My Favourite Mistake ➳ Raura

بواسطة lovinraura_

137K 4.4K 3.5K

One last night. One last drink. One last touch. Ross Lynch and Laura Marano swear on those words, yet there... المزيد

1• day in the life
2• I missed you
3• the Vancouver tourist team
4• the developing relationships
5• the wedding
6• drunk kisses
7• reality check
8• thinking of you
9• midnight surprises
11• figuring it out
12• doctor's appointment
13• making a decision
14• sharing good news
15• movie night, anyone?
16• what's up with Laura?
17• they're asking questions
18• softball sunday
19• the realness of it all
20• raw emotion
21• interviews & delirious thoughts
22• let's do this
23• revealing our secret
24• so many questions
25• sleepovers & cramps
26• gala night
27• heartbreaks
28• breakups & comebacks
29• a baby's gender reveal
30• building the nursery
31• last days together
32• leaving you
33• away
34• quick trip
35• you like me
36• jealously
37• Luca
38• finally here
39• livin' is easy
40• epilogue
announcements pt. 2

10• his reaction

3.7K 99 106
بواسطة lovinraura_

Ross' eyes are still widened as he tries to understand what the hell came out of his friend's mouth.

He had so many questions. He didn't even know where to start.

"You're pregnant" he repeated. That same blunt look on his face.

"You're blonde" she narrows her teary eyes at him.

"Get in" Ross shakes his head as Laura steps inside and he closes the door behind him.

He was expecting a reunion with Laura Marano some time next week, not today in the middle of the night!

Laura sat on the couch in the living room, pulling her sweater so it could cover her hands. She felt a bit scared. She didn't know what to do.

Being in front of him like this, she didn't want to cry, yet she felt like she wanted to, but Ross' presence made her feel safe, and it made her feel like it was okay to cry.

But she refused to.

She'd cried her eyes out all afternoon after all. Her mom and sister had even offered to sleep with her just to make sure she would be okay, and while she managed to get mom out of the deal, Vannesa wanted to stay with her just so Ellen could go home with the idea she was safe.

She didn't need babysitting. She just needed to to cry it out.

Yet there she was. Sneaking out of her house while Vannesa was dead asleep beacuse she couldn't sleep. Maybe she did need babysitting after all.

She hadn't even bothered to change out of her sleepwear! Her big sweater and booty shorts and white socks being the only things she was wearing as she headed out for the night.

And drove a half an hour in the dark just to see Ross.


She didn't know. She was overthinking the situation. Thinking how she was going to tell him. Thinking about how he would take it. How he would react. She was terrified.

So in a pool of her own tears, she decided to go with the band aid method. Rip it fast, and don't think about it.

She didn't know if the midnight drive she'd done had been a good idea or not, especially when she saw Ross walking around the living room like he wasn't sure what the hell to ask first. His face still blunt, not showing any sign of the emotions she was expecting.

He didn't look mad, sad, or even scared. He just....he looked more confused.

"Fuck....okay" Ross shook his head,and with a sigh he sat down next to her on the couch, turning to her fully.

"Who's- who's is it?" he gulped a notch on his throat as he stared at her big beautiful warm brown eyes, who now looked like of those of a scared little puppy.

"Why do you think I came here Ross" she murmured.

"Mine?" his eyebrows furrowed, and at her nod, his eyes widened again.

He was going to rip that hair out of his head if he gripped it a bit more tighter she was sure.

"How the- how the fuck did we let this happen?" he freaked out "What the hell? Didn't we use a condom?"

"Did we?!" she cried "I can't remember shit from that night Ross. We were hammered!"

"I know I know" he shook his head "The next morning...I don't think I saw a condom anywhere in the room. Fuck, It would've at least been in the trash if we used it right?" Ross tried to rationalize.

Ross' complete freak out was freaking her out even more. She wasn't sure of anything at this point.

"Yeah I don't think there was one in the room Ross" she shook her head "I would've noticed it first when I woke up"

"Fuckkkkk" he groaned, closing his eyes as he rested his head on the back of the couch "How the hell could I be so careless? So I fucked you raw?"

