The Prophecy Of The Immortal...

By emalelikestospam

4.9K 211 5

"Taeyong! When is it enough for you?! How many people do you have to hurt until you're satisfied?!" 2000 year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 44

44 2 0
By emalelikestospam

Ever since Jimin confessed to Jungkook, the entire house hasn't been the same since then. Everyone was terrified at Jungkook's sudden motivation to train. Yuta has complained to Jinyoung on multiple occasions about how he hasn't had a good night of sleep for two days straight. Jinyoung did notice that Yuta was indeed a lot more moody than usual. He would snap at anyone even at the smallest things. It was strange to see such a grumpy Yuta.

There was only one day left until the attack and no one was able to rest since everyone was on edge. Taehyun had all the darts ready and laced in snake venom. All the weapons were brought to Jungkook's house and were hidden in a secret room Jungkook had. Sicheng was barely returning home at all and Jimin assumed that he was staying at one of the dorms there. He hasn't seen Yuta mention Sicheng once the entire week, making him worry just a bit.

It was hectic and wild. Jinyoung had put a curfew on everyone for the last two days of the attack, ordering everyone to go to sleep by 10 pm. Even Jaebum and Jackson weren't let off by him. Jinyoung had once lectured them saying that they were crucial to the entire thing. For some reason, it seemed as if the curfew didn't apply to Yuta. Maybe because he didn't have any part in the entire thing. Jimin saw Taehyun give Yuta a taser in case something happened to him.

Jimin noticed that Jinyoung was especially strict on him and Jungkook when it came to the curfew. Probably because they were the ones who were most likely to disobey the curfew and sleep late due to taking too long within the sheets. Since it has gotten to this point, Jimin didn't have any motivation to do anything to Jungkook. He didn't think Jungkook had any motivation to do such a thing in this situation as well. I mean, who would actually dare to have sex while someone is preparing an attack on you?

None of them had much of a appetite, but they all ate as much as they could due to Jinyoung's orders. Jimin understood that everyone was stressed, even he was. The anxiety was being built up with each minute that passed, making everyone dread the next day. Jimin just hoped that this would be the first and last big issue that he had to go through with Jungkook. He couldn't imagine having another person attack them like this. It was unreasonable.

The memories of that nightmare rushed back to Jimin. When he asked Namjoon about it, he was told that he had predicted his own death. To say that the dream traumatized him was an understatement. His state wasn't as bad as Sicheng's was, but it wasn't very good either. Namjoon had told him that Jungkook was doing his best to try and prevent his death, but he hoped that Jungkook could actually do it. He didn't mean to doubt Jungkook, but could you actually change someone's future with just determination?

If he was really meant to die, he was just glad that he confessed before he did. After all, he was just living in the calm before the storm. Jimin was glad that Ten and Johnny managed to escape from the entire situation before the plan launched. After thinking about it, he thought about letting Yuta stay with Johnny and Ten until everything blows over. If Yuta somehow died, he knew that Sicheng would never forgive them. While Jinyoung was on break, he tapped on his shoulder. Jinyoung turned around and looked at him with curiousity.

"Hey, why don't we let Yuta stay with Johnny and Ten until this entire thing blows over? After all, Taeyong is after Jungkook, not Johnny. If we sent Yuta there, he would be safe. Johnny probably has high security since he's pretty rich." Jimin suggested, making Jinyoung think about it. After a moment of silence, Jinyoung gave him a thumbs up as a way to tell him that he agreed and went upstairs to call Yuta. Yuta was in the shower, so Jinyoung waited outside. Jimin quickly called Ten to inform him.

"Hey Ten, I just wanted to tell you that we're planning on letting Yuta live with you and Johnny for a few days until this entire thing blows over. It'll be a win-win for both of us." He said, snickering at the last sentence. He heard Ten laugh on the other end of the call. "Alright, I'm down. I'll tell Johnny when he comes home tonight. He comes home around 8 pm, so get Yuta here before then. It can be a surprise for him." Ten replied, snickering. Jimin heard Yuta complaining from upstairs and rolled his eyes. "Sorry Ten, I'll call you back later. Yuta is complaining and I have to help Jinyoung convince him." Jimin said before hanging up, not letting Ten say goodbye.

Jimin walked up the stairs to see a moody Yuta yelling at Jinyoung, who was clearly just as stressed as the bunny hybrid was. "I'm not going to move to Johnny's house on such a short notice!" Yuta yelled loudly, making Jimin flinch. He had never seen Yuta yell that loudly with such rage. "What are you going to do then? Wait for Taeyong to kill you himself? You might be his best friend but he's too far gone to think of you as his best friend anymore!" Jinyoung yelled back with just as much rage.

Yuta balled his fist and gritted his teeth. "I don't even have my fucking clothes packed! How can I pack them all within an hour by myself and go to Johnny's house?!" He yelled, about to punch Jinyoung in the face. "Well we'll just have someone help you then! It's that simple!" Jinyoung argued back, yelling loudly. "Who the fuck even has the time to help me pack my clothes?!" Both of them were breathing heavily from rage. Jimin was starting to feel dizzy from how loud they were. It went on for a bit longer before Jimin couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut the fuck up you two!" Jimin shouted even louder than the two of them, startling them both and looking at him with wide eyes. "If you can't pack all your clothes on your own, I'll help you then! Happy?" Jimin hissed at Yuta who simply nodded meekly at the enraged human. "Good." Jimin hissed with as much venom as he could before going to Yuta's room to help him pack his clothes. Yuta and Jinyoung turned to each other with wide eyes, talking to each other using their eyes.

"That was horrifying." Yuta said before rushing to his room to pack his clothes with Jimin. Soon, they were all packed and Jimin called a taxi to send Yuta to Johnny's house. He was glad that Ten seemed to be okay with Yuta staying with them for a while. He almost wished that he would stay with Ten and Johnny too. Almost. He knew that Sicheng wouldn't be coming back in quite a while, so he didn't even have to worry about that.

That night, he slept early as usual. It was quite a comfortable sleep despite the bad situation they were in. Maybe because he was sleeping beside Jungkook. The darts he would use during the attack were placed in the drawer beside his bed, hidden away from Jungkook. Taehyun had given him over 100 different darts to use, all of them a different size and sharpness. He thought it was cool to use real darts instead of those small ones he threw at the dartboard in his office.

The next morning, he woke up to loud alarms ringing throughout the entire house. He heard footsteps outside his door and decided to get up to see what was going on. Jungkook immediately ran down the stairs and everyone gathered around Jaebum who was clearly stressed. "They're only 10 kilometres away, we have to be quick. Eat the leftovers from yesterday and get dressed! Grab the weapons and get into position!" Jaebum yelled, causing everyone to rush to the kitchen to eat. 20 minutes, everyone was ready and in position. Jungkook walked out the door with his gun and sword by his side, ready to attack.

"This is it, Taeyong."

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