erised ˚↠ yandere hp

By NicYandere

194K 7.3K 10.8K

COVER ART BY: Iris Eveland (A good friend of mine in Facebook) Please follow her socials as well! She deserve... More

「Before It Begins」
I - I : 「The Deal and the Beginning」
I - II: 「A Disastrous Night」
I - III: 「A Close Call」
I - IV: 「The Flying Incident」
I - V: 「The First Song」
I - VI: 「A Challenge of Envy」
I - VII:「Unforseen Knowledge」
I - VIII:「Eyes That Lie」
I - IX:「The Memory Lane」
I - X:「Trolls and Pillow Forts」
I - XI:「A Quidditch Player's Friend」
I - XII:「The Second Song」
I - XIII:「Desires of Change」
I - XIV:「The Cracks That Begin To Form」
I - XV (1):「A Stroll in the Forbidden Forest」
I - XVI:「The Calm Before the Storm」
I - XVII:「Into the Trapdoor of Tests」
I - XVIII:「The End of the Beginning」
「Epilogue I」
»»----- ♡ -----««
「Before It Begins II」
II - XVIX:「An Unknown Childhood」
II - XVIX:「Columbines and Purple Hyacinths」
II - XX:「The Boy Across The Street」
II - XXI:「To The Malfoy Manor」
II - XXII:「The Promise We Made」
II - XXIII:「A Diary's Plan」
II - XXIV:「Our Return」

I - XV (2):「A Stroll in the Forbidden Forest」

6.1K 225 278
By NicYandere

❝Will you still love me, even after what I did just to make sure that you'll love me and no one else?❞

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I stretched my arms and giving off a sigh of relief before glancing around the courtyard, that has a few students from different houses chatting or just reading or just spacing out, probably thinking about their inevitable existence in this world.

It took me a moment to realize that nighttime was fast approaching as the sun began to set in the distance.

The sky began to turn orange with a purple hue tinting the edges, complimenting the beauty of the dusk.

The moon wasn't too far behind and a few stars could already be seen.

When I realized that I shouldn't stay outside for now, I hopped off of the tree branch where I sat with my feet landing the green grass as I did so.

"Maybe I should head back," I mumble before turning my heels around to go to the Great Hall.

I'm hungry as heck so I have no time to just kill time in the common room and wait until after curfew hours come.

However, as I turned around, I saw Professor Snape with his usual deadpan face, walking through the hallway. 

He seemed more pissed than ever and if Harry and the others were with me, they'd immediately assume that the turban-wearing fuck was holding his stupid bravado act around Professor Snape.

I contemplate my decisions before skipping over towards the unsuspecting teacher.

This might be a bad idea but eh, this will probably be all worth it.

And I do need his help with something in the near future.

"Good evening, sir!" I chirp happily as adult edge lord turned around with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

He immediately softened before giving me a sneer, almost telepathically telling me to go away.

"Oh, miss/mister Rosewood." He acknowledged my existence before scrunching his face away from me. "I'm afraid I have no time to entertain someone like you." My smile faltered and eventually turned into a frown.

Wow, rood.

"You should really smile more often, sir! You look better when you do!" Skipping happily beside the head of the Slytherin house, I could hear a faint annoyed grumble escape his lips but didn't open his mouth to speak to me.

"Say," I finally get to point as I stopped skipping and began to walk normally, "May I ask for your help, sir?" I ask and I could see his sunken eyes flick over to me for a brief moment before he returned his attention back to the path.

"Go away." He said, slowly and almost like a warning.

Of course, like the stupid nut I am, I didn't take his warning and kept pestering him. I mean, that's what I'm good at anyway.

"You see, a thought occurred in my mind as I wrote the essay about the paralyzing potion; potions are usually drank straight from their containers but you can mix them with something else, can't you?" I ask curiously, paying no heed at the potion master gritting his teeth in anger.

"And may I ask why you're asking such things, miss/mister Rosewood?" He asked through his teeth.

"I'm just asking because I'm curious. I mean, you can slip a love potion in a food right? Would it be the same when it comes to other potions and would it greatly decrease the supposed effects of it when it mixes with other potions?" I shrug while making weird hand gestures while rambling on to an adult, who looks like he's more than happy to feed me to Fluffy if it mean that I won't bother him ever again in his life.

"If I answer your ridiculous question, would you leave me alone for the rest of the year?" He asked and I just gave him a look, wondering why the hell would he want me to stay away from him so bad.

"That's quite harsh, sir. I mean, do you really expect me to just not ask you if I'm having troubles or do not understand anything in your class?" I saw one of his eye twitch in annoyance at this but he still didn't dare to look at me.

"You, being a brainless dimwit in my class, is not my concern. It is your fault for spacing out or not taking any notes in my class, miss/mister Rosewood." He said, which caught me by surprise and made me feel nervous as he does see me space out in class sometimes and then later, asking Alem for help.

"E-Eh, you noticed all of that?" I sweat drop while rubbing my arm nervously.

"I may be old but I'm not stupid, miss/mister Rosewood." He answered monotonously.

We were both silent for a moment since I didn't know how to respond to him.

It's not everyday your head and your teacher tells you that they notice your behaviors in their class.

It's embarrassing to say the least and I'm not even a part of this goddamn world.

"...sir, do you really not have any mercy for an 11 year old child?" I frown a bit but I swear I could've sworn a ghost of a smile gracing his chapped, dry lips.

It's Snape, why do I even assume that he smiles?

"Well, are you even an 11 year old child?" He asked a weird question, and all I could do was look at him with an eyebrow raised and my frown replaced with my mouth slightly open.

"Excuse me?"




"Yes, you may mix most potions in edible things, as long as the potion does not contain any major harmful effects for the drinker." He suddenly answered my question, which really surprised me but I didn't complain.

I need this information anyway.

"For example, a love potion can only make the person fall in love with the caster, that is why you can insert it inside food, but if you slip in a Draught of the Living Dead in an edible food, expect it to melt before a second even passes by." Snape explained and I could only nod while listening to the potions master intently to keep the information inside my brain.

"The effects will be less potent, but I assure you that it'll do just the same." He continued, earning him another nod from me.

"And if it mixes with other potions?" I ask.

"Do you want to explode out of this castle, miss/mister Rosewood?" Snape clicked his tongue and began to squint his eyes in pure annoyance.

"Ah, okay okay, I get it." A chuckle escaped my lips for a brief moment, feeling a bit sad that I can't mix two potions together as I do need it for something else in the future.

"One last question, sir." I say, making him grumble loudly and let out an annoyed huff from his large nose.

"What happens if I were to slip in a paralyzing potion in an apple?" I ask, making him turn towards me with a dark curious glare.

"Nothing happens to the apple though it is impossible to inject a potion inside an apple, unless the apple is made out of paralyzing properties or coated with the potion but it's a long process and less effective." Snape explained, his curious glare growing deeper the more he explained how it works.

However, I paid no attention to this and instead, quirked an eyebrow up.

"Don't you guys have syringes?" I ask.

"A what?" Snape questioned and I shook my head at this as I began to think of how the hell am I going to make a syringe.

"N-Nevermind..." I mumble while I began to retreat back in my thoughts.

Coating the apple makes it less effective and I definitely need it to be if I want this plan to work.

But, apparently, syringes don't exist in the wizarding world and what did I expect? These people can just throw you a bottle of healing potions and you're good to go.

There's no need for surgery or anything like that, which is good and easy but honestly, they didn't think of how useful it can be to combine the muggle ways and the wizard ways.

"Are we done here, miss/mister Rosewood?" Snape's annoyed and fed up voice rang through my ears and snapped me back to reality, making me smile brightly up to the potions master with a thumbs up.

"Yep! Thanks, sir! I'll be sure to remember everything you said!" I said as I turn around, not forgetting to wave Professor Snape goodbye as I run over towards the Great Hall since I forgot that I was getting hungry and I am almost dying from starvation.

Though, that wasn't enough to make me forget the surprised yet nostalgic look that Snape held as I turned around and bid him goodbye.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

As the dark haired man watched the young (H/C) haired student run off, he closed his slightly parted lips and letting his surprised expression submerge immediately, like it never happened before.

"Thank you so much, Severus! I'll be sure to remember everything you said!" Lily Evans grinned happily as her red hair flowed gently behind her, almost dancing along with the wind that just passed them by.

Just like (Y/N) running down the hallway, Severus could see Lily running off as well and suddenly remember of how he helped Lily during their first year at Hogwarts. 

He could still remember the piled up books and a few potion tricks that Severus told Lily, which led her to be as skilled as he is when it comes to potions.

The Rosewood twin's smile and their persistence reminded him of his younger days with Lily. They were just as enthusiastic and cheerful as Lily was when she came to him for help, making Severus see a little bit of Lily's personality in them.

Sometimes, it makes Severus wonder if the Sorting Hat had really done its job, sorting (Y/N) Rosewood in Slytherin. 

They have yet to show their Slytherin trait to everyone and all they've been doing is acting awfully nice and friendly, even to Gryffindors.

Eventually, this made him smile softly but his expression turned bitter when he suddenly remembered that Lily is gone. 

She is never coming back nor is she ever going to talk to him ever again.

The fact that they left on bad terms still left a bitter taste on Severus' mouth.

Severus turned around as he continued to walk back to his destination, while thinking of the odd Slytherin girl/boy and what they were going to do with the information that they just gathered.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Night fell.

I went to eat in the Great Hall alone, since Alem and I aren't in really good terms right now and I didn't want to sleep with the golden trio as I wanted to be alone for tonight to think things through with my plan.

Draco kept shooting me curious glares which set me under pressure and I tried too hard to make myself look less suspicious and Harry kept giving me signals to come and sit with them, though I just ignored him since I didn't want to talk to anyone and we're going to go to Hagrid's Hut tonight anyway.

Right now, I'm just letting my lunascope float since I was bored and I have nothing else to do until this midnight. I already finished the game that I was playing in my gameboy and replaying it isn't really that fun anymore so I need to find new games once it's summer. 

I've only got two school works left to work on but I figured that it could be postponed until tomorrow or this Saturday.

I was already in my pajamas, assuming that I'm all set up to go to sleep. Looking around the room, I ignore Crabbe and Goyle's argument of who should have the bigger chocolate in the box while Alem is just reading the book that I got him this Christmas.

I frown at this but still feel a bit happy that he's reading something that I gave him. 

Maybe I can fix things up with him soon, just not now.

Salazar, I miss talking to Alem and how much of a mother he is. Maybe if I wasn't too strict about not letting Alem know about the things I'm involved in, maybe he could even help me.

Or maybe just crafting a syringe.

The door to the bathroom opened, revealing Draco in his green pajamas and a towel draped over his shoulder.

"Hey, keep it down, you lot." Draco told the two bickering boys and they immediately apologized and kept it down, but not before Crabbe immediately placed the bigger chocolate inside his mouth.

