By Fanged_Tonight

28.1K 514 230

Angsty, somewhat crazy, mostly consisting of Keith as far as I can tell. It's not my fault the show made me... More

OC - Suspicions
Vampire Keith - Fanged Nightmares pt. 1
Keith x OC - I'm Sorry
Shiro - Ghost pt. 1
Keith & Krolia - Bloodlines
Keith - If Only It Were pt. 1
Keith - Hold on to Me
Lance - Hanahaki Love
Everybody Included - A Little Tipsy, But Otherwise Okay
Shiro & Keith - Gone Wrong
Keith - Don't Say You're Sorry
Shiro - Poison In is Veins
Acira x Keith - After The Storm
Vampire Keith - Fanged Nightmares Pt. 2
Lance x OC - Stargaze
Keith - Say It pt. 1
Keith x OC - Numb Confusion
Keith x Acira - Home
Keith - Beyond
Acira - Unwanted Change
Keith - Poison
Lance - Little One, You Are Stronger Than You Know
Acira - Shattered Past
Keith x Acira - Glitter and Jewels
Keith - Don't Hold Back
Keith - Like A Leader pt. 1
Keith - Like A Leader pt. 2
Keith - Hold Your Tongue
Keith x Acira - Don't Forget Us
Keith x OC - Hidden in the Light
Shiro - If Only It Were pt. 2
Kuro/Shiro - Breaking Point
Keith - What's Been Lost
Keith - "Moonlight"
Shiro - To the Surface
Lance - Scream
Keith - In My Head
Keith x OC - See Me
Keith - Colorful Sound
Keith - Like Glass
Keith - Scales and Teeth
Acira - A Christmas Surprise
Keith - Crash and Burn
Keith x Nifa - See
Shiro - Say It pt. 2
Keith - Void of Dark
Keith - Ache
Pidge - (In)sane
Keith - (Please)Don't Let Go
Keith x Nifa - From Here (Launch Date)
Keith - Ghost pt. 2
Keith - Static and Sound pt. 1
Art Contest Entry
a/n (I'm sorry for this)

Keith x Nifa - Standing Strong

200 5 17
By Fanged_Tonight

Word Count: 3,638

She didn't have to look up to know the exact moment he sat down beside her, the weathered and rickety old park bench tilting a little more to the side with the added weight coming to a rest beside her. Nifa could hear the teen's heavy breaths, could see the way his fists curled tighter at his sides out the corner of her eye. Pairing that with the heavy scent of sweat assaulting her nose with his presence and the clear fact the teen's current foster house was at least three miles away from the park with no car in sight, it was safe to assume the obvious-

He'd ran from home.



"You- you cut your hair," he spoke over her, breaths still heavy, just barely able to get the words out over how hard he was panting and she looked over at him with a hard frown, eyes catching the way his black hair clung in thick strands, soaked, to the back of his neck, face flushed tomato red that was still very much noticeable despite his hung head, fingers fumbling with each other, thin shoulders hunched.

Despite the obvious lie in the compliment, she found herself running a finger through her short, brown hair, anyway, even though it hadn't been cut in a while, and she knew, without a doubt what that meant- "You always say that when you run, Keith-"

He stiffened, "I didn't-" a pant, "-run."

She shook her head, far from convinced, "Then, why are you soaked in sweat?"

"Because-" he paused, frowning as if the action would make a plausible excuse come to mind faster, running a hand down his face, fingers coming away sheening with sweat, "because we always meet at the park on Sundays and, my dad wouldn't drive me-"

"You've never called a foster father 'dad' in your life-"

"So? I can start now-"

"Keith-" I growled.


"What's wrong? You only ever run off if something's happened, or- or if someone's hurting you, Keith, and I know it can't be that because you promised you would tell me if something like that happened again-" she blinked catching his hidden expression (eyes pinched closed, knuckles white from grasping his hands so tight-). "It- it isn't happening again, is it?" She asked, tone softer.

Keith stiffened even more at the mention of it before wildly shaking his head, "No, no, that isn't it-"

"You better not be lying, Keith or I swear-"

"It's not that, Nifa, I- I promise," another hand through sweaty hair, his endless heaving for breath seeming to calm little by little as the minutes passed.

Lips pressed in a solid line as she stared him down for a minute longer, "You promise?"

"I promise, I swear it's not that."

She bit her lip, convinced enough not to push on the matter, for now at least.

"Then what's wrong, Keith? You don't really run unless something's bothering you."

"It's nothing-"

"Keith," she groaned into her hands, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." She watched him stiffen at her words, violet eyes downcast, fingers fumbling in his lap, and Nifa had the ever-so-fleeting thought of stepping too far into her friend's business-


That's what friends are for, to break each other down and build them back up when they fall. They'd promised each other they would get through everything together, she had that reminder to look at every day in the form of the boy sitting next to her, looking the same as he had when they first met all those years ago.


