The Descendant and her Protec...

By AnonymousMarie85

169K 7.1K 205

Have you ever been in a situation and thought it was way to familiar, like you already had experienced that p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors Note
Part 2

Chapter 35

2.5K 118 3
By AnonymousMarie85

I didn’t sleep at all because I was too scared that he wouldn’t be there again when I woke up. There was loud banging coming from downstairs followed by a crush, and Cole was on his feet.

“Stay here” He demands.

“No Cole! Don’t leave me” I cried out, and quickly got out of the bed only to be stopped.

“Stay here baby, please” Cole tells me, and then leans over kisses me before walking out. I stood there debating what to do and of course I didn’t listen. I heard more crushing sounds, and when I made it down stairs my heart sank. There stood Medusa in a black cape, snakes hovering, and her pure white eyes glistering like nothing I seen before. Her hands were up and I saw Cole thrown back as Ben was limp on the ground near the table. I felt the anger build seeing her standing there and Cole being hurt, but she was quickly thrown back by Cole.

“GET OUT OF HERE ATHENA” Cole demanded loudly, which just made my blood boil more.

“NOOOOO” I scream loudly and I felt the energy explode from me. When I open my eyes everything was scattered all over the place and both Cole and Medusa were thrown back.

“Athena breath” I heard a male voice from behind me, but I didn’t bother looking.

“Athena remember to relax” The voice added.  Next thing I knew I felt my hands warm as I made my way towards Medusa.

“Athena please don’t” Cole pleads, but I knew what I needed to do. I raised my hands as the heat increased, and I didn’t need to look to know the light was building in them. Blocking out all the voices in the background, and began to chant.


Your heart became cold

From beauty that was withhold

Evil runs through your veins

Which has caused so many pains

No longer will I let you hurt another

It’s now time for you to rediscover

A life from beauty, evil and hate

And be granted to start a new slate

You will learn the real meaning of life


Now I must reverse

The unforgiving curse

That was a forever fate

But no longer awaits

For a mortal you’ll be

Because a second chance is the key


Everything became foggy after I chanted those words, and next I felt warm hands on my cheeks.

“Athena can you hear me” The male voice I knew so well asked. After a few minutes I saw Cole standing before me concerned, and next thing I knew I was screaming falling into his arms.

“What’s wrong” He asks.

“It hurts” I cried out into his chest.

“What hurts?” He asks, and I couldn’t speak.

“Baby I think your water broke?” Cole tells me, and I couldn’t respond. Next thing I know I was scooped up into his arms, and carried out of the house. Cole quickly carried me to his truck and carefully set me in the passenger side, then went around to the driver seat.

“It will be alright, I’m taking you to the hospital” Cole tells me as I cry in pain.


I don’t know what Athena was thinking reversing the curse in her condition. Pulling up to the hospital where I was instantly out of the driver seat, and ran over to her side. I open the truck door and scooped her into my arms, and pretty much ran inside.

“She’s in labor and in a lot of pain” I told the nurse before me in a panic.

“Right this way sir. What is her doctor’s name?” She asks calmly.

“Doctor Weskey” I stumbled out. I followed the nurse into an empty delivery room, and she told me to have Athena change into the gown.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to page Doctor Weskey” She informed us both and walked out of the room.

“I’m scared Cole” Athena told me through her tears.

“I promise beautiful that you and the babies will be okay” I reassured her, and placed a kissed on top of her forehead.

“I hear we might be having some babies today” Doctor Weskey states walking through the door.

“She’s in a lot of pain, is that normal?”

“Yes it can be, but we will give her something for that and see what is going on. So Athena I was told your water is broke?” He asks.

“Yes the ground had a puddle under” I answered for her.

“Okay, Athena I need you to lay back and scoot forward some for me” He instructed her as he washes his hands, and puts on a pair of blue gloves. She does what he asks and I help her in the process.

“I need you to try and relax for me okay” He told her calmly, and I reached for her hand.

“It’s okay I’m right here with you, and promise I will not leave your side” I tell her in hopes it will help comfort her.

“Looks like your eight centimeters along, and looking at having these babies within the hour” He told the both of us, and the nurses started to get everything ready.


I called her family as well as Phil, Nigel, and Ben. Her brothers were at the house handling things and would be here ASAP, and her mother and father were heading to the airport. Apparently her parents weren’t aware of Athena’s new findings on Medusas curse, and wished they did because they would have been home sooner.  After I was done talking to everyone I noticed everything was ready to go. So I put my phone in my back pocket and made my way back over to Athena. The doctor was checking Athena’s cervix to see how far she was dilated.