Goyle grumbled at this but didn't say anything since Draco was in the room now. 

I tore my eyes away from the scene and sighed, plopping myself to the bed with a large sigh and gently dropping the lunascope in my nightstand.

What the hell do I do now?

"(Y/N)." I heard my name being called, making me sit up and look over to Draco, who was walking over towards my bed with an unreadable expression.

I feel panic bubbling up inside my stomach but I know that I have to act natural if I want to sell the fact that there's nothing dangerous that's involving dragons and Volde-fucking-mort.

"What were you and Potter talking about in the library and why does it involve dragons?" I almost backflipped myself out of my bed when he was being loud enough for Alem to actually hear all of this stuff. 

Luckily, the two dinguses were still fighting over food and chocolate in the far end of the room.

"Well... uh." I rub the back of my neck nervously while trying to maintain eye contact to the platinum blonde haired boy. "I don't know if this is the right time to say this since I wanted it to be a secret..." I began to cringe at where I'm going with this fake story since Alem is listening right behind me.

"But, we were researching about dragons history so we can write up a story about them and we figured that, since the school's motto is 'never tickle a sleeping dragon', we should center it around that..." At the end of my story, I was already glancing away from Draco so I couldn't see his expression or what he thinks about my obvious lies.

"You know, I think that story is going to turn out to be bad since your story-making skills are just as bad as you attempting to lie to your so-called friend." I heard Alem scoff while flipping a page in his book. I flinch at this and visibly felt annoyed that he just said that.

Merlin, how much I want to take that book and slap it on his head.

I chew the insides of my cheek before looking up to Draco, who surprisingly looked happy as a smile curled up on the corner of his lips. 

With half-lidded silver eyes, he leaned closer towards my ear and making me inhale on his fresh green apple scented shampoo.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll always take be on your side, even if you lied to me." I feel guilt crawling up on my spine as he leaned away from me, giving me another gentle smile before walking over to his bed, which is right beside mine.

He turned his back on me before going to bed, lifting his hands up behind his neck and removing the necklace, that is the other half of mine, and placing it on his nightstand gently.

He laid himself on the bed and covering his body with his blankets, rendering himself done for the day. 

I frown and laid myself down as well, covering my eyes with my arm to think about the guilt, shame and all the negative emotions just flowing through my veins.

I do this all the time to everyone back in the real world; lying and putting up a facade that everyone liked about me. 

I felt no guilt or remorse whenever I looked down to anyone who I thought was beneath me, to anyone who I think doesn't understand me, to anyone who are shallow and annoying.

But here, it's strange;

I feel guilty for even letting anyone feel the tiniest bit of pain, I don't loathe anyone or think that they're shallow and I genuinely feel like they could understand me, even just a little bit. 

In return, I don't give them the happy facade that I always put up and instead, I genuinely smile, joke and feel for them.

Is it because they're fictional characters whom I've grown attached to for months?

Is it because I'm finally in their world and since I know and understand them better, I can finally be myself around them?

I open my eyes lightly while removing my arm away from my sight, gently smiling as I twist by body to the side, facing Draco's sleeping figure and feeling the necklace that he gave me in my neck.

"What a weird world." I managed to mumble out but in a good way, I love this place and everyone in it.

I wish I didn't have to leave, I thought while thinking about Erised and how I'm going to survive the first year alive.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I walked out of the common room and through the painting while my head was hung low and my eyes were observing the stone floors of the castle, along with the fairly visible cracks between each tile.

I've been overthinking, ever since dinner.

The only thing in my mind is;

I... didn't understand why (Y/N) didn't want to sit with me.

Maybe I did something wrong but knowing (Y/N), they would've told me, wouldn't they?

Maybe it's because of Malfoy, he did keep staring at them intensely this dinner and I didn't like it, not one bit. I can definitely tell that he fancies them but there's no way they'll like someone as foul as Malfoy.

But still, panic and anxiety began to rumble in my head and I began to think of every worst case scenarios I could possibly think right now.

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I'll have to make a few  a̪̘̪̩̯ͤ͢d͈͙̼̘̘̜̬͕ͮ͑̋͟ͅj̜̲ͤ̇̒͊͆ͯ̏ͯu̳̤͌̒̿̾ͧs̷̛̩̥̣̲͚̅̓ͤ̑ͬ̍t̥̖̳̰̮̟̣̗̦ͭͥ̽̋ͥ͟m̨͇͓̭͎̘͎͔̻̬̒̅̀ę͕͓̘͚͕̪͕͇̔̈͆ͨ̊̆̐̕ṉ̡͉͎̠̪͔͊̆ͭ̄͠ṫ̨̫͚̱̙̺̈́ͫ̂ͬͦ͋̍ͅs̸̪͆͒̕͝for that.

"Harry!" I heard Hermione whisper yell at me, making me turn to look at her in surprise.

"Huh? Wha-" I was suddenly held back from the collar of my shirt, which made me look forward to see that I was about to let myself get exposed in the middle of the hallway, though the possibility of being seen by a professor or a prefect is lower than my grades in History.

"Are you crazy!? You were about to let yourself get exposed out there!" She pulled me back to the shadows gently while I just rolled my eyes and leaned over to the wall.

"Relax, Hermione. No one is around these halls at this hour." I heard Ron say beside me while Hermione just sighed in annoyance while fumbling through her pockets to reach for her wand.

"This is why we should've brought the invisibility cloak with us." Hermione told as her face became more frantic by the second as she squeezed herself behind Ron to make herself look hidden.

"There's four of us, do you really think we'll fit?" I sigh, sending my brown haired friend a small glare.

"I mean, we're small so I think we would. Then again, I don't think we should take any chances." Ron shrugged while gently pushing Hermione away from him for a few inches since she was getting too close.

Hermione visibly rolled her eyes before scooting away from the red haired boy.

"Where is (Y/N)? We told them to get here as fast as they can once the midnight bell rings." She grumbled while peeking through the wall and searching around for (Y/N)'s whereabouts.

This made me remember that time during Christmas, when it was just me and (Y/N) together. Now, that was a much better time. 

They're easily surprised so maybe I should just call out to them when they get here, instead of poking them and startling the life out of them.

I don't want to, accidentally, give them a heart attack.

"Oh!" I heard Hermione gasp and widen her brown eyes, indicating that she saw something. 

Ron shuffled beside me, fearing that it might be someone on patrol but seeing how Hermione didn't immediately hide herself or usher us to hide, means that it must be (Y/N).

Before any of them could call out to the (H/C) haired Slytherin, I opened my mouth to call them out to us.

"Psst, (Y/N)." My voice was enough to turn (Y/N) around with a small trace of fear and surprise visible in their glistening (E/C) eyes, but they eventually softened as they walked over to where we are.

I stick my head out of the shadows, smiling at (Y/N), who is currently in their pajamas. They look absolutely adorable in their pajamas, it's as if they're a little child. Their small bedhair makes it even better.

I could feel warmth spreading through my cheeks and I could tell that I'm blushing so I turned away from (Y/N) and letting them talk to Hermione and Ron for now. 

I'm still a bit afraid of the reason why they kept ignoring me this dinner.

"You're a bit late." Hermione huffed, crossing her arms while puffing her chest out. (Y/N) scratched the back of her head in embarrassment while casting their eyes to the side to avoid Hermione's glare.

"Sorry, I had to create a diversion so I wouldn't be followed." They said while bringing their eyes up to me, giving me a small apologetic smile that made me blush softly. 

I figured that they did that since they're aware about ignoring me this evening.

"And are you sure that you're not followed?" Ron intervened which led (Y/N) to remove their attention on me but I didn't mind. As long as they somewhat apologized, everything is fine.

"Yep! I am a hundred percent sure!" (Y/N) gave us a thumbs up while my two Gryffindor friends just looked at each other skeptically, unsure of the Slytherin's ability to conceal themselves when they're being followed.

I don't care either way. I trust (Y/N) and if they say that we're not being followed then we're not.

And I would follow them to the ends of the earth.

My green eyes trailed over to their neck, narrowing at the sight of the necklace that Malfoy gave them. 

They're still wearing it to this day? Is the necklace that important?

I frown, watching them begin to walk along with Ron and Hermione sneakily. I took this chance to walk beside them, hopefully to get closer and talk about things while the other two just mind their own business.

"So, (Y/N)," I cough out softly. "You're still wearing the necklace, huh?"

"Hm? Oh yeah." They bring their hand inside their shirt, pulling the necklace out and showing the bright green jewel to me. 

Though, I wasn't impressed with how nice it is because Malfoy gave it to them.

"I guess I forgot to remove it but eh, it doesn't really matter."

It does to me.

(Y/N) tucked it back inside their pajama shirt and patting it safe. I frown again, seeing how they seem to treasure that necklace.

"You know, I actually sense a bit of magic in that necklace." I told (Y/N), bringing up the first time where I sensed something in the necklace during Christmas holidays. 

I wasn't lying but I definitely just want them to get rid of it because I don't want them to keep something that another boy gave them.

"Really? I don't sense anything, to be honest." (Y/N) quirked their eyebrow up, finding my words to be a bit... odd, judging from the look on their face.

"Well, I do." A smile made its way to my face when I saw how their facial expression softened, almost as if they're beginning to believe me. "And you said that Malfoy gave it to you, right?"

"...yes?" Their response came out as a question.

"So you probably shouldn't trust it. You never know that it might be from something dangerous." I said and for a while, I could see them giving it a bit of a thought while bringing their finger up to their chin until they brought their eyes up to mine.

"And you never know that it might be a protective charm." (Y/N) gave me a gentle smile, throwing me off guard with their response. "Draco is my friend, I doubt that he would give me something dangerous. Besides, he's never had an actual friend before and this is just a friendship necklace so I think it's alright."

They shrug before turning away from me. I was still surprised from their response to my warnings until I silently pout angrily, drifting my green eyes away from them when they also looked away from me with the same smile etched on their face.

Draco and (Y/N) seem to be close, if that's the case.

And that thought infuriates me so much that I want to g̶o̶u̶g̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶u̶l̶ ̶s̶i̶l̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶.̶

I take a deep breath in order to calm myself down before looking back at the (H/C) haired Slytherin beside me.

"I understand, (Y/N) but you should still be a bit more careful." I tell them, returning the smile at they gave me a while ago. 

They did nothing but nod absentmindedly and from the looks of it, it seems like they're back in their own world.

I might have to be more... straightforward if I want (Y/N) to stay away from Malfoy.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

(Y/N), Harry, Hermione and Ron stood in front of Hagrid's hut. The warm orange lights were on inside, indicating that someone must still be awake and up at this time of the night.

The Slytherin pinched their nose briefly to block out any foul smell that they could definitely smell in front of Hagrid's hut. 

They didn't want to be rude so they just breathe in small sets of air at a time.

