Harry's wolf

By ajash10

719K 17.8K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... More

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 13✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Dining with the Dark Side✅
Two-Way Glass✅
Well that's a surprise.✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)

Pack ✅(5/14)

5.5K 183 14
By ajash10

Harry took a bite from his bowl of melon cubes and strawberries, savouring the fresh flavour of his favourite fruit salad.

A tap on the table next to his place setting had his attention turning to the older male beside him.

"Hm?" He raised a brow at his husband, his mouth too full to offer any verbal probe.

Fenrir sat back and folded his hands across his lap, his elbows on the arms of his chair, while he looked at him searchingly.

"We're going to be having some people over today, my pack, or, rather, the pack that I spend the most time with."

Harry nodded at what Fenrir said and swallowed his mouthful, clearing his throat to speak.

"Well, then, I'm excited to meet them. When are they going to arrive?" He asked in response, looking at the other male with acute interest.

"Sometime after breakfast, an hour to an hour and a half after we're done."

Harry nodded and picked up another piece of melon with his fork.

"Well, despite the short notice," he levelled Fenrir with a frown, "I'm happy to meet them. I'll be spending time with Taiga this morning, then maybe some sunbathing. Just come and inform me when they're here."


Harry was soaking up the sun, from a sun lounger on the deck, beside the pool.

He had a loose fitting light-material white shirt, with blue swimming shorts and sunglasses.

He had been playing with Taiga for an hour before the heat really picked up.

Due to the increased temperature, his familiar had taken shelter in the tree line. Close enough to still see, but out of the hot ray of sun.

He had been sunning himself for about an hour, when it suddenly went darker, causing him to open his eyes and look curiously at the object obscuring the light.

Above him stood a large, intimidating (to anyone else) wolf.

The wolf was a tall male and Harry realised that he was likely one of the members of the group that Fenrir had said would be visiting.

With that in mind, Harry stood from where he had been relaxing and placed a smile upon his face, holding his hand out in a polite greeting.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Hadrian, and you?"

The man looked between his outstretched hand and his face, his mouth curling up into a snarling expression.

"Don't." Harry's smile faltered at the tone in the man's voice. "I know who you are." He looked Harry up and down with a turned lip. He then stepped closer, invading Harry's personal space to the extreme as he glared darkly down at him. "You're playing my alpha. I'm onto you."

Harry's smile was completely gone by this point, the pleasant attitude giving way to annoyance.

He stepped around the man, forcefully extending his arm to shove him out of his personal space and further away on the deck.

*whistle* he gave one loud, sharp whistle, keeping his eyes locked on the rude visitor.

Fur brushing his hand alerted him to the fact that Taiga had arrived at his side. Harry relaxed with the Tiger beside him and turned his eyes away from the man, though Taiga's own remained fixed to the stranger.

Harry leant close to his familiar and stroked his fingers through the scruff of his monochrome neck, relaxing ever so slightly.

"Taiga, I need you to guard him. You have permission to attack, if he moves or tries to leave."

The man tutted and went to walk off anyway, despite hearing what he had just told his familiar. Taiga immediately hunched down, growling aggressively and putting himself closer to the ground, so that he was ready to pounce.

The man froze, looking at the Tiger warily.

"This tiger isn't for show." Harry glared at the man. "Mind your manners. I'll be back soon."

He turned and walked away, hearing Taiga's growls getting louder as the man no doubt attempted to move, again.

Harry entered the patio door and made his way into the building, searching for his mate.


Fenrir had answered the door, when the group knocked, leading them to the informal lounge area. He noticed that one had wandered off, but thought nothing of it, as the wolf was one that he trusted and had known for years.

The five who had shown up, six if you included the one that had wandered off, consisted of 3 men and two women. All of varying appearance and height. The one common feature was that they all had the small amber speckles in their eyes.

They had sat down in the various chairs around the space and began catching up. Discussing everything that had happened to and around the pack since their last visit a few months prior.

Fenrir sat in a black, leather, low-backed armchair, with the others occupying the nearest matching armchair that sat opposite to him and the long sofa, which comprised of the same style, material and theme.

The pack were just about to begin questioning their alpha about the rumours that they'd heard, when Harry pushed the door open and walked on in.

He looked around the room, his eyes not lingering on any of the group, as they sought out Fenrir.

When he located him, he quickly made his way straight towards his direction, not paying any heed to the way that the others in the room all became tense.

Harry reached out to Fenrir's back and brought his arms around his mate's neck, hugging him from behind.

He could feel calming waves coming through their bond and smiled as he realised that he had been projecting his annoyance, sending gratitude back through the connection.

