Love, Aurélie | REGULUS BLACK

By diggoryhiraeth

141K 4.5K 1.3K

"One night, Reg. Just one night. That's all I ask for. How bad can one night be?" *** Life was a strange th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Thank You
Other Books Under This Series

Chapter Thirty-Two

1.7K 68 28
By diggoryhiraeth


ODETTE WAS NOT ABOUT TO JUST LEAVE Olivia Mae, so it was up to her to semi-drag and semi-carry Olivia Mae down to the common room. In the common room, she was able to get some help from Lola (who was disguised as a Ravenclaw for some reason). It had been a while since Odette talked to Lola, but they couldn't really catch up with an unconscious Olivia Mae.

Benny pushed himself away from the wall when Odette and Lola went through. He froze for a moment, but not because of Olivia Mae. He stared at Lola in confusion.

"You're not in Ravenclaw."

"That's what you focus on? Odette and I are struggling carrying a body and all you care about is that I'm wearing the wrong set of robes?"

Benny looked away from her and towards Olivia Mae. Odette and Lola were holding her rather awkwardly.

"Oh! Let me help. . ." he said as he picked up Olivia Mae, much to the relief of the two girls. "To the Hospital Wing, right?"

They nodded. They followed close behind him. It was silent for the first few moments before Lola asked, "What happened?"

How did Odette say that Olivia Mae had not really been Olivia Mae without sounding completely out of her mind? It was possible, of course, but Lola wouldn't understand that. Odette didn't understand it either, but she didn't understand a lot of things so that was not anything new.

"I don't know," said Odette, that was partially true. She really didn't know what happened before she was forced into the situation. "I was looking for Mei," — She remembered that Benny was listening — "Because she had borrowed one of my books earlier today. When I entered her dorm, Olivia Mae was passed out on the floor."

"Olivia Mae has never fainted before," said Lola, "Something must have been really wrong."

Xia didn't pass out for more than a minute when the same thing happened to her. She doubted that whoever it was was being honest, but she couldn't help but think of what was said.

"We should check for a pulse," said Odette.

"Right!" said Lola as she hurried over and pressed her finger against Olivia Mae's neck. Odette waited anxiously.

"It's there," said Lola, "Faint, but there."

That didn't reassure Odette as much as it reassured Lola.

So many thoughts were racing through her head. She didn't know how to feel. That was thing. She never knew anything. She had an obsession with knowing when some things weren't even about knowledge. Was there a rule book on how to feel after your friend's friend passes out? No, because everyone felt differently about different things. She wasn't supposed to know how to feel, she should just know what she was feeling.

Lola must have thought Odette was panicking on the inside, because she changed the topic.

"How are things with Black? Are you two still friends?"

"Why does everyone know about that?"

"You two aren't exactly hiding it," said Lola, "So?"

"Yes, we're still friends."

"I don't really care much about him, but I suppose I am a bit worried. He's been awfully distracted out on the pitch as of late. He's not acting like himself at all. Is he okay?"

"I — I don't know," said Odette as she ran a hand through her hair, "I don't know. I don't know! I don't know anything!"

"Odette! It's okay. Calm down. It's okay," said Lola, "It's okay to not know. No one knows much around here. We don't know if our families are going to die tomorrow or tonight. We don't know if we're all going to survive. We don't know if we'll know each other in the future. We don't have to know everything, even Olivia Mae doesn't know everything."

"At least she knows things," said Odette, "She knows where to find her information, she knows how to put it all together. I could barely even understand her words and she was so clear."

"Not everyone can be friends with everyone like Olivia Mae is," said Lola, "That's where she gets most of her information. Through people."

Perhaps that was where they were the most different. She looked for answers in books, but Olivia Mae looked for answers in people. Still feeling awful, Odette walked in silence for the rest of the walk.

Benny placed Olivia Mae on a bed as Lola called out for Madam Pomfrey. Lola tried her best to explain the situation while Odette stared at the ground. Benny went to stand beside Odette.

"Are you okay?"

Was she? Was she really okay? Could she turn to him and smile? Would she be able to smile and nod, exclaim how she was fine and they should focus on Olivia Mae? No, she couldn't act happy, but she could try.