Harry stepped up, bringing his knuckles up to the front door before knocking three times gently. 

After a few seconds later, the door creaked open to reveal the large burly body of Hagrid, the half giant friend of the three Gryffindors and the Slytherin.

"Didn' expect you all ter come." Hagrid sighed at the sight of the four before letting them in, glancing around the dark surroundings of his home before going back inside and closing the door.

In an instant, a large black dog slobbered its way towards the four. 

Hermione was the first to back away and hide behind her two male friends, however it seems that even Harry and Ron are wary and somewhat afraid of the dog.

(Y/N), however, simply smiled at the canine and crouched down in order to meet the dog's line of sight. 

"Hey there, bud." They grin, watching the black dog pant happily and letting its slobber fall on the wooden floor in front of (Y/N).

The trio watched (Y/N) interacting the dog in a calm and enthusiastic manner amazedly. Almost as if they've known the dog for a very long time or they're just really attached to animals in general.

"Lil' runt seem ter takin' a likin' to yer, (Y/N)." Hagrid commented happily as (Y/N) circled their hand in the air, making the black dog run around in circles while following the Slytherin's hand.

"I'm glad that he does." (Y/N) chuckled, rubbing the dog's stomach as it laid on the floor comfortably.

"What's the runt's name?" They asked, looking up at Hagrid, although they already know what his name is.

"The name's Fang." Hagrid replied while walking over to the stone furnace and picking up a hot kettle at a small ledge situated near the squared hole of the furnace. 

The half giant then walked over to the counter and retrieved four cups, setting them down on the wooden table near the four students in his hut.

"Aw, Fang... You're such a good boy!" (Y/N) began to rub Fang's stomach in a fast pace before standing up and dusting off any black fur they might've gotten on their pajamas.

"You seem to have a good relationship with dogs, (Y/N)." Hermione said while giving Fang, who is now circling around the Slytherin's feet happily, a wary look since she isn't the type to like dogs that look intimidating.

She's already got Fluffy to deal with that.

"Well, I've always wanted one and they're really cute so..." The Slytherin grinned down at Fang, silently cooing at the black dog before returning their attention back to the trio.

"I seriously wonder what part about that dog is cute." Ron murmured while turning away from (Y/N) and walking over towards a sofa with a lot of patched up clothes in order to fix every spots that were ruined, possibly by Fang.

After a while of settling down in Hagrid's hut in sofas (and Fang sleeping right beside (Y/N) and growled at Harry for wanting to sit next to them), everyone went down to business.

But not before Hagrid had offered them stoat sandwiches and tea, which they politely refused.

"So, yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?" Hagrid sat down on a chair, looking at the four with a small smile.

"Yes," Harry was the first to reply to Hagrid, figuring it was time to stop beating around the bush. "We were wondering if you could tell us about what's guarding the stone, apart from Fluffy."

When (Y/N) heard this, they turned their head towards Harry with a confused look.

"Wait, I thought we were going to ask about dragons." (Y/N) said, which Harry took in account with a curt nod.

"Yes, and that too." The raven haired Gryffindor told, earning a frown from the half giant sitting in front of him.

"...I-I don' know 'bout any dragons but I can't tell yeh about the stone." Hagrid told Harry, fumbling slightly in his seat when he mentioned the dragons. "Number one, I don' know meself. Number two, yeh know too much already so I wouldn' tell yeh if I could. That stone's been here fer a good reason. It was almost stolen outta Gringotts - I s'ppose yeh've worked that out an' all?"

Hagrid sighed defeatedly while letting himself sink lower in his seat. "Beats me how yeh even know 'bout Fluffy."

"Oh come on, Hagrid." Hermione began with a small pout, "You might not want to tell us, but you do know, you know everything that goes around here."

Hagrid's beard twitched for a moment, indicating that he was smiling. 

(Y/N), who had caught the gist, smirked before continuing what Hermione is planning to do as they intertwined their fingers together while giving Hagrid a soft, pleading look.

"Yes, and we only wondered who had done the guarding, really." (Y/N) said in a warm, flattering voice. "We wondered who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him, apart from you."

(Y/N) chuckles teasingly at the half giant while Harry and Ron beamed at the two for their way of talking this situation out into a good one. Harry, specifically, found (Y/N) so adorable with their glistening (E/C) eyes.

Although, in (Y/N)'s case, they seem to be cringing more than ever for even doing something like that.

"Well, I don' s'pose it could hurt ter tell yeh that..." Hagrid said while (Y/N) just winked at Harry and Ron. The two boys caught the gist and winked back before giving their attention towards Hagrid.

Fang began to rest his head on (Y/N)'s lap while whining for a brief moment. The Slytherin smiled softly, bringing their hand up to Fang's head and gently patting him while listening to the half giant intently.

"Let's see, he borrowed Fluffy from me... then some o' the teachers did enchantments... Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall..." Hagrid trailed off while ticking the professors that he knows are responsible for guarding the stone in his fingers. "Professor Quirrell an' Dumbledore himself did somethin', o' course. Hang on, I've forgotten someone..."

Hagrid was in deep thought and placed his large finger on his chin before his eyes lit up in realization and finally ticked off the last professor on his list. "Oh yeah, Professor Snape."

"Snape?" Harry frowned. Out of all the things he needed to hear right now, Snape also being one of the professors who is guarding the stone is the worst.

"Yeah -- yer still not on abou' that are yeh?" Hagrid groaned slightly, eyeing Harry with a slightly narrowed look. "Look, Snape helped protect the stone. He's not about ter steal it."

Harry was about to open his mouth to ask Hagrid something but then he suddenly remembered how strongly (Y/N) felt about accusing the head of the Slytherin house. 

The raven haired boy turned to look at (Y/N), who was frowning but didn't say anything as they kept patting the sleeping Fang.

In Ron's case, he was just as anxious as Harry and Hermione were and the three seemed to have the same thoughts based on their facial expressions; if Snape is one of the professors guarding the stone, then there's a high chance that he already knows all of the spells that are guarding the stone.

From the looks of it, Snape doesn't know how to get past Quirrell's spell and Fluffy so the Gryffindors were somewhat reassured.

"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, aren't you, Hagrid?" Ron asked anxiously as he gripped the arms of the sofa tightly. "And you wouldn't tell anyone, would you? Not even the teachers?"

"Not a soul knows except me an' Dumbledore." Hagrid said, proudly. This reassured the three Gryffindors as they heaved a small sigh of relief. 

(Y/N), who listened to the whole thing, silently huffed angrily through their nose.

Although, they couldn't exactly blame them for thinking that way because they don't know anything, (Y/N) felt like blaming Snape and perceiving him as someone who has an evil motive just doesn't sit right with them.

"Well, that's something..." Hermione leaned down to the sofa, closing her eyes for a moment to take a small rest from all the tension that was just released in the atmosphere.

Silence engulfed the hut for a moment and nothing could be heard except Fang's heavy breathing as he laid his head on (Y/N)'s lap.

It wasn't until Harry stood up from his seat, fanning himself using his hand while exhaling softly. "Hagrid, can we have a window open? I'm boiling."

"Yeah, it's getting kinda hot in here." (Y/N) breathed out while feeling a sweat trickle down to their chin and down to their neck. Harry noticed this, following the trickling sweat and blushing once he saw their neck.

Although that necklace was taking most of the space in their neck, which greatly displeased him.

"Can't, 'arry, sorry." Hagrid apologized briefly while looking over to the furnace. 

Harry gulped before tearing his green eyes away from the Slytherin's bare, soft neck and looking over at Hagrid.

The raven haired Gryffindor quirked an eyebrow up before looking over to see where Hagrid is looking at. 

In the very heart of the fire, deep in the furnace, a large black egg sat there.

"Hagrid, what's that?" Harry pointed at the egg, making the other three twist their heads to where Harry was pointing.

"Ah," Hagrid fumbled with his words while scratching his large beard nervously, "That's... err-"

"It's a dragon egg, isn't it?" (Y/N) tilted their head to the side innocently at Hagrid. 

Before the gamekeeper could answer and deny the Slytherin's question, Ron already walked his way towards the fire and leaning closer to the black dragon egg to examine it.

"Where'd you get it, Hagrid?" Ron asked, somewhat enthusiastically since he's never been able to see a dragon egg this close before. "It must've cost you a fortune."

"Won it," Hagrid said while sighing in defeat, knowing that he won't be able to get his way out in this and lie to four eleven year olds. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, to be honest."

"That's strange, why would he just carry a dragon egg around and be glad to get rid of it?" (Y/N) crossed their arms, shifting their eyes around while resisting the urge to laugh and tell them that it's actually Quirrell who was carrying this egg around.

Hagrid, however, ignored (Y/N) with a shrug. They didn't like being ignored but then again, they understood that Hagrid just wants a dragon and the doubt of other people isn't going to make him change his mind. 

It's not like he'd like it anyway if someone criticized his choice of keeping a freaking dragon egg inside a hut.

"And what are you going to do once it hatches?" Hermione asked, glancing over at (Y/N) skeptically for asking that question. The fact that they're acting a bit suspicious about it adds more to the strange factor.

"Well, I've been doin' some readin'," Hagrid grinned broadly while pulling out a large book from under his pillow.

Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit

"oh, it's the book that he took from the library this afternoon." (Y/N) mumbled, staring at it and observing the cover. Its color is deep red and it seemed like it was made from leather. 

Though, this didn't cover up the fact that it's somewhat worn out and been used for quite some time now.

The inscription in the book was gold and it seemed to be printed though (Y/N) couldn't be too sure as they were quite far away from Hagrid when he held it up.

"Got this outta the library; Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit. It's a bit outta date, o' course but it's all in here." Hagrid said, placing the book on the table before flipping to a certain page while smiling happily. "Keep the egg in the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on 'em, see. An' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour."

The gamekeeper continued to tell the four students what he was going to do with the dragon once it hatches, excitedly as well. 

(Y/N) was concerned for what comes to Hagrid once someone finds out that he's been keeping an illegal dragon egg, but the Slytherin thought that if he's happy about it then it doesn't really matter.

"An' see here," Hagrid flipped another page and pointed at the drawing of a black egg in the page with a few inscriptions beside it. "How ter recognize diff'rent eggs. What I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them."

"Yeah, and what are you going to do once it gets big enough to swallow your house whole?" (Y/N) asked, crossing their arms while trying to move Fang's head away from their lap since they needed to stand up and stretch their legs for a bit.

No one replied to (Y/N)'s question but they couldn't miss the frown that Hagrid had when they asked him that. 

On (Y/N)'s part, they certainly didn't mean to sadden the man but at the same time, they needed to tell him and show him a small glimpse of reality.

"Hey, I'm just saying that a dragon wouldn't exactly be the best house partner when it gets big." The Slytherin shrugged and stood up slowly once they felt that Fang's head was away from their lap.