He pressed a kiss to Fenrir's cheek and then pulled his arms back, rounding the chair to seat himself in the other male's lap.

Despite his mate's comfort, Harry couldn't help the continued annoyance and offence that he felt towards the rude wolf who he had left outside.

Due to that, he crossed his arms and pouted, frowning vaguely towards a mantle clock across the room.

Fenrir stroked a hand down his leg, his other arm coming across to circle his back, leaving his right hand to rest on Harry's waist.

"What's wrong, love? Why are you upset?" He spoke softly, a distinct loving tone in his words.

The eyes of the other people in the room widened, realising who Harry must be, though not wanting to jump to assumptions.

"As you know, I was outside playing with Taiga." Fenrir nodded, prompting Harry to continue.

"So, we did that for about an hour and then I decided to sunbathe. Now, all was fine. I was relaxing, Taiga was sleeping in the tree line, the sun was warm, the day was good." Harry looked at Fenrir with a slight dip between his brows, as he thought how to phrase his next part.

The hand on his waist stroked softly, stoking him to continue his explanation.

"Here I am, minding my own business, when this big intimidating wolf comes along and gets all up in my personal space." He threw his hands in the air, huffing in frustration and noticing the small frown beginning on his mate's face.

"I, being a polite person, stood and greeted him, despite his rude behaviour." Fenrir nodded along to what he said.

"Then he just comes out and says 'I know who you are. I'm onto you.'" Harry imitates how the wolf said it, with a stunned expression on his face.

"Seriously! Like, who says stuff like that. Here I am, minding my business and some stray wolf just comes along and threatens me?!"

Fenrir had a low growl rumbling in the back of his throat, one which had been building since about half way through Harry's recounting of the situation.

"And where is this 'rude wolf' now?" Fenrir asked him, his growls receding slightly when Harry wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Oh, I left him by the pool. Taiga has orders to attack if he tries to move or leave." Harry waved off his words, speaking faux-casually as he answered the question.

Fenrir chuckled mirthfully and relaxed back slightly into the chair, holding Harry against him and pulling the smaller male's legs into his lap- stroking the outer side of his knee.

"In other words; you met Keith."

Harry looked at his face, seeing the de-escalated anger transitioning to amusement.

"One of your puppies?" He pointedly ignored the other offended-looking wolves in the room.

His mate nodded and began to tell him about the male.

"Keith. Quite a young wolf, when turned. Big headed, doesn't like strangers, thinks he's god's gift, volatile and quick to aggression and paranoia. But extremely loyal once you have his respect and trust."

Harry couldn't help the slight turn of his lip, as he thought about another male who fit that same description.

"Sounds a bit like Draco, doesn't he. The two would get along like a house on fire."

Fenrir laughed and shook his head at what Harry said.

"Coexistence, maybe. But their characters may be a tad too strong to truly get along with one another. I can just imagine them going at it like two bratty girls at a sleepover."

He smiled softly as Harry began laughing loudly, citing that he 'needed' to see that become a real thing. As obviously as he needed oxygen to breathe.

His eyes wandered away from his smaller mate and he finally realised, once again, that they did in fact have company.

Fenrir cleared his throat, catching Harry's attention and sending warm vibes through their bond.

"Everyone, this is Hadrian." Harry smiled and waved at the gathered wolves.

"Love, this is," he pointed to each person as he introduced them to his mate, "Ryan, Joshua, Isabella, Lucy and Vanessa."

The wolves continued to look at them both with stunned and a couple of confused faces.

"So," the one who Fenrir had introduced as Vanessa began, "who are you and what are you doing here." She got a shove to the ribs from the one introduced as Lucy, before she continued anyway, "And why are you sitting in our Alpha's lap."

Harry immediately crossed his arms and pulled back from Fenrir to look at the man with an unimpressed expression.

His eyebrows were raised extremely high, as he spoke accusingly, "they're your pack, add to it that they've been here for over an hour and you haven't told them yet?" His voice raised slightly, at the end.

Fenrir held his hands up placatingly, "I hadn't quite got around to telling them yet, only Keith and Nico."

Harry looked around the room once again, now with an interested gaze.

"Where is Nico anyway? Is he coming today, as well?"

Fenrir shook his head slightly and allowed a smaller smile to be adopted onto his face.

"Nico was invited, but he's a very busy man. He may show up later, but he also may be too busy to be able to get away for those few hours."

Harry's face once again reverted to that of a pout and he tugged the front of Fenrir's shirt, while he complained.

"But Nico's my favourite~"

Fenrir smiled at his antics and then playfully copied Harry's pout, sending a plethora of faux feelings through their connection. Disappointment, amusement, sadness, jealousy and confusion, with a lingering message of 'I thought I was your favourite...'

