I still love you | Maylor fan...

By DeakysYeehawVibes

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I begged, I pleaded for him to come. To come once more. Just one last time. And he did. "I love you. And I w... More



752 38 15
By DeakysYeehawVibes

👇👇👇get to the end and a lil surprise is waiting for ya!😉spoiler- deacury vibes down there ~~~


John's P.O.V.

"Are you awake?" Freddie's voice asked softly from the shadows.
"Yes," I answered quietly. I had awaken just minutes ago, realizing I had accidentally fallen asleep before. Freddie didn't leave me, he stayed by me all along.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep," I chuckled lightly.
"It's totally okay my dear. I had a bit of beauty sleep as well," he replied and even though I couldn't see him, I could sence the smile in his voice, making me smile as well.

"So. Would you like to tell me what's wrong?" He asked after a short pause of silence.
I wasn't sure. I didn't know if I wanted to tell him. I didn't know if I can tell him.
"Fred, nothing is wrong," I lied, smilingas if he could see me.
"My love, I know something's not all right, don't give me this bullshit," he crashed my weak defense, seeing right through it. It seemed, that I couldn't keep anything away from me. He understood me perfectly, even without me explaining or showing my real emotions and feelings.
"I think it would help you if you'd tell me. And I will help you, just as much as I possibly can, you know?"
"Fred, I can't tell you," I sighed, giving up lying completely. It may have been a mistake- now Fred achieved what he wanted-  made me admit his point, that he was right about some problem of mine's, so he probably would dig deeper and be eager to find out the truth. And now there was no turning back. But maybe I wanted it that way.

"Oh, you sure can."
I felt as my breath stiffening in my throat, starting to speed up, not enough air entering my lungs. It was a bad idea. A horrible mistake. I couldn't tell him. It would hurt him. All of them. They would cast me out.
"No, Fred, not this."
I could hear him shift in his chair and next time, his voice sounded closer.
"My dear Deaky. I'm your friend. And I want to help you. Right now, you do need help. Trust me- I am able to help you!"
My lower lip started trembling as my breathing was turning into panting and gasping.
"Fred please. I-I can't."

Silence. He didn't respond. I felt both relieved and disappointed that he gave up and let me be.
Then I heard how he got up from his chair, and afterwards the weigh of his body landed right next to me on the couch, his arms hugging me, again, his beautiful aroma filling my head, calming me down.
"My darling, everything's alright," he whispered right into my ear, rubbing my back comfortingly. I closed my eyes, leaning my head against him, letting go of all walls I've built inside. He couldn't see me. But even though, he managed to sense that I wasn't feeling comfortable. Even though I noticed this about him already, I suppose it will never stop amazing me.
"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" He asked very quietly.
I inhaled sharply, felt my eyes watering.
"I'm worried. I'm so worried," I blurted out, my voice wavering dangerously, could crack any second.
"What about my love?" Freddie Asked, running his fingers through my hair.
I started shaking, first tear running down my cheek.
"Shh, it's okay," he mumbled, hugging me tighter, as a mother would her child. But I felt safe with him. I could trust him. He could understand.
"I'm sorry Fred, I'm so sorry," I cried out, sobbing.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything in the world! Did-did something happened?"
I could hear the worry in his voice as he spoke. Did he really care about me so much?
"My parents- they don't want me to play," I stuttered, pain running through my heart with every word. I felt as if I was betraying them, betraying Freddie. I agreed to play with them, I can't now just say that I quit. And I wanted to play with them. I loved it.
"T-they want me to study in-instead. They say I d-don't concentrate on my studies enough, that p-playing only sets my mind off im-important things. That it's a w-waste of time. That that's the reason I d-don't have a g-girlfriend," came out of me at once, the whole nasty, foray, betraying truth tearing me apart. I felt as a sinner.
"Oh, my dear," Freddie snapped. "That's not true! Any of this blabbering is not true! Whats that nonsense about your studies? And that shit about a girlfriend? Bullshit!" He exclaimed, calming down again soon as he realized it was my parents he was talking about. But I didn't mind. Like this I knew he spoke his true mind, and honestly, deep inside I was feeling the same way.

He sighed rubbing my back soothingly. "I'm so sorry. But we can sort it out."
"But I don't know how," I let out desperately, tears streaming down my face.
"Let's take it from the start. So, what is that you want? Do you want to play with us? Give it everything? Have a career at a musician? Or you want to study and have a hm, safer, but way less cool job?" He asked kindly and softly, not being harsh or rude, but understanding. "Say whatever you really feel. I won't be mad at you, neither will Bri or Rog. We would understand. And we would still be friends, even if you left the band you know?"
"I don't want to!" I stopped him, standing up for myself. "Never! I love it! I love playing, I love playing with you."
"Lovely! There you have it!" He laughed happily. "And now, what to do about your parents? Have you told them you want to be a musician, not an engineer, or whatever you study?"
"Yes. But they wouldn't listen," I sobbed. Now I suddenly felt embarrassed. As a child which can't stand up for himself. I let my head down, cowering, wishing I've never told him. He must think I'm such a crybaby.
"Hey, what is wrong?" Freddie asked softly, noticing immediately how I stopped.
"I don't know," I mumbled. "Now I feel as a child. You must think-"
"Stop! I don't think any of that! I understand! The fact that you cant agree with you parent doesn't mean you're childish. You know how I fight with my parents? And how many fights seem nearly impossible to win with them?"
"Really?" I couldn't help but giggle.
"Oh, you bet!" I he chuckled back.

"But you know," he lowered his voice. "Its your life. Your parent love you, and raised you into the sweetest boy I know, but they can't take control of you," he continued softly, making me blush madly over his compliment on me. "You have to make decision for your own life, do whatever you want. They can't force you to do anything. You have to make it clear to them."
"I know," I whispered weakly.
"Are you scared?" Freddie asked silently as he dived deeper into the couch, his hands wrapped around me, his face buried in my hair.
"Yes," I admitted, without thinking, reaching up for his hand, interviewing my fingers with his.
"I would be too," he responded quietly. "But you can make it. I know you can."
"I'm sure," he placed a quick soft, but truly unexpected kiss on the back of my head, in my hair, making my cheeks burn and flash deep red, sending butterflies in my stomach.
"Thank you Freddie," I smiled, hugging one of his arms which laid over me.
"Anything for you, dear."

Roger's P.O.V.

Shit. Shit. What the fuck did I do. What the fucking hell is wrong with me.

Brian's P.O.V.

What the actual fuck happened.

I love all those photos a bit too much

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