The Legendary Hero (OP Deku A...

By dekus_right_nipple

1.1M 17.5K 15.8K

Izuku Midoriya is not quirkless, not even close. He actually is in possession of two quirks, and is one of th... More

Chapter 1: Two Quirks
Chapter 2: The Hero
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 4: Chisai Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 5: One for All
Chapter 6: Momo Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 7: Changing Ideals
Chapter 8: Preparation
Chapter 9: Kacchan and UA Entrance Exams
Chapter 10:UA
Chapter 11: Fitness Test
Chapter 12: USJ
Chapter 13: USJ (Cont.)
Chapter 14: USJ Finale
Chapter 15: Inko
Chapter 16: The Festival
Chapter 17: First Date?
Chapter 18: All For One
Chapter 19: Gran Torino
Chapter 20: Famous?
Chapter 21: The Dorms
Chapter 22: Sports Festival Introduced
Chapter 23: Training and Momo
Chapter 24: The Sports Festival
Chapter 25: Sports Festival Pt 2
Chapter 26: Sports Festival Pt 3
Chapter 27: Sports Festival Finale
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Internship Disasters
Chapter 30: Hero Killer Stain
Chapter 31: Aftermath
Chapter 32: Final Exams
Chapter 33: Summer Training Camp Introduced
Chapter 34: Training Camp
Chapter 35: Disaster
Chapter 36: Counterattack
Chapter 37: True Hero
Chapter 38: The Law
Chapter 39: Consequences
Chapter 40: Pro Hero
Chapter 41: Eight Precepts of Death
Chapter 42: Overhaul
Chapter 43: Eri
Chapter 44: High End
Chapter 45: Save Me
Chapter 46: The Darkness
Chapter 47: The Darkness Pt.2
Chapter 48: Hiyashi Midoriya
Chapter 49: The Second Chapter
The Sovereign
Chapter 51: Beginning of the End
Chapter 52: Kaminari Denki
Chapter 53: Friend
Chapter 54: Sanda Kaminari
Chapter 55: Escalation
Chapter 56: Move On
Chapter 57: Ambush
Chapter 58: 'Sup Kid
Chapter 59: Demon Inside
Chapter 60: Awaken
Chapter 61: Izuku vs Sovereign
Chapter 62: Kuroki Midoriya
Chapter 63: Blessing of God

Chapter 50: The Truth

6.5K 117 30
By dekus_right_nipple

Third Person P.O.V - Japan

Two months, Two weeks and Three days.

That's how long Izuku had been in the other dimension. No food, no water. He always felt like he was going to drop dead from lack of food at any second, but it never happened. But, obviously, he was tired, so he spent the first three days in a hospital bed asleep, getting fed nutrients through a tube. He was never alone, with Momo, Bakugo or his mother always staying with him, and within a week he had made a miraculous full recovery. The doctors couldn't explain it, as they had been expecting him to be bedridden for at least 3 months. He had been more physcologically  scarred if anything.

And thats why Izuku was now walking to a therapist, with Momo accompanying him.

"Are you sure you're ok to walk around?", Momo asked worryingly. "Don't try to force yourself, it's fine if you rest some more."

"I'm fine!", Izuku said brightly. "Never been better! Anyways, I want to get caught up on all the details. What's been happening over here?"

"Nothing too eventful.", Momo answered. "Our little group was really focused on trying to get you back, but in your absence a lot of the injured heroes got back into action. They must've been inspired by your fight against that Nomu, but it looks like peace has been more or less restored."

"I don't mean that.", Izuku said as he took in the sunlight. "What's being going on with you? Has anything happened to you? How's Chisai doing?"

"He's just fine.", Momo answered. "A little shaken up from his hero disappearing, but fine nonetheless. And me... I've been better, but I'm doing fine. Just happy everything is returning to normal."

"That's good to hear.", Izuku said, and they walked in silence for the rest of the walk, enjoying each others company.

Another week later, Izuku's mental health was completely restored, a testament to his resilient personality. Him and his classmates went back to being students instead of heroes, and life was beginning to return to how they were before the Nomu. One constant was the fame.

"Can we get your autograph?", a group of young male students asked. "We're just massive fans of you!"

"Sure, no problem.", Izuku answered. He signed the pictures, and went on his way to the police station.

He entered the building, and went straight for the office of one Naomasa Tsukauchi.

"Did you call?', he asked at the doorway, and Tsukauchi looked up from his desk. He had been studying a folder of papers, which he neatly put away.

"Please, sit down.", Tsukauchi said as he gestured to the seat on the other side of the desk, and Izuku complied. "I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here so suddenly."

"Yeah. What is it? Is there a problem?", Izuku asked.

"Kind of. You obviously remember how we captured All for One."


"Well, we've been trying to interrogate for the past few months that we've had him, but he refuses to speak. He said that the only person he would speak to-"

"Is me."

"Yes. I know that it's only been two weeks since you.. returned, so it might be insensitive for me to ask this, but... do you think you can talk to him?"

Izuku pondered the question for a moment, then answered.

