Ushijima x reader (Revisions...

By _hannahYukki_

545K 18.3K 15.7K

Your heartbreak from breaking up with your ex, Oikawa Tooru, caused you to hate the thought of Volleyball. Ho... More

XXII (22)
XXIII (23)
XXIV (24)
XXV (25)
XXVI (26)
XXVII (27)
XXIX (29)
XXXII (32)
Final Chapter
Author's Note


10.4K 329 471
By _hannahYukki_

Two months has passed since the final exams of the first semester. Summer vacation went by quickly like a timer, you and Ushijima tried to spend time during the vacation however, his schedule filled with training and practices limited him from doing so. You and Ushijima promised to find time to visit Sendai but the promise seems to fade away as the weeks go by. 

September has arrived. Finally, the second semester begins. You don't even recall how many months it has been since you and your boyfriend started dating, all that matters was that both of you stayed strong during each other's tough times. 

You sit in your room, doing your homework. Even though it was the morning on a Saturday, the stack of books on your desk forced you to finish your summer homework before the second semester starts. You hear a notification coming from your phone. Your eyes remain on your book while your hand reaches to grab it.

Sendai? Today? I finally have a day off. Training was tough (;⌣̀_⌣́)

Your eyes widen at your boyfriend's message. Your fingers quickly tap your phone screen, replying to him as fast as the flash. 

Really? that's great! I'll tell mom. See you at 11? 

You reply, seconds after your fingers tapped the send button your legs moved like flimsy twigs trying to prepare your outfit and items. You shower after doing so and told your mother about today. She reluctantly agreed but in the end, she said yes and smiled after you told her. 

Meet me at the station. Love you.

Ushijima replies back after an hour, most likely preparing for the trip too. As promised, you take yourself to the station at the said time. You see a handsome man sitting on a bench outside the station, on his phone with earbuds in. Your lips form a smile as your legs quickly run towards him. 

"Wakatoshi!" You call out, Ushijima swiftly takes his earbuds out and looks up to see you. A smile is formed on his face as soon as he sees your beautiful h/c hair. He stands up to hug you tightly, a whiff of his usual lavender scent enters your nose. " I've missed you" He announces. His hand stroking your head. 

Ushijima's outfit had you feeling giggly and giddy. His masculine body was covered in a beige, comfortable looking sweater. The sweater hid underneath a black jean jacket. His black pants covered his legs while a pair of beige Timberlands matched his black-beige outfit. It was definitely a perfect autumn-boyfriend look. You, on the other hand, had put on a long knee-length gray coat and underneath is a black long sleeve shirt. The long sleeve was tucked in your denim jeans, a gucci belt secured both shirt and pants together. You wore your black shiny combat boots to match the fit.

" Sorry. Yua can't drive us to Sendai" Ushijima breaks apart from the hug. You shake your head, understanding the situation. "It's alright" you reassure him. The two of you began boarding the bullet train to Sendai.

The painful one hour ride had you and Ushijima sleeping during the whole thing with your head on top of his shoulder. Luckily, the loud announcement woke the two of you. The lady announced that the train had finally arrived at Sendai station. The two of you step out the train, hands intertwined together. You look around as more people rush towards the train.

Ushijima takes out the piece of paper your dad had given to him months ago. On it was his father's address. He takes the time to read it, only to get confused at the piece of paper. "What's up?" you ask, not realizing that he had been confused the whole time.

" Let's take a cab" he suggests, you peer at the piece of paper and nod your head. " Good idea" you reply immediately. Thirty minutes later, the cab which you and Ushijima grabbed outside the station, arrived at a quiet neighborhood. The cab stops in front of a small traditional Japanese house. The two of you step out the cab as your eyes wander around. 

" this is it." You tighten your grip on Ushijima's hand. He takes a deep breath in before letting it out, relaxing his mind before knocking at the brown wooden door in front. Ushijima finally gains the courage to knock on his father's home. " Who is it?" an unfamiliar deep voice yells out. The sounds were muffled since the voice came from the inside. 

" I-It's. Ushijima Wakatoshi.." His voice softens. The man inside the house didn't reply for a few seconds. Silence filled the air until the door swings open aggressively, causing you and Ushijima to flinch. 

" Wa-wakatoshi? my son?" A tall man appears in front of the two of you. His hair was just like Ushijima's. His face was a more masculine version of Ushijima's as well. His voice which seemed unfamiliar earlier now became a familiar one. Then, you quickly realized. Ushijima is a perfect copy of his father. Ushijima stays silent, he couldn't believe that he is finally seeing his own father in front of him. His father smiles with a saddened look on his face and hugs Ushijima tightly, almost crying from seeing his son after so many years. 

The father breaks up the hug and turns to look at you with a smile. " Is she your girlfriend?" a delighted face greets you. You nod your and bow your head in agreement. " I'm l/n f/n. It's a pleasure meeting you" you greet him formally.

" Y-your... Yuii's daughter? l/n Yuii?" The man had a shocked expression on his face as he points at you.

" Yes. My father is the one who called you months ago" Ushijima's father smiles from ear to ear and pats your shoulders lightly. 

" Thank you" He replies with an appreciative smile on his face. Both of you spent the rest of the day in his home, getting to know each other, especially between Ushijima and his father. The three of you talked and talked, forgetting the time and the hours you've spent in his home. You smile as you felt relieved that Ushijima's father is a kind person, he reminded you so much of your father causing you to feel bad for his situation. Ushijima's father, Usui-san, ended up explaining to him what had really happened. Ushijima also explained to him that his mother doesn't have any idea about this trip which led his father to say that his ex-wife cut off all ties with Ushijima. Turns out Ushijima and his mom moved out of their old house and into their current one without his father knowing.