"Why wouldn't I be?" said Odette, "I'm not the one laying on a bed in the hospital wing."

"That doesn't mean you're okay," he said, "You may be perfectly happy physically, but that doesn't mean you aren't dying mentally."

"You don't have to ask if I'm okay," said Odette, "Because I am. I'm okay. I'll always be okay."

"I don't doubt you," said Benny, "It just sounds like you're stressed. You might need a distraction or two."


"Why don't we meet up tomorrow during lunch? We won't talk about school or ourselves. We'll just talk. Talk about anything; a distraction."

Odette pursed her lips together before she nodded, "I suppose we could do that."

"Odette," said Lola as she left Olivia Mae's side, "Why don't you go and find Olivia Mae's friends? Even Mei. They all deserve to know."

"She's not going to di—"

"So, you're telling me you wouldn't want to know that your friend's in the hospital wing unless they're going to die?" said Lola

Benny fell silent.


Odette moved away and Benny went to follow.

"It's okay. You should stay here," said Odette, "Or go to your friends. I rather be alone at the moment."

"Oh, sure," he said, but Odette was already out the door.

Emma opened the door to the dorm. Odette sat up as she stared at the three girls that entered the dorm.

"She's woke up an hour ago," said Emma, "She wants to talk to you, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. You can visit her in the morning before classes, can't you?"

"Yes, yes, I can," said Odette, despite the nerves bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

Naomi giggled as she took a seat beside Odette, "Benny was in there. You should have seen his face when we told him you weren't going to return."

"Be nice, Naomi," said Emma.

"When am I not nice?"

"When you're like this," said Chloe as she sat down on her bed and pulled a book from under her pillow.

"I'm not like anything," said Naomi as she turned back to Odette, "So. . .are you friends with Benny now?"

"Friends? I mean, I wouldn't have called it that, but I guess."

"Well, you do realize he clearly has a thing for you, right?" said Naomi as she nudged Odette.

"A thing?"

"Yeah!" said Naomi, "It's so obvious he fancies you."

"Ugh," Odette shivered as she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Odette!" laughed Naomi, "Don't be rude. I know he doesn't look like Black, but he's not that bad."

"It's not about how he looks," said Odette, "I just don't see a good reason for dating."

"You should at least try it," said Naomi, "Benny is a great start. You should work your way up. I mean Black is gorgeous and all, but he doesn't really do girls, not since fifth year at least. He actually used to be surrounded by girls, but not so much anymore. He's changed a lot."

"It's the war," said Emma, "The war changes people."

"Yeah, yeah. We aren't talking about Black, we're talking about Benny."

Odette groaned and fell back on her bed. Naomi rose an eyebrow.

"Unless you want to talk about Black. . ." she said suggestively. She purposely attempted to wiggle her eyebrows, but it did just not work.

Odette looked over at her with a blank look, "Are you serious?"

Chloe giggled from her bed. Naomi waved her off.

"We could, but let's go back to Benny. Come on, Odette! You're going to regret this when you're twenty-five and want to start a relationship."

"Future me could worry about that," said Odette, "I really don't have time."

"That's what they all say," grumbled Naomi.

"Don't pressure her, Naomi," said Emma, "Not everyone wants to start dating in the middle of a war."

"The war is the reason why a lot of people are rushing things!"

"But Odette is not a lot of people," said Emma, "Getting into relationships during war is difficult. So many people have died and it's not over yet. Remember what happened to Caro's boyfriend?"

"I haven't talked to her in ages."

"All her friends left her, you know," said Chloe, "I ran into them the other day. They said all Caro does is cry."

"Poor Caro," said Naomi.

"They sound like awful friends," said Odette.

"They're alright people," said Naomi, "But I see where you're coming from."

"Anyway, that's what I'm saying," said Emma, "So, unless you want Odette to end up like Caro, leave her alone."

"I have the feeling that was supposed to do something good, but it just sounded weird."

"I'm going to bed, goodnight."

"Woah, woah woah! Wait a second," said Naomi as she jumped off Odette's bed. Odette immediately shut her curtains.

"Wha — Rude!" said Naomi as Emma and Chloe laughed.

"Emma! How was your date?" said Naomi.