"Well, that is true and we need to consider-" Harry's words stopped abruptly when he heard a cracking and a scraping noise coming from the fire where the egg sat. 

(Y/N), realizing that the egg is about to hatch, walked over to Hagrid hastily and tugged on his brown sleeve.

"Hagrid, take it out of the fire. It's about to hatch!" (Y/N) exclaimed, making the half giant panic and frantically walk over to the fire. 

He stuck his hand inside the fire to take the egg out, making Hermione and (Y/N) wince, thinking that it must hurt and that Hagrid must've burned his hand.

To their surprise, Hagrid seemed to be fine as he hastily placed it on the table. After a few seconds, the cracks on the black egg widened and from those cracks, the egg split open.

The baby dragon flopped itself on the table, a few sticky clear strings clinging on to it from the insides of the egg where it just flopped out of. 

Though it was interesting to see a baby dragon for the first time, it wasn't exactly pretty.

Harry thought it was a crumpled black umbrella. Ron thought that it was a bundle of black moss. Hermione thought that it looks like a baby bat while (Y/N) just thought of it as the young dark lord that will soon conquer the earth with its flames engulfing the entire world whole.

The spiny wings of the dragon were huge compared to its skinny jet body. It had a long snout with wide nostrils, small stubs of horns in its head and bulging and fiery orange eyes.

"Aw, she doesn't look that bad." (Y/N) cooed, observing the baby Ridgeback sneezing as a couple of sparks flew out of its snout. 

"She?" Harry turned to look at the Slytherin, wondering why they assumed that it was a girl. Even Hagrid turned to look at them skeptically, and he's the one who knows a lot more about dragons.

(Y/N), who already knew the dragon's gender and its future name, sweat dropped while chuckling nervously and scratching the back of their head.

"I just... have a feeling that she's a girl." (Y/N) lied, earning a curious look from everyone in the hut before turning to look back at the dragon in astonishment.

"Well, if young (Y/N) 'ere thinks that she's a girl, then she is." Hagrid laughed heartily while patting (Y/N)'s head, causing their hair to ruffle. 

(Y/N) laughed back, arranging their hair to make it less messy by running their fingers through their (H/C) hair.

"Isn't she just beautiful?" Hagrid smiles, reaching out to the female baby dragon to stroke its head but to everyone, except Hagrid's, surprise, it snapped at its fingers while showing its small yet seemingly sharp fangs.

"Bless her, look, she knows her mummy!" The gamekeeper laughed, lovingly staring at his dragon while the four eleven year olds just stared at him and the dragon, wondering what he's going to do now and how is he going to hide it.

"I've decided to call her--"

"Norbert...a!" (Y/N) said, almost too quickly and startling almost everyone in the room. Hagrid stared at them for a moment before smiling widely, snapping his large fingers at the Slytherin.

"I like how your mind works, (Y/N)." He laughed while cooing at Norberta for a brief moment. "I was about to call 'er Peaches but I like yours better!" Hagrid said while wiggling his finger around Norberta, as if he's playing with her.

"Why does it seem like those two are about to lose their marbles?" Ron whispered towards Harry, staring at (Y/N) and Hagrid talking and having the same enthusiasm when it comes to animals.

"I mean, as long as (Y/N)'s happy about it, it doesn't seem too bad." Harry lovingly stared at (Y/N) as they laughed and smiling happily at Hagrid and Norberta. 

He certainly wouldn't mind this as long as he could see them smiling and laughing all the time.

Ron grumbled at Harry's answer and realized that he's getting to caught up with staring at the Slytherin for a long period of time. 

He stared at Norberta for a moment before sighing and looking over to Hermione, who had an observing look towards (Y/N).

What exactly did (Y/N) do to them? Ron shook his head with a frown.

It wasn't until Hermione drifted her thoughts away from (Y/N) and looking over at Hagrid with her face lit up, as if she just realized something critically important.

"Hagrid, how fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow, exactly?" Hermione asked urgently. 

Hagrid turned to look at Hermione and was about to answer until his face paled and his mouth parted in surprise. 

Suddenly, the gamekeeper leapt to his feet and ran over to the window that was a few feet away from Hermione.

Well, I mean, this was bound to happen one way or another, (Y/N)'s face paled as well as they looked down to the wooden floor nervously. They knew exactly why Hagrid reacted like that.

"Hagrid, what's the matter?" Ron was on alert now as he stared at Hagrid nervously. He knows that this wouldn't be something good.

"Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains. It's a kid, he's runnin' back up ter the school." Hagrid's voice shook for a moment as he kept staring out of the window. 

Harry gasped briefly before running out to the front door and looking over to the pathway to the castle.

Even at a distance, there's no mistaking him; that platinum blonde hair. Harry bit his lip, thinking what (Y/N) had told everyone a while ago.

"And are you sure that you're not followed?" Ron intervened which led (Y/N) to remove their attention on me but Harry, specifically, didn't mind. As long as they somewhat apologized, everything is fine.

"Yep! I am a hundred percent sure!" (Y/N) gave us a thumbs up while Ron and Hermione just looked at each other skeptically, unsure of the Slytherin's ability to conceal themselves when they're being followed.

"It was Malfoy." Harry entered back inside the hut, looking over at (Y/N), who had their eyes glued on somewhere else, as if they looked guilty and knew what was going to happen.

"What!?" Ron almost fainted at Harry's words as he took a step back in surprise. 

"(Y/N)," Hermione turned towards the (H/C) haired Slytherin with a frantic look on her face, "You said you weren't being followed." 

"I did," (Y/N) sighed sadly, not knowing what to respond to the female Gryffindor. "I made sure that no one followed us. I even had to take a detour to get to the Gryffindor common room." They crossed their arms in defeat while looking down to the floor in thought.

"Did you make sure that Malfoy was asleep when you sneaked out?" Hermione asked again.

"He was asleep since 8 PM. He was snoring and let me tell you, he snores when he sleeps. A lot." (Y/N) thought back to those nights where they actually woke up due to Draco snoring. They had to twist and turn around for a couple of times before they were able to sleep.

Everyone was silent for a moment until Harry went up to (Y/N), placing a reassuring hand on their shoulder to tell them that it wasn't their fault. 

"In any case, we should head back to our common rooms now. It won't be long until Malfoy comes back here with Filch." Harry said as he began to walk to the front door. Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Hagrid.

The gamekeeper stared at Norberta for a moment in concern, as the thought of Malfoy telling McGonagall or Snape about his dragon coursed through his mind. Norberta would definitely be taken away from him.

"Be safe." is all Hagrid could say to them as they nodded apologetically at him before walking out of his hut.

"I'm sorry, Hagrid." (Y/N) muttered underneath their breath as they followed the Gryffindors back in the castle.

Nobody talked to each other. All they could think of was how to get out of trouble, not being seen and go back to their common rooms safe and sound. 

Hermione was the most nervous out of them all, she'd never gotten in trouble before and knowing Draco, he would definitely tell McGonagall or any of the professors about them sneaking out of the castle at night.

"Well, well, well. We are in trouble." Everyone was startled at the voice of Filch at the end of the corridor they were walking in. 

(Y/N) resisted the urge to curse loudly but found it odd why they didn't encounter McGonagall and Draco first, Harry gulped nervously, Ron was about to faint due to being anxious while Hermione just squeaked out in fear.

"Is it too late now to tell everyone that it's going to be alright?" (Y/N) nervously laughed, trying to lighten up the mood but inevitably failed as Filch dragged them off to where (Y/N) knows he's going to drag them to,

McGonagall's office.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Well, things couldn't have been worse.

Filch took us to Professor McGonagall's office where we sat and waited for the head of the Gryffindor house to come and give us an earful of scolding. 

Not only that, this will ultimately lead us to go to the Forbidden Forest to serve our detention.

There was no reason, on Earth, that Professor McGonagall would accept for us being out of bed and creeping around the school in the dead of night, let alone being in a staff's house late at night. 

Add Norberta and I'm sure all of us would be packing our bags on our way home.

I glanced over to Harry, Ron and Hermione. I can tell that Hermione's petrified out of her mind right now as she kept her brown eyes on her slippers while trying to think of alibi and cover-ups to deem us, or her, as innocent.

Harry and Ron seems to be doing the same thing but I already gave up trying to prove myself innocent since this is Professor McGonagall we're talking about and you can't prove yourself innocent once it's clear that you've violated the rules and caught red-handed.

Suddenly, the doors opened. I turned around and almost choked on my own spit when I saw Professor Snape walking right behind Professor McGonagall. Draco also walked towards us with a bitter look on his face. 

Now, I'm having even less of a good night.

But to my utter surprise, Alem walked behind Draco with the same bitter look that the platinum blonde haired boy has. 

Questions rumbled through my brain, trying to wonder why the hell is my brother here and why is he up so late.

He couldn't have been with Draco when he saw us in Hagrid's hut, did he?

But, I immediately pushed the thought of Alem away from my mind as my eyes drifted towards Snape's tired and sunken look. 

The head of my own house will determine my fate and knowing Snape, he's probably going to expel me. 

I've done so many things that pissed him off and he did tell me that he sees me sleeping on his class so the possibility isn't too far-

"I would never have believed it,  of any of you. Mr. Filch, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Rosewood says you were wandering around the halls and was in Hagrid's hut. It's one o' clock in the morning. Explain yourselves." Professor McGonagall's voice echoed around the room, snapping me out of my thoughts and look up to the towering professor with fear.

Salazar, even Professor Snape looks so displeased with me and Draco. His death glare is enough to make me sink in my seat and disappear for the rest of my life.

"I think I've got a good idea of what's been going on," Professor McGonagall rubbed the temples of her head in anger with a groan. "It doesn't take a genius to work it out. You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble. I've already caught him. I suppose you think it's funny that Rosewood here heard the story and believed it, too?"

I glance over to Alem, who didn't seem to be looking at me. Instead, he was just crossing his arms while he leaned down to his seat and looked somewhere else on the office. 

He looks pissed, that's for sure.

"I'm disgusted," Professor McGonagall's harsh words caused all of us to flinch and frown. "Six students out of bed in one night! I've never heard of such a thing before!" 

"You, Miss Granger, I thought you had more sense. Miss/Mr. Rosewood, you have always been a trouble child but I did not expect you to go this far. As for you, Mr. Potter, I thought Gryffindor meant more to you than this." The head of the Gryffindor exhaled angrily through her nose, glaring at us with such fury that if looks could kill, I think we would all be dead by now.

"All six of you will receive detentions – yes, you too, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Rosewood, nothing gives you the right to walk around school at night, especially these days, it's very dangerous – and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor and Slytherin." I look over at Alem again and his bitter expression deepened, his narrowed (E/C) eyes looks like he wants to curse and hex someone at the same time.

I heard Harry and Ron gasp beside me, clearly surprised and fearful of McGonagall's decision to take fifty points from our houses.

