Whisked Away

By belle_kafer

13.6K 604 39

(The romance isn't a big part of this and it atreches over all seven books. Caspian will only really be apart... More

1. Anastasie
2. Narnia
3. The Creatures and Rulers of Narnia
4. The Trip to the Garden
6. Narnia Under the Witch
7. The Waiting
8. Christmas and Reaching the Stone Table
9. Two Meetings with the Witch
10. A Corination and Life After
11. A Trip to Archenland and to Tashban
12. Shasta and Prince Corin
13. The Departure of the Kings and Queens of Old and an Attack
14. Reunited
15. The Dancing Lawn and Aslan's How
16. The Defeat of the Talmarines
17. Doubts and a Corination
18. Departure of the Telmarines
19. Establishing Narnia and Other Things
20. Preparing for a Voyage
21. A Feast for Archanland
22. Preparing to Voyage
23. The Begining of an Adventure
24. Three Unexpected Crew Members
25. Settling in the Royals and a Pratt
26. The Lone Islands
27. The Cost
28. Leaving the Lone Islands and Dreams
29. Confrontation
30. The Storm
31. Land Ho!
32. Eustace as a Dragon
33. Eustace's Story
34. An Unexpected Attack and the Damage that Followed
35. Golden Pools
36. Invisible Enemies
37. A Magic Book
38. The Dark Island
39. Truth
40. Sailing to Romandu's Island
41. The Stone Knife
42. Sailing to the End of the World
43. A Sea of Lilies and a Fight
44. Hard Goodbyes and Angry Ones
45. Peace
46. Adjusting
47. Zyanister
48. An Old Friend
49. A New Adventure
50. A Parlament of Owls
51. A Marsh-wiggle
52. Making Plans
53. Setting out
54. A Giant's Bridge and a Suprise
55. Distrust
56. Everyone at Harfang
57. Escaped only to be Caught
58. The Queen of the Underworld
59. Narnia
60. The Death of King Caspian
61. Zori
62. King Erlian
63. An Escape
64. Infultration
65. An Unexpected Turn
66. Settling In
67. The Ape's Lies
68. Seeing "Aslan"
69. Jill and Eustace
70. Jewel and Azar
71. Dwarves
72. The Web of Lies
73. Farsight
74. Preparing for Battle
75. Who Will Go Into the Stable?
76. The End
77. What Was in the Stable
78. The End of Narnia
79. Emeth and Further Up and Further In
The Real End
More Narnia Books

5. The Magical Attack

364 19 0
By belle_kafer

Shifra's POV
The wind tugged gently on my feathers as I flew over the castle. It was mid-summer, but the chilly air made it hard to remember. All year it had been growing colder and colder, but we all assumed it was simply weird weather. I landed a little rougher on the ground than necessary and began to go into the castle when a cold hand on my shoulder stopped me.

With it, a blade tickled at my neck. "It's been so long, General."

Without turning to face her, I retorted icily, "How've you been Jadis? Oh wait, I forgot. I don't care."

"You've gotten fiery over the years, haven't you?" Jadis asked. A dwarf came over to us with a long chain and preceded to chain me at my wrists and ankles. I was then led to the throne room of King Dane and Queen Swanwhite, daughter of the famous Swamwhite who was dazzlingly beautiful. "Now that we're all here," the witch started, "why don't we carry on."

"Shifra!" Swamwhite cried out in her musical voice, so riddled with despair.

"I'm alright, Swan," I replied, my voice a little hoarse.

"Shut up!" the witch thundered. "Narnia is now mine. I shall rule over it now. I will hang all your bodies on the city gates to claim this place as mine, but this castle is no place for me. I shall build a new place." She moved over to Swan and caressed her pale cheek. "You thought I could leave this place as yours? No, this is mine now. And you." Here she turned to Dane. "Your thought I'd let you and your little wife govern the people who are rightfully mine?"

"They are not yours!" I exclaimed, struggling against those that held me and my chains.

"Shifra," Dane's deep, soothing voice warned, pleading with me to silence myself. At a signal from the witch, I was hit across the face, sending my flying to the floor.

"Why don't we have a little fun, hum?" Jadis asked, crouching over me, a blade in hand. She rested it against my throat, holding it perfectly steady until... "Oops," she faked, letting the knife slip, grazing my neck. Then she moved over to look at my arm. Placing the knife there also, she 'accidentally' let the knife slip, but I would not allow her to win so I made no sound.

Moving over to Dane, she cooed, "What do you think about death, hum?" He only fixed her with a steady gaze and said nothing. "How about now!" she shouted, swiftly drawing the knife across his throat, instantly killing him.

"Dane!" Swan shouted, her doe-like eyes filling with tears. "Dane! No! Please, love, don't leave me! Don't leave me! Dane!"

"Oh, my sweet," Jadis mocked, "You'll soon join him." With that her blade took another life.

"Swan!" I cried, finally tearing up for my two best friends. The witch moved over to me, but for she could do anything, a dwarf came in.

"A miniature of the king," she laughed, taking in the little boy before her.

"No! If you touch a hair on his head!" I screamed, fighting harder than ever.

"Godmother, what's happening!" he asked, clearly beginning to panic.

"Leave him alone! Take me! Kill me!"

"Oh I will," Jadis replied, dragging the boy over to me. Bending down, for I was still on the floor, she drew a long line along my throat, cutting my arteries and attempting to kill me.

"Godmother!" Darr screamed, pushing down on my throat to try and stop the bleeding. "No!"

"Your turn," the witch yelled, slicing his throat as well. Tears welted and poured from my eyes as I watched Darr bleed out before me. He was so young, so young. The witch cackled and left. I pulled myself to my feet and walked to the window, blood pouring out from my wound. Tear filled my eyes as I looked back at the bodies of my best friends and Godson. Taking a deep, shuttering breath, I turned back to the window and jumped out.

For a moment, a brief moment, I wondered what would happen if i didn't take flight, but reflexes kicked in and I flew off to the woods.

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