Harry's wolf

By ajash10

719K 17.8K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... More

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 13✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Two-Way Glass✅
Well that's a surprise.✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
Pack ✅(5/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)

Dining with the Dark Side✅

19.5K 525 221
By ajash10

Harry shuffled awkwardly in the stiff lordship robes that he had been required to wear for their dinner at the Malfoy's Manor.

He let out a long put-upon sign as he tried futilely to adjust the fit of the robes once more.

"Come on Darling, I bet you look stunning." Fenrir's voice called out from the bedroom.

Harry sighed one last, long puff of breath, as he moved to exit the wardrobe where an already finished and waiting Fenrir was leant against the wall.

He stood awkwardly in front of his husband, tugging at the cuffs of his stiff robes in an attempt to appear occupied.

Fenrir chuckled as he reached forward to cup both of Harry's hands between his own.

"Harry, you look gorgeous." Harry looked up with a faint blush dusting the tops of his ears and face.

"You too. I mean... You uh- you, you look really handsome Fen." He smiled slightly as he looked up to the taller male, a small tug at his lips calling all attention to the slight pucker they formed in oblivious invitation.

Fenrir chuckled at his powerhouse of a mate. He still couldn't believe that he got so lucky with such an amazing individual to call his own.

He looked down the span of Harry's body and smirked at the snug fit of the robes. Dragon hide black form fitting trousers that hugged his hips and legs, with an acromantala silk navy blue dress shirt and dragon hide undercoat and boots. He had a silver thread, dark navy cloak that held the Potter (Changeable) emblem on the back and his tie hung straight from his neck.

Fenrir ran his hands up his little mates sides and smirked as Harry shivered in pleasure at the sensation. He let his hands graze higher until his thumb brushed lightly across Harry's plump lips, sensual strokes drawing a small moan out of the recipients mouth.

Fenrir leaned in slightly and tugged at Harry's lips with his teeth, pulling at the smooth hot flesh until it reddened and Harry's hands began to roam.

"Harry love we need go, we shouldn't be late to dinner.." he trailed off as Harry grazed his fingers against the the thin tight material of Fenrir's black slacks. Passing over the bulge a second time when Fenrir made no further movements.

"You shouldn't start what you can't finish", Harry leaned in, to whisper in his ear. His tongue flicked lazily against the lower lobe of his love's ear.

"Harry, no. We shouldn't be late. Especially considering the attendees who should be arriving to the dinner as well."

Harry thought for a few moments, "Bella and Tom"

Fenrir nodded his affirmation at the names, "The dark lord isn't known for patience love."

He pushed away from where he was standing against the wall. His arms snaked around Harry's waist and the smaller male released a content little huff.

"These robes are so uncomfortable" it came out almost at a whine.

A deep throaty chuckle responded to his complaint, "The robes were made for aesthetics love, not for comfort."

"I know, they're just really stiff. Your robes look so much comfier" the end of his statement really was a whine as his arms came up to wind around Fenrir's neck and he leaned into the larger males body.

"My robes need not be so formal as I only hold one Lordship. I can get away with it, you can't love."

He smiled apologetically as Harry pouted.

Harry stepped back slightly and looked Fenrir over. He wore completely black tight trousers, an off white dress shirt with a black suit undercoat and a silver cloak with the Greyback emblem. His eyes lingered slightly lower as he licked his lips and flickered his gaze across the barely hidden body.

"Mhm, good robes Fen, you should wear them more often." Fenrir smirked at the lustful gaze in Harry's eyes.

"Let's go love."  He then wordlessly wrapped his arms arms around Harry's waist and guided him from the room, heading for the floo.


"Malfoy manor love" Fenrir coaxed Harry into the floo as he hesitated.

Harry shuffles awkwardly on his feet as he moved towards the floo powder, he couldn't help but remember every disastrous attempt he'd made in the past to use the floo.

Fenrir saw his hesitation and reluctance and smiled slightly before moving past Harry to grab a handful of powder.

Moving back to the fireplace, he pulled Harry in with him and held him tight to his body.

"You're hopeless love. Hold on." He smiled playfully with his words and then threw the powder at their feet.

"Malfoy Manor, Guest Entrance." With a swirl of green flames they were gone.


Harry stumbled slightly as they landed but the hand around his waist tightened to pull him back into Fenrir's chest and steadied his footing.

Fenrir pulled out his wand and flickered it slightly, dispelling the dirt and soot from both of their clothes, fixing his own hair before looking to Harry's and sighing. Harry's hair was too far gone into madness to truly save. He cast a locking down charm onto some of the more manageable bits to hold their place.

"That wasn't so bad was it love?" Harry smiled slightly at Fenrir's words.

"Best floo travel I've ever had." He smiled happily at the thought of not being throw out of the floo like always.

A throat cleared near the doorway and the duo looked over to see Lady Malfoy smiling slightly at them as she moved closer.

"Welcome to our home gentlemen. Dinner will be served in 40 minutes, for now we will move to the sitting room to greet everyone else."

She finally stopped as she was in front of them.

Harry bowed slightly in respect of the lady of the house. Fenrir also bowed slightly as he reached out and brushed a kiss against the back of her offered hand.

"A pleasure to be invited Lady Malfoy."

He straightened again and moved closer to Harry, wrapping his arms around his smaller mate.