"Fifty!?" Harry exclaimed as he almost stood up from his seat to object the head of his head.

"Fifty points each." McGonagall said as Harry looked like he was about to cry. 

I frown and placed my hand on top of his, attempting to reassure him and comfort him. His expression softened but the sad look that he held on his face didn't disappear.

"Professor, please-" Ron tried to reason out but was immediately cut by Harry.

"You can't-" 

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Now get back to bed, all of you. I've never been more ashamed of Gryffindor students." McGonagall shook her head in stress before walking out of her office with Filch following behind her. 

I couldn't miss the smug smile that he held as he walked out, that tattletale. 

Everyone was silent as Professor Snape was the only one who was left in the room, the head of the Slytherin house.

"Well, Miss/Mr. Rosewood." I flinch at Snape's voice. I had to double check if he wasn't talking to Alem but my guts told me that he was, indeed, talking to me. "You are lucky that you are just a first year student, otherwise, I would've given you something worse as a punishment." 

I look up to the potions master with a small frown on my lips. I still couldn't believe that Snape is here, considering that he wasn't at the time when this scene happened. 

Is it because three Slytherins are here and McGonagall felt the need to pull Snape here?

Heck, even Neville isn't here and he is supposed to be here.

"Expulsion." Snape answered the question that I was about to ask him, making me hang my head down low in shame and fear. 

I didn't want to answer the potions master now, or else I would definitely be expelled.

"Go to bed and do not do it again, that goes for you too, Mr. Malfoy." Snape walked over towards the door with his black robe fluttering behind him. Even though no one is in the room now, none of us moved nor say a word. 

It's as if someone is still scolding and judging us for doing something illegal.

After a few seconds, Alem was the first one to stand up and walk out of the room without saying anything. 

I frown at this before glancing over at the trio, waiting for them to stand up and walk away as well but judging from the look of their faces, I guess it would take them a while to recover from the shame and guilt that McGonagall just gave them.

"Well, I'll be going with Draco." I stand up, sighing as Draco stood up from his seat as well. He certainly looks bitter and sour for being punished but honestly, I wouldn't blame him. 

I'm pretty bummed out too even though I already know what's going to happen anyway.

"Good night, you guys. I hope you have a nice sleep." As naive and stupid those words were, I needed to tell them that anyway, just in case they needed comfort. Draco beckoned for me to come with him as he gently poked my arm.

I take one last glance at the Gryffindors before walking out of the office and towards the Slytherin common room with Draco.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Well, that comfort just went down the drain.

The Gryffindors found out that they lost a hundred and fifty points yesterday because of Harry while us, the Slytherins, also lost a hundred and fifty points. Nobody couldn't figure out why we also lost a huge amount of points, until they realized that I was a part of Harry's friend circle.

And rumors say that Harry was with a bunch of 'stupid' first years when they lost the points.

Alem wasn't exactly happy with me either. We didn't talk but I could tell, from the way he looks at me, that he's very displeased with what I've done. He's also going to serve detention with us tonight so that's great.

The note that McGonagall gave us this breakfast started all of this dread mood and silence from the first years that lost a hundred and fifty points last night.

Your detention will take place at eleven o' clock tonight.

Meet Mr. Filch in the entrance hall.

Professor M. McGonagall

I didn't expect it to come this sooner but time is moving fast in this world, so what did I expect?

Though most of the Slytherins aren't happy, we're still in the lead to get the house cup and the Gryffindors losing a hundred and fifty points is enough for us to secure the house cup. 

The treatment that I get from my fellow housemates aren't that bad as Harry is getting, since he's being insulted by Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws (they really wanted Slytherin to lose the house cup), but still pretty bad in some cases.

No one said anything to Draco, probably because they're scared of confronting him.

"Thanks, Potter! We owe you one!" One of the Slytherins clapped and whistled at Harry as they walked past us. I grumble and shot the Slytherin a glare before turning to Harry and holding his hand in reassurance.

He's the one getting beat up by all of these hate so the least I can do is comfort him.

"Don't worry, Harry. I'm sure they'd forget all of it in a few days or so." I told, ignoring the stares and glares of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that were being sent towards me and Harry. 

"Yeah, Fred and George have lost loads of points in all the time they've been here, and people still like them." Ron piped in from beside Harry, standing right by his side even though he's being bombarded with all of this hate.

"They've never lost a hundred and fifty points in one go, though, have they?" said Harry miserably as he looked like he was about to cry. 

Aw, poor thing. I thought while thinking of just hugging this poor boy and squeeze the misery out of him.

"Well – no," Ron admitted while looking down. 

The three of us didn't say anything as we walked to our next class with the sad atmosphere making us frown and suck the life out of us.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Eleven o'clock striked, making me hop out of my bed and close my gameboy, much to my dismay. 

I was still playing, so leaving my game, although I had already finished it before, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

Alem was already gone from the common room so I assume that he already went on ahead. 

Draco was the only one left in the room while Crabbe and Goyle just slept soundly as their bodies sprawled across the bed.

Damn, my brother really doesn't want to talk to me.

"Tch, my father will hear about this. I swear, this is so unfair." Draco muttered but I could definitely hear it. I held the urge to laugh and possibly, offend the platinum blonde haired boy.

"Hey, Draco," I strike up a conversation, "Why was Alem out of bed last night? Did he follow you?" I ask the question that kept ringing in my mind last night. 

Draco turned to look at me, an eyebrow quirked up before he turned to look forward on the stone path.

"You could say that. He was the one who told me to follow you." He replied and his answer surprised me, to say the least. 

"What?" I frowned, hoping to get more answers from the Malfoy heir but it was cut short as I realized that we were already in the entrance hall, much to my displeasure.

I know that Alem knows that we've been up to no good but did he really have to come and sneak out just to see what we were doing and pulling Draco along with him?


I look at the two figures standing in the distance. Only Filch and Alem was there. My brother was leaning on the wall with an angry look on his face and his mouth curled into a pout. 

Was he worried for me?

I walk beside the spot near Alem and tried to strike a conversation with my twin brother, but the angry side glare that wasn't even directed towards me made me drop the thought and continue standing there in silence.

"I'm still angry at you." Alem spoke and this startled me since I didn't expect him to talk. I look at him and he wasn't looking back at me. 

Smiling softly, I also lean on the wall with my arms crossed and my eyes closed.

I didn't say anything and neither did Alem, but it's not like he needed to.

It didn't take for Harry, Ron and Hermione to come to the entrance hall with a dreaded look on their faces. I open my eyes when I heard footsteps walking towards us. 

When Harry's green eyes landed on me, they widened for a moment before they softened.

Did he seriously forget that the three of us are going to have detention too?

"Follow me." Filch didn't spare us some time to greet each other as he led us outside while holding a warm lamp on his right hand.

"I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" He said, leering at us. I flick my eyes over to him before silently smirking, remembering that the golden trio just gives a middle finger to the school rules as soon as the year progresses.

"Oh yes, hard work and pain are the best teachers if you ask me. It's just a pity that they let the old punishments die out; hang you by your wrists from the ceiling for a few days and I've got the chains still in my office, keep 'em well oiled in case they're ever needed." While Filch was having his monologue about how he liked the old punishments better, we were all being uncomfortable off how visibly sadistic he is to the students.

"Well, aren't you sadistic." I mutter, making sure that Filch didn't hear us or else I would probably get screamed at for questioning his taste for punishments.

We continued to march across the dark grounds and I couldn't miss the cold air of the night as I rubbed my arms together in order to heat myself. 

Now I regret my choice of wearing a plain white shirt and the black jogging pants in the middle of the night.

I felt a cloth draping over my shoulders gently. I look up to see Draco giving me his black short cloak. 

He seemed to be blushing but I couldn't be too sure since the light around the area is too dim to confirm.

"Thanks but aren't you going to get cold too?" I tug the cloak closer to my body, tying the small laces near the neck so it wouldn't fall out. 

Draco sighed and pointed at his silver sweater before continuing to walk beside me.

"Honestly, I don't get why you never wear warm clothing during the night or during the cold." Draco sighs, closing in the distance between us and letting our shoulders touch. 

He's a bit taller than me so my shoulder can only touch his forearm.

"I'm a strong independent woman/man, I don't need any clothes to keep me warm during the cold." I puff out my chest proudly until another cold wind blew, making me shudder and tug the cloak closer to me.

I heard Draco scoff beside me but didn't say anything as we kept walking to where Filch is leading us to.

The moon was bright, but clouds scudding across it kept throwing them into darkness. Even the fog that's already visible near the Forbidden Forest made everything look so eerie and creepy.

Ahead, we could see the lighted windows of Hagrid's hut and from the front door, the familiar large figure of Hagrid stepped out with a large crossbow and a quiver of arrows hung over his shoulder. 

As we got closer, I could see him holding a crossbow as his small eyes looked puffy and red.

Behind Hagrid was Fang. The boarhound sniffed around the air for a moment before he turned his head and scampered towards me with some of his slobber falling out of his mouth.

"Hey there, bud!" I greet Fang, patting his head as he wagged his tail happily at my presence. 

I heard Draco whimper slightly at the sight of Fang as he moved a bit behind me to hide from the boarhound dog.

"Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started." He sniffed, sighing sadly while looking down to the ground.

"A sorry lot this, Hagrid." Filch sneered towards us before looking over to Hagrid. "Oh, good god, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"

I quirk an eyebrow up at Filch, wondering why he already knows. I'm assuming that Dumbledore and the other professors know then. 

I realized that McGonagall did bring up that she knew that we were in Hagrid's hut, so she must've went here to talk or check out why we were here.

"Norberta's gone." He sniffed once more, "Dumbledore sent 'er off ter Romania ter live in a colony." 

"Wait, isn't your brother, Charlie, in Romania?" I look over at Ron, who nodded in response.

"Well that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione said sadly, kicking a random pebble on the ground.

"Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania?" Hagrid frowned, "What if the other dragons are mean to 'im? He's only a baby, af'tr all."

"Oh, sweet Merlin's beard, pull yourself together." Filch groaned in annoyance, "You're going to the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you."

Draco almost stumbled when Filch mentioned that we were going in the forest, which earned a small snicker from me. 

I had completely forgotten that he's such a pussy.

"The forest?" He repeated, trying to see if what Filch said was true but when he could only stare at the Malfoy heir maliciously, he gulped. "We can't go in there at night! There's all sorts of things in there - werewolves, I heard!" 

An owl hooted from the forest, making all of us turn our heads towards the looming and dark view of the forest.

How intimidating.

"That's your problem, isn't it?" Filch's voice cracked with glee, looking at us with a happy expression on his face. I roll my eyes at this, finding his enthusiasm to see us suffer to be ridiculous.

Ain't our problem that you're a squib.

"Should've thought of them werewolves before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?" Filch continued while Draco just grumbled and whimpered at the same time, looking over to the forest through my shoulder.

