Vicious Love [Teddy Lupin]

By lynnnxnn

618K 21.3K 29.6K

He likes to tease her. He likes to annoy her. He can't ever seem to stay away from her. Little does she know... More

1. Quidditch World Cup
2. Diagon Alley
3. Hogwarts
4. Classes
5. Sam & Stars
6. Black Lake
7. Quidditch Tryout
8. Befuddlement Draught
10. Margaret's Party
11. Mood Swings
12. Apologies
13. Shut Up And Dance
14. Mischief Rises
15. Halloween
16. Ser Hodgkin
17. Monday Afternoon
18. Shrieking Shack
19. Rain & Thunder
20. Dueling Week (I)
21. Dueling Week (II)
22. Alternate Universe
23. Holiday Break
24. Day Well Spent
25. Lazy Day
25.5. Weasleys
26. Rookwood Party
27. Visiting Lupin
28. Just for Tonight
29. Christmas
30. Christmas (Pt.2)
31. Snow
32. New Years Eve
33. Confront & Confess
34. Ser Hodgkin's Secret
35. Down in the Forest
36. Acceptance
37. Acceptance (Pt. 2)
38. Field Trip
39. Emperor's New Clothes
40. Reckless and the Brave
41. Family
41.5. Meet Up
42. Family Reunion
43. Rescued
44. How to reply to a love confession? Viciously.
45. Boyfriend
46. Nightmares
47. Darker Side
48. Golden Days
49. Epilogue

9. Hogsmeade Trip

13.3K 488 506
By lynnnxnn

"And remember students, no fooling around on Hogsmeade. I'm talking to you, Lupin and Weasley." McGonagall faced Lupin and Fred who both have massive grins on their faces. "Remember what happened last year? Surely you don't want to repeat that mistake, boys? Ms. Avery, Ms. Weasley, take care of them will you?"

"Will do, professor." Roxanne nods briefly, wrapping an arm around Fred's shoulders. "Come on brother, let's all go to Gladrags Wizardwear." Fred and Lupin both groaned while Seth and I stayed behind them laughing. Filch, with Mrs. Norris on his shoulder, led us the way to Hogsmeade and the group from 3rd year and up followed behind him.

Today isn't exactly the best day for me to be out in Hogsmeade. I have stomach cramps, I'm hungry and I'm having mood swings and my body is aching from everywhere. It's definitely that time of the month and I had planned on staying inside the castle but Roxanne wanted me to go with her. Colleen is going to be with Lowell and Nina is staying inside the castle.

Just as she promised, Roxanne did take the boys to Gladrags, Hogsmeade's only clothing shop. It looks like a simple shack from the outside but inside is much bigger with three floors. They sell dresses, undergarments, jewelries, accessories, socks, and pretty much anything that you can wear. They even have a section for Halloween, which is usually big when it comes around this time. In October, which is next week, everything is going to be Halloween related and at the end of the month, Hogwarts throws an annual Halloween Party where we get to wear costumes and stuff.

"There's going to be a party tomorrow, did you hear? In the Slytherin Common Room? It's Margaret's birthday and she's throwing a party." Roxanne turned to me. "Have you got an outfit yet?"

"I'm not going." I received the invitation, personal invitation, yesterday during Professor Prince's class. Margaret said I'm invited to her party at her common room and there will be lots of food and music and all those good stuff. "I've got things to do."

"Like what?"

"Like sleep. "

"Yeah that's not happening. You're going with me." Roxanne threw me a dress while the boys sat down on the side, already looking bored. "Try this on, Sammy."

I held out the dress and soon I felt it slip from my hands. "No can do, Sam." Seth chuckled, throwing the blue dress to a nearby rack. "It's too revealing."

"Seth. I'm the one wearing it. Not you." I glared at him. "But I don't like that dress anyway, so whatever." Roxanne and I spent at least 30 minutes looking through isles and racks. I ended up getting a black casual dress while Roxanne settled for a green laced romper -- which I wish I found first because it was really cute.

After purchasing the clothes, we returned to the front of the store to find the boys looking half asleep. "So, where do we go next?" I asked, shaking Seth lightly. "Where do you want to go?"

"Zonko's!" Lupin answered before Seth could even open his mouth. Fred nodded vigorously and Seth didn't make a complain, so Zonko's it is.