"The pleasure is ours. Please, come." She turned and headed from the room. Harry and Fenrir followed closely behind as they moved through countless hallways and passed large rooms with beautiful embellishments in the ceilings and chandeliers.

Harry addressed Mrs Malfoy as he spoke, "You have a beautiful home."

She smiled kindly at his words, "Thank you. Lucius and myself have taken pride in making this manor the pinnacle of pure blood elegance. Though between you and me, his white peacocks are, a bit, too much."

She chuckled lightly at her own words, drawing a laugh from the two males behind her.

Harry spoke up after a few minutes of sporadic laughs between the three, "And I'm not even surprised he has peacocks in the first place really."

This set off another round of lighthearted, little laughs.

Finally, they reached a set of varnished mahogany double doors and paused.

Narcissa entered first, the duo following slowly behind as they entered fully into the next room, the previous banter from inside ceased.

Harry looked around the room and observed the occupants. He saw Lucius and Draco sitting on a plush velveteen sofa. Across from them was, Rodolphus and whom he assumed to be his brother, Rabastan.

Looking around further, Harry could see a large wing backed armchair that he had no doubt was designated for Tom. The man currently wasn't present.

Finally he saw Bellatrix sitting, barely still, in another armchair adjacent from the two sofas.

Narcissa moved over to where her husband and son were sitting and dropped gracefully into the seat beside Lucius. She gestured to the final sofa in the circle of three and the two moved to sit down together. Harry's knee pressed snuggly against Fenrir's as he looked around at the assembled crowd.

"Good evening Lord Malfoy. Thank you for inviting us."
Fenrir spoke to the Malfoy Lord for the both of them.

"Of course. You're welcome Lord Greyback, Lord Potter."

"Potter-Greyback" Harry interrupted abashedly.

"Pardon?" Lucius looked confused and Harry chuckled slightly at the look.

"Lord Potter-Greyback. We're married." A look of understanding crossed Lucius' face and he smiled politely.


Harry smiled brightly, "thank you Lord Malfoy!"

Rodolphus spoke as a silence had begun to fill the room.

"Introductions, I think, are in order." He smiled at Harry and Fenrir.

"Gentlemen. I am Lord Lestrange and beside me is my younger brother Rabastan Lestrange and beside him is Bella, my wife."

Harry smiled and nodded at each respectively, "nice to meet you."

Bella smiled, full of teeth, while Rabastan nodded tersely.

Lucius then spoke up as well, "my wife Narcissa and son Draco, though I'm aware you've already met both."

Harry smiled brightly, "how have you been Draco?"

Draco sputtered in shock before recomposing himself.

"I've been doing well Po-Harry."

"Good to hear. I do hope that we may be able to attempt to be friends in the future. I think we both made poor impressions on one another the first time we met." He smiled kindly at the Malfoy Heir, who smiled slightly in return and nodded.

"That would be good Harry." They shared a smile before the room went silent.

Harry waited for someone to say something else, and waited, and waited. And then waited some more.

He gave a sigh finally, and turned to Draco.

"Hey Draco, what sorts of things should we talk about in small talk, I'm a lost cause with this stuff."

A round of light chuckles went around the room and the tension was broken.

Draco smirked as he thought about it, "well, you could talk about; girls, boys, hobbies, music, lordships, opinions, Hogwarts, blood hierarchy's etc etc."

Harry smiled, " count on a Malfoy to be prepared."

The older Malfoys looked slightly startled at his statement, but he continued to talk to Draco.

"Usually I would choose to talk about music but I quite frankly have no bloody idea about any wizarding bands."

Draco smiled at that, "why not talk about ones like muse and delta fiasco and stuff then?"

The adults in the room just looked confused.

Harry was shocked, "you know them?"

"Slytherins are resourceful, it's always best to know the enemy. And they're way better than any wizarding groups anyway."

It was Harry's turn to laugh this time.

"Oh wow, the great Draco Malfoy just admitted that muggles do something better than wizards. I think that just made my day."

He laughed at the look that appeared on Draco's face.

Ignoring the playful glare, Harry continued where he had left off. "So, who's your favourite muggle band then? I'd have to say mine's probably either LinkinPark, BTS or Muse."

Draco looked confused for a moment before understanding crossed his eyes.

"I think I've heard some of their stuff. Good taste. I also like Muse but I recently heard music by someone called Evanescence and a group Delta Fiasco. It was good."

"Hmm, good choice. Now, if you're going completely out there then I'd say, marshmallow."

They both held straight faces as they then went into discussing marshmallow's songs and why they thought he chose the name marshmallow. The adults were completely lost at this point and all they could garner was that the two boys were talking about a person called 'Marshmallow'.


It had taken a while but the adults had eventually been bored of not understanding the conversation and Harry and Draco had taken the time to explain what they were talking about.

The conversation had then turned to Hogwarts.

"I don't know why everyone thinks that Slytherins don't know this stuff?" Harry was confused, everyone at Hogwarts thought that Slytherin would never be found around anything muggle and yet here he was discussing muggle bands with Draco Malfoy.

"Oh, we keep everything in the house, unity and all that."

Harry smiled, "that rule made by the bat?"

Draco looked confused before he smiled and nodded, "you call him that?"

Harry smirked, "everyone does, I even caught Prof. McGonogall saying it once."

Draco's eyes widened, "no" his words were full of disbelief.

"Yes" Harry smirked.

Narcissa spoke up confused, "who is the bat that you're talking about?"