They weren't meant to go through this alone.

"Look, Keith, I know we meet here every Sunday before the school week starts, and I know that this was my idea, but you know you don't have to come and I'm not asking you to come at the risk of you keeling over to get here-" he looked away from her face, expression guilty, "-I know that you've been acting off this last week, you're barely talking to me anymore, and now this? You running here? What's up with that?"

"I-" she watched him bit his lip, her ability to hear his low mumblings after being friends for so long the only thing allowing her to hear his next words, "I don't want to talk about it."

Nifa frowned, brows furrowing. Although she wasn't completely sure what this was about, she had a rough idea- her stomach churning uncomfortably with the realization- of what it could be, guilt pooling in her stomach that she hadn't realized it sooner-

This Thursday would make six full years since his dad died.

That- that was a long time for someone like Keith.

Being alive this long without encountering any actual foster parents who truly understood the crushing loss that came with being alone was nearly enough to drive you insane. But, with no one to understand the loneliness with a mother gone (at least she'd assume so, Keith never really talks about her), and a dad dead, how can you go through that all on your own?

How can you pull yourself together when you're already so broken inside?

How can you push yourself to do anything at all?

The answer was simple enough.

Find a friend who's suffered through the same tragedy you have (a feat all on it's own but worth it in the end), and then, never let go.

Keith's dad passed when he was six. Being put into the foster system so young would make any kid grow up faster than they should. Heck, after her parents passed it was by luck that they found each other in the first place, a minor family change having them both attending the same school after being abused in previous foster set-ups. Both of them had been broken, both uncertain of what their future would hold, both reformed by the strength of their friendship, it was only by the bond they shared that they'd remained sane during those times, and Nifa was sure as hell not going to let them drift apart- "Keith, if this is about your dad being gone for almost six years, it's okay to be upset, and I promise I'm right here for you-"

"No," he was shaking his head before the words even fully left her mouth, fists tightening, knuckles going white as black hair fell further into his downcast face, "No, i-it's not that."

"Then what is it?" She could feel annoyance beginning to creep up in her tone, fingers digging into the bench as she faced him, "if it's not about your dad, or- or your foster parents, then what?"

"I told you I don't want to talk about it-"

"Keith, come on, please-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Nifa, so just let it go!"

She startled at the sudden hardness of his tone, eyes widening as he looked back at her, expression twisted into a scowl, purple eyes pleading to just let the subject drop-


Just let it go-

She bit her lip, looking at him for a moment more before dropping her eyes down to her own lap, fingers clenching before finally relaxing.





Keith seemed to visibly relax after that, sitting back into the park bench with a sigh, "Thanks."

I bit my lip at the word, catching sight of the lonely swings not far from where they were sitting

"Don't mention it," I mumbled, stretching an elbow out to nudge him in the elbow a moment later, "Wanna go swing?"

She watched his eyes brighten at the sure sign of the subject dropping. With the cool afternoon air finally hitting him, it was probably a safe bet to say the teen was feeling a little better than before he sat down, "Sure."


If it wasn't already obvious by the endless mounds of homework and judgemental peers- school sucks.

But mix that with two foster kid misfits and you've got a recipe for disaster.

And boy it's a disaster.

James and his crew managed to corner Keith at some point between classes before school let out.

Nifa was just lucky enough to catch it at all.

Now, did she get there in time?


Not quite.

Unknowing to the situation that would soon present itself in just a handful of seconds she was rounding a corner to a shortcut that would take her across campus to her next class without running into a single soul along the way, always managing to make it there just before Keith slid into his regular seat beside her for their final class of the day-

Well, at least, she didn't normally see anyone else the route.

Of course, today had to be different.

The shouting was what caught her attention first.

Then the rough sound of a body hitting the wall of lockers, the sound of rustling papers hitting the air in the breath of silence that followed the unmistakable bang.

And finally, the voice, though growling with pent-up anger, begging someone to stop, and she could practically see the teen's eyes filling with unshed tears of frustration.

After all-

Nifa could recognize that voice anywhere.


With squared shoulders and a determined expression already in place, she rounded the next bend, coming in sight of James and his group of followers as they repeatedly slammed Keith back into the lockers behind him as the teen fought for distance between them. His wide purple eyes were frantic, fingers clawing at James only for the older boy to slam him back again, Keith hitting the metal lockers, making him shout. The other kids (three of them, if she knew anything about counting by now) were merely watching the fight unfold, one of them continuing to shove and kick Keith's things from his backpack across the hall floor, a cocky smirk set on his face.