"It was lovely," said Emma, "but I don't think there will be a second."

"Why not if it was lovely?" said Naomi.

"I — I rather not say, now get off my bed!"

Naomi shrieked as she fell onto the floor. Chloe and Emma closed their curtains.

"Rude! All of you! Rude!"

Odette, Chloe, and Emma all laughed as Naomi closed the curtains to her own bed. It was silent as they all wondered when someone would get up and turn off the light. Emma sighed and decided to turn off the light.

Odette laid in her bed as she stared up at the ceiling. She bit the inside of her cheek before she turned around.

"Are you still awake?" asked Naomi.

"It's been two minutes," said Emma, "No one falls asleep that fast."

Naomi ignored her and said, "Can someone tell a story?"

"Why?" said Emma.

"Because, Emma, I want to hear a story."

"I'll go ahead," said Chloe.

"No, thank you. You'll scare me to death with your stories."

"I won't!" protested Chloe, "I swear."

"Fine, you have one chance. One!"

Chloe opened her curtains and climbed out of bed. Odette could see that Chloe had illuminated her wand.

"There was once a girl," said Chloe as the light spun around in circles. Odette moved back to lay on her back.

"She was deeply in love with a boy in her village," said Chloe, the light continued to dance around the ceiling, "He was realistic and she was a dreamer. Yet, they would choose no other for each other. She made him look at the possibilities and he brought her back down to earth."

"I swear to Merlin if this is a sad story, I'll rip a page out of your book and throw you in the fire," said Naomi.

"Oh! How mean! I would never burn someone! It's not that creative."

"Continue the story please," said Emma.

"Oh right! Where was I? Oh right. However, they could not be together. She was rich and he was poor. So, one day they met up in the forest. She was in tears, but he reassured her that they would be together forever. He told her to collect as much money as she could from her home. Fine jewels will do just fine, he said. So, she complied. She had no heart in her to steal money from her family, but she took all her fine jewels and clothing and gave it all to him. He took it and told her to pack a small bag with only the stuff that were important. She didn't need a whole bag. She didn't question him and did as he asked."

Odette sat up and peeked out out of the curtain. Chloe spotted her right away and smiled before she continued.

"They met up once again, this time he had two tickets to board a ship. They followed his plan. At midnight, they left their room and met out at the dock. It was empty and so they danced. They danced slow. She was no longer worried. They were at peace."

Chloe walked over and grabbed Odette's hand. She pulled Odette out of her bed. Chloe grabbed her hands and moved them back and forth. Odette rolled her eyes, but she had a smile on her face,

"As they danced, they got closer and closer to the edge of the ship."

It seemed they were making quite a bit of noise because Emma poked her head out to see what was going on.

"Honestly. . .I'm the head girl, I should not stand this," mumbled Emma, "But I suppose this once in a lifetime exception could be made."

Naomi stuck her head out and decided to join them. While Chloe redirected her attention, Odette sat back on her bed, but she didn't disappeared from behind the curtains.

"Until finally, they were on the edge. They were no longer dancing, but they had no fear. They held each other tight before they jumped off to a world where there was no pain. A world where they could be happy."

"They drowned?" said Naomi with wide eyes.

"No, they were burnt alive," said Chloe sarcastically.

"That isn't happy! I can't sleep after a story like that."

Emma giggled as she stood up and played some quiet music on her gramophone.

"We have class tomorrow," Odette reminded them. That was a mistake because almost immediately did Chloe and Naomi pull her to her feet. They attempted to dance with her, but she didn't really cooperate. She just laughed and allowed them to move around with her hands awkwardly.

"Oh come on, Odette."

"Really. . .I don't dance well. I know that now."

"Have you never danced before?" said Naomi in amusement.

". . .A few times," said Odette, "But I really should go to bed. Goodnight."

They allowed her to return to her bed, but Emma did not turn off the music. Odette didn't mind much as it was quiet and calm.

Odette did not go to sleep. She pulled out the book and started on looking for the answers that she had spoken about.

"We know you're not sleeping, Odette," said Naomi.

"I will in a moment," said Odette.

"Goodnight," said Emma as she turned off the music. The other girls returned to their beds and silence swept over the dorm room once again.

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