"Oh, no one, just Sevvy." Harry got 6 incredulous pairs of eyes directed at him at the nickname. Fenrir was long used to his nicknames for other people.

Bella cackled, "well Sev is like a bat. We've all seen his dramatic swooshing of that cloak."

The room laughed at the thought.

"He's called a bat in school because he swoops down on people while we're in potions. Makes people mess up. Let's him take away more house points, especially from Neville and Ron." Harry smiled at his Father's ridiculous behaviour.

The group shot him looks at that.

"He purposely makes students mess up?" Narcissa was now concerned about the student's safety in potions class. Especially her Draco.

"Yeah, but I don't think people notice that he only does it on potions that are non-lethal, he's not stupid to do it when we're brewing harmful things."

Narcissa sighed, relieved.


They had been talking about quidditch when they heard footsteps in the hallway and went quiet.

The door opened smoothly and the man of the hour stepped into the room.

Harry watched closely as he entered. He was tall, with brown hair and a handsome face but his prominent defining feature was still his stupefy red eyes, and the large snake moving at his feet.

He paused slightly in the door and looked across the room.

Harry noticed his eyes linger for a fraction of a second and looked the same way, seeing a light dusting of a blush(barely noticeable), across Draco's face.

Harry adopted a knowing look on his face and smirked slightly at Tom when their eyes met and he quickly flickered his eyes back to Draco in suggestion to the intimidating man.

Tom's scowl deepened and his expression darkened as Harry's grin widened. Fenrir, having caught the whole interaction, tightened his hold around Harry's waist slightly to tell him to stop riling up the dark lord.

Harry, getting the message, turned to Fenrir with a pout. Fenrir raised his eyebrow in challenge and Harry held for only a few seconds before conceding and settling back against the larger male's side.

Tom watched the interaction with curiosity, interested with the apparent dynamics of control in the relationship.

Leaving his thoughts to be revisited later, Tom moved further into the room and sat elegantly in the wing backed chair- which Harry had previously guessed was his.

Turning his full attention to present company, Tom looked at the couple across from himself, "Harry, how nice it is for us to see you and Greyback here this evening."

Harry smiled in response, "Glad to be here Tom", he ignored the glare he received from the man at using his name, "I must say I was surprised, I thought you'd be a bit more... death.- like.." he trailed off slightly with a cheeky smirk. He once again felt the tightening of Fenrir's arm. He placed his own hand on top of Fenrir's and focused on their mindlink, 'Relax, we banter every time we meet, nothing new. Plus it's always fun to get him a bit riled up. Don't worry.'

He felt the indignant puff of air that escaped Fenrir's mouth as it brushed his cheek and shivered imperceptibly. This time, when he looked back up, Tom was the one smirking at their interactions.

Harry rolled his eyes playfully.

"Really Tom, that's just childish." He teased cordially.

Tom just smirked more, "don't dish it if you can't take it Potter."

They smirked at each other with an evil glint entering both's eyes. Lucius, seeing this, decided it was time to move from the room for supper. And quickly, before anything escalated.


Sitting at the dining table, the group exchanged light conversation as they let their stomachs rest and waited for their next course.

Rabastan appeared to have been manning his courage for a few minutes before finally turning to the dark lord and getting his attention.

"Beg my pardon, my lord, but I'm sure the others share my curiosity at your new youthful look." He stated but it was clearly a question.

Tom chuckled in derision, "yes, well, I myself am stumped as to the cause of this change. I was resting when it happened and therefore did not see any of the events leading up to it."

Harry had been watching the group while Tom spoke and noticed the wince on Draco's face when Tom mentioned that he was resting at the time.

Curious, Harry discretely delved into the forethought of Draco's mind, connecting a communication link between them.

D-'Merlin! Holy shit! Jesu- Harry?'

Harry saw his eyes widen slightly as he looked over at him.

H-'Yepp. What happened Draco?'
D-'What do you mean?'
H- 'With Tom. You were there weren't you?'

Draco tensed slightly and gave a minute nod.

H-'What happened?'

When he got no response he decided to take a gamble and asked something else.

H-'You and him are together aren't you?'
D-'How did you figure it out?'

Harry smiled slightly, reassuring the blonde.

H-'You gravitate towards each other when the other is near and when he looked at you earlier you blushed. Then you tensed when he explained what he knew about how he looked.'
D-'My parents don't know yet. Please don't say anything.'
H- 'Of course- fair warning though, Fenrir can hear the conversation'

Draco looked suddenly shocked and tilted his head in the direction of Fenrir, who was currently talking to Rodolphus. Draco watched as Fenrir gave a slight, barely there, nod and turned back to his own conversation.

H-'We have a soul, magic, mate and mind bond. But we can shut off the mind bond if we want to."

Draco nodded in thought. Seeming to come to a choice he tuned back into Harry.

D-'Could you help Tom and I?'
H-'With what?'
D-'When whatever it is that happened started, we had been asleep in Tom's room. I was woken when he fell from the bed in pain and as I moved to help he collapsed and cracked his head on the side-table. I couldn't leave to get help so I joined our cores, an old type of healing magic- very dangerous, and used our combined magic to heal him.'

Harry's eyes widened at the implications. He had heard of that type of magic. It was extremely temperamental at the best of times. As he thought that, a question came to mind.

