Ushijima x reader (Revisions...

By _hannahYukki_

545K 18.3K 15.7K

Your heartbreak from breaking up with your ex, Oikawa Tooru, caused you to hate the thought of Volleyball. Ho... More

XXII (22)
XXIII (23)
XXIV (24)
XXV (25)
XXVI (26)
XXVII (27)
XXIX (29)
XXXII (32)
Final Chapter
Author's Note


16.7K 617 338
By _hannahYukki_

Ushijima kept his promise, unsurprisingly. The team won the semi-finals against Johzenji High. In one day, Shiratorizawa will finally fight against Aoba Johsai, otherwise known as Seijoh. The uprising famous team of Miyagi prefecture.

You felt so much better after last night. Because of that, you were feeling much happier. The team noticed you smiling a lot more than you ever did even after two years.

"L/n-san— you.. you got a new boyfriend didn't you?" The usually competitive, Semi Eita, asked curiously.

"Wh-what?? Where'd you get that idea from?" You raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

The younger wing spiker, Goshiki Tsutomu, walked towards you with a surprised expression. "Well, don't girls get really happy when they get a new boyfriend? I mean, right now you seem super happy, L/n-san," Goshiki commented, to which you furrowed your brows at.

"What kind of logic is that, Goshiki?" the second year setter, Shirabu Kenjiro, intervened and asked the first year.

"Huh? Is there a problem? Don't girls usually act like that? Ah, I guess you wouldn't know because you've never gotten a girlfriend Shirabu-san!" Goshiki's reply caused the second year to glare at him.

"What did you say?" Goshiki shivered after realizing his mistake.

The two started to bicker— it was the norm for the team without even realizing it. Shirabu gave Goshiki a disgusted  look.

"You're the one who never got a girlfriend, you stupid bowl cut! Get a freakin' hair cut and you'll finally get one!" Shirabu, in an attempt to insult the younger one, raised his voice.

"Wha— Shirabu-san! You're the one to talk. Get a mirror and look at your hair! It's like someone took a pair of dull scissors and cut it. Seriously, who cut your hair?" Goshiki responded and pointed at the second year's hairstyle. Closing both his fists as he looked at his senior, his face turned almost beet red.

"It's a style, you idiot. You wouldn't know what it is because you have none."

'How many times has he insulted Shirabu about his hair?' Tendou chuckled as he watches the two for entertainment.

You looked around to see if someone would at least try to stop them, only to see the team holding back their laughs looking at the two bicker, as if they were their piece of entertainment— all except for Ushijima of course.

You let out a sigh and intervened before they got physical. "Can you two idiots calm down?! How many times are you going to insult each other like five year olds?" You scolded them out loud. The team stopped laughing and was completely in shock. Even the two looked at you in disbelief.

"L/n-san, you called us..." Stunned, Goshiki and Shirabu looked at you.

"Idiots????" The young setter covered his mouth and your face began to blush. You have never called anyone these two idiots before, simply because you thought they already knew. You never said these things since you were usually 'quiet' during practices.

You crossed your arms and looked away, attempting to hide your red tinted face. "Yeah, you two are idiots. Now, stop bickering all the time, it stresses me out."

"Y-Yes ma'am," the two responded in unison.


It was finally the day of the finals. You and the rest of the team arrived safely at the big stadium. In all honesty, you were a little nervous. It's Oikawa Toru you're figthing against, after all. Who knows how much he's improved over the short period of time?

Inside the room where teams usually stayed before games, the coaches talked about the opponent team's players and capabilities with the notes you took. There was an hour left before the match begins so everyone cleverly used the time to rest up instead of worrying the match that lies ahead.

"Eh? Where did Wakatoshi-kun go?" Tendo spoke up and  breaks the silence that lingered in the room. You looked around trying to  find an answer but you didn't see any signs of him. The head coach, Washijo Tanji, let out a sigh as he looked at you.

"He's probably wandering around again, you know him. F/n-san, you know what to do," he ordered. Even without details you knew what to do. Ushijima had made it his habit to wander around before his match.

"Y-yeah," you stood up and left the room with no idea where he could be. You walked around the big building trying to find him. Five minutes later, you finally caught him with your eyes.

It looked as if he was talking to someone, however, you could not see who it was.

"Wakatoshi! Stop wandering around before games. Who are you talking to anywa-"

Your eyes widened in shock. It was non other than, Oikawa Toru, your ex, and the opposing team's setter.

Ushijima let out a tiny gasped after hearing your voice. You walked towards the two with a nervous heartbeat.

"F/n-chan," Oikawa called, his voice seemed deeper, and you noticed that he's much taller up close and personal.

Oikawa's eyes latched unto your jersey. "That jacket, you go to Shiratorizawa?" Oikawa asked while little smile formed on his lips.

