting. "Do you think I'm lame and awkward and weird? Be honest." I asked him with all seriousness.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he tilted his head and his cheeks grew pink. "Um, not at all. I think you're the exact opposite, actually. You're pretty and nice and funny."

Okay, what?

That's not what he said 2 weeks ago.

Still though, I couldn't help but blush and smile at him. "Oh."

"Teddy Lupin said you are weird and lame and awkward." He adds. "But I think you are not."

"Wait what?"

Francis chucked. "On Halloween, I was talking about you and Teddy said those things about you and that I should pay attention to other girls. But I disagree."

"You're so sweet Francis, thank you." I smiled, feeling my face burning up. "See, I didn't speak to you because Lupin told me that you said I was weird and awkward and lame. I thought I was making you feel uncomfortable so I just backed away. But now, it seems that Lupin has lied to me about that and now he deserves to be punched in the face. Two times."

I'm going to kill Lupin when I see him. Twice in one day, what a record.

"Do you want me to do it?" Francis smirked, flexing his arms. "I'm strong."

I should squeeze his biceps. It's calling for me. "Why aren't you in Quidditch? You've got a nice body -- wow that sounded better in my head. I meant, you've got a perfect body -- for a Beater or a Keeper. Well, not a keeper because I'm a keeper and you'd be stealing my position but yeah, a beater."

Maybe I am lame and weird and awkward.

"I'm not really that good. I need more training, but I do want to join the team though." Francis smiles, flashing me his bright teeth. "Maybe you could help me."


"Hello Lowell, Colleen, Francis, darling." Little blue boy sits across from us with a scar on his forehead. I wasn't even trying to be funny or make jokes relating to Harry Potter and his scar. I was aiming for his eye when I hexed him earlier and he moved so I hit his forehead by accident. Lucky for him the scar should fade away after tomorrow.

Fred, James and Seth sat next to Lupin, all facing us. James had a smile on his face as if I didn't hex him to oblivion. Seth and Fred are confused and Lupin's just being Lupin with an obnoxious grin. "So you two are talking again? After like 2 weeks of ignoring each other for no reason at all?" Fred raised a brow, his eyes darting between Francis and me.

"Yes. Francis and I have decided, we are going to punch Lupin in the face two times each." I answered, patting Francis' muscular arms just because why not.

"Why?" Seth asked.

"He knows why." I glared at Lupin across the table.

Soon, food magically appears on the table and everyone wasted no time digging in. Throughout dinner, I just talked to Francis about random things. He's still a little shy but once he talks more, he's actually quite sarcastic and has a great sense of humor. Then afterwards, we continued to talk at the common room. I had officially finished all my homework so I was free to be lazy tonight.

Nate, Flint, Lowell and Francis are all playing this game that involves eating a super sour candy while impersonating people and it's quite an amusing thing to see. Especially with our super serious captain Colton Flint, who for once in his life is hanging out with Nate. He's pulling a hilarious face while impersonating Professor Longbottom and frankly, it was spot on.

Nina and I are sitting next to each other watching the entire thing as if it's a television show. It should be a television show, to be honest. The winner would be Flint in this case. While Francis is in the middle of impersonating Lupin, the four walking disasters entered the common room.

"Why is your hair blue and why are you pulling that ridiculous face?" Lupin questions, seeing Francis' current appearance. Francis had used a spell that temporarily changed his hair blue just so he could look more like Lupin.

"That's how you look like." Nate answers, waving a hand at the four boys. "You lot want to play with us?"

"What game?" Fred sat down next to Lowell.

As the game continues with Fred and Seth, James went to his first year friends while Lupin squished to the spot next to me. Mind you, the gap is very small but he forced himself to fit. I ignored him and focused on the boys while Nina busies herself with her music and Smaug. Lupin cleared his throat a couple of times and waved his hand in front of me to get my attention but I gave him none.

"Are we really playing the silent treatment again?" He sighs. "I hate the silent treatment."

"Hey Sam! Seth's impersonating you!" Nate laughed, pointing at my twin brother who is doing a terrible job impersonating me. He is standing up and singing and dancing My Sharona by The Knacks. I most certainly do not sing or dance like that!

Seth then mocked me as he talks about Armando Flores like a total fangirl. That, I have to say was quite good. "He wins that. But the singing and dancing was horrible." I judged, shaking my head with disapproval. "My own twin brother can't even impersonate me. I'm disappointed."

"I can impersonate you." Says the blue and purple haired boy next to me. With a blink of an eye, Lupin's original appearance became a duplicate of myself. "Look at me. I'm Samantha Avery and I love Teddy Lupin very much." He says on my exact form and voice, putting a hand on his waist. Or her, my waist, I should say.

"You wish."

"Okay fine." He grunted, shifting back to his original form. "I don't understand why you're so mad though. It was only a bit of fun prank. As for the thing with Francis, he's obnoxious and conceited anyway. You won't get much out of him." He says quietly, sinking down on the couch.

"A bit of fun prank? Wow okay Lupin. I'm scared of bugs and insects and I was literally being attacked by them earlier but that's okay because it was only a bit of fun prank. Let's see how fun it is if the same thing happens to you, only with snakes."

"Snakes? Who says I was afraid of snakes?" He scoffs.

"Seth did."

"Damn it. Still, it's not a big deal. You're just overreacting. I pulled the same prank on Victoire and she wasn't mad. She just laughed with me. I mean, she slapped me at first but then she laughed, so. It's just you, Miss Drama Queen." He shrugs.

"And why did you say Francis said those things about me when he didn't?"

"Because ... "

"Because why?"

"Just because..."

Because he thought it would be funny. "Everything is just fun and jokes to you, isn't it?"


"Right. We're done talking."


The weirdest thing just happened. Francis bloody Devine just kissed me. In front of everyone.

Then after that, he asked me out on a date and I kind of said ...

I said no.

Not that he wasn't a good kisser or anything. He was great. It just didn't feel right to me. Right after, I just got this feeling like that wasn't suppose to happen. It's was nothing but awkwardness I felt and I just wanted to be away from him, just for a little while. I mean, sure he's cute but I guess that's it. Luckily though, when I said no to him, he understood and smiled and said it was okay and he was sorry for pulling that move. We're still friends, so it's okay.

A part of me is thinking I'm going to regret saying no to him. Like 10% is saying I'm going to regret it but the other 90% is saying something else. It's weird and I hate it.

After the talk with Francis, I went back down to the common room and everyone's eyes were on me. "You and Francis were upstairs for like 20 minutes. Should I be worried?" Seth raised a brow.

"No." Francis stayed inside his dorm which makes me feel bad a little. I went to the other side of the common room, on a more isolated and darker area and sat down on a wooden chair.

Since it is dark, I hadn't realized someone is sitting across from me, on the other side of the table. "Lupin! You scared the daylight out of me." I frowned, turning on the lamp in between us. "Why is the light off? Why are you sitting here all alone?" Before I left with Francis, he was at the couch and now he's here.

"What's with all the questions?" He chuckled quietly. "I just wanted to be here. This is like my little spot when I want to be alone or something."

"Oh... Well I should leave then. Sorry for disturbing you."

Since I was already feeling tired, I just went to my dorm and stayed on my bed. This has been such a long Monday afternoon. So much Lupin and Francis and it's just giving me headaches. Note to self: stay away from boys for a while.

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