H-'Did you pull back in time? Right after he started healing?'
D-'No, I saw that... something else... something he had thought lost had returned to him so I held for longer in a deeper part of his core- bridging on the line to his mind. Then, when I tried to pull back, his magic was tied to my own when I tried to pull it back into my core. I couldn't sever the connection as it would delay his healing so I pushed my magic back into his core until it was finished and now we have 3 thick strong bonds connecting our magical cores. Both of our spells have been more powerful ever since.'

As Harry listened to the explanation, his eyes had grown wide.

H-'You forced a core bond. I didn't think that was possi... unless...'

Turning back to Draco, he studied his face.

H-'How long have you been together?'
D-'A little under 6 months.'
H-'The only way you could have done it successfully is if you were completely or almost completely compatible. Nearing the compatibility of Tom to myself.'

Draco's eyes widened.

D-'What would have happened if I'd done that and we weren't?!'

Harry gave him a tight tense smile.

H-'You would've both died. Exploded from magical backlash. It would have been especially aggressive seeing as it was Tom and his core was unstable.'

D-'How do you know his core was unstable?'

Draco looked at him suspiciously. Harry smiled slightly at his dessert which had appeared while they were communicating. Draco repeated his question.


Harry drawled.

H-'I'm his accidental horcrux'

Draco spat his mouthful out across the table and let his mouth hang open as he looked incredulously and shocked at Harry.

"You're what?!" The others at the table all looked at Draco in shock at his outburst and disgust at the spread of fruit and cream that was now on the table.

"You heard me."

They looked back and forth between Harry and Draco who they now thought were having a stare down, when they were actually talking over the mind link that Harry had connected through occlumency projection(where you converse through your outer mindscape.)


Draco thundered.

H-'His soul was unstable when he attacked on Halloween all those years ago.'
D-'How could we not have known?!'

Draco was shook.
Harry chuckled at the mental image that Draco gave.

H-'I think it's pretty well hidden. We headed to the bank and found out about it from an inheritance test and then Fen used our bond to isolate it and detach it from my magic core. It had been using my power to grow so I'd never operated at 100%.'

Draco just stared at him in shock.

D-'Do you know what caused the event the other night?'
H-'Yes. The goblins used a ritual to return Tom's soul pieces to him. All of them, even those thought destroyed so that includes the diary that your dad got in trouble for, apart from the small one in my head. I requested that they carry out the ritual since if I hadn't they would have instead done a ritual to destroy all of the pieces.'

He tapped his faded and faint scar as Draco's eyes flickered up to it and widened.

D-'It's not a curse scar.'

H-'No, it's not. It's a vessel.'

Draco nodded in acknowledgement.

They both were drawn away from their conversation when Narcissa admonished Draco for his lack of decorum, and Lucius then began trying to console her that there must have been a cause as Draco apologised. Harry decided to help Draco out seeing as it was actually his fault. He, had, waited until Draco put food in his mouth to speak so it really was his fault.

"Excuse me, Lady Malfoy, I apologise for making Draco act so ghastly before. I said something which truly shocked him. I apologise for not waiting until he had swallowed his mouthful"

Narcissa smiled kindly and turned to address Harry,
"No worry dear. Draco should not have spat his food regardless."

"Again, My Lady, do not blame Draco as it was my fault. I said something about your lord that I maybe shouldn't have and I think Draco may have found it offensive." Suddenly all eyes were on Harry, including blazing red.

The dark lord looked as though he was about to say something when Nagini slithered around his chair to peer over at Harry.

The others in the room tried to ignore her but shivered as they heard her hissing.

$Master, let me bite him...Teach him not to disrespect you, the Slytherin lord, my master, he should bow at your feet.$

Harry glared at her fiercely.

$I did not disrespect your master, little serpent. I merely did not think that he would wish for me to inform the rest of the group that his lover and I had been talking about his horcrux!$

Tom hissed in rage at Harry's words and thundered in the tongue of serpents.

$What do you know of me and my horcrux?!$

Harry sneered.

$1) I know that you should teach that snake some manners. 2) I know what happened the other night. 3) I know that all but one of your horcrux were returned to you. And 4) I know that if you hurt Draco I will personally go back to the goblins and have them perform the ritual to destroy your soul!$

Harry was shouting by the end of his words and glowering darkly at Tom. Tom was also glaring something fierce and dark.

$Tell me what you know.$

Tom's face had settled slightly and he looked calmer than he had before.

$As I just told Draco, which lead to that undignified display*he gestured randomly in Draco's direction* you had seven horcrux plus your own soul. 6 of those horcrux have been returned to you by my personal request to the goblins, who would have had the pieces destroyed if it were up to them. The final horcrux is inside myself.*Tom's eyes widened* Fenrir used our bond to cut your horcrux from my magical core and the power from the piece has integrated into and expanded my core making it extremely large. My core is only stable because a lot of the magic rotates between Fenrir, a pool of power and my own magic, due to our magic being linked. Draco informed me that he had to forge a core bond between you and himself to heal you. Congratulations, *here Harry genuinely smiled*, you got yourself a great life partner. Draco asked me if I could help you with the connection and I didn't respond because all that *he gestured at the mess* happened but I'll ask you instead. Do you want me to help you with it, I can teach you how to funnel magic between your cores without reaching magical exhaustion,*harry looked between Draco and Tom while still talking to the man in Parseltongue*, if you want, that is.$

Tom studied Harry's face closely before nodding in agreement.