He peaked an eye open at the end of his sentence, to look at the girl next to him as she shrugged.

"I've literally never fucked anyone raw before" Ross shook his head as he stared at her again "And now that I did I can't even remember it!"

"Can we please consecrate on the real problem here Ross?" she hissed, completely disregarding his sexual talk.

"Right right" he shook his head as he stared now at the blank wall in front of them "Fuck. Fuck! My dad will kill me! And so will my siblings. My carrier is so over"

Laura's mouth fell a bit open as she glared daggers at the side of his head, giving it a smack "Are you kidding?! This...this thing is growing INSIDE of me Ross! You can literally leave me and not look behind but I'm stuck with this!It's in my body! How are you going to freak like that on me?!"

Ross' eyes widened as he shook his head "Shit...sorry Laur - I didn't mean to-"

The words left his mouth as she stared at the tv now. Her side profile was all he could see.

God she was stunning.

"I'd never leave you alone in this... you know that right?" he whispered.

She turned her head, and their faces were now way too close, but that didn't seem to bother them not in the slightest. They had bigger problems to worry about now.

"I'm not sure anymore" she whispered, a tear sliding from her eye and she was quick to dry it with her sleeve.

Ross shook his head, wrapping her in his arms, and she rested her head in his chest, breathing him in.

No matter what the situation they were in, they would always find comfort in each other. If was what made them feel so special to each other.

"Shit Laura, how did you even drive out this late? Are you crazy?"

She pulled away from their hug, and looked at him in the eyes "Ross, this is the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. Going out at night was the last thing on my mind. I was in my car"

"Which could also be dangerous if you're not in a good state of mind"

"Are you seriously scolding at me right now?" she furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Sorry" he murmured, flicking his eyes from the tv to her face again "Have you thought about what you're going to do? Keep it? Raise it? Adoption? Abortion?"

"I don't know" she shook her head "I don't know anything Ross. I thought about it...I'm not sure though. I don't know"

"Okay okay, relax" he whispered as he put his hands on her shoulders and he made her look at him "It's okay to not know. When you make a decision, let me know. Whatever you decide...I'm fine with"

That got a soft smile out of her, as she raised her hands up to his face, cupping it with her hands and soothing his face with her fingers.

He closed his eyes a bit feeling the sensation, and then out his hands over hers, taking them in his hands, and kissing each one.

"You've always been so sweet to me" she whispered "I was terrified to tell you"

"I can imagine" the corners of his eyes lifted a bit "I just want you to know we're together in this. Whatever you need, it's on me"

Laura shook her head again, that smile still on her face.

This is what she meant. This sweet comfort and absolute love made her feel fuzzy inside, and after all these years of knowing him, she still couldn't wrap her head around it.

"I have to go home" she whispered.

"No you don't" Ross sighted, getting up fron the couch "You're not going anywhere at this hour. Rocky's out, probably for all night, so you can stay in my room. Sleep over. We still have a bunch of things to figure out in the morning, like how the fuck we're going to go about telling people"

"We don't"she suggested "Can we please not tell them for now? Until we figure it out on our own?"

"I'd want nothing more" Ross nodded "Please say you'll stay"

"I have Vannesa sleeping over at mine Ross. She was scared to leave me alone and I didn't even tell her that I'm here....and, nice reference."

"So we'll call her, and I wasn't trying to make one" Ross chuckled "Please, you know we can't have this conversation over the phone, and I know you're exhausted"

"Fine" she sighed, her eyes half-asleep anyways.

She pulled her flip phone out and Ross immediately smiled at the thing before he grabbed it, flipping it open and trying to find Vannesa's contact.

"How do you work this thing" he murmured as his eyes struggled with the small screen.

Laura's smile grew as she stared at him, a giggle escaping her.

He shot her a look, and raised an eyebrow "Don't make fun of me Marano"

She chuckled again as Ross finally found Vannesa's contact and pressed on it, putting the little flippy to his ear.

"Laura?" Vannesa's sleepy voice came through the phone, as she groaned a bit. You could tell the phone call had woken her up.

"It's Ross actually" he clarified.

"Wait what?" her voice sounding more awake "Why are you...wait where the hell is Laura!" she freaked.

