Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed...

By Mariko_Akiyama

33.4K 1.5K 1.3K


[ Chapter 1 ]
[ Chapter 2 ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
[ Chapter 5 ]
[ Chapter 6 ]
[ Chapter 7 ]
[ Chapter 8 ]
[ Chapter 9 ]
[ Chapter 10 ]
[ Chapter 11 ]
[ Chapter 12 ]
[ Chapter 13 ]
[ Chapter 14 ]
[ Chapter 15 ]
[ Chapter 16 ]
[ Chapter 17 ]
[ Chapter 18 ]
[ Chapter 19 ]
[ Chapter 20 ]
[ Chapter 21 ]
[ Chapter 22 ]
[ Chapter 23 ]
[ Chapter 24 ]
[ Chapter 25 ]
[ Chapter 26 ]
[ Chapter 27 ]
[ Chapter 28 ]
[ Chapter 29 ]
[ Chapter 30 ]
[ Chapter 31 ]
[ Chapter 32 ]
[ Chapter 33 ]
[ Chapter 34 ]
[ Chapter 35 ]
[ Chapter 36 ]
[ Chapter 37 ]
[ Chapter 38 ]
[ Chapter 39 ]
[ Chapter 40 ]
[ Chapter 41 ]
[ Chapter 42 ]
[ Chapter 43 ]
[ Chapter 44 ]
[ Chapter 45 ]
[ Chapter 46 ]
[ Chapter 47 ]
[ Chapter 48 ]
[ Chapter 49 ]
[ Chapter 50 ]
[ Chapter 51]
[ Chapter 52 ]
[ Chapter 53 ]
[ Chapter 54 ]
[ Chapter 55 ]
[ Chapter 56]
[ Chapter 57 ]
[ Chapter 58 ]
[ Chapter 59 ]
[ Chapter 60 ]
[ Chapter 61 ]
[ Chapter 62 ]
[ Chapter 63 ]
[ Chapter 64 ]
[ Chapter 66 ]
[ Chapter 67 ]
[ Chapter 68 ]
[ Chapter 69]
[ Chapter 70 ]

[ Chapter 65 ]

297 18 0
By Mariko_Akiyama

*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I take a deep breath as more tears strand down from my eyes from the pain on my chest. It hurts a lot and I can't take it.

" I can't Landon " I shook my head.

" It'll be alright " he said.

" It hurts " I grunted when a sharp pain occurs.

He place his hand on my forehead.

" The fever is getting worse " he said and wipe the sweat off my temple.

" What time is it? " I asked.

" Seven, it's been 15 hours, you have 29 hours left " he said.

I then feel liquid running down my nose.

" The nosebleed started " he said and wipe it off.

I grunted when my body is getting tired.

" Fatigue? " He asked, I nodded my head weakly.

" How did mom got through this while I was in her womb? " I asked.

" She died 24 hours later after giving birth to you, at least she had the chance to hold you " he said.

He place the blanket over me that is in the cell already cause I was feeling cold earlier but I'm sweating.

My eyes are heavy since I was up all night, I couldn't sleep, the pains seems to occurs every two to three minutes. I then scream in pain when the pain in my chest hurts a lot. It feels like I'm getting stabbed over and over but I won't die.

When the pain slowly goes away, I calm down and continue to cry. I hold my breath to endure the pain.

I then head a door opening.

" Y/n? "

The voice caught my attention and I let out a breath.

" Bailey " I said.

I hear her sigh in relief. Hearing the bar door open, her footsteps comes close and I look to my left to see a girl with beige hair and dark brown eyes.

" Hey, I brought you guy some food and drinks, it's not much but it's all I can do, Carter doesn't allow me to stay long, here some rag to clean off the blood and sweat " she said.

" Thank you Bailey " I said.

" Oh and, some guy named Ash told me to give you this " I hear the sound of paper.

" I gotta go now " her footsteps fade and I hear the cell door locks back.

The other door closes.

" What is it? " I asked.

" They're on their way right now " he said.

" They could've have done it sooner " I said.

" I'm not sure what delayed them but they got their reasons " he said.

" How is it to be a Divine?, I mean, do you guys do anything other else then killing? " I asked.

" We don't kill, we catch and keep " he said.

" What happens if you kill someone by accident? " I asked and I feel a liquid running down my nose.

" I would normally go ballistic first then cool down since it has been done " he said.

" How does the Shadow Knight's work? " He asked.

" Carter lost his mind, one mistake and we're all fucked " I cough and grunted when a pain was on my head.