"Of course I can do that. I have a lot of questions for him myself, so this works in my interest too. When can I speak to him?"

"Anytime you'd like."

"Then how about... now?"

"Definitely! The sooner the better!"

3 hours later, they had gotten to the isolated underground prison known as Tartaros, and were cleared through all of the defenses. Tsukauchi stayed in an outside room and watched the interrogation through cameras with Aizawa and Present Mic.

"So... you have arrived... son.", All-for-One said.

"Yeah, I have. All for One.", Izuku said.

"I'm guessing they gave you a bunch of questions to ask me?"


"Good. I know you are very curious about... everything. Don't worry, I will only tell the truth."

Izuku cleared his throat, and tried to calm his pounding heart. This was the moment he had been waiting for all of his life, a conversation with his father, but it wasn't in the situation he had envisioned. He had previously decided to treat AFO as a regular villain, but he couldn't do that anymore. Not when everything he wanted to know was at his fingertips.

"I guess we should get started. What were your motives?", Izuku finally asked. "Why do you commit crimes the way you do?"

"It seems... the time for the truth has come.", All for One answered. "I will tell you the full truth, with no lies. I trust that the man outside will know if I'm lying or not?"

Tsukauchi buzzed his voice through the intercom. "Correct."

(Tsukauchi's quirk is the ability to know if somebody is lying or not, which makes him very valuable in interrogations.)

"Before I get started, I will do away with my disguise.", All for One said. 

Before, he had looked just as he did in the anime (Bald without eyes) But slowly, his facial features changed and he grew pitch black hair, until he looked like a middle aged Izuku with black hair and nearly black eyes. He had small differences, but the similarity was definitely there.

"Let me get started. My name is Hisashi Midoriya, 173 years old. I am a male with the quirk of 'Quirk-Stealing'. I am also known as All for One by a select few."

There was a pause, then Tsukuachi's voice came again. "Truth."

"I am the father of Izuku Midoriya and the husband of Inko Midoriya."


"I have about 63 different quirks in my arsenal currently."


"I was one of the first generation that obtained quirks."


"During that time, there was chaos and rampant crime due to the government not being able to handle all of the super powered criminals."


"Due to this, multiple individuals began using their quirks to combat these villains. They are now generally called heroes."


"When I had been young, I wished very dearly to become one of those heroes, and to save the innocents. But, I had recognized that the people who used their quirks for evil far outmatched the heroes, and I realized that I wouldn't be able to change anything about that as a hero."


"So, I became a villain. I became one of them to destroy them from the inside. I built up a large following of villains due to my immense power, by committing crimes that harmed the lowest amount of people while giving me the most amount of notoriety among villains as possible."

Before Tsukauchi could confirm the truth of this statement, Izuku spoke up.

"What do you mean? All Might told me that you commit crimes of the worst kind, that you murdered countless people!"

Hisashi chuckled. "No, my son. That is far from the truth. Would the policeman gentleman kindly announce the amounts of deaths that I have caused? I know you keep records of those things."

Tsukauchi paused for a second, then announced the number. "A total of 134 killed, and 1580 injured."

"That's still alot!", Izuku exclaimed. "1580 injured? You can't possible justify that!"

"No.", Hisashi said. "If you researched further, you would find that 1573 were restored to full health, and that they all received anonymous donations that ensured they were none the worse from my crimes."

Tsukauchi gasped. "That was you? We had thought that it was strange, but never looked too far into it!"

"Indeed. And of the 134 who died, 125 of them were criminals who had gotten away with their crimes and were living as citizens while committing crimes such as rape, murder and more of the worst kinds of criminals. You name it - child rapists, kidnappers, murderers. I had done you a favour by getting rid of them."

"Then how about the 9 other ones that were killed?", Izuku asked.

"Those were people who would develop into problems for the country. They all had been planning a kind of heist to kill the Prime Minister. I have evidence of that if you wish to confirm this."

"Even then, those numbers are not perfect.", Tsukauchi said, albeit shakily. "There must be countless more deaths and injuries that we could not trace back to you."

"I kept tabs of every person that I injured or killed as a villain. Awfully difficult work, but it had to be done so that there were no loose ends. The real number of people I injured is 2681, of which 2675 were anonymously helped after their accidents."

There was a long pause, then Tsukauchi announced shakily. "Truth. This man... everything he's said so far is the truth."

Aizawa suddenly spoke up from the intercom. "But most of your crimes were money based, were they not? You stole a total of $758 500 000, if not more!"

"All the corporations that I stole from were guilty of crimes that they need retribution for. For example, the now closed down Bank of Kyoto. They stole $300 000 000 worth of money from their customers by tricking them and cheating them illegally. So I stole $350 000 000, and returned it all to the original owners plus more for their troubles. I have not kept a single penny of that money for myself, and instead only got money from bounties."

There was a long uncomfortable silence, then Hisashi continued. 

