Vicious Love [Teddy Lupin]

By lynnnxnn

627K 21.5K 29.8K

He likes to tease her. He likes to annoy her. He can't ever seem to stay away from her. Little does she know... More

1. Quidditch World Cup
2. Diagon Alley
3. Hogwarts
4. Classes
5. Sam & Stars
6. Black Lake
7. Quidditch Tryout
8. Befuddlement Draught
9. Hogsmeade Trip
10. Margaret's Party
11. Mood Swings
12. Apologies
13. Shut Up And Dance
14. Mischief Rises
16. Ser Hodgkin
17. Monday Afternoon
18. Shrieking Shack
19. Rain & Thunder
20. Dueling Week (I)
21. Dueling Week (II)
22. Alternate Universe
23. Holiday Break
24. Day Well Spent
25. Lazy Day
25.5. Weasleys
26. Rookwood Party
27. Visiting Lupin
28. Just for Tonight
29. Christmas
30. Christmas (Pt.2)
31. Snow
32. New Years Eve
33. Confront & Confess
34. Ser Hodgkin's Secret
35. Down in the Forest
36. Acceptance
37. Acceptance (Pt. 2)
38. Field Trip
39. Emperor's New Clothes
40. Reckless and the Brave
41. Family
41.5. Meet Up
42. Family Reunion
43. Rescued
44. How to reply to a love confession? Viciously.
45. Boyfriend
46. Nightmares
47. Darker Side
48. Golden Days
49. Epilogue

15. Halloween

12.4K 435 926
By lynnnxnn

Halloween is finally here! Hogwarts is looking great with all the spooky decorations and everyone's gotten in the Halloween spirit, dressed up as different characters or something scary. The ghosts of Hogwarts are throwing their annual Halloween party for everyone at the Great Hall while Slughorn has his separate little party, just for his Slug Club.

Slughorn's party starts a couple of hours earlier than the Halloween party hosted by Sir Nicholas, which was originally the Deathday Party but now it's just a general party with a big Halloween feast. Since I agreed to it, I am attending Slughorn's party with Lupin -- again, just for the treats. Lupin is dressed up as the famous marvel comic character Spider Man -- Spider Man with pastel hair. It's actually quite funny because the costume is skin tight and he keeps getting stares from every single person around us. I went as The Bride from a film called Kill Bill. 

Right now, Lupin and I have just entered Slughorn's office and it's already packed with the people from Slug Club along with their dates. "Do you think the magic thief is here?" Lupin whispered, observing everyone in sight.

"It's been 2 weeks and no one that we know has lost their magic. Stop worrying." I hushed. "I mean, do worry about it because it's a very serious problem you created, but don't worry about it tonight because it's Halloween. Now, please fix your tight costume because your male parts are a little bit too noticeable."

"Is that so? Why were you looking down there then, huh?"

Rolling my eyes, I walked ahead of him to find food but only to be stopped by the one and only Horace Slughorn, dressed up as the 6th doctor from Doctor Who. He even has the umbrella thing going on. "Hello, Doctor!" Lupin exclaims, putting hands on his hips.

"Teddy! I'm glad you could make it! And uh, good evening Ms. Avery. Lovely costumes you two have." He eyed Lupin's costume with a grimace but as soon as his eyes met Lupin's, he quickly put on a big smile.

I bit my lip to suppress a laugh. "Thank you, doctor." Lupin then backs away a couple of steps and faced a wall. "Look at this." He stretched an arm and flicked his wrist, pointing his index and pinky finger towards the wall. After a minute, spider webs emerges from his hands, going straight to the wall.

"How did you do that?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. That was actually really cool.

"Wandless magic. Takes a lot of concentration." Lupin replies with a wink.

"Those who can perform magic without wands are signs of being the best of the best, Mr. Lupin. Well done." Professor Slughorn beams, looking at the spider boy with amazement. "You'd be a remarkable wizard as you get older. What do you plan on becoming to be, in the future?"

Lupin scratched the back of his head. "I haven't really thought about it, sir."

"Ah. Well may I suggest becoming an auror like your mother? She was a brilliant witch. Or you could be a professor like your father was."

"Right..." I could tell Lupin didn't really want to think about the topic and clearly Slughorn isn't seeing it, so that's when I decided to jump in. Slughorn already hates me anyway. Cutting a conversation with his favorite student isn't going to make a difference.

Tugging on Lupin's arm, I stepped forward and reminded Slughorn that I'm still there. "Professor, I think that boy there wants to speak with you." I pointed to a boy who is facing towards us, but not necessarily looking at Slughorn.

Slughorn turns to him and smiled widely. "Oh! Of course." Not even saying goodbye, he walks away from us. Lupin sighed in relief and followed me as I headed towards the food table which I finally found.

There's a lot of sweets, which is literally my happiness. The main dishes are all Italian food, there's ice cream, fruits, and lots of pudding. As for the drinks, it's only apple, orange and pumpkin juice and water. As pleased as I am with the treats, there isn't a cheesecake. Oh well, it'll do.

