My Favourite Mistake ➳ Raura

By lovinraura_

137K 4.4K 3.5K

One last night. One last drink. One last touch. Ross Lynch and Laura Marano swear on those words, yet there... More

1• day in the life
2• I missed you
3• the Vancouver tourist team
5• the wedding
6• drunk kisses
7• reality check
8• thinking of you
9• midnight surprises
10• his reaction
11• figuring it out
12• doctor's appointment
13• making a decision
14• sharing good news
15• movie night, anyone?
16• what's up with Laura?
17• they're asking questions
18• softball sunday
19• the realness of it all
20• raw emotion
21• interviews & delirious thoughts
22• let's do this
23• revealing our secret
24• so many questions
25• sleepovers & cramps
26• gala night
27• heartbreaks
28• breakups & comebacks
29• a baby's gender reveal
30• building the nursery
31• last days together
32• leaving you
33• away
34• quick trip
35• you like me
36• jealously
37• Luca
38• finally here
39• livin' is easy
40• epilogue
announcements pt. 2

4• the developing relationships

3K 83 70
By lovinraura_

The next morning Laura didn't have time to think about anything, being whisked away at six am for another photo shot.

But man, did her head hurt. The hangover had hit her like a ton of bricks.

After she came from her outing yesterday, she'd bought a bottle of wine, stripped in her pjs, put on some Bowie, and sat on her bed until she finished drinking it to avoid her thoughts from drifting to his face, falling asleep without realizing how it even happened.

Now a proper adult would get drunk with their friends, but nah, Laura got drunk by herself after her outing with her friends.

And oh man was she regretting it as her make up artists worked on her make up and her hairstylist on her hair, and she looked down-right dead in the face.

Isabella was of course the first one to take notice as she walked by.

"Good morning! Damn you look rough" she sat down next to Laura for her own make over and Laura rolled her eyes at her "Good morning to you too"

"Sorry didn't mean it that way" Isabella said quickly, feeling bad "I just want to see how you're doing today. I know yesterday didn't end in the sweetest note for you"

Laura furrowed her eyebrows at Isabella, turning her head a bit to look at her (well as much as she could with hands in her hair) "Why would you think that?"

"Are you kidding me?" she laughed "You think no one noticed yours and Ross's heartfelt good bye? Plus you looked down right sad on the ride back"

"Damn it" Laura murmured "It was nothing okay? I'm fine"

"Did you get drunk last night? Because you don't sound fine"

"I might've" Laura shrugged as Isabella made a face "God it's worse then I thought. Do you get like this every time you two leave each other?"

"No" Laura shakes her head "It's only because we spent too much time together yesterday even though we tried to avoid it. Of course it would hurt at the end"

"It sounds like..." Isabella pressed her lips "Like you shouldn't be away from each other at all. Have you ever been in a relationship with Ross?"

"No" Laura replied the same way again "We used to hook up a lot and flirt.. quite a lot too, but just never had the guts to actually do something about it"

"Damn that sucks, beacuse it sounds like you might have some strong feelings for him"

"Feelings?" Laura choked, almost making the lipstick her make up artist was applying to her lips go up her cheek.

"Sorry" she murmured, waiting for her to finish up before she could talk.

After her lipstick was properly on, she spoke up again "No way Isabella. I've left that man go years ago. He just...affects me a bit more when I see him. I don't know what it is, but it's exactly why we don't meet up often or hang out for long periods of time"

"I think you've got this backwards" Isabella shook her head "But I can't tell you what to do. I think you'll realize it yourself with time."

Laura didn't reply to that, and just sighted, taking her iPad out so she could have something distracting her from her thoughts.

She posted a few pictures from last night, one selfie of her and Kiernan that they'd taken at dinner, and a squad picture, as well as a few stories from yesterday.

"Holy shit" she heard Isabella whisper.

"What?" She questioned.

"The internet really did freak out" she laughed "Especially because of your reunion with Ross. I knew y'all had crazy fans but not this many"

"Oh Isabella, you have no idea" Laura shook her head with a laugh.

"Aw they're fan girling over the matching bucket hats" she laughed, making Laura giggle too.

"You two would break the internet if you got together" Isabella spoke up again, a smile on her face.

"Oh shush" Laura weaved her off, and she laughed again.

"Did you take any pictures together?" she asked again.

"Like, just me and Ross?" Laura questioned.


"I think so" she murmured searching for them in her iPad "Yeah I have this one. We took a selfie at the mall with our matching bucket hats" she laughed.

"That's cute! Post it" Isabella entouraged.

"You just want to make people freak out even more" Laura gave her a look and Isabella shrugged "Guilty"

"Fine I will"

Back in the Sabrina set, Ross was right on work. He read the script like a machine, and memorized every line, and now he was putting it out there.