Harry received the teasing message and smiled widely as he immediately amended his own words.

"He's my favourite, except from you, of course." As he laid another small kiss to Fenrir's cheek, both of them now smiling widely.


Fenrir looked across at the group who he had once again decided to address and gave them a calm smile that held an undertone of warning. His eyes taking a moment to linger on each individual in silent commandment.

"I'm sure you all remember several years ago when I return to the pack after the wild full moon." His pack nodded.

That was what they called a night where the wolves were fully in control and they usually went off rogue, somewhere away from the rest of the pack.

"Yeah, you had a close one." Isabella said, referring to when he came back to the pack and told them that he'd met a human boy while he was transformed. And yet, the boy had decided to submit, which calmed Silverback and prevented the situation from escalating any further.

"Well, remember that boy that I mention? The one that calmed Silver?" Fenrir watched as his pack all nodded, before he gestured to the boy in his lap, making all of their eyes widen.

"What? So you went back to see him again? Even after you managed to escape the next day?" Ryan asked him, sounding confused and like he didn't understand Fenrir's reasoning for going back there.

"Wouldn't you go back, if you met someone willing to punch you? Despite having witnessed your transformation?" Fenrir challenged his pack mate, seeing the way that they all looked at Harry in disbelief.

"You know, I really hate the way that you always bring that up, to sound like I just did it for no reason." He huffed, looking at Fenrir's face as it morphed apologetically.

"Harry-" he held his hand up to stop his husband from speaking.

"Don't, I'm already over it." The alpha nodded and looked back over at his pack, seeing the stretched grins on their faces.

"What're those faces for?" He asked them, raising a brow challengingly.

It was Joshua who responded to him, still smirking, "Oh, nothing, it's just...Fenrir, you're so whipped."

"He better be." Harry agreed, his arms back around Fenrir's neck, his eyes closed and his lips pressed against the side of his husband's face.

The moment of silence was interrupted by loud bangs and scratching sounds, as something ran quickly towards the room that they were in.

Harry and Fenrir both shared a look, knowing exactly who that was, especially since it was growling in obvious agitation.

The door finally burst open and in pounced a large white tiger, its claws out in an attempt to find some grip on the floor, no doubt having left dents throughout the house.

"Taiga, claws." Harry told him, the first thing, before he climbed out of Fenrir's lap and went over to calm his familiar.

He stroked his hands through the neck scruff behind Taiga's ears, the large cat leaning into the touch and calming down until he was all purrs and wanting belly rubs. Harry idly considered the way that Fenrir preened under his touch and honestly thought the two animals were quite the same.

The other wolves in the room had all either jumped out of their chairs in surprise, or they were frozen in shock, not moving a muscle.

Taiga saw Fenrir in the low-back armchair and climbed up from the floor, pouncing at Fenrir and landing his front paws and chest heavily into the alpha's lap.

At that, the pack began freaking out. Understandable, seeing as there was a strange white tiger, with big claws and sharp teeth, currently on top of their alpha.

Fenrir immediately noticed his pack's reaction, this time, and lifted his hand towards them, the other petting his mate's familiar.

"Relax, everyone. This is Taiga, he's Hadrian's familiar." The group settled back slightly, but they were still highly on edge, despite the loud relaxed purrs coming from Taiga.

Harry finally moved back over to his mate and familiar, sitting on the arm of the chair and swatting Fen's hand away from its head.

He held either side of the tiger's head and looked into his eyes, channeling the bond that formed between a wizard and their familiar, to communicate.

"Why aren't you guarding the man by the pool?" He asked out loud, not bothered by the others in the room.

"The man started growling and hit me on the head! I got all dizzy and he ran away!" The tiger was releasing upset whine sounds.

Harry's face began to get slightly red, glare growing, as he checked his familiar's scalp to make sure that there were no injuries that needed to be treated. As it was, it seemed that the skin was just a bit bruised, fortunately. For Keith.

He stood from the arm of the chair and began to move around it towards the door, when a hand reached out and grabbed him.

He spun around, stopping short when he realised it was Fenrir.

"Don't stop me. Keith attacked Taiga. I'm not about to stand back and let that slide!"

Fenrir searched his face for a few seconds, searching for something. He then nodded and released Harry, allowing him to speed off out of the room.

"What? Why did you-?" Lucy asked him, looking between her alpha and the door that his mate had just disappeared through, in confusion.

"More importantly, what'll happen to Keith?" Vanessa asked into the room, worried for their rash pack mate.

"Hadrian is my mate, Keith struck his familiar. As such, that is an attack on me." Fenrir said, back to petting Taiga.

