Star Trek Imagines (Reader-In...

By garden_of_stories

237K 7.3K 864

I write for all main characters and some secondary characters from every series. Nearly all of my writing wi... More

Request Guidelines
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Leave them alone."
Voy. B'Elanna Torres - You're Best Friends
TNG. Falling in Love With Data Would Include...
Ent. Malcolm Reed - You're His Sibling
AOS/TOS. Being Leonard "Bones" McCoy's Younger Sibling Would Include...
DS9. Julian Bashir - "Come cuddle me."
Voy. Going On A Date With The Doctor Would Include...
TNG. Being In A Relationship With Data Would Include...
Disco. Ash Tyler - "I need you."
Ent. Trip Tucker - De-con Talks
Voy. Tom Paris - Date Night
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Jefferies Tube Acoustics
Voy. Kathryn Janeway - "You only hear their side of the story."
TNG. Data - "Is there a particular reason as to why you are wearing my shirt?"
Voy. Harry Kim - "I thought you were dead."
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "Make me up a future."
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"
Voy. Being Friends With Tom and Harry Would Include...
Voy. Chakotay - Near Death Confessions
TNG. You Tell Tasha and Deanna About Your Feelings For Data
Voy. Icheb - You're Shy
Ent. Being Friends With Trip Tucker Would Include...
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - "Have you lost your damn mind?!"
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "You're in love with them."
Ent. Trip Tucker - You're Shy
AOS/TOS. Jim Kirk - "I can't explain it right now, but I need you to trust me."
Voy. Being Harry Kim's Twin Would Include...
TNG. Worf - "You did this for me?"
TNG. Data - Pet Names
Ent. Trip Tucker - Sleepless Nights
Voy. Being Shy Around The Doctor Would Include...
TNG/Voy. Q Loving You Would Include...
TNG. Data - "You never told me you had a fucking twin!"
TNG. Jean-Luc Picard Flirting With You Would Include...
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
Voy. Doctor - "You did this for me?"
TNG. Being Friends With Worf Would Include...
AOS/TOS. Jim Kirk - "If I didn't know any better..."
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Can I stay?"
TNG. Jean-Luc Picard - He Realizes He's In Love With You
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "Go then, leave!"
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Dress Shopping
TNG. Data - "When I picture myself happy, it is with you."
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Pillow Fights
Voy. Being Close With Icheb Would Include...
TNG. Will Riker - Midnight Visits
Ent. Malcolm Reed - PDA
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
Voy. Doctor - "I love you, you asshole."
Ent. Dating Jonathan Archer Would Include...
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - "I'm going to take care of you."
AOS/TOS. Being Jim Kirk's Sibling Would Include...
Ent. Malcolm Reed - You're Taken Hostage
TNG. Will Riker Being A Father Figure To You Would Include...
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "I'm not leaving you."
TNG. Data - He Protects You
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - "Were you ever going to tell me?"
Voy. The Doctor Being Jealous Would Include...
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "I thought you were dead."
Voy. Tom Paris - You're Kidnapped
Ent. Cheering Up Jonathan Archer Would Include...
Ent. Phlox - You Avoid Him
Voy. Harry Kim - "This shuttle was a lot roomier before..."
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Nightmares
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Mismatched Uniforms
TNG. Data - Bathing With The Emotion Chip
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Horseback Riding
Ent. Malcolm Reed - Post-Mission Cuddles
TNG. Data - You Repair Him
TNG. Dating Wesley Crusher Would Include...
Ent. Jonathan Archer - Hideouts
Ent. Malcolm Reed. - "Because I love you."
Voy. Keeping The Doctor Company Would Include...
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - You're Badly Injured
Ent. Phlox - Trip Sets You Two Up
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "When did I say you could spoon me?"
TNG. Data - He Teaches You How To Fight
TNG. Will Riker - "I'm sorry I kicked you out when you were possessed."
TNG. First Time With Jean-Luc Picard Would Include...
Voy. Q Junior - "You're hot. Shame about your personality."
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "Can I kiss you?"
Voy. Chakotay - "You love me."
TNG. Q - "You're so hot when you're mad."
TNG. Wesley Crusher - "You said my name in your sleep."
TNG. Data - You Get Caught Kissing