"I think that would work." There seemed to be a collective breath let loose from all of the other occupants in the room as the 2 parsel speakers reached an understanding.

Harry turned to Draco and smiled brightly, "all good!"

Draco let a small smile cross his face. Harry had left the connection in their minds open so he had been able to understand what was being said and he suspected that Fenrir had as well.

Tom stood gracefully from the table, "shall we move to a more comfortable setting to talk?"

He asked the question but it was only really a choice for Harry and Draco as no one else really had the choice to follow or not.

Despite this, the two youngest of the group both nodded and stood as well.

Draco moved around to approach the doors, as reasonably close as he could get to Tom without rousing suspicion and Harry reached out both hands to Fenrir as he moved happily away from the stunned adults and out of the room, close behind Tom and Draco.


"So, Draco told us that, when he and others were at Diagon, you mentioned being dark"

Tom tried for casual but the silence in the room destroyed any subtlety he had hoped for as everyone turned to where Harry and Tom were sitting slightly away from the rest.

"I'm not sure I'd say dark... Grey perhaps. Very dark grey."

Harry chuckled slightly at the curiosity shining through Tom's expression.

"Well then, I feel it is justified that I ask how that came to be." Tom rose a perfect brow in query.

Harry laughed flat out at Tom's blatant interrogation attempt.

"You know you could just ask normally like, 'hey Harry, why are you grey', instead of this big intimidation attempt."

Tom frowned slightly in annoyance. "We're not friends, it's hardly appropriate."

Harry frowned mock upset at Tom's words.

"Ouch. And here I was calling you my bestie *sigh/shake head*, well I guess I understand your point. We do have more of a kill-hate relationship."

$We're not friends Potter.$

$Oh TomTom! Why must you deny this clear connection we have?$

Harry teased at him with a smirk, leaving the others in the room to wonder what he said, as Tom bristled at his words.

"Anywho! I'm dark aligned grey because my magic is more suited to it. There's no point in being light if it's just going to limit your abilities!"

Rodolphus spoke across the room, a hint of approval in his voice. "Okay, I understand that. But, why are you being so civil with us? I was under the impression that you hated us?"

Harry smiled slightly in his direction, "Well, you and your brother have never done anything to me personally and I understand that there were certain lesser known circumstances which lead to Bellatrix's anger and hatred for the Longbottoms, so I won't hold that against any of you, I would have been pissed."

He paused and had a sip of his water, having received the refreshment a few minutes ago.

"I forgave Lord Malfoy for trying to kill me over releasing Dobby a long time ago. Narcissa is just lovely in general."

He turned to Narcissa and smiled, "I couldn't hold hatred for you even if I tried, my lady, you're too kind."

"Draco was a right prat, but I was as well, and we were equally at fault with everything that happened. And finally, TomTom was just flat out mental."

He smiled sweetly at the group who were watching him, stunned.

Bellatrix started to laugh and soon the others followed her example and cracked up at Harry's bluntness.

Rabastan continued the questioning from where his brother left off, "Okay now that we've established that you will be bluntly honest and you really are okay with us all, I think it's fair for myself and the rest here to ask how this relationship between yourself and Greyback came to be."

Harry's face lit up at the mention of Fenrir and his relationship.

The group watched as he jumped up and moved across the room to drop into Fenrir's lap, from where he was sitting with Draco and Narcissa, and made himself comfortable before turning to address the waiting witches and wizards.

"So, d'you want it from when we initially met or when the relationship became more permanent, recently?"

The group appeared to consider the question before, a creepily silent, Tom spoke up, "how about from the beginning and just a summary of the main things."

Harry took a deep breath before he delved into the explanation of his and Fenrir's relationship. He told them how he'd been wandering around at night, near his relatives house, on the full moon- the start of the summer before third year. How he'd found Fenrir in his wolfed out form and had submitted to him based on pure instinct.Draco had interrupted him here.

"Wait,wait,wait, you're telling us that you submitted to him and it stopped his werewolf from biting you!?"

Harry smiled at the shared surprised looks on all of the groups faces.

"Well, his wolf is really a big loving softy, people just misunderstand werewolves. If people knew how to properly act around them when transformed, then there would be way less wolf based deaths."

He paused and watched as Lucius, Rodolphus and Tom got thoughtful looks on their faces.

"Anyway, after I submitted, his wolf scent marked me. He would growl when I tensed so I had to remain relaxed and calm. It was a lot easier to do once I realised that the danger had passed and he wasn't going to attack."

The group's faces seemed to be in a loop of emotions, repeating shock, worry, surprise, awe and then back to shock, as Harry spoke.

"I fell asleep with his wolf hugging me into his pelt. I must say, I think the most shocked I've ever probably been is when I woke up the next morning to find an unconscious naked man wrapped around me instead of the wolf."

He chuckled at the memory, a few of the adults frowning.

"I can't imagine what I'd do if that would have been my Draco." Narcissa pulled Draco close and stroked through his hair as she hugged him, drawing an indignant squawk from the younger Malfoy.

"I'm just glad it was me." He got a lot of confused looks at his comment. "Well, how could I not be glad when it lead to this, a wonderful loving relationship with such a handsome man."

Harry leaned over towards Draco in mock whisper and said, "it also helps that he's awesome in bed", with a wink.