"I will be sitting right here enjoying my life. You can go talk with your friends." I said to Lupin after filling up my plate. I chose a table that had no one sitting by it and sat down there. I don't think I know anyone else in the dinner party anyway, so what's the point of walking around.

Instead of walking away like I expected him to do, Lupin sat down on the seat next to me. He grabbed a fork from the table and started to eat the small fruits on my plate. Narrowing my eyes, I watched him eat, purposely making him uncomfortable. Well, I tried to make him uncomfortable. Most people, including myself, feels uncomfortable when someone watches them eat but Lupin just isn't one of those people.

Lupin noticed my gaze and cracked a smirk. He picked up a strawberry covered with chocolate from my plate and held it up to my face. "Open up darling." Because I didn't make any movement, he used his other hand to lightly squish my cheeks, causing my lips to part and that's when he put the strawberry in my mouth. "If you wanted me to feed you, just say so."

Saying nothing, I went back to eating lasagna while Lupin eats the fruits from my plate. We were quiet for at least 10 minutes and it was actually sort of peaceful. That is until two little pricks sat on our table dressed up us zombies. They both had obnoxious grins on their faces.
"Well well, if it isn't beauty and the beast."

"That's not nice." Lupin frowns. "The beast has a name. It's Samantha."

"I so hate you. Always." I huffed, stomping on his foot. "Prince and Rosier, you should leave before this fork accidentally on purpose hits your skin. I'm a little bit twitchy today."

I've done it before. 3rd year, Zabini had driven me enrage and I stabbed him with a fork during lunch time. It wasn't pretty. Knowing I wouldn't bluff about it, Rosier and Prince immediately got up and ran to the other side of the room. I can't believe they're in the Slug Club. How could Slughorn like them? Does Slughorn like all annoying, obnoxious boys?

"Wow! That's my girl!" Lupin exclaims, giving me a proud smile. "Well done on scaring away boys, Sammy."

"Again, I hate you."

"No you don't." He chuckles as he rested his head on my shoulder, his ombre blue and purple hair tickling my face. Lupin has had purple hair since 2 weeks ago and he hasn't changed it ever since, so I'm guessing he likes it. I'm going to be honest and say I'm jealous of the fact that he can just change his hair color so easily. Other people will have to go through so much.

Not too long after that, Slughorn called his special students towards the center of the room and made a speech about this night being his first Slug Club party of the year and that there will be more to come. And that if they are chosen to be in the club, they are his favorite students and they can always go to him for help or anything. I didn't pay attention to the rest of his speech since I am too busy enjoying the velvet cake on my second plate. This is something they don't serve at Hogwarts everyday!


Right after Slughorn's dinner party ended, the Halloween party on the Great Hall starts. Lupin and I arrived about 20 minutes late so everyone is already at the Great Hall, including the staffs, ghosts, and even Peeves joined the party. Our friends are already sitting at the Gryffindor table dressed up on their costumes.

Seth is dressed up as Peter Pan.
Roxanne is Princess Jasmine.
Colleen is a huntress.
Fred is a creepy yet cool type of mime.
Nina is a super hero called Kitty Pryde 
James is a character named Kick Ass.

Then there's our other friends from the other houses. Eleanor is Scarlet Witch, also a comic book character, Dominique is a scary bloody bride and Victoire painted her face so it's half skeleton, half zombie. Dallas is a clown, Dana is dressed up with her normal clothes and Peter is just wearing a black cloak with his face painted pale. Lowell and Francis are Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. There is someone who is dressed up as The Flash, Slenderman, the Joker, Ariel the Little Mermaid and there's also a few really weird ones I prefer not to mention.

"Seth, you really look like the real version of Peter Pan." I said to my brother as I sit next to him, feeling the red feather on his hat. "This is so cute!"

"How was Slughorn's party?"

"Delicious." I replied, eyeing the food in front of me. Halloween Feast is the best after Christmas feast. There are candy-filled pumpkins, caramel apples, black cauldrons with big lollipops, chocolate milkshakes with cute little skull marshmallows and so much more! Right now, there are pumpkins all over Great Hall, along with live bats who are very gentle, according to Hagrid. Our favorite thing is when the ghosts would set up jump scares and pranks to scare students. I had been a victim of this on my first and 3rd year and I actually love it.

I am a little bit full from Slughorn's party so I skipped the main dishes and jumped to the sweets and pudding. Skeleton pops! "You literally ate like the entire time at Slughorn's party and you're eating again?" Lupin questions, raising a brow as he watches me eat the skeleton shaped lollipop.

"Yeah." It's only sweets. What's the worst thing that could happen?


Seth Avery

It's only sweets, she says. What's the worst thing that could happen, she says. Well, she is currently doing back flips and cartwheels out in the courtyard. Lucky for her though, she isn't the center of attention. There are people from other houses who are also hyper and playing around with their friends.

I watched as Sam climbs the tree at the center of the courtyard and hangs upside down on a branch. "Wooooo!" She gives a high five at a first year who passes by her.