"But what will he do?" Lucy pushed, worried for Keith, anyway.

"Keith will be punished in whatever way my mate thinks appropriate. The punishment will fit the crime." Was all that Fenrir offered, seeming really uncooperative to his pack. However, Fenrir was just as in the dark about what Harry may do, at the moment. Especially since Harry hadn't even decided yet.

The group had all gone pale, but Fenrir paid it no attention, as he focused on watching his mate through their bond.


>Meanwhile: With Harry<

Harry found the culprit that he was searching for, some 5 minutes later, having tracked him into the trees via the wards.

Keith's back was to him, so he didn't hesitate to throw a binding, stunning and silencing curse at him. He walked up to the prone form of the young wolf, humming thoughtfully, as he tapped his forefinger to his chin.

He thought for a few minutes, trying to decide what he would do with him, when he had a lightbulb go off in his head and a big smile grew on his face.

"I've got it." He smacked his fist to his palm, a decisive look on his face.

Five minutes later and a renewed weightless charm, saw Harry standing at the bank of the deep lake that rested on the Greyback property.

Keith was sprawled across the grassy bank beside him, looking for all intents like a rag doll, with the way he limply slumped forward.

Harry stepped into the water, ignoring the squelchy feeling that immediately went into his socks. The water was cool, the refreshing type, not the freezing type. The surface water was warmer, having been heating itself in the sun all summer long, while the expanse beneath it was of the refreshing type, colder the further down a person went.

Harry grabbed Keith and pulled him into the water, casting a bobble-head charm on the unconscious male, before walking forward until a few metres later his head disappeared under the surface.

He paused as he was fully submerged, taking a deep breath in and allowing the water to fill his lungs. The liquid being all at once broken down into its base elements and the Hydrogen all breathed out, when he released his next breath.

He had experimented with his Atlan abilities before, but never in the lake. And he was glad to note that the type of water had no effect on his breathing.

He began walking across the bottom of the lake floor, heading deeper and deeper. There was a steep slope that lead into a deep hole right in the middle of the lake, one which Fenrir had told him homed the Skittlers. They were a bit like large vampire leeches, but they couldn't stand any temperature above -1 degrees Celsius, which was why they didn't need to worry about them, since a past Greyback had charmed the hole to always be at -5 and the water directly around it to be 3 degrees or more. The stark contrast, in itself, prevented them from leaving the darker area.

Harry continued past it, halfway up the other side of the lake's bank, where he knew there to be an alcove. An air filled cave, of sorts.

He stepped into the damp, dark area and immediately cast a light into the top of the cave. A shimmering ball of white light that illuminated the sparkly quartz in the walls of the moderately sized air pocket.

Keith was still in the water, so Harry quickly pulled him out and leaned him against the wall, transfiguring some chains that he wrapped around the male's body to prevent him from being aggressive when he woke up.

Harry stepped away and lifted the charms from Keith's body, waiting a few seconds before he started to come to.

When he was awake enough to be aware of his surroundings, Keith immediately jerked against the chains, unprepared to realise that he was some where wet, that looked like a cave, with water in front of him and bound in chains.

Harry stepped forward, bringing the male's attention to him. He leant forward and wiggled his finger in front of Keith, tutting.

"You've been a bad puppy, Keith. For that, you're being put in a time out."

Keith's eyes widened and he looked quickly between Harry's face and the shifting entrance of water behind him, his body tensing.

"But, I can't swim..." he said to Harry, his voice slightly shaky as he eyed the water distrustfully.

Harry tsk'd and turned around, "you better not move, then." He walked towards the water, standing on the edge.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I was just a bit unnerved when you left me with a literal tiger! And I didn't mean to accuse you, it's just... I wanted to make sure that my alpha was safe. I didn't want to assume he was fine, just to find out later that he was with someone that was just using him to get to the rest of the pack. I know that I was wrong, but it's the only way that I could see for myself. I'm really sorry."

Harry paused and listened to what he had to say, thinking it through.

"You are forgiven. But you will stay here, regardless, for an hour in time out. You still hurt my familiar." Harry decided, looking over his shoulder at the apologetic male.

Keith looked reluctant but agreed to the punishment, since he had actually hurt his alpha mate's familiar.

"Where exactly are we?" He finally asked him, looking around in confusion, though his eyes still lingered warily on the water.

Harry turned to him fully, gesturing at the cave around them.

"What does it look like? We're in an underwater cave."

The difference in Keith's behaviour was immediate. Harry watched with concern and alarm as the male visibly curled in on himself and his breathing became heavier, his eyes not focused on anything as he stared at the rock just beyond him.