Draco went so red that Harry gave a full belly laugh at his expression. The adults also laughed at Draco's embarrassment, while Rodolphus and Rabastan both wiggled their eyebrows at Fenrir with a thumbs up and leaned over giving him a bro's pat on the back.

"Yeah, carrying on." Harry cleared his throat as he continued to smile at the group.

"Fenrir woke up and, like, freaked. It was one of the few times that he hadn't been in full control of his wolf and he didn't know what his wolf could've done without him being aware. Took me ages to get him to believe nothing bad happened. Then! Add onto the tense situation, he found out who I was!"

He turned to frown slightly at his wolf, as said man's arms tightened around him, looking sheepish as he hid his face in his back.

"The numpty, not listening to anything I said, went crazy big bad wolf and tried to scare me away!"

He paused and looked at the group who were waiting to hear what happened.

"So I punched him."

The group stilled, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"WHAT?!?!" Draco and Tom exploded at the same time, rambling about how dangerous that was and was he crazy.

"Yeah well, it got him to stop! We actually managed to have a civil conversation after that as well. He told me who he was and what the wizarding world said about him. I should've been scared but, really I was just angry that he's been treated badly just because of some stupid stereotypes.

We continued to meet and stay in touch through the rest of third year, either through him visiting the area where I lived or through owls during the school year.

I told him everything about myself and he reciprocated. I didn't know why, it just felt right. So, when he found out how much I disliked my relatives, I wasn't really too surprised when he ended up offering for me to stay with him. It was that Christmas, that I told him about the way that I was drawn to him and he told me about werewolf mates. We've been together since then. Of course nothing seriously intimate, like sex, happened until fourth year, which is the legal age for intimacy between werewolf mates, by their laws. And even then he was hesitant and I had to practically seduce him into anything remotely physical- of course, he quickly over came that hesitation and was more willingly dominant in the bedroom. I like to think I had a semblance of control in those situations, but really he could have asked pretty much anything of me in those moments where my mind was fuzzy and I probably would have done it. It made me truly appreciate his good intentions and willpower against his wolf when he didn't take advantage of that like others would have."

Harry smiled up at Fenrir, love in his eyes- reciprocated by the larger male, and the others watching couldn't help but also smile as they watched the exchange.

"So how did you keep it a secret?" Draco was quick to ask after the loving moment had passed.

Fenrir grimaced slightly, "I had to pretend to be a muggle who was taking care of Harry while his relatives were away, and wear a glamour- the same one I wore in Diagon- it wasn't nice but it was worth it to be able to keep seeing each other. Though I guess that subtlety is now finished considering the order found out about me."

Harry frowned at the thought, "it was going to happen at some point love, though it probably doesn't help that I shouted at Siri and Remus before I came to you. Plus, I'm pretty sure that dad told the order about mum being alive."

Harry frowned in thought and Fenrir stoked his sides in reassurance, thinking over the situation.

"Alright! Enough about us!" Harry sat up straighter and clapped his hands lightly.

"I've been wondering this for a while Tommy, but what is your actual goal?"

There was a series of audible gulps around the room as the group heard what he called their lord.

Tom grimaced in resignation, "you're the only one who gets to call me that Harry, appreciate it."

Harry snorted at his last words.

The group was settled with the knowledge that, as always, the weird connection between their lord and Harry would see to him being allowed to get away with doing and saying things that others weren't.

"I had a select few important goals initially, gaining more later on. 1) To have a magical orphanage made. 2) To have a child welfare system made to prevent harm to magical children. 3) To have magical primary schools where magical children would learn our history, basic magical theory, traditions and how to use a quill. 4) The abolishment of creature laws for persecution and restriction. 5) The integration of muggleborn children from an earlier age. And 6) The lifting of restrictions on the study and use of dark arts, within reason, of course- people don't seem to understand that just because it's dark it doesn't make it evil."

Harry smiled, happy with the answer.

"Who do you have putting forth your bills to the wizengamot?" He was curious about who was being used as the public face of the cause, quickly adding, "apart from Lucius, of course."

"I have had Lucius, as you already knew, McNair, Nott, Goyle, Crabbe and Avery putting forward the proposals. However, every time they're put forth they're voted against by light wizards purely because of who said it and vice versa." Tom frowned at his own words.

Thinking about the man's words, Harry rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I have an idea, If you're up for listening."

Tom nodded, so Harry continued.

"Why don't I get in touch with Fudge and convince him that bills should be read anonymously, that way no one knows if it was a light or dark wizard who suggested it, which would take away the biased voting- it would just mean that your suggestions would have to be written thoroughly enough to answer any possible questions before they are asked."

Tom, Lucius and Rodolphus looked between one another and spoke quietly. A few minutes later they turned back to Harry.

"Please do. It's a feasible plan and could make getting laws pushed through, easier in the long run. It's also sure to make things more fair and less biased for everyone." Tom nodded to himself as he spoke.

"Also, if you're not opposed, I would be willing to talk to some of the lighter families and put forwards your suggestions to them. Surely, they're more likely to vote on it if they think that they're going for an idea proposed anonymously by 'the-boy-who-lived', it will also probably stop them from following blindly behind anyone that says they should vote against it."

Tom's eyes lit up in pleasure at the idea of going under the light's noses to get their regulations and laws in place, "Wonderful idea! Wow, Harry, we should scheme together more often."

They laughed lightly together as Harry sent a thought to Tom, through the horcrux connection, about what the light would do if they saw them like this.

