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Freddie's P.O.V.

Success. First part of my plan had worked out. Now the harder part had to be done. Get out of Roger what the hell is wrong with him when around Esther.
I mean yes, she seemed somehow fake, and something felt weird about her, but he seemed to really hate her. And... was it jealousy I was sensing? But why would he be jealous?

"Brian really did overstate this," I commented suddenly after few minutes of silent ride, as we both were too exhausted to only talk.
"What?" Roger shot up straight, waking up from his trance.
"I think he went overboard. I mean, Esther is sweet and everything, I don't have a problem with her, plus, he really loves her, but taking her to the studio the first day was a bit too much."
"Yeah," Roger said quietly after a short pause, nodding, but stubbornly staring straight forward on the road.
"You don't like her?" I asked, trying it again, hoping he would talk.
"Why's that?"
"What?" He finally looked at me. "You said you didn't like her as well."
"I said I didn't want her in the recording studio," I corrected him.
"Yeah? Why?"
"Well... I don't necessarily not like her, but... something feels wrong about her. She doesn't seem sympathetic to me. And this should be only a band thing."
"Ts, sympathetic..." He scoffed, grasping the steering wheel tightly.

"Well, why do you hate her?"
"She's terrible! She's fake, annoying, a bitch, a gold digger, with her perfect hair, perfect body, perfect everything! But she's fake! She's using Brian! And as you said- this is a band thing, we don't need any visitiors sniffing around! They only get in the way!" He exclaimed out of the blue.
"Why would she be using Brian?" I wondered.
"For money?!" He gave me a look as if I was completely stupid. "It's so clear! Why can't Brian see it? She's only a bitch! She will break his heart! And- I don't like her. Not sympathetic- or whatever you say."
"Ohhhh, Roggie..." I couldn't keep it in any more and giggled, teasing him a little. "Aren't you just jealous?"
"No I'm not!" He yelled, cheeks red from rage. "Why the bloody fuck would I?!"
"Okay, okay, sorry, I'm just joking," I laughed, backing up. But I was sure. He was jealous. And it was so obvious. Could it even be true? That he liked Brian? Maybe. Who knows.

"Why are you smiling?" Rog interrupted my thoughts sending me a murderous look, as he suspected what I could be wondering about.
"Oh nothing," I lied. "Just remembered an old joke."
"You know way too many jokes," he mumbled, fixating his eyes on the road again, letting the whole conversation out of his head.

Out of the sudden, a conversation from earlier today popped in my mind again. I remembered how he asked me about Mary and I acted rude towards him, refusing to tell him the truth. I appreciated that he let it be, even though it was obvious he knew I was lying. I never thought he would be the kind of person who knew when to keep his mouth shut.
But maybe, I shouldn't have lied to him. As I said repeatedly to Deaky- telling someone would help. And it did help John. It will help me as well.
I felt a sudden urgent need to tell someone, the truth laying as a heavy rock on my chest.

"Rog?" I asked him before I could stop myself.
"I'm sorry I was rude to you this morning."
"Oh, that," he said as if he already forgot what happened, which was highly possible. "That's alright."
"Something is wrong with me and Mary."
He send me a truly worried look, filled also with understanding and will to listen and help.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I dived deeper into the seat, digging my hands in hair, staring out of the window.
"I don't even know what is it to talk about," I said, and realized this really is the truth.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know. It's- it's just so confusing."

Roger's P.O.V.

This was starting to freak me out. I've never seen Fred, such a strong, positive, mad, cheerful and eccentric man in such a mood like this. Now, he seemed rather weak, shoulders hanging down, tired, with eye bags under his eyes I haven't noticed until now. Just by now, he let off his mask and showed how stressed, worried and sad he is about whatever is happening. And as it seemed, also scared.

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