While Roxanne, Colleen and Nina joins her by the tree, Fred, Teddy, Lowell, Francis and I sat at the side of the courtyard. The courtyard is decorated with many candles floating in midair so it looks nice and it's rather peaceful to be out here. Apart from the loud 2nd and 3rd years near us, but it's good enough.

"Your sister is weird, Seth." Francis comments with his thick french accent. "Also, she's very pretty."

"I guess..." I chuckled. "If you tell her that, she'll turn tomato red and then probably smack you."

"Samantha isn't pretty." Teddy scoffs, his eyes fixed on Sam. "She's more than that." He added quietly. I don't think he meant for us to hear that part but since it's awfully quiet on where we are, we heard him perfectly clear. Fred and I gave him the same shock yet confused look while Lowell and Francis laughed. Once Teddy realized we've heard him, his hair turned from blue and purple to completely pink. "I mean, she's just alright, yeah..."

"Maybe I should ask her out on a date." Francis blurts out. "She and I have been talking a little and she is very nice and funny."

"Samantha isn't nice and funny." Teddy throws his head back while laughing loudly. "She's lame and mean and weird and awkward and quirky and short." He crossed his arms. "There are other girls to pay attention to, Francis. There's Janie, Natasha, Dana, Margaret -- "

"So basically every girl except for Sam." Fred interrupts with a smirk. "I think I get it now."

"Get that Sam is off limits?"

"Wait why is she off limits?"

"Why are we talking about Sam, especially about asking her out? No one is asking her out on dates." I shook my head, pretending as if we just didn't have this conversation. I looked back at the girls to see Sam dancing with a wolf. Well, someone who is dressed up as a wolf. Roxanne and Colleen are dancing next to them while Nina is the one playing music.

Just at that moment, Teddy leaves my side and joins the girls. He said something to the person dressed as a wolf and they ran away. Sam smacked Teddy on his arm before sitting down on the grass, but only to be sat on by Teddy.

"Wait a minute. It just came to me." Fred clasped his hands. "Teddy's jealous!"


Samantha Avery

"I can't believe you scared the poor boy away! He was so cute!" I hissed at Lupin. I was dancing with this adorable first year Gryffindor boy named Adrian. He has hair as white as snow, grey eyes and he's just so cute in general, I wanted to keep him as my brother. I already like him better than Seth.

"Yeah, but I'm cuter." Lupin grins, leaning against the tree. "By the way, Francis was just talking about you."

"Oh really?" I smiled, eyeing the handsome french boy next to my brother. "What was he saying?"

"He said you're lame and weird and awkward."


Well then.

He and I have been making small talks these past 2 weeks and I thought he's just shy around me but I guess he just doesn't like me. That explains why he looks away all the time, and when he replies to me bluntly.

"That's a downer." I sigh. "He was on my 'People I Can Consider to Date' list. He just made it on the list." I pouted, tapping Nina's shoulder. "Francis said I was lame and awkward and weird."

Nina nods her head. "It's true. You are lame and awkward and weird." What a great best friend I have. "But that's what makes you, you and you are hella freaking cool so. No worries darling, you're a superstar and he is not." I love Nina so much.

Smiling, I jumped back on the tree, climbing and sitting on the thick branch. This is such a comfortable place, surprisingly. "Hey! Only I can call her darling. She's my darling." I hear Lupin say, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No I'm not." I said melodically, hanging from the tree branch upside down. In a way, this is kind of like working out. I'm kind of exercising my muscles and maybe I'll get a six pack tomorrow. That'd be cool.

Lupin turned to me with a grin. Looking at him upside down is even weirder than before. He's still wearing his Spider Man costume and to look at him upside down, it's just mind boggling because it forces me to look at the thing I don't want to see. "Why are you hanging upside down?" Lupin asked, walking towards me.

"Why aren't you hanging upside down? You are the one dressed as Spider Man." I point out, extending my arm so I could pinch his skin tight costume.

"Aw this is so cute!" Colleen exclaims next to Roxanne. "I remember in the Spider Man film, there was a kissing scene where Spider Man was hanging upside down and Mary Jane kissed him. You two are like on the exact same position as they are and Teddy's dressed as Spider Man. What a coincidence! You guys should recreate the scene."

Roxanne nodded in agreement. "Yes! Do it!"

Flushing, I looked back at Lupin to find him already staring at me. "Well, I am Spider Man and I'll do what I must do." He winks, leaning his face towards mine.

Because I was panicking inside and just surprised in general, I suddenly felt dizzy and lost balance. My foot uncrossed from the tree branch I was hanging on to and my body fell. I fell right on top of Lupin, his face on the grass with me sitting on his back. "Oh my god! I'm safe!" I beamed at my friends who all seemed petrified.

"A little help please..." I hear Lupin groan underneath me.

Just at that moment, Professor Longbottom came out of the courtyard. "Alright students, please return to your common rooms! It's time to sleep!"

"Good night, Spider Man." I ruffled Lupin's pink and purple hair before running out of the courtyard.

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