"While I was a villain, I stopped multiple villains who were beginning to create problems for the country. Did you ever wonder why Destro's faction suddenly lost power? I stole his quirk, along with 90% of his peoples quirks. I sent those quirks back to people who were deserving of them, who could do good for this country. I'm sure you remember the attacks of April 20th? A horrible day for Japan, in which a group of villains went on a mass killing spree in Tokyo. Do you know why they stopped? I killed them. All 58 of them. Again and again, for the past 150 years, I have been protecting Japan from disasters that would impede on the progress of its civilization. Even the hero system you have now. I planted the idea of it into the heads of top politicians. It's a known fact that the founder of UA had a friend who he credited with the idea that led to UA Academy. According to him, that friend mysteriously disappeared. You're looking at him right now. Do you understand now? I have been guiding you people for my whole life, keeping Japan upright. Look now. Japan is considered one of the top countries in the world, due to its exceptional hero system."

Izuku couldn't think straight. If all of this was true, it would be world changing for him. And then came the confirmation of Tsukauchi.


"Then why?", Izuku asked suddenly, unable to hold the question in. "Why did you attack mom? Why did you leave us?"

Hisashi's face darkened. "The one who attacked your mother wasn't me. It was a colleague of mine who found the truth about me having a family. He wanted to kill you and your mother because he thought you would be a distraction to me and villainy. Obviously, I quickly disposed of him when I found out. And I left the family because I was a danger to you all."

Izuku didn't need Tsukauchi's confirmation to know that this was the truth. He knew, just from looking in his fathers eyes, that it was 100% real.

Tsukauchi entered the room, flanked by Aizawa and Present Mic. Aizawa massaged Izuku's shoulder with one hand and patted him on the back. 

"You did good kid.", Aizawa said. "You kept your cool despite the nature of the issue. I'm proud of you."

Izuku only nodded, as he was feeling nauseous about all the information that he had just received.

His father, the man who he had believed to be the worst of all villains, was actually the hero of the country. He was Prometheus and Robin Hood, all rolled up into one. But there was one problem.

"What now then?", Izuku asked. "What's happening to my... dad now?"

"I think I have a good idea of what.", Tsukauchi answered. "The only people who can make any decisions about his future are the committee of the NHA (National Hero Association). I am aware that they wanted to use All for - I mean your father as a scapegoat, but I'm sure the new information will change their minds. I know how they work, and they will most likely grant him amnesty due to the good that he has done for the country. But just in case, I'll put in a good word for him, and try to pull some strings where I can. Obviously, Mr. Hisashi is not deserving of punishment, but we'll see how it plays out. The people on the committee are good people, I'm sure they'll make the right decision."

Izuku smiled, and looked to Hisashi.

"If you go free, where will you go?", he asked. "Back to protecting the country undercover?"

Hisashi smiled. "No, my role in villainy is over. I made sure to tie up any loose ends before the Kamino incident, so I'm thinking of officially retiring from being a villain. I would need a place to stay though, cause I used up all my money for the victims of the Kamino incident."

Izuku pondered that for a second. "Why don't you live with mom? From what you said, mom wouldn't mind."

"Back to family?", Hisashi asked with a chuckle. "That wouldn't be too bad. I'd need your mothers permission first though. I can be a bad roommate sometimes."

Izuku laughed, then they were interrupted by Tsukauchi.

"Good news! The committee had been already in a meeting when I sent them the information, so they were able to make a quick decision!", he said with a grin.

"What did they say?!?!", Izuku and Hisashi asked at the same time.

"Here's what they said word for word.", Tsukauchi answered as he looked at his phone. "In light of the new information, the committee has decided to grant full amnesty as well as a monetary prize to Hisashi Midoriya, in recognition of both his and his sons actions for the country."

Izuku and Present Mic both cheered, while Hisashi just grinned happily. 

"It will take about a week to get all the legal issues sorted out, and the committee has some conditions to ensure that the public doesn't get wind of this, but after that, you are a free man Mr. Midoriya."

Hisashi nodded. "I understand. This is much more than I would have asked for, so I'm just thankful."

Three hours later, Izuku was back at the dorms after saying goodbye to his father and Tsukauchi, who had to stay for police business. He had promised his father that he would tell Inko about what had happened, and did so on the car ride back. She had been elated and enthusiastic about this new information, and even a little tearful.

As Izuku walked to the entrance of the dorm, he saw Mineta and Kaminari wrestling over some bikini magazines, Bakugo, Uraraka, Mina and Kirishima playing Monopoly, and Momo tutoring Tooru and Jiro, all from the window.

He grinned and looked up at the star covered night sky.

'Things are going back to normal again...', he thought to himself. 'Yet everything just got a whole lot more different at the same time. I feel like the next chapter of my life is beginning... it's definitely going to be interesting.'

He entered the dorm, just as Bakugo blew up the Monopoly board in anger. 

"FUCKING BULLSHIT GAME!!!", he roared, as Kirishima, Mina and Uraraka doubled over with laughter.

'Yup, some things never change.', Izuku thought to himself as he sighed.

A/N Some good feels in this chapter! Like I had foreshadowed earlier in the story, the Midoriya family is finally back together!

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