"Of course TomTom, it's fun."

They continued to discuss the wizengamot and what Harry would do for another half hour.


"Now, if only I knew the names of the order members, I could get my people to watch them."
Tom sighed as he leaned back in his chair, his thumbs rubbing his temples.

"Hey Draco", Harry smirked as the blonde turned towards him, "Tommy's all tense, why don't you give him one of your famous massages that I heard about when in the Slytherin common room?"

Draco looked shocked and the adults present had tensed once more.

Lucius looked between Draco and Harry, Draco slightly pale apart from his flaming red cheeks and Harry smirking evilly. "Famous massages?"

"Oh yes, he apparently has magic fingers. At least that's what I've heard from the Slytherin boys dorms..."

Harry continued to smirk as Draco got flustered.

"Relax Draco, I'm messing with you." Draco sighed slightly as the red on his cheeks began to recede.

"Though I was telling the truth before, Tommy could really use a massage."

Draco turned slightly to Tom in question as he moved as if to get up, receiving a nod he continued.

Crossing the room swiftly, he stood behind Tom as he pressed his hands into the base of his neck, rubbing soothing circles across the tense muscles and smoothing his hands across his shoulders and down his back.

Tom relaxed back into the touch, sighing in pleasure as his muscles loosened and leaning further into the ministrations which continued around his neck and shoulders.

The hands were quick and nimble, soothing aches mere moments after their formation.

Tom frowned slightly as his headache continued. He felt the hands on his back still momentarily before they lifted off fully. He was about to turn to question Draco when he felt them settle back, now on his head. Thumbs rubbed into his temples and palms made circular presses into the back and top of his head. Tom relaxed fully as his headache left and hardly noticed as his eyes drifted shut to focus on enjoying the massage.

The group had watched, stunned, as their lord relaxed fully under Draco's hands. They couldn't quite believe what they were seeing and had to blink a few times to confirm that, yes, they were in fact watching Draco give the dark lord a massage.

It was a few more minutes before Draco pulled back, having completely eased the tense muscles of Tom. He was about to move away before he caught sight of Tom's hair and laughed.

Tom opened his eyes, looking up at Draco in question.

Draco just continued to laugh before moving closer to him again and quickly fixing his hair, which had been sticking all over the place at odd angles, sweeping it back into place. Draco, realising that they still had an audience, moved back slightly jerkily and returned to his seat.

"Well that got very awkward very quickly."
Harry's bluntness seemed to break the tense atmosphere as slightly disbelieving chuckles went around the room.

"Yeah I'd say so, love." Fenrir spoke into his hair as he tried to muffle his laughter- having caught onto Harry's cunning scheme to embarrass the two secret lovebirds. Despite them being a Malfoy and THE dark lord.

Remembering the dark lords earlier words, Harry perked up suddenly.

"Hey Tom, you mentioned not knowing the names of the order members..."

"Yes?" Tom asked, not getting where Harry was going with it.

Harry gave him an incredulous look, gesturing at himself. He could tell the moment that Tom realised what he was implying, as his eyes widened and his lips parted slightly.

"Oh Merlin! How could I not realise?!" Tom facepalmed.

Harry smirked as he responded to the, clearly rhetorical, question. "I don't know Tom. I'm wondering that as well."

Tom gave him the stink eye as he turned his attention back to him.

Harry held his hands up in surrender at the look on Tom's face and smiled innocently. He heard as Draco and some of the others, notably the Lestrange brothers, snorted at their byplay.

"Chill it TomTom, I already knew this would be mentioned so, I made sure to get this for you," he took a list from his inner pocket and handed it across.

Tom spent a few minutes reading the list before looking at Harry in disbelief.

"All of them?"

"Oh yes, I was shocked when I found out about some of them too- 'course I saw them in person so it was easier to force my head around."

"I know most of them," he looked over the list again.
"What are the different colours for?"

"Oh, they differentiate how light oriented the families are, for example; red is completely, blue is mostly- meaning they sometimes disagree but not often, and the grey-black is vaguely- which means they are more grey than anything."

"Hm, I didn't expect so many of the sacred 28."

The Lestrange and Malfoys sat up, slightly more interested at the mention of the 28.

"Who of the 28 are on the list?" Lucius was eager to know if they had any surprise turncoats in the 28.

"A few; Abbott, Black, Ollivander, Longbottom, Prewett, Burke, Shacklebolt, Yaxley, Slughorn, Travers and unsurprisingly Weasley."

The group were surprised at a couple but had known or suspected most of the others.

"There can't be too many members of the order, can there?" Harry laughed lightly at Draco's question.

"Draco, just from those I could remember the names of, there would be at least 60-odd members."

Draco looked shocked at how many members there were in the order of the Phoenix.

"You also need to remember that the list I just gave you doesn't include light sympathisers- only official members. The biggest problem for you will be how many ministry workers they have. They have at least a few members in every department, bar perhaps the unspeakables and the minister's direct circle. Hm, no, they have Amelia Bones and Hestia Jones as well."

"If only there was some way that they would all just start hating Dumbledore..." Rodolphus sighed at the idealistic thought.

Harry chuckled as he offhandedly said, "Maybe if they heard about him banging Grindlewald."

He looked around the room as he continued to think, not noticing all the shocked faces aimed at him.

Finally, acknowledging the extended silence, he turned to look at the group who were staring at him incredulously.

