Harry's wolf

By ajash10

731K 18K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... More

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Dining with the Dark Side✅
Two-Way Glass✅
Well that's a surprise.✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
Pack ✅(5/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)

Chapter 13✅

23.3K 582 17
By ajash10

Harry entered the dining room and looked up to where the other occupant was seated. Smiling slightly, Harry moved in his direction and quickly proceeded to slide gracefully into the empty seat beside him. Across the table, Harry serve himself some eggs, bacon and toast. Looking at the plate beside him, he smiled indulgently when he saw the towering mound of various foods on the other's plate. He found his lovers insatiable appetite amusing, to say the very least.
Letting his gaze draw languidly across the man beside him, Harry smirked to himself. The eyes lingered for one drawnout moment longer, before finally gliding upwards to make eye contact with beautiful eyes. Fenrir met his gaze and smirked, a knowing glint passing through his eyes as, he too, appreciated the others beautiful visage. As quickly as their intense gaze met, it dislodged. Fenrir gestured to the food upon Harrys plate, before moving to begin eating his own.

~Time Skip~

Harry and Fenrir sat together on the sofa in the parlour, overlooking the back court and pool area. Fenrir sat, his back to the wing of their chair, arm draped lazily over Harrys shoulders. His hand drew patterns across the base of Harry's neck, eliciting a shiver from him as he curled closer to the warmth of the larger male.

They sat in tranquil silence for an age, curled tightly upon one another. Harry turned slightly, gazing up into his love's face, wondering about everything that has happened in the past few days and what it would mean for their future.

"What's wrong love?"
Fenrir moved, placing his face directly before the thinking teen.
Harry startled, coming away from his downtrodden thoughts.

"Nothing Fen, I was just thinking about a few things that I needed from Diagon, making a list of things I want and things I need.."

"Hmm", fenrir thought about what he said, continually watching Harry's face, "a trip to the ally would be a good idea, love."

"Really? And you'll come with?" Harry's eyes lit up at the prospect, like a puppy spotting a toy.

"Wearing a glamour, of course. But yes I will, can't have you going and getting yourself lost now, can we?"

Harry smiled in delight as he pounced on fenrir, circling his arms around his neck and pulling him into a passionate kiss, before breaking away with a dazzling smile stretched across his face.

"How about we go tomorrow, love?" Suggested Fenrir.

Harry nodded excitedly, moving to snuggle away back in fen's side, chatting about where they should go first and what he was going to get.

The rest of the day passed in a similar fashion, excited ramblings and talk of ice cream flavours monopolising their conversations.

(A/N Been struggling through writers block for ages now, thanks you to all you loyal readers who have hung in there for this story.)
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