"I'm sorry, Sabrina, but if you can't choose between me and Nick I'm going to need to make the choice..." he paused for dramatic effect, looking at Kiernan all dolled up in her Sabrina attire "and I can't be with you if you flirt with him every time I'm not there. I don't share"

"Harvey" Kiernan spoke in a soft voice "Look, I didn't mean it to look that way. What you saw...It's not what happened. Please, I don't want to lose you. You can't leave me!"

"I think you need to figure yourself out first" Ross shakes his head "and I think I have to think about myself this time, and be selfish for once. I've given you too much of me already"

"No please don't-"

"Bye...'Brina" Ross whispers and shakes his head as he walks off.

"Cut! That was good. That was good, but Ross, you seem a bit off. If I needed a robot to recite the lines, I'd just built one. I need you to open up more. Get those feelings out" Roberto spoke, looking at Ross as he lectured him.

"I'll do better" Ross nods and Roberto pats his shoulder "Come on kiddo. I know you've got it in you"

"Yeah" Ross murmured as he approached Kiernan again, and she furrowed her eyebrows at him in question, but decided against speaking up since Roberto had alredy called "Action"

After they were done shooting for the day, the cast had went out for dinner, and Ross was quietly sipping on his beer, when Kiernan finally had the guts to ask him the question that had been bothering her the whole day on set.

"Are you okay?"

Ross furrowed his eyebrows at her, like she'd just asked an absurd question.

"Of course I'm okay" he spoke to her "Why would I not be?"

"You heard what Roberto seemed off. Not just in character but out of it too, since last night. You're more quiet then everything fine? You know you can talk to me"

"Keeks that's sweet and all but.." Ross scratched his jaw as he looked away "I'm fine...just was in a bit of a shock last night"

"Shock?" Kiernan raised her eyebrows.

Fuck, he didn't want to spill out anything. He didn't even want to say it out loud.

"Yeah..uh, I can't quite explain it"

"Does it have to do with Laura?" Kiernan pressed her lips, poking him for an answer and he sighted "Kind...of. I just..I miss her sometimes, and yesterday..."

"Ah I got it" Kiernan nodded "You saw her yesterday and realized how much she meant to you..and now you're sad about not seeing her again"

Well...turned out he didn't even have to say it out loud. Kiernan had alredy said it for him.

"How'd you figure that out so fast?" Ross's eyes widen and Kiernan laughed "It's written all over your face. Plus the way you guys hugged yesterday...and the fact that you didn't speak to anyone at work right after"

"The way we hugged?" Ross questioned.

"Yeah. It was like you didn't want to let go of each other. It was way too long and I think I even saw you kiss her cheek?" Kiernan questioned.

"Who's cheek did he kiss?" Gavin suddenly came in the conversation, and the duo both looked at him.

"Remember that girl Ross used to work with? Laura?" Kiernan questioned Gavin.

Oh boy, she was about to tell him everything wasn't she.

"She was with us all day yesterday and they hugged and he kissed her cheek for way too long after we left.And now he's like a sick puppy missing her again" Kiernan laughed and Ross shook his head.

Yep, she did it. And yep, he was embarrassed.

"Awww" Gavin cooed "Young love. How pure"

"Shut the fuck up" Ross murmured, setting him straight "Look..I feel nothing for her..that way. It just happens when we stay around each other for too long. It's a mess. I don't expect anyone to understand it...she was my best friend for years" he shook his head.

"Sorry man" Gavin finally looked at him seriously "Didn't know it was something serious, but how about this, we go out tonight and get hammered!"

"No!" Kiernan punched his side and Gavin hissed at the pain "You're supposed to give him good advice not push him to drain his sorrows with alcohol!"

"Sorry sorry" Gavin mumbled.

"I appriciate the effort" Ross chuckled at the two "but I'm fine..It'll pass"

"Ross? I just realized I forgot my phone in my hotel room before we went out. Can you pleaseee come with me to get it? I don't want to leave alone at this hour of the night" Abbey suddenly showed up by his side, giving him a pleading look.

"Yeah, just get us an uber" Ross spoke and she nodded, already looking for one in Kiernan's phone.

After the uber arrived and texted Abbey he was outside, the duo walked off from the diner, and greeted the man before sitting down in the back seat.

"Sorry to inconvenience you like this" Abbey spoke up again, feeling a bit guilty for taking Ross out of the fun night.

"It's fine. I'll just take a couple of minutes" Ross chuckled "How was your day yesterday by the way? I think the weird sisters had most scenes yesterday right?" Ross scratched his head, thinking back to what Roberto had said.