I don't know how long we were at the joke shop, but we were there for a very long time. Roxanne wandered off somewhere and I gave up trying to find her so I just sat down on a bench near the counter and waited until I see anyone. As always, I tuned out on everyone and listened to the song that the shop is playing. It's a song by The Bent-Winged Snitches for sure, but I can't recall the title. It is very catchy however, so I found myself singing along to it.

"So! You like The Bent-Winged Snitches, huh Samantha?" I jumped startled at his voice. He literally jumped next to me and sat next to me with a big box in his hand. "I have a present for you darling. Open it."

"You think I'll take something from you? A big box, from you? While we're at Zonko's?" I snorted, crossing my arms as I stared at the box. "I'm not an idiot, Lupin."

"Fine." He grunted. "I'll just save it for someone else."

"That's cool."

Roxanne Weasley

After Zonko's, Sam got to pick the next place to go and she chose Honeydukes. Apparently, she's been wanting to go there since the beginning because she's craving sweets. While we walked towards the sweet shop, the girl practically ran and left us behind. I watched as she skipped towards Honeydukes, eventually bumping to a group of third years.

I know one of them is Steve Clark, Hufflepuff, who has had a bit of a crush on Sam. His group are often early when coming to the Great Hall for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One time I passed by them, I hear him talk about how pretty Sam is. Right now when she bumped against them, I could see his face lighting up from blocks away.

"Who's that?" Teddy asked. "The tomato boy that Samantha's talking to?"

"Steve Clark." I answered, eyeing him suspiciously. "He has this puppy love on Sam. It's cute." I looked back at the group and this time, Sam wasn't there anymore and Steve is being teased by his mates.

"Oh." This time, I wasn't the only one that noticed the odd tone from Teddy. Seth also gave him a confused look that matches mine, but Teddy didn't seem to notice. He just stares ahead.

When we made it inside, all I see is the wavy dark red haired girl running around the shop with three sweets on her hands. "Oh god." Seth groaned. "This is going to take a while."

I leaned by the window next to Teddy while Fred and Seth also looked around the shop. "Peppermint Toads? Oh my god. Exploding Bonbons? Toffees!" Sam is literally the loudest one in the shop right now.

I was about to start a conversation with Teddy but before I could talk, he left and headed to where Sam is. He's gotten a bit too close to her, up to the point where they look like they'd be kissing if someone bumped into them. If I am a complete stranger, I'd think that Sam and Teddy are a couple.

Just looking at them right now, they're acting like one.

Sam shoving exploding bonbons on his mouth.
Teddy smiling at her (showing off his teeth covered with chocolate).
Sam playfully pushing him.
Teddy begging her to buy him acid pops (because he wasted all his money on Zonko's).

I tore my eyes from them and stood next to Seth, who is now eating jelly slugs. "Is it just me or are Teddy and Sam --- "




You can't go to Hogsmeade without going to the Three Broomsticks: that's what Fred said. So here we are at the pub, sitting on a table with our Butterbeers and one big apple pie to share.

"I have a question. Just out of curiosity." Roxanne turned to me after chugging down half of her Butterbeer. "Who do you think are attractive boys in our school? And notice I said boys? Because clearly there are more attractive girls than attractive boys at Hogwarts." Haha, it's true.

I chuckled at her question. "None."

"Gee, thanks." Fred pouted. "I thought you and I had something, Sammy."

"Okay fine. Fred."


"Well, let's see." I thought through my head, thinking of the boys I've seen. "There's really not a lot. Nate Wood. Cal Snow. That's literally it. I don't really pay attention so I don't know."

"You're supposed to say me too but I'm your brother so it's fine." Seth coughed.

"James would be really cute when he gets older, I think. Not to be a creep or anything, but he's got one of those faces where you can imagine him grow up and frankly, he would attract a lot of ladies."

"Oh yes, let's play a game called 'Act like I don't exist and let's call everyone attractive except me.' because that's cool." Lupin rolled his eyes, chugging down his drink.

"Right. What about Teddy? Do you think he's cute?"

If I was drinking right now, this would be one of those moments when I'd choke and cry. I don't know how to answer that question, to be honest. I mean, I suppose he is... Okay, yes Lupin is attractive. But he doesn't count because he can change his appearance so he could be attractive to anyone. Let's say someone doesn't like his eyes. He can just change it. If someone doesn't like his hair color or if his eyes are too big or something like that, he can just change it and he'd have no problem. Well of course he has is original appearance but still.