Ushijima and his father exchanged numbers, hoping that one day Ushijima visits again next time. The time is now currently Nine pm, both of you has lost track of the time and didn't realize how long you've stayed at his father's home. Ushijima's father sadly sent both of you off to the station, hugging each other warmly before leaving. Ushijima promises his father that he'll visit him from now on. With that, the sweet man leaves the station, leaving you and Ushijima alone.

Little did you know, the last train left an  hour ago. " Okay. Time to get home" Ushijima declares, looking happier than ever now that he met his father. You nervously try to get a clearer look at the schedule above the screen. 

Sendai to Miyagi, last train boarded at 8 pm 

You read softly. Wait, wait what?

" Shit" you curse out loud, panicking over the situation. Ushijima who seems to remain unaware of the situation looks at you with concern.

" The next train boards tomorrow morning" you stare at Ushijima's eyes seriously. Your hands cover your forehead as you face palm yourself. 

" What....." Ushijima's head jolts quickly towards the screen above. He takes a few moments of silence as he rereads the schedule over and over again. Ushijima lets out a harsh, disappointed sigh.

" I'm sorry, f/n" He apologetically looks at you in the eyes. You shake your head, taking into consideration that it was also your fault for not paying attention to the time.

" It's alright, but what do we do now? Your father is thirty minutes away from here" You agonized. Ushijima places a hand under his chin, looking like he's in deep thought.

" I think there's a hotel closeby. We'll have to stay there overnight until the morning." 

wait ,wait a damn minute. You chuckle to yourself, realizing how this situation might turn out.

Your heart skips a beat at the thought. This means that we have to sleep next to each other right? Shit, wait. I'm not prepared. I'm not prepared. I'm not prepared

You repeat those last three words in your head like a mantra.  However, your train of thoughts gets cut off.

" Call auntie, f/n. I'll call Yua-nesan to explain the situation" Ushijima advises, reaching out for his phone while patting your head in an attempt to calm you down.

Your hand shakes as it reaches for your phone. As advised, you call your mom to explain the situation. You hear her sigh on the phone. 

" I knew this was bound to happen. What are you planning to do now?" She asks in a disappointed tone. You explain to her your plans for the night, your mother obviously seems shocked of the situation. After ten minutes of reassuring her, your mother finally calms down and agrees. 

The two of you head west where the five-star was located. The sounds of cars driving through the streets filled the silence between the two of you. You nervously entered the hotel, the glass doors glide open as it senses you. The hotel's high-class looking lobby greeted you. 

Ushijima orders a room with two beds. For some reason, a feeling of disappointment reaches you. After taking the elevator to the tenth floor, Ushijima swipes the room card to open the door. And as expected, a medium sized hotel room greeted you, the two beds caught your attention. Both beds where separated with a bedside table in between.

Why did Ushijima ask for two beds? 

You wonder. Why did Ushijima order two beds? Well, the answer was simple, Ushijima didn't want to startle you. He wanted to make you feel comfortable yet little does he know, you wanted to sleep beside him. I mean, that's what couples do right?

Ushijima insisted you take a shower first while he calls the reception for two pairs of pyjamas and long sleeves. Ushijima takes a shower after, you dry your hair immediately with the blow dryer provided.

How do I plan to tell him?

You mumble to yourself. You didn't want to sleep on the other bed provided yet telling him about it might set an awkward tension between the two of you. After drying your hair, you get dressed into the pyjamas that was sent to your room. You sit awkwardly on the bed, patting it so it would reassure you that it'll be fine. Not even five minutes later, Ushijima exits outside the bathroom with only a towel on his waist.

You stare at him, wide-eyed at his muscular, well-toned and hot body. " G-get dressed inside the washroom Ushijima!" 

You quickly turn around and flop your self unto the bed. Your heart quickens its pounds and your face reddens, heating it up causing you to feel light headed. You were unsure of what's going to happen tonight but one thing is for sure, a couple staying at a hotel together don't leave the hotel without doing something.

" Oh. Sorry" In a nonchalant manner, Ushijima responds as he dries his hair with a smaller towel. You hear his footsteps fade into the bathroom and you slowly turn your head.

You cover your face and breathe in and out. If a passerby were to see you right now, they would attempt to call the police with how much you're currently hyperventilating. Ushijima exits out the bathroom fully clothed.

" Are you sleepy?" You weren't sure if it was the ambiance of the room but Ushijima's voice seemed deeper and hotter. You were tongue tied, no words would come out of your mouth due to the hot man standing in front of you.

Instead, you turned your head away while pouting, almost like throwing a silent fit. 

"What's wrong?" He asks gently, he squats down to meet you eye to eye. You kept your head turned away from him.

" I wanted to sleep beside you yet you asked for two beds. Are you scared of me Wakatoshi?" You jokingly teased him. He nods his head and smirks at you. Suddenly, the aura around him changed. Ushijima stands up to look down at you, then leans forward to whisper in your ear.

" You wanna know why I ordered two beds?" His deep, raspy voice sent shivers down your spine. Your cheeks showed an even redder tint. You nod your head slowly.

" because I wouldn't be able to hold it in if we sleep in the same bed" your eyes blinked a couple of time before you process what he had just said.

" h-hold... hold what in?" Even though you knew what he meant, you still managed to provoke him. You let out a tiny moan when you feel his warm lips on your shoulder, sending another shiver down your spine.

" Wakatoshi..." you call out his name gently, placing your hands on his chest. Turning him on.

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