Ah, so she finally noticed.

"She's with me" Ross replied "I know about...well I know everything. She came in tonight and told me. I'm keeping her here tonight so we can talk it over tomorrow if that's alright with you"

"She told you she's..."

"Pregnant" Ross repeated "Yes,I know"

"And why aren't you freaking out?"

"I did a second ago, and I still am inside"

"Got it" Vannesa chuckled "So she's sleeping over?"


"Alright. Tell her I'll sleep here tonight and lock up for her when I wake up next morning. Take care Ross"

"Will do Ness. Good night"


He flipped the phone closed, feeling some sort of a small satisfaction from the noise it made.

Laura was still sitting on the couch. Her eyes were now closed though.

Ross pressed his lips, and scrunched down a bit, so he could wrap an arm around her legs, and one around her back, so he could carry her to the bed.

Laura's eyes flipped open "What are you doing?"

"Taking you to bed" he murmured as he walked up the stairs, careful so he wouldn't bump her into anything, until he arrived in his room, putting her down slowly on his bed.

Laura felt the softness of his bed and stiffened a bit as she felt the sheets being pulled over her, covering her up.

"Vannesa said she's sleeping at yours tonight and locking up tomorrow when she wakes up" Ross spoke to her.

"Okay" Laura murmured, not opening her eyes.

Ross smiled at her cute face once again, before he left for the bathroom.

He stripped down to his boxers again, and brushed his teeth and then washed his face.

He stared at himself in the mirror.

The hours that had just passed had just been the craziest hours of his life. Life-changing hours.

God, he couldn't even imagine himself being a

He felt too young. He definitely imagined himself having kids in the future, not getting married, but kids were definitely up there, seeing as he loved them very much.

He'd grown up in a house that was full of people. Four siblings weren't always easy to handle everyday, but at the end he still wanted to have his own little team later in life. It was something his mom had engraved in his brain since he was small too.

But he definitely did not expect this. He felt as if this was happening too soon, was happening with his friend.

Not a random hook up. Not a girlfriend of some sort.

But his friend!

Yet he still didn't feel too horrible that she was the one having After all, she was the best person he'd ever known.

As he carried those thoughts, he got into his bed, covering up as he found Laura's hand beneath the sheets.

He held it there. Like they were fifteen again, and holding hands was a big deal.

His face rested just behind her back as he held her hand, which was layed peacefully on her stomach.

He didn't know how to feel about this, but for one thing he was sure of.

He was taking care of her, whether she liked it, or not.

The next morning started up rather early, with Rocky's arrival to his house.

He opened the front door with his keys, and with a smile and easy-going attitude, headed for the fridge, drinking some of that cold ass water that was there.

He scanned the kitchen with his eyes. There was no sign of anyone. Ross wasn't awake yet.

It was nine am.

He wasn't surprised. His brother tended to sleep in most days.

So he cooked some scrambled eggs for himself, and before he sat down to eat them, he decided his brother had had enough sleep too, so he walked up the stairs to his room to wake him up.

After all, they had work to do. He couldn't just sleep all day.

"Rise and shineee- holy shit" Rocky interrupted himself as his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed his brother wasn't alone in his bed.

He never told him he was doing a one night stand too. He was just worried about the fact that he'd brung her to their house.

This could be a crazy bitch! And she knows where they live!

Or wait, what if it was Abbey?

Her hair definitely did not appear to be ginger though,more of a warm toned of light brown and dark brown.

He got closer to his bed, and did a double take as he recognized the face.


He'd slept with Laura again?!

Did he not learn his lesson the first time?

He was confused, honestly, so he decided he wanted some answers.

"Wake up love birds the hours' striking ten am!" he called out, opening Ross' blinds.

He saw both of them move a bit, and Ross groan as the sunlight hit his face.

He slowly opened his eyes, and rubbed them before staring at his brother again "What the hell Rocky?"

"Good morning" Rocky chuckled at his brothers displeased face.

"What the heck happened here?" Rocky now questioned again, and Ross didn't answer but took a look to his side, to notice Laura. Her eyes still closed.