Harry rushed towards the male, recognising the signs of a panic attack, as soon as he saw the way he was breathing and how his eyes had become unfocused.

He pulled the male towards himself and stoked his hair, shushing him and speaking softly.

"Keith. Keith, listen to me. You're fine. The water can't get to you. It's not going to hurt you. You can stay by the side of the cave and no water will touch you. Calm down and breathe. Come on, Keith, breathe." And similar such things, as that.

Keith's breathing slowly began to even out, with him taking deep breaths and copying Harry's breathing speed.

Harry waited for a bit longer, continuing to stroke Keith's hair until he was 100% sure that the attack had passed and the man was feeling a bit better.

"Good?" He looked at his face, watching his expression closely, in case he would have another one.

He didn't speak for a few moments, just breathing, until he nodded at him, "yeah, uh, yeah I'm good."

Harry pat his head and moved away from him, relieved.

"I'll come back in an hour, to get you." Keith nodded and Harry stepped off the edge into the water, walking below the surface as he waved back at the stunned wolf.

Keith's eyes were wide as saucers, having watched as his alpha mate stepped into the water and it parted for his foot. He continued to think about what he'd seen for several minutes, after Harry left, deciding eventually that he was a very good match for his alpha.


Harry re-emerged at the bank, having walked back the same route that he came.

He stepped out of the water and looked down at his soaked clothes, frowning.

"Well, I can't go back inside like this." He huffed and looked around for something to dry himself with.

'Your other power, Love. Just control the water on you.' He heard in an amused voice, laughter following the man's words.

Harry pouted when he heard Fenrir laughing.

He then concentrated on the water that covered him, trying to picture how he would make it move. There was a slippery sensation around him and he suddenly felt warmer, as he opened his eyes and looked around to see that the water was floating around him in little balls.

Harry couldn't restrain his curiosity and reached out to poke one, the fluid wobbling like jelly. It made him giggle and lose concentration, causing all of the balls to begin falling on the ground, squelching as their jelly-like masses splattered before they melted back into water and drained down through the soil.

Harry looked up at them and pouted as one hit him right in the face, making him cough slightly in surprise.

He heard laughter in the mind link and sent Fen a psychological middle finger, in response. Just causing more laughter to come through, as he began the walk back to the manor, all the while grumbling under his breath.


Hadrian entered the lounge quietly, seeing as the wolves were in the middle of a conversation.

He walked over and perched on Fenrir's knee, the wolves arms resting supportively on his hips, holding him in place, while he had his left arm around the back of Fenrir's shoulder. Comfy.

The group's conversation soon died down and Hadrian looked over at them, with a raised brow. He waited for someone to speak and after several long minutes of silence, who he thought to be called Isabella. And he was correct, at that.

"So, what happened with Keith?" She looked at him in curiosity, having no idea what her alpha mate would think as an appropriate punishment for hurting his familiar.

Said familiar was currently curled up on the rug by the fire, snoring softly in its sleep.

"Ah," Hadrian waved his hand in vague-looking way, "I left him at the bottom of Greyback Lake."

There was an immediate outburst of noise, startling the couple.

"Don't you think that was too far?!"
"Alpha! How could you let him!"
"That's too much!"
"You've gone too far! He didn't deserve that!"
"I can't believe alpha let him kill Keith!"

Harry froze when he heard the last one, looking at them all with tightly pursed lips.

"Sit. Down." Fenrir ordered them, causing them all to immediately drop into their seats, despite continuing their protests.

Harry couldn't contain it anymore, as he burst out in hysterical laughter, leaning onto Fenrir for support, while his free arm clutched at his stomach.

"I- I ca- I- hahahaha!" He was reduced to gibberish and laughter, the other occupants watching him in confusion and worry.

"F-Fen! Th-they think tha- hahahaha" he tried to speak, unable to get his entire sentence out, before he dissolved once again into uncontrollable giggles.

"What? Love, calm down. I can't understand what you're saying." Fenrir told him, sitting up straighter.

When Harry continued to laugh, Fenrir pulled his face around to meet his own, sealing his widely smiling lips against his own insistent ones. He pushed an onslaught of lust and love through the mind bond, causing Hadrian's head to get all fuzzy and his laughter to stop. Fenrir kept kissing him, his tongue stroking the roof of his mate's mouth, until he was sure that Hadrian would definitely be able to control himself.

He pulled back from the kiss, pulling back the feelings that he had sent through the bond as he did so, leaving Hadrian with just a content smile and slightly swollen, rosy pink lips.

"Try again, shall we? Why were you laughing?" Fenrir asked him, jutting his chin at the group across from them. The group who were all looking in different directions, to not see them kissing. That made both mate's chuckle slightly.