"Don' scare them, Filch." Hagrid sighed, looking over to us with a small smile to reassure us and making sure that we're alright.

"I shouldn't be too friendly to them, Hagrid." Filch growled, shooting us a cold glare. "They're here to be punished, after all."

"That's why yer late, is it?" The gamekeeper seemed to be displeased at Filch, "Bin lecturin' them, eh? 'snot your place ter do that. Yeh've done yer bit, I'll take over from here."

Honestly, bless Hagrid.

I was more pleased at the sight of Filch's angry face when he knows that he's not in charge of punishing us. 

"I'll be back at dawn," he said as he turned around to go back to the castle, "for what's left of them." Filch added nastily before walking back to the castle, his lamp bobbing away in the darkness.

"I am not going in that forest." Draco turned to Hagrid, standing up his ground while crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts," The gamekeeper said, fiercely. "Yeh've done wrong an' now yeh've got ter pay fer it." 

Oh gee, I wonder why we're even here in the first place.

I thought while watching the two bickering. Fang kept circling himself around my feet while rubbing his head against my legs, making me smile and pat him again.

"But this is servant stuff, it's not for students to do! I thought we'd be copying lines or something, if my father knew I was doing this, he'd-" 

"-tell you that's how it is at Hogwarts." Alem piped in the conversation with a small annoyed tone laced on his voice. "Honestly, Malfoy, what did you expect after violating a school rule and Professor McGonagall's way of punishing students?" 

"Hey, don't you dare tell me that when you were the one who told me to follow (Y/N)." Draco said aggressively, turning to look at my brother with his silver eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure you didn't follow (Y/N) just because I told you so?" Alem replied back with a deadpan look, unaffected by Draco's aggression as he kept his tired yet narrowed (E/C) eyes on him.

What the fuck is going on? I thought in confusion while glancing back and forth at the two bickering boys. 

I know that those two aren't on best terms ever since we started but damn, this is very tense.

Completely different from the sassy and aggression that Draco and Alem had during our first night at school.

The two kept looking at each other, almost as if they're battling telepathically. It wasn't until Hagrid coughed nervously in order to bring all of our attention back to him.

"Right then," Hagrid said awkwardly, eyeing the three of us in the Slytherin house with an indescribable look, "now, listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight, an' I don' want no one takin' risks."

Oh joy, more trouble and life-threatening situations for me! I thought bitterly while thinking that the universe probably wants me to die so soon.

"Follow me over here for a moment." Hagrid said and led us over to the edge of the forest. Fang followed beside me, panting happily as he kept rubbing his head on my leg. 

Once we arrived, he held his lamp up high and pointed down a narrow, winding earth track that disappeared into the thick, black trees.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I saw the darkness looming over the forest. It felt like something was going to jump out at us at any moment since everyone took a step back, including me, once we felt like we were being too close to the forest as a light breeze lifted our hair.

I could see few silhouettes of birds and owls flying around the branches of the dark trees and it made me feel like we weren't alone, so that's a bit reassuring. 

Though the idea of going inside a forest that's known to be extremely dangerous completely throws that reassuring thought out of the window.

Observed closely, you can see a small yet long trail of silver and seemingly sparkling liquid, which I immediately recognized as unicorn blood. 

I cringe once I saw the blood for real this time, and not just in the movie or imagining how it would look like while reading the book.

There's something strange about how the blood looks that it makes me feel queasy. Maybe it's because it's shining and it's silver? I'm not too sure myself.

"Look there, see that stuff shinin' on the ground? Silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood." Hagrid pointed at the silver trail on the dirty pathway towards the forest, "There's a unicorn in there, been hurt badly by summat. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday." 

I heard Fang whine and whimper as Hagrid explained, making me look down at the boarhound dog with a frown and comforting him by patting his head once more.

"We're gonna try an' find the poor thing. We might have ter put it out of its misery." Hagrid retracted his finger away as he loaded his crossbow, getting ready to get inside the forest.

"And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?" Draco asked, gulping and holding my wrist for comfort. 

I didn't really mind since I know that he tends to get scared very easily and if this is making him calm his nerves, then it's good.

"There's nothin' that lives in the forest that'll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang." Hagrid rolled his eyes at Draco's cowardice while slinging the loaded crossbow over his shoulder. "An' keep ter the path. Right now, we're gonna split inter two parties an' follow the trail in diff'rent directions. There's blood all over the place, it must've been staggerin' around since last night, at least."

I frowned, thinking of the unicorn that Voldemort will suck the life out of. I pity the dead unicorns that Voldemort killed but then, I started to think of the silver blood and that's enough to make me wince and cringe at the same time.

"I want Fang." Draco said quickly, looking down at Fang, who's looking up at me with a happy gaze and rhythmic pants escaping his mouth. You can see his long teeth if you look too close.

"All right, but I warn yeh, he's a coward." Hagrid sighed while looking at us, shifting his eyes around while thinking. After a few seconds, he opened his mouth to speak.

"So me, Harry, Hermione, an' Ron'll go one way an' Alem, (Y/N), Fang an' Draco'll go to the other." Hagrid explained, sorting us into our groups to search for the dead unicorn. 

"Why can't (Y/N) come with us?" I heard Harry ask from the back, making me turn to look at him curiously. 

Why would it matter if I'm grouped with them or not?

"Three Slytherins an' three Gryffindors, Harry. It be wise ter group all o' you by your houses." Hagrid explained while Harry just frowned and looked down to the grass in disappointment. 

Maybe he just wanted me to be grouped with them because I'm their friend.

I'm flattered at the thought but Hagrid's right and it's pretty damn awkward if Hermione or Ron switched with my place. Knowing Draco, he's probably more than ready to ridicule those two while I'm not there.

And Alem doesn't look like he cares, to be honest.

"Now, if any of us finds the unicorn, we'll send up green sparks, 'right? Get yer wands out an' practice now." Hagrid said as everyone sighed and pulled their wands out, except for me.

I paled at this, placing my hands all over my clothes before realizing that I left my wand back in my room. 

Salazar, I forgot to bring it and I didn't think that it would be necessary since all we needed was to find a goddamn unicorn.

"Um," I gulped as I nervously raised my hand up, "I didn't bring my wand with me. I forgot it back in my room."

"Forgot it? How can yer just forget it?" Hagrid frowned at my reason which made me feel embarrassed since I don't like it when I'm being called out for being stupid, even though I am.

ugh, and I'm supposed to know everything about this fictional world.

"I didn't think that it was necessary." I scratch the back of my head, lowering my gaze down to avoid the confused looks that everyone gave me. 

Salazar, I can feel the embarrassment crawl on my skin that it makes me want to faint.

"Well there's nothing we can do abou' that." Hagrid sighs before looking over at Draco and Alem. "You two better look af'tr (Y/N) an' don' leave them." 

"If anyone gets in trouble, send up red sparks, an' we'll all come an' find yeh - so, be careful." Hagrid told, giving us one final look as we nodded understandingly. 

Satisfied, the gamekeeper turned around, ready to venture inside the forest.

"'Right, let's go." 

»»————- ♡ ————-««

The forest was black and silent, no one could bring themselves to talk or say anything except listening to the distant hoots of owls and cicadas crying nearby. 

(Y/N) tugged on Draco's black cloak tightly, realizing that cicadas crying is a sign of someone or something dying.

It's eerie, to say the least.

Harry stared at (Y/N) from behind, still disappointed that they weren't in their group. 

He was hissing and growling at how close Draco was and although it was very subtle, Harry couldn't hide his hate for the Malfoy heir.

If anything, Harry felt like he wanted to kill him this instant or just leave him in the forest, hoping to get eaten by werewolves that encounter him.

He's never been this angry before, apart from Dudley and his uncle and aunt giving him daily doses of headaches and the urge to 'accidentally' trip his cousin down to the stairs for bothering him every day.

It's a miracle that Harry hasn't snapped yet.

When the group reached a fork in the path, they stared at each other for a while until they all decided on which way to go. Hagrid's group took the left path while (Y/N)'s group took the right.

Harry didn't want to leave (Y/N) alone with Draco but when he remembered that Alem is with them, he felt a small twinge of reassurance since he was sure that Alem wouldn't let Draco do anything to (Y/N), let alone flirt.

Once separated, (Y/N) felt extremely awkward. They realized that they aren't on good terms with Alem and they don't really have a specific topic to talk about with Draco.

The only one who (Y/N) can distract themselves with is Fang, but it's not like boarhounds can talk.

With a sigh, (Y/N) continued to walk in silence when they remembered that they will meet up with Harry and the others soon enough because of Draco's overreaction.

On Harry's group, Hagrid is currently talking to a centaur named Ronan. Everything is going smoothly until a second centaur came in, alerting everyone in their positions.

"Hullo, Bane," Hagrid greeted the black haired centaur as he lowered his crossbow.

"Good evening, Hagrid. I hope you are doing well." Bane nodded, acknowledging Hagrid and the three Gryffindors' presence as he looked over at them. 

"Well enough." Hagrid nodded back, replying to Bane. "Look, I've jus' been askin' Ronan, you seen anythin' odd in here lately? There's a unicorn been injured - would yeh know anythin' about it?" 

Bane walked over to stand next to Ronan silently, not knowing what to reply to the gamekeeper of Hogwarts as he looked skyward. 

"Mars is bright tonight," Bane said simply, repeating what Ronan had said a few moments ago when Hagrid had seen the red haired centaur.

"We've heard." Hermione muttered grumpily, getting fed up of receiving the same answer from the centaurs. 

The lack of sleep and the reminder that she is serving detention made her cranky and definitely plummeted her mood down to the drain.

Even Hagrid is getting grumpy at the response of the centaurs.

"Well, if either of you do see anythin', let me know, won't yeh? We'll be off then." Hagrid nodded briefly at the two centaurs before walking out of the clearing. 

The three Gryffindors followed him as Harry stared at Ronan and Bane over their shoulders until the trees blocked his view.

"Never," Hagrid said irritably while rubbing the bridge of his nose and holding his crossbow tightly. "try an' get a straight answer out of a centaur. Ruddy stargazers. Not interested in anythin' closer'n the moon."

Nobody said anything to what Hagrid just ranted about as they kept walking deep inside the forest with dried leaves and twigs crunching beneath their feet.

Ron's stomach felt like it was empty as the feeling of dread kept looking over his head like the thick fog that's covering and floating up to their ankles. Hermione was still irritated and wanted to go and sleep but is still on alert, nonetheless.

Harry kept looking nervously over his shoulder as he had a very nasty feeling that he was being watched. 

The raven haired boy silently prayed that (Y/N) was safe, otherwise, he would've ran around the forest just to find and keep them safe from any harm.

The group was about to walk through a bend in the earth path until Hermione tugged on Hagrid's sleeve while pointing over to the right side of the forest with a fearful yet surprised look on her face.