Ent. Phlox - You Hide An Injury From Him
TNG. Data - Hometown Trip
Voy. Harry Kim - Mismatched Uniforms
Ent. Trip Tucker - "It was just a dream."
Voy. Dating Icheb Would Include...
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Medical Anxiety
DS9. Julian Bashir - "It's almost midnight."
DS9. Julian Bashir - "Just kiss me."
Disco. Gabriel Lorca - "Did I stutter?"
Disco. Ash Tyler - "I need you."
TNG. Data - Stuck On A Cold Planet
Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Am I dreaming?"
Voy. Harry Kim - He Proposes
AOS/TOS. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott - "That's a promise."
TNG. Will Riker - "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you."
DS9. Odo - "Are you hurt?"
Ent. Trip Tucker - "I just want you to hold me."
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "It's my fault."
Voy. Icheb - First Date
TNG. Deanna Troi Crushing On A Girl Would Include...
DS9. Julian Bashir - "Please hold me."
TNG. Data - "Are you hurt?"
DS9. Benjamin Sisko - "How do you cope?"
Voy. Doctor - Talent Show
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Flirting in Sickbay
Voy. Harry Kim - "Please don't go."
Disco. Saru - Christmas Gifts
DS9. Gul Dukat - You Get Injured While Defending Him
DS9. Odo - You're His Adopted Child
Disco. Saru - You're Overworked
Disco. Michael Burnham - "That was hot."
Voy. Dating Q Junior Would Include...
DS9. Miles + Keiko O'Brien x Reader - Sunflower Fields
Ent. Trip Tucker - "You look like you could use a hug."
Voy. Kathryn Janeway - Talking About Home
AOS/TOS. Pavel Chekov - Period Cramps
Ent. Malcolm Reed - Emotional Trauma
TNG. Reginald Barclay - Fencing
Ent. Malcolm Reed - He Sees Your Scars
Disco. Michael Burnham - She Saves Your Life
Ent. Trip Tucker - "Thank God you're okay."
AOS/TOS. Pavel Chekov - Moving Forward
TNG. Reginald Barclay - Unexpected
AOS/TOS. Jim Kirk - Family
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Shore Leave
Disco. Sylvia Tilly - Romance In Sickbay
Disco. Christopher Pike - Longing Part 1
Disco. Christopher Pike - Longing Part 2
AOS/TOS. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott - Open Waters
Ent. Phlox - "Can I have a hug?"
TNG. Data - Teacher
TNG. Deanna Troi - Feeling Down
Voy. Date Night With Chakotay Would Include...
Disco. Sylvia Tilly - Romance In Sickbay
AOS/TOS. Dating Leonard "Bones" McCoy Would Include...
Disco. Saru - Homesick
Voy. Tom Paris - Old Flames
Ent. Malcolm Reed - You're Ill
DS9. Julian Bashir - Insecurities
TNG. Data - First Meetings
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "I don't fit in."
Voy. Dating Tuvok Would Include...
TNG. Wesley Crusher - Hidden Talents
Voy. Dating Seven Of Nine Would Include...
DS9. Enemies To Lovers With Odo Would Include...
DS9. Garak - Pregnant
TNG. Being Will and Deanna's Child Would Include...
TNG. Visiting Risa With Will Riker Would Include...
TNG. Will Riker - Confessions
Ent. Trip Tucker - Restless Nights
Voy. Q Junior Being Jealous Would Include...
DS9. Garak - Lulled To Sleep
Ent. Enemies To Lovers With Malcolm Reed Would Include...
Ent. Malcolm Reed - Labouring Mission
Voy. Harry Kim - You're Tom's Sister
Ent. Trip Tucker - Jealousy [NSFW]
DS9. Quark (platonic) - Marital Advice
TNG. Data - First Date
Ent. Dating T'Pol Would Include...
DS9. Garak - "So, you like me?"
AOS/TOS. Being Pavel Chekov's Betazoid Wife Would Include...
Ent. Malcolm Reed - Nightmares
Ent. Trip Tucker - Tension
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Study Date
Voy. Kathryn Janeway - Locked Up
TNG. Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include...
TNG. Will Riker - All Partied Out
DS9. Garak - Rescue Party
Ent. Malcolm Reed - Destiny
DS9. Julian Bashir - Growing Family
Voy. Being Kathryn Janeway's Kid and Living on Voyager Would Include...
Disco. Christopher Pike - You're In Labour
Requests = Open
AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Dance Practice
DS9. Garak - Presents
TNG. Data - "You must breathe."
Pic. Chris Rios - "Thank you for not dying."
AOS/TOS. Pavel Chekov - Set Up
TNG. Will Riker - "I love you."
DS9. Julian Bashir (platonic) - Worries
DS9. Kira Nerys - Stress
Ent. Malcolm Reed - "I'm broken."
TNG/Voy. Coming Out As Bisexual To Q Would Include...
Voy. Tom Paris (platonic) - Different
AOS/TOS. The Enterprise Crew Finding Out You're Bisexual Would Include...
Voy. Seven of Nine - Exploring
Voy. The Doctor (platonic) - Aromantic
DS9. Weyoun - "I don't understand."
TNG. Being Married to Jean-Luc Picard Would Include...
Disco/SNW. Christopher Pike - Mentor
DS9. Weyoun - "You're the only one for me." [NSFW]
TNG. Worf - "What were you thinking?"
Imagines Book Part Two