He hadn't talked to Abbey at all on his first day back, and he wanted to make up for it a bit. At least ask her how she's doing.

"Yeah we did" Abbey replied "We were exhausted after. I didn't see a lot of you or Kiki yesterday though"

"Yeah we went out after one" Ross clarified "Roberto let us off early for this thing we had planned with a couple of friends"

"Cool. So what'd you guys do?"

"Uh...explored Vancouver a bit more. Saw all the tourist attractions and stuff. We actually went to some seriously gorgeous places"

"Yeah I saw some pictures on instagram" she laughed "You guys had a whole squad going on huh?"

"Yeah, it was Cami, Cole, Isabella, Gregg, Kiki, Laura and me"

"Who's Laura?" she questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh..didn't I tell you about my ex co-star on Austin and Ally?" Ross cleared his throat.

This car ride was beginning to feel way too long.

"Oh, it's Laura Marano!" her eyes widen "You could've clarified. There's a lot of Laura's in the world"

"Yeah" I hummed.

"So you guys reunined?"

"We did"

"Cool. Is this her?" Abbey pointed at a picture that was actually posted by Camila, pointing at Laura's face beside Ross's in a group picture. Her smile big and contagious.

"Yeah that's her" the corners of his mouth lifted up.

Abbey didn't say anything after, but clicked on her tag, which brought her to her profile, and she followed her before she opened her stories, watching all the videos and photos they'd taken yesterday that she had posted. The last one being a selfie of Ross and Laura.

'@IsabellaGomez said let's freak the internet out even more, so here's this gem' she'd written in her story, and then tagged Ross.

Ross had to remember to repost that on his story later on.

He chuckled as he read it over Abbey's shoulder, and she turned to look at him "Freak the internet out?"

"Yeah we have quite a lot of shippers from the Austin and Ally days" Ross explained.

"Right, the raura ship" she pressed her lips "How is it possible you still have them? Austin and Ally ended years ago"

"I honestly have no idea" Ross shook his head with with laugh.

"Miss, we're here" the uber driver said and Abbey nodded "Thank you. I'll come back in a second. Ross, you coming or waiting for me here?"

"I'll stay here" Ross pressed his lips in a tight smile and she nodded "Okay. Be back in a sec"

She was nice. She was really nice.

She was no Laura.

Ross hung out with the cast for those two weeks, and the subject of Laura Marano was not mentioned again. They filmed and worked and went out most nights, at dinner, in clubs, bowling...he had fun.

And then they got to watch the final product. Everyone gathered to watch the season three screening, and Ross was excited about it. He thought it turned out pretty good.

And when it came the time to actually go back to la again, he had to say good bye to all his castmates and friends. This was more of a serious good bye though, as they weren't going to see each other for months now that season three was done. They had to wait until they came back to shoot season four.

He was thankful for them, so it was a bit emotional leaving everyone again, but he did what he had to do, promising Abbey he'd see her soon.

And there he was, leaving to the same airport yet again, for another flight, to finally head back home.

After Laura was done with her promotional stuff in Vancouver, she could finally head back home, and she was thanking her lucky stars for it.

Don't get her wrong, Vancouver was a dream, but there was nothing like home in her book, she didn't know how people who filmed their shows there could stay for months.

Thought when she left, she must've hugged Isabella and Gregg for a solid ten minutes each, promising she'd text back to their texts (it was a reach, but she thought she could do it if she really tried to), and left for the airport feeling like an emotional wreck.

The ride back was peaceful, and she got just a bit of sleep before she landed.

Let's just say she didn't feel too fabulous after the flight. Half asleep and looking like she could fall any second.

Her mom had thankfully came to pick her up, and instead of taking her to her own home, they went back to her mom's.

Yep. Just like she predicted, her mom and dad had cooked a very delicious family dinner.

After hugging everyone else too, she sat on the table with her stomach protesting for her dad's Italian food, and she was not hesitant to give it just that.

Everyone sat around the table. Ellen, Damiano, Vannesa and her boyfriend, Vlad, who they basically considered family at this point. She was wondering why it was taking them so long to put a ring on it.

Though she knew her sister, and opposite to her she wasn't the kind of person to go crazy about engagement or marriage or even worse, babies.

Anyway, she was glad to be here eating an amazing home made dinner then rather probably ordering pizza from the night from being too tired to cook.

Not that there was anything wrong with that. She loved pizza.

Her body didn't.

"This is delicious" she complimented her father's food and Damiano nodded "Thank you darling. How was your flight?"

"It was fine. Long. But it was fine"

"You better have brought me something from Vancouver" Vannesa nagged her sister and Laura had to chuckle " I did. Check the lagguge"

"Oh! Yay!" she jumped from the table like a little kid, too excited about her present and went straight to Laura's lagguge.