" Take some more rest " he wipes the blood off my nose with the rag.

I started coughing relentlessly and it's the point where I have to get up and blood pours out of my mouth. Landon caress my back and slowly make me sit up.

" Here's some water Bailey brought " he said.

I lean against the wall and he grab the water bottle. He opens it and place the tip on my lips. I took a sip and it was relieving for my throat.

After that, he slowly help me to lie down on my jacket that it folded, making it comfortable for my head.

~ Time Skip ~

I hear a door slam and I tilt my head to my right and see Clara, Tyler, Cat, Ein and Dante.

" What did you guys do? " Landon asked.

I hear another door slam and I assume it's the guys who threw them in here.

" Y/n?, What's wrong with her?! " Clara asked.

" Poisoned " I said and grunted.

" What?! " Ein asked.

" Carter forced her to drink the poison, she'll have time until tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon " Landon said.

" Is there an antidote? " Cat asked.

  " Graham is your only answer " Landon said.

" Carter!, Come out you bitch! " Clara kicks the bars.

" It's not his fault " I said and grunted when my chest had a sharp pain.

" This is made out of iron " Tyler said.

" At least I can see you suffer before you die " Dante said.

" Your lucky we're in a separate cell " Clara said as she grip the bars.

Clara, Ein and Tyler are together while Cat is with Dante.

I cough and blood drip down from the edge of my mouth. The rag is already soaked in blood and Landon wipe my mouth.

" So, what's your plan since you guys are in here with us " Landon said and I see him wiping my sweat off my forehead.

I then hear a door open.

" Carter " Clara growls.

" I was informed we had visitors " he said.

" No one asked " Tyler said.

He opens the door to me and Landon.

" I see the poison is affecting you " he said.

" No shit " I wince when a light pain was in my head.

He kneels down next to me and I see two guys restraining Landon.

" That doesn't look so good " he tap lightly on my shoulder wound since I'm only wearing a crop top.

I wince.

" Natalie didn't get to take the bullet out, so. . . . " he takes off the bandage.

" I'll help you " he stick his fingers in.

I scream in pain when I feel my flesh being stretch.

" Stop it! " Ein shouts.

" Shut up " Carter cover my mouth and my scream is muffled as he keep going.

My legs is kicking through the pain as tears stream down my face. My other hand reach for my back pocket.

" Got it " he said and I feel the bullet in my shoulder moving.

He rips it out and I scream in pain crying and I try to endure the pain. I hear him dropping the bullet. I reach my back pocket and grab the vial. I take it out and smash it on his face. He screams in pain and so did I when I felt the acid splash all over my hands as well.

I bit my tongue to hold in the pain.

" You bitch " I hear him chuckled in pain, I lie straight on my back and see half of his face skin is melted.

I see the palm of my hand is the same, melted and the skin peeling off. I pant and he stood up.

" I'll see you tomorrow " he growls and exits the cell, the guy let go of Landon and they lock the door before leaving the room.

Landon rushes to me and bandaged my shoulder.

" Was that acid? " Tyler asked.

" Graham gave it to her " Clara said.

" You mean the guy who made the poison? " Cat asked.

" It's eight in the morning, what are you guys doing here? " Landon asked.

" Part of the plan Jae came up with that you won't like " Cat said.

" I'd say you won't tell us " I said and my breathing starts to shorten.

I take deep breaths a few times and I grunted in pain when my chest starts to hurt more.

" Try to endure it Y/n, stay with us, give us a few more hours " Tyler said.

" What's taking them so fucking long! " Clara kicks the door bars.

" Shut it, it's iron, you can't break it " Dante said.

I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, I look to my right and see a woman with H/c hair and dark blue eyes.

Ein's pov.  

" Mom? " I look at Y/n and see her looking up at nothing.

" How are you here? " She asked.

" The hallucinations just started " Landon said.

I'm sitting at the corner while Tyler is sitting the other corner and Clara sitting near the bars.

" Is she really seeing mom? " Clara asked.

" No " Landon said.

" Don't go " Y/n has tears stream down her eyes.

" Please " her hands move in the air and stopped.

" Mom? " Her hands drops to the floor.

" Come back " she cries.

" Mom come back please " she cries out.

I look at Clara and I see tears streaming down her cheeks, she wipes it away quickly and look away.

Y/n then coughed, blood dripping down from the edge of her mouth.

It hurts me to see her like this.

I lost a match in school but I'm proud of it cause I tried my best



~ Mariko

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