He rested his elbow on his pillow to look at her better "Laur. Wake up. It's getting late"

Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was Ross' face.

His fluffy golden locks all over his face. His eyes still sleepy.

"Good morning" she whispered.

He smiled a bit at her, loving this little sleepy look on her. He couldn't believe how even this close, her skin still looked so flawless, so angelic.

"Morning" Rocky spoke up again.

"Dude can you please leave my room" Ross groaned again, finally sitting down on his bed as he stretched a bit, yawning at the same time.

"Rocky?" Laura's sleepy voice was heard, as she got up too, now finally noticing he was even in the room.

Rocky was surprised to notice she wasn't naked at all. She actually had a big girly sweatshirt on, and so he was sure that wasn't Ross' either.

"Hey Laur" he gave her a salute "I'll make y'all some scrambled eggs too, so get your asses down fast!"

And with that, he finally left Ross' room.

Ross lowkey loved how comfortable he was with Laura too. He loved that she was basically family.

Family...shit she's pregnant!

There was that alarm going off in his head. For those two blissful moments that he had woken up he'd forgotten about last night, forgotten about reality, but now it was all coming back to him.

"How'd you sleep?" Ross cleared his throat, looking at Laura and her bedhead that she was trying to brush through with her fingers.

"I slept fine" Laura gave him a soft smile and got off the bed stretching a bit in front of him, leaving out a yawn too and then looking at the blondie in front of her "Sorry for throwing a bomb on you last night"

"That bomb had to be thrown anyway" Ross shrugged, getting up from his bed too "Now we just figure out what to do with it"

Laura wasn't listening to what he was saying at all. Her attention rather drawn by the beautiful sexy man in front of her.

God I'd been so long since she'd seen him in full view like this. With only his boxers supporting the very generous amount of him, and abs on full display.

Had he been working out? His biceps were bigger then the last time she'd seen them. Even his calves looked stronger and more muscular.

It made her shiver in all the right places.

"Don't look at me like that" Ross' words drew her attention back to his face and he shook his head.

"Like what?" she murmured.

"Don't play innocent with me Marano. We both know you're not" he narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a smirk "You know what look I'm talking about, and if you don't want me to take you against the door right now, you'd stop it"

She pressed her lips. Corners of them lifting up as a chuckle came out of her throat.

He'd never change. She knew it.

She threw him one more glance, before heading for the bathroom "Give me a few seconds. Don't go to Rocky just yet"

Ross nodded, as she got in the bathroom, and then sighted.

Fuck, how was he going to do this?

He heard his phone ring, and walked over to his nightstand, as he looked at the contact.


"Hey Ross"

She sounded a bit unsure, confused.

"Hey Abbey" Ross cleared his throat again.

"So, about that question I asked you last night just before you hung up on me-"


All this time he'd felt like he was forgetting about something. This is it!

Abbey's question completely slipped his mind last night as he concentrated on this new problem that had come up with Laura.

He had no idea how to respond.

"- well I think if you don't want to it's fine you know. We can just get back to being friends and-"

"Abbey there's something you need to know first" he murmured on the phone interrupting her and pinching the skin between his brows in frustration.


Hiii !!!

I'm back lol.

A lot of you were very excited about Ross' reaction, so here it is! Hope I didn't disappoint.

I've always went about these pregnancy reactions and reveals so...dramatically, in the past so I wanted to change it up a bit and make it a bit more realistic. Ross is a sweetheart, so from what I've seen this is what I think he would react like if he got news like these.

Idkkkk. Only assumptions. Don't attack meeeee X

Also I wanted to point out something I should've actually pointed out last chapter, but I forgot to put it in bc I'm a dumbass so I'm doing it now :)

This user commented this on a chapter:

And at that time I laughed at it because that was EXACTLY what I was planning to do. So this was legendary lmaooo. Congrads on guessing right!

Just shows you how predictable this story really is🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Also, very orginal title...I know. I didn't have any other ideas. Don't judge me :^

Now that I've done my fair share of rambling, it's time to ask you to please comment, vote and follow so we can reach our goal for next chapter!

I love you so much. Have a good night oooor day💞

33 comments and 38 votes required for next chapter!

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