Keith's back slammed against metal again.

It was painful just to watch.

"Come on, Keith," James taunted, a smirk on his face, "you really think I'm gonna let you walk out of here with me? After that stunt you pulled last Friday? Taking the best student spot in the Garrison meant for me?"


Was this what was bothering Keith on Sunday? Is that what he didn't want to talk about?

But why, though? Nifa knew that they'd be separated (a fact she was all too painfully aware of) but if it meant finally getting out of here? Getting a better life with a future he could actually count on?

As much as it pained her to admit it, she'd much rather let him leave her side if it meant that.

Even more so if it was something he wanted.

"I'm sorry-" Keith choked out between breaths, and Nifa's heart clenched as she inched her way closer to the group to better avoid being seen.

"You're sorry? Ha, you hear that guys, the little runt's sorry," James pushed harder as laughter ensued, and Keith stumbled and fell onto the floor, pale arm wiping his nose before dragging himself back to shaky feet, teeth biting his lip, fists clenched and raised.

James laughed, spreading his arms wide at Keith's attempt at a menacing pose, "What? Are you gonna fight, punk? You and I both know you can't touch me. One more hit and you'll be expelled and you can kiss that spot in the Garrison goodbye, they'll give it away to somebody who actually deserves it, not some stupid orphan brat-"

He never got to finish the sentence.

In a swing of arms, Nifa launched herself at the imposing figure, wrestling James to the ground and landing another solid punch in the prep boy's face, brown eyes widening in surprise just before the next hit came, fingers hitting his fleshy nose, blood suddenly gushing over her fingers as shouts of surprise echoed in her ears as she continued to land hit after hit, every ounce of her anger boiling down to each hit she landed, relishing in the feeling of finally letting it out on some stupid prep boy that thought it was okay to pick on her friend.

It was stupid.






She just wished she could pound this sorry-excuse-of-a-boy into the ground-

In a flash of flailing limbs, startled shouts sounding not far off before strong arms wrapped under her arms, attempting to haul her off with a shout, feet kicking uselessly in the air as teachers pulled them apart, voices scolding, but all Nifa could see was James's face, drips of blood running from his nose, expression contorted in a mix of fear and rage.

Fear mostly.

It seemed fitting he look like that after socking him in the jaw.

"Come on, all of you to the office, now," a stern voice sounded from behind her, the arms unwrapping themselves from around her only after pausing for a moment to be sure she wouldn't jump again.

Yellow eyes met purple from the mass of teachers and students that certainly hadn't been there before.

Keith looked scared.

He was missing his backpack, the bag probably lost in one of the lockers, or chucked into a trashcan somewhere. A red cut hovered just below his right eye, his left already blooming purple from where Nifa guessed James had hit him in the eye.

She clenched her fists, barely even registering the hand the nudged her to follow the small group now head straight to the principal's office.

Straight to detention... probably.

The march was quiet as they finally filed into the tiny office, James and his crew the first to enter the principal's office, the teen still clutching his nose with tissues, spots of red dotting the surface.

Nifa smirked at the enraged glare aimed in her direction as he and his three followers filed into the small room with the sound of shuffling feet. She was quick to take a seat in the hard plastic chairs lining one wall as she waited for her 'quality time' with the school principal, Keith coming to a quiet sit beside her, shoulders hunched, looking about as small as he could possibly get.

It was quiet, for now at least, but she doubted it would stay that way for long, judging by the principal's red face as he closed the door to the room, leaving Keith and Nifa alone.

"Now do you want to explain anything?" She didn't mean to make the words sound so upset, but they came out that way anyway, making the teen beside her flinch at the words.

Keith didn't say anything after a moment or two, staying statue-still for a moment or two. And then-

"Takashi Shirogane showed up to our class last Friday, it- it was just before last hour, and you don't have that class with me so you wouldn't have known about it-"

He broke off when she looked over at him, catching sight of the lost expression, clasped hands gripping each other in a white-knuckled grip as he fought to continue. "Apparently he was sent by the Garrison to scout out the 'next generation' or something like that, and he brought a shuttle simulator for all of us to try out. I- I didn't really pay attention to anything while they were testing the thing out, but then it was my turn and, I didn't mean to do anything flashy, I swear, but- but the second I grabbed the controls, I couldn't stop-" Pale fingers angrily ran themselves through raven hair as he looked to the ground again, his voice much softer as he forced the next words out to her.

"While I was in the simulator, my teacher explained to Shiro I wasn't any good to be in the space program and I-I just snapped-" a soft, almost mischevious smile overtook his expression, "I stole his car and ended up in Juvie."