"What? I got a hickey or something?"

Fenrir snorted behind him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "You dropped a pretty big bombshell, love. I think you broke them."

Harry looked across the group, all frozen in shock.

He looked to Draco and laughed as he saw spit falling out of his gaping mouth.
"W-w-what?!?!?!" The blonde asked as a disturbed look crossed his features and he wiped his face.

"Ya, I fell into his pensive and saw a very disturbing memory, a few years back, about him and the previous dark lord, back when they were young. Like Draco and my age."

The group seemed to pull themselves together.

"Any other revelations you wish to tell us about 'the great Albus too-many-bloody-names Dumbledore?" Rodolphus asked sarcastically.

Harry pretended to think for a moment as he remembered what he'd found out from his research into the headmaster a few years prior.

"Oh, there's nothing much else I can recall of importance, all that comes to mind is how his father killed a bunch of muggles and that Dumbledore played an accidental hand in his little sisters death."

Bella began to cackle madly, "Oh, this is too good, baby Potter! Who'd have thought, the great Albus Dumbledore- son of a muggle hater and lover of Grindlewald!" She continued to go on in hysterics as the others in the room had begun to smirk, having processed and gotten over the disturbing and shocking information.

Harry was about to speak when he caught sight of the darkened sky outside. His eyes widened, not having realised how late it probably was.

He waved his hand and cast a wandless, wordless 'Tempus', a glowing 11:28 appeared in the air in front of him.

He stood from Fenrir's lap and waved his hand to banish the numbers from the air, turning to hold his hand out to Fenrir.

"Come on Fen, it's late. We should be getting home."

Fenrir nodded and stood, holding Harry's hand in his own.

The others in the room stood as well, all of them moving out into the hallway and towards the floo room.

The Lestrange trio stepped forward first.

Rodolphus said, "Thank you, it was fun talking with you Greyback, Potter, good night." He shook both of their hands and stepped back.

Rabastan quickly repeated the thanks and shook both of their hands before stepping aside to let his sister-in-law, Bella, have her turn.

Bellatrix- "It was so good to meet you Potter, officially, without anyone trying to kill each other. Good to see you Greyback, how you caught this one I'll never understand." She smirked cheekily at her own words as Fenrir 'hmphed'. She held her hand out for Fenrir to kiss while she just hugged Harry, quickly pulling away when Fenrir growled lightly at her and bouncing over to where her husband and brother-in-law stood.

Next were the Malfoys.

Lucius and Narcissa both walked forward gracefully, Lucius shook both of their hands and Narcissa had hers kissed by both Harry and Fenrir before drawing Harry into a brief gentle hug and stepping back slightly. "We hope you enjoyed your evening and were satisfied with the food and beverages, have a good evening and come again." Narcissa smiled kindly as she held Lucius' arm and they moved to the side.

Draco walked forward and offered his hand stiffly, Harry's eyes gleamed slightly in amusement as he took the hand and used it to pull Draco into a short 'bro hug', "Really, Draco, are we not past the point of such formalities between us." It was more a statement than a question and Draco smiled slightly at Harry's antics before moving out of his grip to shake Fenrir's hand and then stand with his parents.

And finally Tom stepped forward.

Tom and Harry stared at each other in silence for a minute before Tom began to speak, or rather, hiss.

$You're going to be a pain in my arse aren't you?$

Harry chuckled.

$Yepp! Just think of me as your annoying little brother!$

Tom's eyes softened slightly.

$You hold my soul as its protector, you chose not to destroy it. I think that earns more than a measly little brother status.$

Harry smiled brightly, happy at Tom's words.

$Well, I'd like to think we're practically family. The Potters are descended from the Peverells, who were distant cousins of the Gaunt line. That makes us directly related in my mind! Even closer because of the horcrux!$

Tom smiled indulgently at his words.

$Well then, Harry, as my designated little brother you qualify for affection.$

Tom opened his arms slightly in invitation and Harry jumped up to hug him tightly, warm arms wrapping around his smaller body securely with his own arms looped around Tom's torso, his face buried in the older man's chest.

$I always wanted lots of siblings. An infertility spell aimed at James Potter made it impossible though, but now I have you.$

They continued to hug each other close for a little while longer before they pulled away slightly, not letting go of one another just yet.

$You may be my big brother now but you're still my bestie, you got that TomTom?$

Tom sighed exasperated at the nickname.

$Yes Hades.$

Harry's face lit up at his nickname and he quickly hugged Tom again, making him laugh.

$Come now, time to go. I'll see you again soon.$

$Promise?$ Harry looked up at him, wide eyed and pouty.

$Promise.$ Tom nodded.

Harry released him finally and stood up straight.

"Say hi to Nagini for me Tommy?"

Tom nodded from where he had moved to shake Fenrir's hand.

Harry smiled at the rest of the group one last time as he wrapped his arms around Fenrir, green flames engulfing the lovers as they were whisked back to Greyback manor.


(A/N hello all!
I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to post!
When I write i just keep going and then come back to it again later to correct mistakes, so it took a while considering how crazy long this chapter was.
I had no idea how much I'd written until I finished and saw the word count at the bottom.
Seriously it's crazy!!! 8704 words!!! Oh my gosh!!! (8808 if you include A/N)

As always please;
And follow me ~AJASH10

Please! comment on anything and everything even if it's just how crazy long this chapter is XD


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