"Vannesa! Eat your dinner first! God damn it sometimes I feel like the both of you are still five" Ellen scolded making Vlad laugh and Laura snort a laugh.

"Is it in this pink bag?!" she called out from the hallway.

"Yep!" Laura answerd, putting another spoonful of soup in her mouth.

"Cool" Vannesa replied, walking back to the kitchen with the bag in her hands, fishing out the Vancouver sweatshirt she bought for her first.

"Aw! This is so cute" she pouted as she stared at the shirt "I like it"
"I thought you would" Laura chuckled.

"Annnd what's this?" she questioned, now noticing the red velvet box in the same bag.

"Open it" Vlad looked at her and she nodded, opening the box.

"Oh my god! I love theseeee. And in black? Oh you know me so well" she chuckled, smashing a kiss on her little sister's cheek, as she sat back down on her chair next to Vlad for dinner.

"I'm glad you like it" Laura laughed "Ross actually picked those out"

"He did?" my mom raised her eyebrows, surprised.

"Yeah. We went to this place called Gastown and he helped me pick out something since he was the only one that actually knew Vannesa from everyone"

"Well I've gotta remember to thank him next time I see him" Vannesa smiled.

"I miss that boy" my dad noded "How was he doing?"

"Oh he was great" Laura put a strand of lose hair behind her ear "We spent the whole day together just walking and fooling around. It was fun"

"Well I'm glad you had fun sweetie" her mother gave her a smile.

"Yeah" Laura pressed my lips.

The next day she was back in her place. A bit jetlagged but happy to be home.

Not happy to be leaving it early for a songwriting session.

As she entered the studio she hugged everyone in her team as per usual and gushed about how much she missed them, before it was finally time to get to work.

Her journal in her hands for insperation for future songs, she pressed the tip of her pencil to jer lips as she thought about what she could write next.

"How about, heart beats get faster and nights get louder, he's the only one that doesn't make my heart shatter" she felt a familiar voice whisper in her ear and she jumped eyes widen, as she stared at Thomas, the boy she very much had a crush on, who was still looking down at her journal.

"You don't scare people like that!" she put a hand on her heart and he chuckled at her "I think you'll be fine"

God he had a nice smile.

"And did you come up with that from the top of your head?" Laura laughed.

"I might've peeked at your journal earlier and came up with it" he shrugged.

"Don't touch my book" she furrows her eyes at him and he laughs "You don't pull an Ally Dawson like that on me"

"Wait, you watched the show?" she furrowed my eyebrows at him even more, honestly thinking he wasn't going to catch up to the reference.

"I watched some episodes" he shrugged "You were such a baby back then"

"Shush" she push him back by the chest and he laughed

"Hey, less flirting more writing"

After Laura got home from her song-writing session she decided to pick up her mail as she walked in, and put it on her kitchen isle.

As she sat down her iPad, she furrowed her eyebrows, noticing one of the papers was different-looking from the rest.

It was pink, with cute little bows on it, and as Laura picked it up, she noticed it was a wedding invitation.

What the hell? She didn't think she had anyone who was about to marry in her circle.

She opened it up and stared at the words carefully reading what was written.

She was invited to Riker's and Savannah's wedding?


Oooo bet you didn't expect that did ya?

Lol, anyway I just wanted to put a small disclaimer here for a second: I've noticed I tend to mix up my writing a lot. Going from third person to actually Ross & Laura's pov, and that is a total accident!

I don't know if I've done it so far in these couple of chapters I've realised in this book, but I've caught myself countless times doing it and then having to rewrite the chapter in third person again.

I think it's just because I'm so used to writing stuff in their povs that i get lost in the story and don't notice what I'm writing. I just wanted to point that out if you notice it sometime.

I'm trying to get better at it and not let it slip up, but sometimes it just happens and I forget. Sorry if that's happened before and you got confused. At least now you know why!

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter of mine. Kind of boring but frankly necccary to set the mood for the story if I would say so myself, and yes I know I'm updating much quicker these days, but my ig isn't working so I'm not left with much to do as it's summer still and all.

When'd you guys go back to school? Mine starts in October. Freshman year of collage here I come! *insert emotional break down right here*

I find it kind of funny how school starts in October for me lol. Just in the month of Halloween, because school is yet another scary thing to add to it.

Okay I'm done rambling now! I love you so much, and please comment, vote & follow!! Support the story so I can give it my best and give you some good content.

Seeing people actually engage with my story and then comment on random parts instead of a "loved this" at the end of the chapter is actually a guilty pleasure, one which I don't feel anymore these days :')

Okay okay I'm done whining. Thanks for reading peeps💞

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