Luckily though, I didn't have to answer because Professor Slughorn came up to our table. "Hello students, it's nice to see you here." He beamed, mostly at Lupin. "I was thinking of starting my Slug Club again. I haven't had it for years now and I think it'd be nice to have my favorite students gather once in a while. Edward, what do you say?"

Lupin tore his eyes from me and smiled at Slughorn. "That'd be brilliant, sir. Of course."

"Good!" He smiles widely at him. "Good to see you, Weasleys and Averys. Have a good day, students." With that, he leaves the table and return to the counter to talk to one of the bartenders.

"Slughorn's favorite students. Oh please." I murmured, taking my fork to stab the remaining piece of apple pie at the center table. "That reminds me..." I trailed off, unsure whether to ask him or not. "Lupin..."

"Yes darling?"

"May I borrow your notes for Potions?" Desperation at its worst.

I received a letter from mum a few days ago and she wants me to try harder at Potions class. Seth is doing better than I am. He isn't Slughorn's favorite student either, but he's good at Potions so Slughorn doesn't give him a hard time. I'm not good at Potions and that teacher doesn't like me at all. I have more chance of dating Armando Flores than passing Potions class.

Lupin takes good notes. I see him writing down notes, always, during lessons and surely he'd make more sense than Slughorn. "Why?"

"Because I need to pass Potions and you're the best at that class?" I gave him a small smile.

"And you think I'd let you borrow my notes?" He raised a brow, giving me a look of amusement.

"Well.... yes.... ?"

Lupin chuckled. "Fine. But only because I love you."

"Haha thanks! I love me too." I sigh in relief. I honestly thought he wasn't going to let me borrow them. Then I'd have to ask Rosier, who is the other student who's best at that subject. Fred isn't doing so well either and Seth doesn't take notes nor explain things well, so Lupin's the only one I've got.

As I finish my Butterbeer, I could feel all of their eyes on me. Especially Lupin, who sits across from me, looking at me with a smile on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I frowned. "Do I have something on my face or am I just pretty?" I joked, winking at Fred who laughed and nodded.

"Nah, darling. You have something on your face."

I felt around my face and sure enough, there's whipped cream around my lips and a few on my cheek. Roxanne giggled and gave me a napkin, which I took and cleaned my face as I glared at Lupin who bites his lip, probably to stop laughing at me. I bet Slughorn didn't invite me to his club because of my messy face. I did eat loads of sweets at Honeydukes, so...


Roxanne Weasley

"Sometimes you got to bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul! But it takes someone to come around to show you how! She's the tear in my heart!" Sam is listening to Nina's music player once again and this time, she's singing along to the music quite loudly. After the Three Broomsticks, we returned to the castle and went straight to the common room since we were all tired. Well, except for Sam. She's got a lot of energy in her at the moment.

"I don't know what's happening but I like it." Teddy grinned as Sam danced around, shaking her head and hips, her hair going all over the place. She changed her outfit to black shorts and an oversize band shirt -- Teddy's shirt, actually. I'm not even going to ask how she got her hands on that, but it only makes my suspicions stronger.

Now she's dancing with Nina, both singing to a song called My Sharona by The Knack. The Butterbeer and all the Honeydukes sweets really got to her. Maybe we shouldn't have given her that much sugar in one day. She has more sweets in our dorm, right by her nightstand. "Why is Sam wearing your shirt?" Fred asked Teddy. "Well, it's a shirt that you stole from me and now she stole from you."

"I let her borrow it during the summer when she and Seth visited me on gran's house. I accidentally pushed her to our pool and yeah..." Accidentally, right.

"Is there something you need to tell us, Teddy?" I stood in front of him with my arms crossed. "Anything at all?"

"Um, Hugo, Lily and I put random prank products all over the burrow... But other than that, no?" He tilted his head confused. "Why?"

"Oh nothing." I sighed. "Never mind."

Sam was pretty much the entertainment of the common room today. She was at it for a couple of hours, singing and dancing. She danced with Nina, Tiana, Fred, Seth, and even a few first and second years who knew the songs she sings along to. The entire time, I watched Teddy and he's been watching her with a smile on his face.

"Oh Teddy." I smiled, patting his shoulder lightly. "Edward Remus Lupin, you are adorable."



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