“It’s time” He tells her, and told me what I needed to do to help. I held one leg while a nurse held the other to help the pushing process. She would push for a three count and then breathe for a few counts.  She did this for about ten minutes till the doctor told us he could see the head.

“Few more pushes Athena and baby number one will be here” He encourages her.

“You can do this” I whisper.

“You try pushing a baby out of your body and you let me know how okay it is” She snaps, and I couldn’t help but smile. Next thing I know she gave one more angry push and next thing we heard was a loud baby cry.

“It’s a boy” He announces, and Athena cried happy tears. Then asked if I wanted to cut the cord, and of course I did! He was a beauty with his thick head of dark hair.

“He’s beautiful” I tell her.

“Okay Athena a few more pushes for baby number two” Doctor Weskey told her, and she nodded than began pushing.

“Almost there, three more pushes” He told us, but felt like he said that everytime.  She was doing great and I’m so proud of her, but I knew she was getting very exhausted.

“Come on bab-“Before I could finish my sentence. Athena grab me by the shirt angrily.

“Don’t…Even…Think...About…It” She says through her teeth slowly, and I just gulp.

“Baby number two” Doc stated catching both of our attention. When I look over he had a concern look on his face and I got this pit in my stomach.

“What is it? Is she okay? Why isn’t she crying?” Athena asks in a fearful tone. I didn’t even get to cut my baby girls cord or get a good look at her. The nurse took her over to the table while the others began to clean up Athena.

“Is she okay?” I asked the doctor.

“I don’t know, we are working on her right now” Doctor Weskey states, not helping my nerves at all. I look over at Athena and my heart breaks, because she’s crying so hard right now.




After our baby girl was out I noticed there was no crying and a concern look on my Doctors face.

“What is it? Is she okay? Why isn’t she crying?” I asked thinking the worst. I felt my heart sink when he told us that they were working on her. I won’t be able to live with myself if something bad happens to her. I start crying hard because this is my fault. I never should have did the spell, I should of let the others try to deal with Medusa.

“Shh, she will be alright” Cole tries to assure me, but it wasn’t working this time. I cried more into his chest as he held me in his arms.

“I’m sorry, but she didn’t make it” The doctor tells us.

“NOOO OH GOD PLEASE NO” I yell out through my tears, and Cole tried to hold me closers. But I was trying to push him away.

“LET ME GO! LET ME GO! I WANT TO SEE HER” I screamed, when I got a glimpse of Cole I saw tears falling from his eyes. It broke my heart more knowing this was my fault.

“I’m so, so sorry Cole. This is my fault” I cried to him.

“It’s not your fault Athena, so get that right out of your head” he says shaking his head.

“We will let you guys have a minute, and just going to take the baby boy for a routine checkup” Doctor Weskey tells us, and Cole just nods in understanding. After everyone left the room I asked Cole to bring her to me. He carefully picked her up and set her in my arms.

“Hey princess, I’m so sorry” I choked out not knowing what to say. I brought her closer to me as the tears from off my face and on to her. I placed a kiss on top of her head and told her I love her no matter what and will think of her every day.  I handed her back over to Cole, when she was back in his arms we heard a loud cry. Both of us froze not knowing if we were hearing things or not. Then there was another loud cry and I saw her little arms moving. She came back to us and now I was crying happy tears, and Cole handed her back to me so he could go get the doctor.


After a few hours we were in our own room and it was really late so we told our family to come in the morning. The doctor said it was a miracle and we had someone watching over us. Both Cole and I were very grateful to whatever the reason was, because we had both of our babies now.

“Have you thought of names” Cole asks while rocking our little girl as I feed our son.

“Well I was thinking Jason Colten which means healing and was the name of the leader of the group of warrior heroes called the Argonauts” I tell Cole as I feed him.

“I like it” He states in agreement.

“And how about Vanessa Harmonia?” Cole asks, and even though I already had a name in mind. I really like the one he picked and it was really fitting for her.

“I love it! It’s beautiful” I tell him honestly.

After we were done feeding Jason and Vanessa the nurse came in to get them, so they can do some more routine checks. This gave us some quite time, and so we could catch up on some sleep. Cole slipped in the hospital bed with me and held me close to him, and I instantly fall asleep in his arms.

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