"Fen, they think I killed Keith." The two looked at each other for a moment, completely still, until both of their faces stretched with amusement and they shared a little chuckle.

"Guys, I didn't kill Keith. I put him on time out in an underwater cave, down in the lake."

The group looked at he and Fenrir in surprise, their eyes flicking back and forth, before there was a collective sigh that was released and the atmosphere on their side of the room diffused. Hadrian and Fenrir just watched them like a parent would after their child had said something silly, that amused and disbelieving, but fond, smile on their faces.

"How about some lunch, yeah?" Hadrian asked everyone, out of the blue, casting a weak 'Tempus' to show him what time it was.

"Lunch, sounds great." Lucy said, as everyone began to grab their stuff and make their ways down to the living-kitchen-diner room.


Hadrian had been straight in the kitchen, cooking up a storm, while he told Fenrir to take the pack down to the lunch benches that were set up by the lake. They were new. You never knew when you might want to have a picnic, after all.

He packed three plates of ham, turkey and cheese sandwiches into a woven expanded basket, along with pink champagne jelly, fruit and a salty cracker-cheeseboard selection.

He set a plate to the side, with a bit of everything and extra meat, before calling one of the elves.

"Hey, Taffy, can you take this food down to the underwater cavern in the lake, please. We've got someone on timeout, down there."

"Yes, Master Hadrian, Sir." She saluted and took the food away in a quiet *pop*, before he could correct her honourifics.

Harry shook his head at the cheeky little elf, a fond look on his face, before he packed drinks into the basket and closed the lid over.

He cleaned up the kitchen and then headed outside, following the way that the others had headed off in, basket swinging with his arm at his side..


The group had mostly finished their food. Now, just sitting on the benches or grass with their drinks and cheese on crackers. Harry had been amused when they all dug into the food, and he hadn't ever seen jelly disappear so quickly. Though, he insisted on saving some cheese and crackers, as well as a bowl of jelly, for when he got Keith.

Which, as it happened, he should be doing just about now.

"Alright, guys. I need to go and get Keith. Anyone, and I mean anyone. Fenrir. Touches Keith's jelly, I really will leave you with the fish." He glared, challengingly, at them.

The group gulped and nodded quickly, before Harry turned around and headed over to the edge of the lake, disappearing under the water and not resurfacing.

The pack looked at Fenrir with worry, but he just shook his head at them, calmly sipping his iced tea.


Harry's head popped up out of the water and he looked around the inside of the cave. He was glad to see that the light spell, on the ceiling, was still in effect, illuminating the otherwise dark space.

His eyes then landed on Keith, his brows dipping in concern. The man was curled up in a ball, as small as he could make himself and shivering violently. His sniffles were constant and Harry could see that his cheeks were red from crying.

However, he was somewhat calmed by the empty plate at the male's feet. At least he'd eaten something.

He pulled himself out of the water, sitting on the edge and swinging his feet around to stand up. He cast all the water away, quicker this time as he remembered how he did it before.

Once he was dry, he crossed immediately over to the upset male, pulling him into his arms and allowing him to curl up against his warmer chest.

He could see that one of Keith's legs were wet to about half way up his calf, making him frown.

"Sh, you're okay, I'm here." He comforted the male, stroking circles in his back, to soothe his sniffles.

"Did you eat your food?" He asked just to be sure, cuz hey, he couldn't be assuming things just because the plate was empty.

Keith nodded against his chest and Harry sighed with relief. It wouldn't do to not eat. It always felt worse being upset on an empty stomach. That was just a fact of life. One that he strongly believed in.

"I did eat, but I moved with the plate and slipped and my legs went in the water and I couldn't breathe," he began getting himself all worked up again, making Harry have to calm him down, once more.

"That's a panic attack, Keith. You had a panic attack." He held Keith's ear to his chest and hummed softly. "Listen to my heart, Keith. Listen to the slow beat."

Keith did as he was told and wrapped his arms around Harry's back, listening with his head pressed against his chest.

While they crouched there in silence, Harry took that moment to fill in Fenrir, who had only joined the moment about half-way through. Thus, not fully understanding what was happening.

Harry pressed a small affectionate kiss to the top of Keith's forehead, smoothing his hair down into a neater appearance.

"Come on, puppy. Let's go up top. The others are waiting." Harry moved slowly towards the water, keeping Keith against his chest, as he eased the wolves legs back into the water.

He slowly had him enter the water, bit by bit, never letting go of him, until Keith was sitting relatively calmly at waist depths. Harry beside him, holding his hand for support.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make you put your face in." Keith released a little relieved sigh, but looked at him all confused, after.

