Harry's wolf

By ajash10

719K 17.8K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... More

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 13✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Dining with the Dark Side✅
Two-Way Glass✅
Well that's a surprise.✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
Pack ✅(5/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)


23.8K 690 65
By ajash10

The occupants of the kitchen turned as one to watch as the two teens reentered the kitchen. Harry made a beeline for his chair while Hermione walked awkwardly around the table as all the attention was on them.

Taking his seat, Harry turned to the group putting a questioning look into his face;


Everyone went back to what they were doing apart from; Snape who kept watching him from the other side of the room, Sirius and Remus who gave him a funny look before going back to eating and the other teens around him.

Soon becoming absorbed in a conversation with Ginny and Hermione, Harry finished breakfast quickly and almost managed to forget that Hermione was going to be telling everyone about his lover after he left, almost being the key word here.

Watching as everyone finished breakfast and trying to ignore as gradually every pair of eyes had eventually settled on him, Harry continued his conversation with the girls for a few more minutes before excusing himself from the table and leaving the room. He left the room, which had descended into silence,  with no envy towards his bushy haired friend for being stuck in that situation.

Harry made his way up the stairs and when he finally reached his bedroom (he had requested to be separate from Ron) he threw up numerous parseltongue locking and privacy wards to keep out the stampede that could potentially try to enter, better safe than sorry Harry thought.

In the kitchen

As The door closed behind Harry with a click everyone turned to look at Hermione, their questions covering the expanse of their faces like a mask.

"So..."the twins began,
"What did our dear..."
"...Harrykins have to say..."
"...And what did you ask him?"

Everyone remained quiet as they were all seriously curious about what Harry had to say for himself.

"Harry doesn't have a girlfriend-"
Hermione was abruptly cut off by sighs of relief from all the occupants of the room and boo's from the twins as they had been sure that he had a girlfriend.

"-but!" ,Hermione announced loudly,"he is in a relationship so you guys weren't wrong."

The twins cheered at being right while everyone else gasped softly, some more pronounced than others.

The adults all looked shocked that their saviour had some secret relationship that they were unaware of while the kids gasped at the fact that Harry hadn't decided to tell them about being in a relationship.

"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Queried Remus as he processed what he's just been told.

"Actually", Hermione sighed, "he had a very good reason not to..."

"Like what?" Ron bellowed,
"Ron don't-"
"No! I want to know what was such a good reason that my best mate kept me in the dark about this secret girlfriend tosh!"
"He doesn't have a girlfriend Ron!"
"But you said-"

"HE'S GAY!!" Hermione shouted in exasperation, this time everyone at the table gasped, including the twins.

"What?" Whispered Ron.

Hermione sighed; "he's gay Ron and given the nature of his relationship, I don't blame him for not saying anything, along with his age-" Hermione cut herself off abruptly, realising her slip up.

"What do you mean his age? Harry's old enough to be in a relationship! What do you-"

Hermione cut Ron off, " I'm not talking about Harry's age Ron..."

This was not how Hermione had planned to tell everyone about the age gap between harry and his lover.

"Miss Granger, would you care to enlighten us as to what is so wrong about the nature of Potter's relationship?", Snape drawled across the room. Hermione could tell that things were about to get rough.

The ministry officials, Hogwarts teachers, Sirius and Remus all looked concerned about what she meant. Hermione now knew that all the adults were about to get extremely flustered by her revelation. Heck, Hermione had been flustered and she wasn't even a part of the legal department that prosecuted for these sorts of things.

Her eyes widened an inch more as she suddenly gasped and turned to look at the aurors in the room- that's when she realised that the woman sat next to the aurors was an even greater risk.

Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was sat beside the two aurors.

Hermione straightened her back and addressed all of the ministry workers currently in the room- which was about 6 people.

"Madam Bones, I need a magical oath that you nor anyone else connected to the ministry, currently in this room, will prosecute Harry or his lover."

"How can you expect us to make a magical oath when, from the sounds of it, Harry and his 'lover' have broken laws?"questioned Amelia as she watched Hermione.

"I can't continue without your oath!" Hermione stated in a demanding tone.

"Fine. Whatever Mr Potter and his 'lover' have done or are continuing to do will not be brought to the attention of the ministry or prosecuted by anyone present or otherwise. So it is said, so mote it be."

Hermione sighed in relief, glad to have that safety net in place.

"Now, Hermione, I'm sure everyone else is just as extremely curious as myself by this point, to know what it is that my godson has been dragged into" Sirius demanded with a stern voice.

Hermione slumped in her chair and turned to the adults in the room,
" I'm not sure where to start so, can you all just ask questions and let me answer them? It'll probably be the easiest way to do this..,"

The adults nodded and Professor Snape once again spoke up, repeating his question;

"Miss Granger, what is wrong with the nature of Potter's relationship?"

Hermione went red as Harry's words came back to her, 'all of it' reverberated throughout her head.

Apparently Hermione had been silent for too long as Snape pressed on;

"Is Potter being pressured?"

"Wha! No!He's  not."

"Is the relationship moving beyond what is legal due to his age?"

Hermione nodded

Amelia bones decided to cut in, "Miss Granger we would never have prosecuted Harry for sleeping with one of your year mates."

Hermione looked away

Professor Snape suddenly turned to Hermione with wide scandalised eyes.

"Miss Granger, you don't mean to tell us that Mr Potters bedmate is younger than him?"

Hermione looked up suddenly and took in all the horrified adults faces around her.

"No! No no no, he's older than-"

Dumbledore who had remained at the back of the room until now suddenly stepped forward and addressed Hermione with a fierce look in his eyes;

"Miss Granger, do you intend to tell us that Harry is sleeping with someone who is older than himself?! If so, that person should know better!"

Everyone's eyes widened, as it appeared that they had preferred the thought of Harry bedding someone younger than himself.

Hermione spoke in a quiet voice, but it was heard by everyone present.

"Yes sir, he is."

"How much older?!?!" Sirius bellowed as he rose to his feet in anger.

"Siri, calm down, Hermione can't say anything if you're shouting over her", placated Remus.

Sirius continued to fume as he turned to Hermione expectantly.

"Older", is all Hermione said, trying to delay the news.

Professor Mogonagall looked at her piercingly, "Miss Granger, I assume that when you say this, you're referring to one of our seventh years- the relationship causing trouble due to the other being of age?"

"No professor, I don't think that Harry could have met this person through Hogwarts..."

"How so Miss Granger?" asked Madam Bones.

"Well you see... I don't think that, if this person went to Hogwarts, they wouldn't have been there for quite a while before Harry even started attending...He didn't actually tell me who it was so I can't say for sure if they attended..."Hermione trailed off as 30 people spun to look at her in disbelief.

"How long before Harry are we talking here, Miss Granger?", questioned the Hogwarts faculty.

"I think, I think it's..."

"Yes...?"persisted Sirius expectantly.



"He's...there's a-"

"Hermione just say it!"

"There's a 25year age gap between Harry and his Lover!" Hermione shouted out suddenly, being at a loss of how else to stall, and feeling the pressure from Sirius' questioning.

"What?!", roared every single person in the room.

"Yeah" Hermione began slowly, "he told me that the guy he's seeing is like 40 so..."'

"I can't believe this! Miss Granger had you not made me swear an oath I would be dragging this man, whoever he is, in to the ministry!" Announced Madam Bones.

"I'm going to talk to him! I want answers and I want them now!" Shouted Sirius, and before anyone could intervene, Sirius was already out the door and heading upstairs.

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