Ushijima x reader (Revisions...

By _hannahYukki_

545K 18.3K 15.7K

Your heartbreak from breaking up with your ex, Oikawa Tooru, caused you to hate the thought of Volleyball. Ho... More

XXII (22)
XXIII (23)
XXIV (24)
XXV (25)
XXVI (26)
XXVII (27)
XXIX (29)
XXXII (32)
Final Chapter
Author's Note


13.7K 485 161
By _hannahYukki_

The morning after the argument with your mom was suffocating. Your mother did not utter a single word while your dad was trying his best to lighten the mood. You walked to school feeling sad and gloomy. It did not help that Ushijima decided to ignore you as well. You felt as if nothing was working out for you and the feelings of happiness and freedom that you've finally grasped disappeared.

The lunch bell rang and all your classmates quickly left the room. You were left there, sitting and looking outside the window with no motivation to do anything. Ushijima ignored you again and you started to feel frustrated.

'How sad' you faced the ceiling. The realization of having no friends outside of the volleyball club for three years hit you.

"L/n f/n-chan, may I speak to you?" Your teacher stood near the doors, and you quickly turned your head to face her.

"Uh, yes." You stand up and followed her all the way to the career guidance room. The teacher opens the doors and you see a bored-looking Tendou slouching on the couch.

The hairs on your arms raise up. 'The ac is too cold in here!' you complained.

"Ohhhhh? F/n-chan... yo, I see you got in trouble." You furrowed your brows at Tendou's nonchalant attitude.

'Aren't we in trouble or something? Why are you acting like you're at home Satori?'

You sat down beside him as he finally straightened his back to sit properly. "I'm sure you both know why I called you here," the teacher said. She had short-hair and glasses. The teacher looked at the two of you as she stacks her papers and arranges them in order.

"Nope," the redhead blurted out, causing the teacher to look at him with an annoyed expression. She sighed as she finally looks at both of you in the eyes, concern filling her face.

"Tendou, l/n. I'd like to ask both of you about your plans after you graduate." With a stern look on her face, the teacher asked both of you directly. Your heart jumped, 'this again?'. You complained to yourself.

"Well, I don't plan to continue volleyball after high school," Tendou replied casually, causing you to turn your head to look at him.

"And what about you, l/n?" You quickly faced her but couldn't answer her as directly as Tendou did.

"Uhm... I-I still don't know. I don't know what I'm going to be doing after I graduate." The flashback of last night's argument played in your head.

"L/n, you know that as a third-year you're responsible for your decisions. I just don't want the two of you to make decisions that you'll end up regretting later in the future. I'm not putting you guys on the spot you know, I'm your homeroom teacher after all. I know you guys. But I do want you to think about this. Can you balance your academics with your club activities?"

"Soooo... Sensei, let me get this straight. What you're basically getting at is that you want us to resign from the team right?" asked Tendou. The teacher lightly gasped at the question. She didn't expect him to be so direct about it. There was no sarcasm behind it, Tendou was actually curious about the situation.

"Well..." the teacher sighed. "Tendou, to be frank, the team is solely focused on Ushijima-Kun, right? In all honesty, he's the one who's most likely to get scouted. He's already represented Japan in an under 19 group, didn't he?" She clasped her hands together and rested them on top of the table.

"Sensei, I don't really care about getting scouted and representing Japan and stuff. I do volleyball for fun, y' know?" The air tenses around you as he quickly turned serious.

"Which is exactly why I think you should focus more on your stu-"

"Sensei, why do you think I earned the name 'guess monster'? Because I'm the smartest middle blocker in Shiratorizawa right now. The spring high is right around the corner and the team relies on my blocks-- and my genius mind, as well. That being said, I'm not resigning from the team. Not until we win the nationals." Tendou stood up with hands in his pockets, his eyes caught yours and he smiles.

"See ya later, f/n-chan. Hope you feel better soon." Tendou sheepishly smiled before leaving the cold room.

"O-oi! Satori!" The redhead slipped out of the room, ignoring your call and leaving you alone with your teacher.

'Ah jeez.' You facepalmed and let out a sigh.

You tensed up, immediately realizing that it's just you and your teacher.

"Then, l/n-chan. Please think about what I said earlier. Unless you plan to take sports studies in college, managing a team won't give you any benefits, won't it?." You lowered your head down as you thought about her question.

"I'm sure it wouldn't sensei, but the team has been my life for the last three years. It's not something you can take away from me." You spoke up and looked directly straight into her eyes. The teacher sighed in response. Your heard-headedness has caused her to come up with a plan.

"To think that this day would come that you'd finally speak up. Let me explain to you a little more. Do you know why it's hard to get into Shiratorizawa by conventional means?"

"Uhh yeah, because Shiratorizawa takes the education of their students seriously." You raised an eyebrow, not confident at your response.

"Dead on." The teacher leaned closer. "Not only does Shiratorizawa take pride in their rankings, but it also takes pride in the fact that 80% of our students end up getting spots on high tier universities in Japan. What I'm saying is, I want you to take your studies seriously, l/n-chan. I know you're a smart student and I'm proud of that. You just need to make a wise decision."

"This isn't an offer I'd give to any students but... since you're my favourite student-"

"Favourite student???" you interjected. You were clearly shocked about what your teacher was about to say.

Your teacher laughed and shook her head. "For the past three years, I've seen you grow and become more passionate about the team. You were smiling more often when you're around them and I knew from the start you were going to decline my request so I made you an offer..." She smiled from ear to ear.

"What is it?" you asked her.

"If the team wins the nationals, you get to remain as the manager until the end of the school year. I'll ask your coaches to look for a successor after the tournament. That's a big IF, l/n-chan." You smile at your teacher's odd offer.

"S-sensei, thank you..." You put your hands together in a praying position and bowed your head lightly.

The teacher chuckled loudly. "You really are confident your team will win the nationals, l/n-chan. I like that! It's Shiratorizawa we're talking about of course." But her face immediately turned serious.

"However, don't take this chance for granted, okay? We'll never know what'll happen."

The teacher aggressively patted your shoulder and continues on laughing. She's definitely a weird one, you thought. After six minutes of hell in that chilly room, you were finally dismissed. You let out a sigh as you slid the doors to close.

'Thank Goodness.' You place your hand on your chest.

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