"Hagrid, look! Red sparks - the others are in trouble!" Hermione exclaimed as the two boys glanced over to where Hermione was pointing at. Harry's heart heated loudly, fearing for whatever happened to (Y/N).

The fact that they don't have a wand to protect themselves made him more anxious.

Ten minutes hadn't even passed since the two groups have been separated and the other one is already in trouble.

"You three wait here!" Hagrid shouted sternly as Harry was about to dash over to the source of the red sparks, "Stay on the path! I'll come back fer yeh!" 

The gamekeeper ran passed around the trees until he disappeared completely from the Gryffindors' sights. They stood still on the path, looking at each other while looking around the dark and eerie forest with wary.

They couldn't hear anything but the rustling of leaves around them.

"You don't think they've been hurt, do you?" Ron whispered, leaning closer to the two to find comfort in this scary situation.

"I could care less if Malfoy has, but if something's got (Y/N) or Alem, it's our fault they're here in the first place." Harry frowned, thinking of (Y/N)'s safety and is on the edge of just running around the forest to search for the oldest Rosewood twin.

"I just hope that (Y/N) and Alem are alright..." Hermione held a look of worry, thinking about (Y/N) and how she would never forgive herself if they got hurt. 

The fatigue and the bad mood that the female Gryffindor had completely disappeared, and instead, it was replaced by a concerned one.

After a few minutes have passed by, a great crunching noise announced Hagrid's return. 

He was fuming with anger as he brought an incredibly pissed and tired Alem, a face-palming and disappointed (Y/N), a whimpering Fang, and a panicked and shameful Draco.

"Gee, thanks for leaving me alone back there!" Alem exclaimed angrily, huffing through his nose and crossing his arms in annoyance.

While the four were walking through their pathway, Draco suddenly stopped and brought (Y/N) behind him. 

The Rosewood twins wondered why he just stopped until his face paled and brought his wand up, letting the red sparks fly around to signal Hagrid's group before grabbing (Y/N)'s wrist and run off from the path where they came from, leaving a confused and pissed off Alem behind.

Apparently, Draco saw a floating cloaked figure in the distance, staring right into his soul. 

If one had noticed closely, the figure was staring right at (Y/N), not at Draco. When the cloaked figure was getting to close for Draco's comfort, he panicked and flew the red sparks before running off with (Y/N).

"We'll be lucky ter catch anythin' now, with the racket you were makin'" Hagrid sighs in annoyance at Draco, who looked offended, while rubbing his head to relieve some stress.

"Right, we're changin' groups - Alem, you stay with me, Ron, an' Hermione. Harry, you go with Fang, (Y/N), an' this idiot, I'm sorry," Hagrid whispered to Harry at the end of his sentence while Draco felt like he was being insulted by the gamekeeper right now. "but he'll probably be a bit more sensible before firin' somethin' when you're there, an' we've gotta get this done."

Harry, however, wasn't even listening and  felt like he was on cloud nine for being placed in the same group as (Y/N). 

Draco is not happy about it but can't object Hagrid's decision.

(Y/N) isn't really paying attention, and instead, giving Fang some chin scratches in order to comfort the boarhound for a little bit. They didn't mind being with Harry and Draco, those two are their friends, after all.

I mean, what could go wrong?

As the four set off into the heart of the forest, Harry and Draco kept sending each other death glares while (Y/N) remained oblivious to the two as they kept smiling at Fang, who's playing with a couple of twigs that he comes across.

This continued for almost half an hour until the three realized that the trees are getting thicker and thicker the more they venture inside the forest. 

Harry looked down to the ground and noticed that the silver blood seemed to be getting thicker as well, almost as if they were nearing their destination.

(Y/N)'s smile dropped as they gulped and feared for the worst as they knew exactly what comes next. 

After taking a few steps, the three stopped when they saw splashes on the roots of a tree, as though the poor creature had been thrashing around in pain close by.

Harry and (Y/N) could see a clearing up ahead, through the tangled branches of an ancient oak. The fog was getting thicker and thicker, making it seem impossible for the three to see anything further.

"Look-" Harry murmured as he held his arm out to stop Draco and (Y/N) from advancing any further. The raven haired boy had to pull (Y/N) closer to him so he would be able to protect them if something bad happens.

They inched closer when they saw something white gleaming on the ground. There's no mistaking it - it's the unicorn that they were looking for and its dead.

Some of its blood were still splattered around the unicorn, dripping from its legs and trickling down to its slender, long neck. It's long legs were stuck out at odd angles where it had fallen and its pearly-white mane was spread on the dark leaves.

(Y/N) pursed their lip, staring at the dead unicorn with slightly widened eyes. Though they couldn't bear to look something so sad, they couldn't look away. 

They hadn't seen an actual corpse before and seeing something dead with their eyes made them remember the times where they had mercilessly beaten up their peers back in their primary school and middle school. 

The students that (Y/N) used to beat up were on the edge of their life that one would think that they're dead if it wasn't for the shallow and faint breathing of (Y/N)'s victims, indicating that they're still clinging on.

Though no one had actually died because of (Y/N) before.

While (Y/N) was deep on their thoughts, Harry took one step forward towards it in order to examine it closer until a slithering sound made him freeze where he stood and pull (Y/N) closer to him once again, snapping the (H/C) haired Slytherin back to reality.

A bush on the edge of the clearing quivered for a moment. Then, out of the shadows, a hooded figure came crawling across the ground like some stalking beast looking for its poor prey.

Draco's face paled once more, it was the same hooded figure that he saw half an hour ago.

He knew he wasn't seeing things.

The four stood, transfixed on their position and not daring to move a single muscle, as if one single twitch of their finger is enough to make the figure know that someone is watching them. 

They watched as the figure reached for the unicorn and lowering its head over to the open wound on its side.

What surprised Harry and Draco was that the hooded figure began to sink its teeth in it, drinking its blood as if it's a vampire.

Although Draco wanted to stand on his ground and show (Y/N) that he wasn't scared, he couldn't help the terrible scream that came out of his throat. 

(Y/N) was about to slap Draco's forearm and tell him to be quiet but he already stumbled back, watching the figure lift its head up and look right at Harry's petrified green eyes.

The silver unicorn blood was still dribbling down it's chin but you couldn't tell anything at the top of the figure's face as it was overshadowed by the hood of his cloak. 

The figure, then, got to its feet and came swiftly towards Harry.

"Shit," (Y/N) knew that Harry is not in his right mind right now to pull out of his wand and defend himself and they knew that they are completely armless against Voldemort right now but the least they could do is make sure that Harry is safe.

Too many different things are happening since yesterday, there's no telling that Voldemort might not attack Harry, (Y/N) thought and pursed their lips nervously as they stood in front of Harry, acting as the Gryffindor's shield.

Ah, what the fuck am I doing!? Am I trying to get myself killed!? They panicked as their thoughts began to create a conflict against each other, either leave and go find Hagrid as fast as they could or stay and protect Harry since they can't be too sure that Voldemort wouldn't attack him.

Fang jumped in front of (Y/N), growling and barking at the cloaked figure although his voice cracked multiple times, indicating that he is somewhat scared of it but needed to stand his ground in order to protect his human best friend.

"I-I need to help (Y/N)..." Draco tried to lift his legs up but they were trembling and disabling him to stand up and walk over to the (H/C) haired Slytherin.

What is wrong with you!? Move! Draco forced and scolded himself as he shakily pulled out his wand and racked his brain, trying to think of any spells to fend the figure away.

"Harry, are you alright!?" (Y/N) exclaimed at Harry but their voice only seemed to echo on his ears as they turned their body to catch the Gryffindor in their arms. 

Harry groaned loudly before it turned into a small, loud scream, which surprised (Y/N). 

Harry couldn't help but remember the nightmare that the Mirror of Erised gave him last Christmas; the ringing screams of his parents as a bright green light flashed through his eyes and ending with a distorted, eerie cackling of someone, who Harry assumes to be is Voldemort.

The raven haired boy gasped and began to hyperventilate, trying to bring himself back to reality by clinging on to the closest person. 

"Harry, Harry, calm down. I'm here." (Y/N) shushed, grabbing both of Harry's hands which turned him to look at them with a surprised look on his face as tears were beginning to form in the corner of his eyes.

"I'm here." (Y/N) smiled gently and softly at Harry as they tightened their grip on his hands as a sign of comfort and reassurance that they are, indeed, there for him. 

It didn't take long for Harry to pull (Y/N) into a tight hug and clinging onto them as if they're the only one who can keep him out of his nightmare.

Just like the (Y/N) in his nightmare that would always be there to comfort him in the middle of it all.

(Y/N) returned the hug, placing their hand on the back of Harry's head while the other wrapped itself on his waist. 

In the midst of this, Draco finally snapped out of his panicked state and threw a spell at the cloaked figure.

"Stupefy!" Draco exclaimed, which took the cloaked figure by surprise and barely dodged it by sweeping its feet to the side to avoid it. It was then he had heard hooves coming from behind him, galloping.

Just as Draco was about to turn his head around and see who was coming, it already passed by him before he could even see a small glimpse of it. 

The galloping centaur jumped clean over Harry and (Y/N), charging at the figure with power.

The cloaked figure hissed and growled at the centaur, taking a brief look at (Y/N) and Harry for a moment before scampering away from the group. 

Draco took a few deep breaths in order to recollect himself as he stared at the white centaur that fought the cloaked figure away.

It didn't take long for him to notice that (Y/N) and Harry are hugging tightly, making him purse his lips angrily and in disbelief. The Malfoy heir gripped on to his wand tightly that he could easily snap it in half if he wanted to.

The centaur walked over to the two, waiting for them to finish their moment before talking. 

"Are you alright now, Harry?" (Y/N) asked but didn't retract themselves away from Harry just yet. 

"Yeah," The raven haired Gryffindor nodded as he buried his face on their neck before lifting his head up to look over at Draco.

The platinum blonde haired boy couldn't miss the wide smirk that was etched on Harry's face as he looked up to look at him. His half-lidded emerald green eyes almost looked toxic and glowing maliciously and eerily in the dark.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Harry's voice was sickeningly sweet as he clung closer to (Y/N), letting Draco feel the peak of jealousy and anger course through his veins as he couldn't do anything but watch the two helplessly.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

After comforting Harry and meeting and introducing ourselves the (unexpectedly) handsome centaur, Firenze, we went and tried to get back to Hagrid as fast as we could without Firenze's help since there are four of us and I don't want to leave Draco or Fang all alone in the forest.

I found it more odd why Draco didn't run off and leave us. Another different thing that's happened in this world. 

Oh Salazar, I do hope I'm not messing the timeline up, or else I would be breaking my bones trying to fix it.

When I came to him, he was silent and his mind was focused somewhere else. I didn't want to trouble him so I ended up giving him a reassuring hand on his shoulder, telling him that what he did was good.