She sucked in her next breath, completely unprepared for the sudden turn in the story, unsure of whether to be impressed or upset, "My God, Keith-"

"But he busted me out." He spoke quickly over he words, "He told me to meet him on Garrison property the next day and during that, we got to see some of the shuttles used in missions- and he offered me a spot in the space exploration program."

Nifa smiled at the news, confirming what she's heard in the hall was, in fact, true, "That's great, Keith."

"Is it?" He questioned, "I don't know, Nifa, I- I don't want to leave you here by yourself, I don't want us to be separated-"

"But, Keith, I don't want you stuck here either," she interrupted with a sigh, every word feeling like acid on her tongue, stomach churning at just the thought of them being separated from each other- "this is your chance to get out of here, to get away from all this-"

"But what about you?"

Her lips fell closed at the question, meeting his eyes with a worried frown, "I- I'll be fine, I guess," she finally forced out with a shrug, looking to the ground with a hard stare, "You know I don't want us to be torn apart, but- if it means having a future, of course, I want you to go for it, Keith, just forget about me."

She watched the teen visibly flinch at her (probably poor) choice of words, "That's exactly why I can't go through with this, I mean, we're best friends, I don't want that to end just because I get invited to some big preppy space school-"

His voice broke off with a groan, throwing his head in his hands, black locks shaking. "Sorry, I didn't mean for this to get so far out of hand, it's just- I'm sorry about the fight."

She looked back up in confusion, catching Keith's downcast eyes as he continued to look down at the floor, but neither of them could deny the words that had left his mouth as the conversation took a sudden turn.

Nifa frowned, "Why are you apologizing for? We beat them didn't we?" She clasped her hands together, leaning further forward on her knees, grateful at least to get away from the topic of him leaving. Her eyes flitting back to the principal's door that remained firmly closed despite the sudden loud outburst of muffled shouting from within.

It sounded like James was having fun.

"No, I don't mean, that, it's just-" he stopped, taking a deep breath through his nose before continuing, voice low, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, about Shiro, and- and leaving for the Garrison, you know, before-"

She was already shaking her head before he finished, "Forget it, Keith."

Nifa watched him look up in surprise at her words, and despite the slight churning in her gut at the thought of them being separated, her mind was already working up ideas for them to meet, even if they were by a long shot that they'd ever see each other again-

They'd- they'd probably never see each other again.

Not for a long time at least.

Not if he took this chance.

And it hurt more than anything to be the one to admit that he'd probably go for it, she knew Keith too well to know he wouldn't not take this chance, no matter how big of an argument he was creating for not going-

"I think you and I both knew this wouldn't last forever, but, I'm glad we got to spend time together, and I really want you to take this, Keith. Nowhere does this say we'll never see each other again-" damn, she hoped that was true, "-who knows? Maybe it'll be closer than you think."

He smiled, the expression more painful than happy, and he nodded at her words, looking back to his lap, "Yeah, that's- that's true."


"So?" He echoed.

"So, are you gonna take Shiro up on his offer? He seems to like you pretty well to break you out of Juvie.

Keith chuckled, "Yeah, but-" his eyes widened suddenly as a thought seemed to hit him. "Hey, maybe I can talk to him about you?"

Now it was Nifa's turn to be surprised, "What? Me? No, Keith, you know I've never even remotely flown anything in my life-"

"So? I hadn't either till Friday, maybe you'll be good at it too."

She gave an exasperated sigh at the idea, shaking her head and looking away from his face despite the sudden bloom of hope in her chest, "Na, Keith, I don't think-"

"At least let me try, Nifa." She looked back at him in the strong tone in his voice, Keith suddenly looking surer than he'd been just a few seconds ago. "If Shiro really does think I'll do good, maybe I can convince him to let you in too, that way we won't be separated, we can still be together."

She be lying if she said it was a terrible idea.


"Okay, but you gotta promise, you won't push too hard."

A rare grin split the teen's face, "I won't have to, I know I can convince him."

"Well, in that case," she grinned, the action startling an even bigger grin from the teen as she leaned closer to him, hoping against hope they'd never have to be broken apart from each other.

Their friendship was too precious for that.

Nifa stuck her pinky out, a determined look set on her face, "You pinky promise?"

Without a moment of hesitation, Keith stuck out his pinky and they curled them together, in the unspoken bond of trust, "I promise, better yet, I swear it."

And for once.

In that one little moment.

That little bond.

Their friendship felt unstoppable.


Annnnnnd that's a wrap!! Brought to you by TheUltraNinjaShipper who, for the first time in my requests, requested a specific OC to use for this shot! If you want more of Nifa, you can check out her story called Spirit of the Lioness located on their profile!!

Also!  I should also mention that any requests I get after this point will be put on hold until after Christmas, you can still request but I won't be getting to them till after the holidays


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