Whisked Away

By belle_kafer

13.7K 605 39

(The romance isn't a big part of this and it atreches over all seven books. Caspian will only really be apart... More

1. Anastasie
2. Narnia
3. The Creatures and Rulers of Narnia
4. The Trip to the Garden
5. The Magical Attack
6. Narnia Under the Witch
7. The Waiting
8. Christmas and Reaching the Stone Table
9. Two Meetings with the Witch
10. A Corination and Life After
11. A Trip to Archenland and to Tashban
12. Shasta and Prince Corin
13. The Departure of the Kings and Queens of Old and an Attack
14. Reunited
15. The Dancing Lawn and Aslan's How
16. The Defeat of the Talmarines
17. Doubts and a Corination
18. Departure of the Telmarines
19. Establishing Narnia and Other Things
20. Preparing for a Voyage
21. A Feast for Archanland
22. Preparing to Voyage
23. The Begining of an Adventure
24. Three Unexpected Crew Members
25. Settling in the Royals and a Pratt
26. The Lone Islands
27. The Cost
28. Leaving the Lone Islands and Dreams
29. Confrontation
30. The Storm
31. Land Ho!
32. Eustace as a Dragon
33. Eustace's Story
34. An Unexpected Attack and the Damage that Followed
35. Golden Pools
36. Invisible Enemies
37. A Magic Book
38. The Dark Island
39. Truth
40. Sailing to Romandu's Island
41. The Stone Knife
42. Sailing to the End of the World
43. A Sea of Lilies and a Fight
44. Hard Goodbyes and Angry Ones
45. Peace
46. Adjusting
47. Zyanister
48. An Old Friend
49. A New Adventure
50. A Parlament of Owls
51. A Marsh-wiggle
52. Making Plans
53. Setting out
54. A Giant's Bridge and a Suprise
55. Distrust
56. Everyone at Harfang
57. Escaped only to be Caught
58. The Queen of the Underworld
59. Narnia
60. The Death of King Caspian
61. Zori
62. King Erlian
63. An Escape
64. Infultration
65. An Unexpected Turn
66. Settling In
67. The Ape's Lies
68. Seeing "Aslan"
69. Jill and Eustace
71. Dwarves
72. The Web of Lies
73. Farsight
74. Preparing for Battle
75. Who Will Go Into the Stable?
76. The End
77. What Was in the Stable
78. The End of Narnia
79. Emeth and Further Up and Further In
The Real End
More Narnia Books

70. Jewel and Azar

28 3 0
By belle_kafer

Ok so I realized I didn't really explain the lack of abilities thing well. So basically Shifra was weak for so long and under so much strain that it put up a kind of block from her abilities so now she can only use the ring and her wings. Enjoy guys!
Shifra's POV
"The first thing I want to know," began Eustace, "Is what we need to do first."

At this I piped up, "We need to rescue Jewel and Azar."

"Who are they?" asked Jill.

"Jewel the Unicorn is my best friend," replied Tirian. "And Azar is a Phoenix that my wife knows well."

"Then it's settled," replied Jill, "We must rescue them first."

We trained the two children with their weapons for a few hours and then slept until nine, for we would be up most of the night. We had just put the children to bed and I was standing my the stream when Tirian came out to join me. "How are you?" he asked, "We haven't really gotten a chance to talk since the hunting lodge."

I shrugged. "I don't know. I feel angry, but I know I need to put that aside if we're going to do this."

"You're strong, my love. You can do anything you set your mind to," he comforted, bringing me into his arms. I buried my head in his chest and we listened to the occasional tittering of a bird or the quiet sound of the stream as it ran its course. "We should get some rest." I nodded and into the tower we went.

Both children were not at all happy to be woken up and were rather groggy and irritated. We all changed into a mail shirts, helmets, turbans, and fitted our weapons in the armor. Then we set out. The North Star in Narnia is called the Spearhead and it was there that we headed, for the stable was due north from the tower. Jill as it turned out was very familiar with our stars and could even tell the way north based on other stars when the Spearhead was out of sight.

We soon put her in front to guild the rest of us as she was by far the best navigator of us all. An eerie silence lay over Narnia, for the wood was dead silent. On any normal night the wood were filled with callings of goodnight or the sound of dwarves or even the twittering of owls, but now gloom and fear hung like a thick fog over the country that I loved so dearly.