"Then how..." Harry lifted his hand and the water around Keith's lower half receded into a half-sphere about their bodies, while more water then moved up in front of them and then down behind them, enclosing the two males within a water sphere.

"Wow~" Keith's mouth hung open, looking at the moving water.

"Come on." Harry tugged him forward, starting off through the stone tunnel's entrance and then leading the other across the bottom of the lake.

Keith looked this way and that, watching the fish that swam by and looking at all the bright plants and coral structures that had formed in the water around them. He thought it was like being in a whole other world.

Harry laughed happily at Keith's reaction, relieved to note that when he wasn't actually touching the water itself, the male seemed to be quite unfazed by its presence all around him.

He pointed out the different types of fish and Keith swivelled as they walked, trying to see as much as he possibly could, a smile beginning to bloom on his own face.

The water gradually lightened, getting brighter as they neared the surface. Harry allowed himself to laugh at the squeak that Keith gave when he saw a large multicoloured squid, retreating quickly towards the deeper parts of the lake, before they finally emerged onto the shallow bank of water. Their faces broke the surface and Harry had to blink for a moment, as Keith suddenly snapped out of his dazed awe and launched himself towards dry land.

A loud collective sigh resonated from his right, causing him to glance across and see that the others from the pack were all looking relieved. Looking around, Harry would guesstimate that he had been gone for about a quarter of an hour, no doubt they had all been worried when he first disappeared into the water and didn't re-emerge. Though surely they must have been somewhat reassured when their alpha wasn't concerned(?)... you would think so, anyway.


Harry hopped out of the water and moved away from the edge, sparing a glance to confirm that the jelly and biscuits were, in fact, still left untouched by the ravenous clutches of the 6 wolves at the picnic tables.

He looked over towards Keith and smiled at the male's behaviour, watching as he spread himself across the grass.

"Felling better, then, I assume." Harry chuckled at the wide eyed male and moved over to offer him a hand and help him to stand.

Keith, surprising Harry, pulled him into a tight hug. After the surprise had passed though, the shorter male was happy to return it.

He circled his arms around Keith's larger form and pulled him closer, some strange maternal-like instincts rearing to the surface as he embraced the puppy-like male and stroked his fingers through the slightly damp hair. Hey, he was good, but he wasn't THAT good.

They remained like that for several minutes, before the wolf seemed to once again realise where they were and sheepishly retreated from the hug.

Harry gave him a small smile and couldn't help the small attachment that he had already formed to the other male. Such a fierce and protective wolf, yet so fragile at the same time.

He stepped back and made his way over towards his mate, gladly sliding into the waiting, open arms. Perching himself across Fenrir's lap and noting happily that the dessert for Keith was still there, untouched.

Fenrir tightened his arms around his smaller mate, his instincts bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin. His wolf, Silver, the one that was currently so restless, the reason for his straining self-control.

He had watched everything through their mind link, having been slightly worried about the lake-dwellers bothering his mate, as well as how Harry might manage to get his packmate (with a severe Thalassophobia- deep bodies of water, not the water itself) back to the surface.

He had watched as his mate coaxed his packmate into the water, demonstrating his ability to control the substance after having Keith be exposed to it for a few seconds. Briefly, he had wondered why his mate had not just parted the water to begin with, but upon closer inspection of the circumstances, he had concluded that: Harry was testing the other male to see what his fear-level and willingness to be around the thing of his deepest fears actually was.

And from the emotions that he could feel pulsing through their bond, whatever Harry had concluded had pleased him greatly. His smug satisfaction showing most prominently through his caution and alert attention to every change in demeanour that the other male may even show the slightest of indications to.

Keith had now moved over to where the rest of them were sitting, taking a moment to relax in the open air of his freedom from both the cave and the lake itself, before digging in wholeheartedly to the generous portion of his dessert.

A small amount of chatter began to arise amongst his other wolves, occasional words drawing his attention here and there. Absently carrying a conversation between himself, his mate and the ever intrusively curious Lucy.

The reason for his half-attention being given to the current topic was simply put: Keith. His eyes kept tracking back to the water, some strange mix between fear and fascination radiating beneath the surface, a swirl of pure amber making itself clearer as even his wolf swirled with its own curiosity beneath the surface.

"We can let you visit the corals again, you know, Keith. You can go down whenever you want." He spoke across to the male, as he flicked his eyes across towards the water for the umpteenth time in the last minute.

He had no doubt that he had accidentally interrupted something very interesting that his mate and packmate were talking about, but for the time being he was more focused on the behaviour of the younger wolf, than anything else around himself. (Bar, maybe, Harry. As his subconscious was ALWAYS tuned into his mate, no matter the situation.)