"Harry, why don't you go with Firenze?" I tell Harry, smiling at him while standing beside Draco, who still looks a bit out of it. "You do need to rest and find Hagrid more than we do. We'll be fine by walking on our own." 

"Can't you come with me? It'll be faster." Harry frowned, staring at Draco and Fang with an indescribable look. 

"I don't really want to leave either of these two and I don't think Firenze can let two people ride him so no." I laugh, pointing at Fang and Draco with my thumb  while giving Harry an apologetic look.

"You really can't?" Harry asked insistedly, making me laugh once more and shake my head before apologizing to the Gryffindor. 

His frown deepened but didn't say anything as he turned around and climbed over Firenze, who lowered his front legs and stood them up once more once Harry is on his back.

"Get back safely, alright?" Harry said, making me nod in response.

"I pray that you return safely with your friend, (Y/N) Rosewood." Firenze nodded before galloping through the woods, leaving us alone in the spot where the centaur had spotted us. 

I look over at my shoulder, staring at the dead unicorn sadly before looking away and bringing my head down to Fang's head to pat it briefly. 

"Let's go - Hagrid and the others must be looking for us too."

Draco could only nod robotically, as I frown and started to walk past the thick trees and trying to find my way back out judging from how the trees look. The smaller the trees are, the closer we are to the exit.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I ask Draco, giving him a small side smile to lighten up the mood between the two of us.

"It's nothing." Draco replied, sighing in the process while my frown returned, trying to figure out what the hell is bothering this boy. 

I blink, realizing that he was helping Firenze fend off Voldemort a while ago. With a smile beginning to curl up on my lips, I bring my hand over to his slicked back hair and ruffling it, messing it up with a laugh.

Draco exclaimed, prying off my hand away from his hair. Before he could hold my hand, I already retracted it away as I grinned broadly. 

At least he's not acting all sad now.

"You were cool back there, you know? Throwing a spell at that monster even though none of us could move." I said, making him look at me with a slightly surprised look. "Give yourself some credit for not running away."

An indescribable look made its way into his face as he looked away from me while straightening his platinum blonde hair back to how it was a few seconds ago.

"That wasn't the problem." I heard Draco sigh as I quirk my eyebrow up at him, confused.

"Then what is it?" I ask.

Draco hesitated answering me for a moment as I saw him fidgeting as we continued to walk through the dark path. 

For some reason, it didn't seem as scary as it was before when we came in here.

Maybe it's because we've gotten used to the dark atmosphere that it doesn't affect us anymore and Voldemort was the scariest, by far, to encounter in this godforsaken forest.

"Argh, forget it!" Draco exclaimed, which caught me off guard as I stare at him with disbelief. 

He pointed his finger towards me, almost accusingly while he blushed heavily and looked like he was sweating nervously.


I did not understand anything that just came out of Draco's mouth.

I blink twice then thrice before waving my hands around him nervously while trying my best to decipher what this boy just said to me. 

"W-Wait, slow down! I didn't understand a word that you just said!" I exclaim while Draco just panted, his chest softly heaving up and down as the blush on his cheeks refused to go away.

Draco looked defeated and hesitant for another moment until he sighed and cast his gaze somewhere else as he crossed his arms and puffed his chest out to make him look more manly.

"I want us to be a little bit closer and understand how this... friendship thing works so I want you to come and visit my home this summer." Draco said, making me look at him in both surprise and confusion since I didn't expect him to say something like that.

Draco wants me to come over to his house this summer?

I mean, I know where he lives fictionally (my research in Pottermore and Harry Potter Wiki blessed me for this moment) so it wouldn't be a problem to figure out where he lives.

I'm sure even my wizard parents would know where they live since Malfoys are famous and all that stuff.

"I don't mind but are your parents going to be fine with it?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"My parents? I'm sure mother won't mind a friend visiting me." He replied, "As for my father, well... maybe you can just visit me when he's off to the Ministry." 

"That would work but it's a little bit intrusive when your father doesn't want me in your home." I rub my arm from underneath the cloak that Draco let me borrow.

"Do you not want to come and visit me?" Draco asked, making me shake my head with a small pout.

"It's not that, Draco - of course, I do but it just feels a little bit weird when your dad doesn't want me, a blood traitor, in his home." Shrugging, I kick a random rock while Fang scampered towards the spot where the rock landed, making me chuckle softly.

"That doesn't matter; you're still a pureblood and part of the Sacred Twenty-Nine - I doubt my father wouldn't like you just because your family fancies muggles." Draco said as I look over to him skeptically.

Yeah, and the Weasleys are part of the Sacred Twenty-Nine, fancies muggles and Lucius, along with you, hate them so much. Who, exactly, are you trying to fool here?

I thought while rolling my eyes.

"He did say that he admires your spirit and how you stood up to him during the meeting almost blew him away. You should've seen father, (Y/N) - he was beyond surprised." Draco chuckled as we continued to walk. 

I noticed that the trees are getting smaller and smaller, indicating that we're almost to the exit.

I don't really know what happened to this meeting but all I know is that a fight broke out between us and the Malfoys. I remember Draco not wanting to associate with me or my brother when we first met. 

I wonder what happened to him now.

Am I seriously the only friend that he can share a friendship necklace with and the only friend who he can ask to come and visit him this summer?

"Alright, I'll come and visit you. I'll send you an owl two days before I visit - how does that sound?" I ask, smiling at Draco and taking this opportunity to get to know the Malfoy heir more.

"I'd like that, (Y/N)." He replied as we continued to walk through the forest. We continued to talk about how the second year is fast approaching and how nice Hogwarts really is.

While we talked, I couldn't help but stare and frown as Draco smiled and laughed while he talked to me about things he's genuinely interested in talking about.

I do hope he stays just as enthusiastic as he grows up and not let his fondness for Hogwarts diminish just because of Lucius.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

The castle wasn't too far behind as (Y/N) and Draco saw the lights from the castle looming in the distance.

Similing at each other, the two Slytherins walked hastily at the clearing where the forest ends.

As the two walked closer to the exit, the familiar figures of Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Alem stood in the distance.

Fang barked loudly as he ran towards the gamekeeper. It didn't take everyone to twist their heads at the source of the barking, signalling that the other two are back.

"Hey," (Y/N) smiles, waving at the grpup while Hermione teared up, making her dash over to the (H/C) haired Slytherin.

In an instant, she threw herself on (Y/N), hugging her tightly for a moment before retracting herself from them with a smile.

"Godric, I thought something bad happened to you!" Hermione exclaimed while her eyes scanned (Y/N)'s body to see if they have any injuries.

They didn't have any injuries so they wouldn't need to visit Madam Pomfrey tonight but brown smudges on (Y/N)'s clothes was noticeable, especially in their white shirt.

"Geez, I'm fine, Hermione. Just a bit dirty, that's all." (Y/N) smiled and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder while flickering their eyes over to Harry, who looked at them with relieved green eyes.

He didn't share the same look as he glared at Draco, however.

"Finally, your brother started tearin' up just a while ago, wonderin' and panickin'" Hagrid pointed at Alem, who exclaimed and immediately wiped his eyes while sniffing.

"I-I was not!" Alem's voice cracked wobbled as he spoke, which earned a small chuckle from his sister/brother as they walk over to him with a smile.

Alem stared at (Y/N) approaching figure before looking away in shame and wiping a few tears that already started to cascade down to his chin.

"...I'm still angry at you." Alem mumbled but this only made (Y/N) smile wider as they pulled their brother in for a hug.

"I love you too, you idiot." The oldest twin buried their face on Alem's neck as he hesitantly returned the hug, wrapping his arms around (Y/N)'s waist.

"Thanks for calling me an idiot, you moron." Alex sniffed again before leaning away from (Y/N), smiling at them.

The Rosewood twins were silent for a moment, staring at each other until (Y/N) snickered.

"On a scale of one to ten, how much did you miss and worry about me?"

"Say that again and I'm going to put a silencing charm on you."

»»————- ♡ ————-««

As everyone went back to their respective common rooms, one boy managed to separate himself from the rest of the group without them noticing.

He walked through a different, dark corridor silently and climbed an old stone staircase that leads to somewhere quite unknown in the castle. 

Light was barely pouring in from the windows that the boy passed by, but it was enough to let him navigate through the staircase with ease. 

The boy gripped his wand as his half-lidded eyes seemingly glowed in the dark, like a monster that's been let loose in the castle and is now roaming the darkness in order to search for his next prey. 

When the boy came across a wooden door at the end of the stairway, he stared at it for a moment before pointing his wand at it, "Alohomora." 

With a soft click, the door creaked open. The boy let himself in the room and closed the door behind him, closing and trapping the dim light that resided in the room.

The room is small and is in ruins as a few cobbled stones were starting to fray and drop to the floor. This room looked like it hasn't been used in ages and it seems like no one even goes here to clean it up due to the slightly rotten stench that's wafting around the room.

The only source of light that the room has is the small square window situated at the very top of the wall and a few candles that were lit up in the corner.

"Well then," the boy began to speak and kept his eyes at the center of the room, where two students were tied and had their mouths covered with cloths. 

The two students were from Slytherin and they looked terrified yet surprised that a young boy, a first year at that, was able to corner them and throw them off guard.

"Mmf!" The first student wiggled in her seat, shaking her head in order to remove and slide the cloth down but to her dismay, her efforts seem to be futile. 

Her hair was extremely tangled and sticking out in different places as sweat almost covered her entire face whole. 

The second student didn't do anything but stare at the first year student with fear. He couldn't do anything, not even make the slightest of sound to, hopefully, let Filch or anyone know that they're inside.

"You two found it really funny to go and insult and ridicule (Y/N), didn't you?" The boy chuckled as he raised his wand and glared at the two Slytherins with contempt and glee, finding their pleading and fear-filled expression satisfying to look at.

"I'll have a good time returning the favor so suck it up and try not to get so loud, okay?" He smiled sweetly before bringing his wand down and illuminating the room with a bright red light. 

The spell that he conjured made  the two students scream muffledly through the cloth that's covering their mouths.

It's a good thing that he learned the leg locker curse beforehand so his victims wouldn't able to escape the moment he set his eyes on them.

»»————- ♡ ————-««


See, I keep my promises :'V

Haha, I stayed up all night writing a 18k words worth of chapter. Please be proud of me and I desperately need sleep.

Anyway, the next chapter is finally the climax of the first year! AAA aah, I almost forgot that the first year is almost ending and I'm genuinely proud of myself for being able to write my way through sKREEEEEE.

I am so sorry for the delay, I do hope you can forgive me with this long ass chapter.

Draco is just straight up being a tsundere and I live to write tsundere Draco.

Too bad, he's actually a yandere :V

Anyway, please stay safe everyone and thank you for reading! Now y'all have to probably wait for another two weeks for me to update, I am so sorry.

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