When we had reached the hill, Jill suddenly stopped and lowered herself to the ground. As quietly as she could, she rose again and whispered in Tirian's ear, "Get down, thee better." While Jill did not have a lisp, she was well aware that the hissing part of an 's' is the part of a whisper that is likely to be overheard. Tirian and I both lowered ourselves to the ground

Against the stars we could see two shapes. The first was of the stable, but the second was a Calormen guard. I rose back up and whispered quietly to Tirian, "We should go to that clump of trees and then you and I will find them." He nodded and led us to the group of trees I had pointed out.

Turning to the children, he commanded quietly, "Wait here until we come again. If we miscarry, fly." As Tirian headed to the man, I went round the back of the stable. There I found Jewel and Tirian who had just come, his knife pointed into the Calormen's neck. Before us was Jewel and Azar. I quickly opened Azar's cage and she lighted on my shoulder.

Tirian untied Jewel and tied the Calormen in his place. Then we headed back to the children. "All's well," Tirian whispered to Eustace, "a good night's work."

We then set out before Eustace asked, "Is Jill on the other side of either of you?"

"What? Is she not on the other side of you?" I asked, panic settling in. As the other two began to bicker, I heard a low drumbeat start up. It was repetitive and seemed to get in your head after a while, but it was undeniably...

"Dwarves," Jewel said.

The echoed voice of Azar spoke next, adding, "I warn you, my Queen, my King, likely they are treacherous." Eustace jumped at Azar's strange voice, but let it go after a few moments. Then hooves began to get closer. Now there were so many things to worry about that we were hardly sure of which one to worry about first.

"Hello? Are you all there?" Jill's voice asked.

"Where the devil have you been to?" Eustace exclaimed in a furious whisper.

"In the stable," replied the girl with something of a repressed laugh.

"Oh, you think it's funny do you? Well all I've got to say is..." began Eustace.

"Have you got Jewel and Azar?" interrupted Jill.

"Yes, here they are, but what is that with you?" I asked.

"That's Him," replied Jill with little explosions of laughter, "But let's bee off home before anyone wakes up." We were all still rather curious, but could not argue with her logic.

Suddenly, Eustace asked, "Got him? What do you mean?"

"The false Aslan," she replied.

"What?" Tirian and I exclaimed, stopping in our tracks. "What on earth did you do?" I added.

"Well," began Jill, and she proceeded to explain how she had gone into the stable after the Calormen had been taken off by Tirian. When she had gone in, she found it was just a donkey with a lion skin over him. So she drew her knife and made him come, although he was more than willing.

Suddenly the sound of rasping metal was heard. "What are you doing sire?" asked Jewel at he same moment Azar asked, "What do you plan to do with that, my Queen."

"Drawing my sword to smite off the head of that accursed ass," replied Tirian in a terrible voice. "Stand clear girl."

"I'm with him," I added to answer Azar's question.

"Oh no don't," protested Jill, "Please don't. Really you mustn't. It wasn't his fault. It was all the ape. He didn't know any better and he's very sorry. And he's a nice donkey. His name's Puzzle and I've got my arm around his neck."

Anger filled his tone, as Tirian asked, "Dear, I cannot trust my judgment through my anger. What say you?"

"Jill, you are the bravest and most woodwise of all our subjects, but also the most malapert and disobedient. Well, let the donkey live. What have you to say for yourself?" I demanded.

"Me, my Queen?" the donkey asked, "I'm sure I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong. The ape said Aslan would want me to dress up like that, and I thought he'd know. I'm not cleaver like him. I only did what I was told. It wasn't any fun for me living in that stable. I don't even know what's been going on outside..."

Before he could say more, Jewel cut in, saying, "Sires, those dwarves are coming nearer and nearer. Do we want to meet them?"

Azar was the first to speak, "If your grace permits, I have an opinion on the matter."

"Of course, Azar, we both highly value your council," I replied at once, for the phoenix had many times given us wise advice.

In her odd voice, she continued, "We have with us here the foundation of all their lies. Why bother hiding anymore? With this donkey with us we can dispel all of their lies." We all agreed and grew rather excited as we headed towards the drumming. We met about thirty dwarves being led in a line my two Calormens at the front and two at the rear.

"Stay!" ordered Tirian, "Stay, soldiers. Whither do you lead these Narnia dwarfs and by whose orders?"
So unfortunately this story is beginning to draw to a close and I'm trying to figure out what Narnia fanfic I want to write next. Would you guys like another version of this where she falls in love with Edmund or possibly a completely different main character? That's really the main ideas I've been toying with, but let me know if you'd be interested in that or if you have any other ideas. Have a good day peeps!

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