Everyone except said mate, looked at him in confusion and curiosity, Keith's own eyes flicking between Harry and himself as he looked once more back at the the water then towards his alpha in confusion. He was stuck as to an explanation of both; how did his alpha know what he wanted and how did he know what they'd seen in the water, anyway?

"What- I don't understand how... How DO you know what we saw in the lake??" Keith asked in pure confusion.

Fenrir laughed at both his and the others' reactions and began to explain how he had been watching the process that Harry took in collecting the younger wolf from his time out, via their mind link. Going on to explain about how the mind link worked and what it entailed for he and his mate, as well as making sure to reiterate what he had said to Keith about him being welcome to visit the lake again whenever he wanted. Rather, whenever he was able to build enough courage to go in once again.

The pack's faces became a thing of pure comedy gold, the flabbergasted expressions: wide eyes and open mouths, causing him to break down into a fit of laughter, as he initially attempted to conceal his laughter, before just giving up and turning into Fenrir to shield the tears of laughter form the others' view. So, okay they knew he was laughing at their faces, but he didn't want to know that he had found them THAT funny... XP

When he had finally managed to contain his amusement, some 10 minutes later, and they had all recollected themselves from their stunned and surprised states of idiocy- they all settled back and picked up new conversations from where the previous ones had ended. Their jumbled emotions of confusion, amusement, curiosity and enjoyment contributing to the following ambiance that then settled upon their group.

As it was, they had soon de-coiled into the soothing atmosphere of the moment and remained as they were, peaceful and relaxed within the safety of their pack, for the coming hours. Their chatter rang softly into the air, occasional banter and joyous laughter booming through the surrounding fauna, before a silence would permeate the air and the group would return to their soft dialogue.

The sun slowly bridged the earth's sphere, its glow becoming warmer as the air cooled and the beginnings of the softly illuminated stars began to appear, sprinkled across the darkening expanses above. Their distance and numerous embodiments swarming the sky like flies to a flame. The ethereal glow with their all-knowing eternal presence solidifying as the darkening expansion presented them ever more clearly to the naked eye.

Every second, more stars appeared, celestial bodies casting their glow out into the universe. Their brightness compensating the black abyss from which they formed, their mere presence acting to alight the sky, mirrored only by that of the luminescent fireflies, that so often were mistaken for one another.

Only as the last of the sun's light crested the horizon, disappearing beyond treetops and out of sight, did they finally move to see their guests home, the pack deciding to return to their residence as the night now prevailed.

Harry waved happily as he watched the girls' disappear through the floo network. No doubt they landed much better then he would have, on the other side. Their mates and packmates following one-by-one in short succession.

Harry smiled, despite himself, as he moved across the room and ruffled Keith's hair, messing the already unkempt hair into more disarray and laughing as the young wolf only grumbled and attempted to fix it slightly. When that did not work, he resigned himself to his hair remaining as it was and instead gave Harry (and Fenrir) a quick hug before following his packmates into the fire and disappearing within a swirl of harmless blue flames, the final farewell until the next day resounding softly through the air- as they had been invited to return for the next few days, if they so wished to.

The floo was quickly reduced and put out for the night, on their end that is, the elves swarming to clean the mess of soot and dust from the floor and walls around the fireplace- Leaving the perimeters once again glistening in all their perfectly cleaned glory, soon after.

With that done, supervised of course by Harry(the "lady" of the house, Fenrir had joked) he turned towards his larger mate and smiled widely, tiredly.

"I'd say that went quite well, don't you think?" He asked rhetorically. His shoulders were beginning to slump, his posture radiating how tired he was. Fenrir smiled at his cute mate and scooped him into his arms, the other giving no protest as he was bridal carried out of the room and towards the stairs.

"Extremely. You were amazing, they all love you. Just like I knew they would. But enough of that, we have an appointment with our bed." He smiled down at his mate and Harry preened to the attention, nuzzling under his mate's chin and setting small kisses across Fenrir's jaw and neck.

"Mhm." Harry agreed, biting down teasingly on the skin just beneath Fenrir's ear. A low rumbling announced his mate's approval and he could not resist the smile that formed as he continued his teasing.

(A/N: Hey y'all! Thanks for staying true and supportive to this story and myself as an author. I'm excited to hear your comments about what you think will happen next. Even if you have no real comments to give, or you're unsure what to say, feel free just to say 'Hi!'. Your enjoyment and feedback makes the whole process much more fun and engaging. You know the drill, as ever; Please, Vote, Comment and Follow Me~ AJASH10.)

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