"She's our team manager," Ushijima responded quickly as he glances at you.

Oikawa smirked and looks at you in the eyes. You couldn't say anything back. It's been a long time since you've talked to him. Your heart pounder faster the more nervous you get.

"Ehhh, that's interesting. I thought you didn't care for volleyball, F/n-chan?" Oikawa placed his hands inside the pockets of his jersey. His gaze was as intense as before. You realized that it's your chance to tell him the things you haven't told you before.

After you've mustered up the courage, you asked Ushijima to leave the two of you alone. The look on his face said that he wanted to stay, but he realized the situation and immediately left.

"So, F/n-chan. How are ya?" Oikawa smiled and walked closer.

"I'm fine."

"No, actually I'm much better," you added. Your lips curved up into a gentle smile.

"You've become even prettier, F/n-chan. " He placed his hand on your chin and raised it up. You quickly put his hand away and glared at him.

"Thanks, and Oikawa, you've gotten so much better at serving now." You responded with a shy smile.

"Oh? Thank you, I never would've imagined I'd get a compliment from F/n-chan about volleyball." He chuckled, but he immediately turns serious. It always amazes you how he could change in an instant. "Soo, mind telling me why you call Ushiwaka by his first name? Or why you became the volleyball manager?" He titled his head and looked at you curiously.

You gulped before answering. Well, that was unexpected.

"Because we're close friends and I wanted to do extra-curricular activities in high school. Why? Got a problem with that?" You answered proudly. Oikawa seemed interested as his expression softened.

"Ahh, I can't believe this is happening. The guy I'm really pissed off at became close with f/n-chan. Why is that? Isn't he too damn cocky? Every time he talks, he only blabs  about his strength. Just thinking about it pisses me off," he replied with a chuckle.

"You're really shitty, Oikawa." You chuckled at him and shook your head in disbelief.

"Why do people keep calling me that? Are you Iwa-chan now? Did Iwa-chan teach you that?" Oikawa stomped his foot in annoyance. After three years, you thought he'd grow into a mature man. But you smiled at the thought that he remained childish.

"First of all, Wakatoshi is not that type of person. He knows his strength and isn't ashamed to tell people about it. And I get that he's too blunt at times," you tried to explain.

"That's what being cocky is you know." Oikawa raised a brow.

"Well, se-second of all, he's way— I mean wayyyy nicer than you! Shittykawa." Shocked at your response, Oikawa took a step back.

"F/n-chan, you're so mean," he teased, pouting at your remark.

"I'm surprised. You've become really honest now, F/n-chan" Oikawa faked a smile.

"That's because, I realized I've been bottling up my feelings all along. " You tried your best to avoid his gaze and bit your lip for finally telling the truth.

"I really wanted to spend more time with you when we were still dating, but you'd always spend more time practicing. You even forgot my birthday and ignored me for a week after that. Who wouldn't call you shitty after that? I truly... loved you, Oikawa. But I realized that we were both immature to be in a relationship." The air around the hall had turned serious.

Oikawa looked down at the ground and gasped at your answer. "I-I'm sorry, I did that F/n-chan."

"In the end, Wakatoshi's words mean so much more to me than your apologies, but nonetheless, I forgive you." Your lip quivered, trying to stop yourself from crying.

"And... I'm sorry for being the way I was— for being selfish," you looked at him. Oikawa nodded his head and smiled gently.

"But it doesn't matter now, the F/n you knew two years ago is not here anymore. I'm not kitagawa Daiichi's F/n anymore, Oikawa." You clenched your fist as you tried your best to look at the tall setter in the eyes.

" I forgive you. I don't hate you anymore Oikawa— I realized that I never did. I hated myself. Hopefully you forgive me too. "

"Ah," Oikawa smiled— his smile was bittersweet. It's as if he felt relieved while also feeling sad.

"I forgive you. But remember, F/n-chan, the Oikawa you knew two years ago is not the same Oikawa anymore. And for some reason, you befriending Ushijima just— it just boils my blood y'know??" Oikawa buried his hand in his hair as he laughs bitterly.

"That being said, this means you are also a rival of mine, f/n-chan." Oikawa stood tall.

"Okay, try your best. I'll just have to warn you. Your team might struggle against our ace, good luck Shittykawa!" You teased, smiling slyly. You grinned as you started to walk toward the meeting room.

"Wha- how brave. I cant wait to see your defeated face after we win, f/n-chan!" Oikawa's yell echoes throughout the hallway. You couldn't help but laugh and ran your hand through your hair.

"I'll make you regret this." Oikawa smirked, his gaze followed you as you walk along the long hallway.

"Finally, " you sighed. You felt nervous the whole time you talked to him. But after getting the much needed closure the both of you deserved made you feel so much better.

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