Voy. Kathryn Janeway - You're Insecure

975 36 9
By garden_of_stories

You frowned at yourself in the mirror and turned to the side. The outfit you chose wasn't flattering your curves well in your mind. While some may call your curves sexy, you found them unappealing.

You huffed and stripped down to your underwear, tossing your clothes aside before going back to your dresser. You rummaged through the clothes but couldn't find any that satisfied you. Some were too informal for the dinner that Kathryn was hosting while others just made you feel insecure.

You ran your hand through your hair frustratedly and sat on the bed, trying to hold back tears.

"Janeway to Y/N."

You cleared your throat. "Go ahead."

"Everything all right?"

"Yes, Captain. Why do you ask?"

"You said you were going to come over at 0700 to help prepare for the dinner," she replied. "It's 0710."

You stifled a sigh. "I'll be there soon, I'm sorry, Captain."

"No need to apologize. Just making sure you're still coming." She paused, then added, "And I told you, when we're off duty, call me Kathryn."

You couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yes, Kathryn. I'll see you soon."

"If you're worrying about what to wear, just remember that I think you look great in everything," she said, knowing you too well to not realize what was keeping you. "Wear what makes you comfortable. No one will judge or say anything, I promise. If they do, I'll demote them."

You huffed in laughter. "You can't do that."

"Watch me."

You shook your head slightly. "I'll be there soon."

You stood and looked through your clothes again. You tried to think to what Kathryn liked you in. Though you didn't need her approval of what to wear, it did make you feel more confident when she liked your outfit. You finally managed to choose an outfit that was semi-formal, comfortable, and didn't make you hate your body. You then made your way to Kathryn's quarters and rang the chime, entering after she said to.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

She looked over to you as she put a plate of burnt food back into the replicator. "It's perfectly all right. The food may take some more time, too."

You smiled slightly. "Replicator still being temperamental?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand. B'Elanna tells me nothing is wrong with it and yet when I try to replicate food, it burns it."

"I don't know what to tell you," you said, going to the table to begin arranging the dishes and cutlery.

Kathryn looked to you, smiling as she took in your appearance. "You look lovely, Y/N."


"I mean it," she told you, going towards you. "I honestly can't fathom why you don't like your body. I think it's amazing."

You shrugged slightly. "After years of disliking it, it's hard to stop."

She nodded slightly. "I understand. And until you learn to like your body like I do, I will be here to remind you how good you look. Even when, and especially when you think otherwise."

You smiled, making eye contact with her. "Thank you, Kathryn. That means a lot to me."

She put her hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Now, let's see if I can replicate food that isn't burnt, shall we?"

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