Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

21.2K 160 45

Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)

161 1 0
By haleyandthejets

"So here's what you missed on Glee. Ryder and Kitty started dating because they were trying to make Jake and Marley jealous, come to find out they kind of like each other," the narrator said as a clip of Ryder and Kitty performing together played. "Rachel auditioned for Funny Girl with a Glee Club classic and ended up getting a callback," the narrator said as clip of Rachel celebrating her callback played. "I got a callback!" Rachel exclaimed as she and Kurt jumped up and down excitedly. "Santana moved out to New York and lived with Kurt and Rachel until she constantly insulted them and ended up getting kicked out," the narrator said as a clip of Rachel talking began to play "Okay, that's it! You're gonna have to move out because this our sanctuary, and by ours, I mean mine and Kurt's, and frankly, you make me feel uncomfortable," Rachel huffed. "She then moved in with her new girlfriend, Dani and is working as a waitress but kind of seems like she has no direction to where she's going," the narrator said as a clip of Santana working at the diner with Dani played. "And that's what you missed on," the narrator said "GLEE!" The voices sang out.

Cut to the choir room as Will enters nervously. "Guys we have a problem. Her name is Georgia Peach," Will said as we cut to Will listening to Georgia singing 'Like We Never Loved At All'.

"You, never looked so good as you did last night, underneath the city light," Georgia sang. "With regionals only a few weeks away, I went to scout out the competition. The Hoosierdaddies have a secret weapon. She's a tiny little sophomore, never competed before, but her voice could fill an arena. I mean, it's big. And the only way to beat them is to be huge. I'm talking stadium huge. Epic songs that will blow the heads off of 100,000 people at a time," Will said in a voice over as we hear Georgia singing as we cut back to the choir room as the lights go out. "Zombie apocalypse," Sam said worriedly. "Or Beyonce's halftime show," Unique smiled excitedly as we cut to the hallway where a couple excited makes out as Figgins goes over the P.A. system "Children, this power outage is not an emergency," Figgins said as we cut to a classroom where students are celebrating the lights being out. "Nor is it an excuse to go wilding through the hallways. While we're investigating the root of this near calamity, classes will continue and your brains are to remain in the on positions. If the darkness persists, candles and flashlights will be distributed. I now have to turn off the P.A. system so I can save our precious generator resources for the coffee machine and my plug-in lower back vibrator," Figgins said as Will cringed. "Okay, that puts a damper on our stadium songs. Time for a new appropriate lesson. Ladies and gentlemen, it's unplugged week," Will grinned.

Cut to Rachel and Kurt's apartment as Santana enters in with a distressed looking chair. "Right? I found this out by the Dumpster. With a little TLC and three clicks from Kurt's ruby slippers, this bad boy would be salvageable," Santana grinned. "Um, can you please take a seat, because Kurt and I would like to have a conversation with you," Rachel said seriously as Santana rolled her eyes. "All right, you know what, Rachel, if you are still obsessing over what you're gonna sing at your Funny Girl callback, may I suggest your best jam ever, "Run, Joey, Run."," Santana smirked as she took a seat. "We think you're throwing your life away," Rachel said seriously. "Excuse me?" Santana said raising an eyebrow at them. "We just think you should be doing something more with your life than just being a waitress," Kurt said seriously. "I'm sorry, but some of us actually need to work for a living," Santana said slightly annoyed. "Okay, that's not the point. Okay, you're so talented, Santana. You're, like, the most talented person I know, obviously with the exception of me and Kurt," Rachel said as Kurt shrugged in agreement "But your voice, it's electric, and I would kill for half of your dancing abilities. So I'm telling you what you told me, which is that you just need to stop and focus on your talent." "Well, maybe I don't want to be in Funny Girl, okay?" Santana said rolling her eyes "So why don't you just stop trying to force all of your creaky old-time Broadway dreams on to my amazingly awesome dream." "And what's that?" Rachel asked as Santana sighed. "I am trying to figure that out," Santana said honestly as Kurt and Rachel looked disheartened "What is so wrong with taking a little time to figure things out?" "Nothing. But what about doing something in the meantime? Like dance lessons? NYADA has a great extension program for non-students," Kurt suggested. "Yeah," Rachel agreed. "Something to keep your motors revved, you know..." Kurt smiled. "My "motor" is revved every night I'm with my girlfriend. And while I appreciate your pity, I don't really think I need to be taking any advice from TV's Blossom and Lady Elaine Fairchild," Santana smirked as she got up as she got up. "Would you take your chair with you?" Kurt called after Santana as she then dragged her chair out of the apartment.

Cut back to the choir room as Will is talking the New Directions. "All right, I know these conditions aren't ideal, but I want to thank you guys for toughing it out. And we have our first volunteer, who is going to show us how to get back to basics and really strip it down. So, let's give it up for Sam," Will smiled as the New Directions clapped for Sam as he sat down with his guitar. "Right. Uh, take it away," Will smiled. "Thanks. Um, well, when Mr. Schue started talking about being big, I started thinking about Phil Spector's legendary Wall of Sound, and how he would use, like, thousands of instruments so his songs could really fill a stadium. And then I started thinking about stripping, um, out all that extra noise to get to the essence of the song. Plus, my mom said that I was conceived to this song, so I kind of literally owe my existence to the Righteous Brothers. Anyways, uh, here it goes," Sam smiled a bit as he strummed the chords to 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling'.

As Sam sings the song Artie seems mostly distracted during the performance being on his phone. Ryder soon chimes in backing Sam up as do the rest of the New Directions besides Artie who still seems distracted by his phone. As Sam finished the New Directions applauded him. "Wow, you see that, guys? That's the kind of power and passion that we need for regionals. Good job, Sam," Will smiled over at Sam who nodded. "Um, next up, uh, Artie. Show us what you got," Will said as Artie went over the piano trying to do his song but got easily frustrated. "I'm sorry, Mr. Schue. I can't do Miguel without my synth. I needs my synth!" Artie exclaimed. "No, you needs to man up," Sam said frustrated. "Excuse me?" Artie asked narrowing his eyes at Sam. "You know how often the power went off at my house, how many times my dad couldn't afford to pay the stupid bill?" Sam said upset. "Relax, dude," Artie said trying to calm Sam down. "I had to entertain my brother and sister with just my guitar and my voice, and we didn't have any synth. I mean, like, I saw you texting during my song, and it's not just you; It's all of us. We're so focused on being plugged in to the Twitterverse and the Blogosphere that we don't appreciate what's actually right in front of us. And I think that that's just sad and lame," Sam said solemnly as the bell rang.

Cut to the office as Isabelle is talking on the phone. "Great, so we'll include a Blu-ray of Black Swan, um, in the gift bag and a note from the director, "How Ballet Inspired Me." Oh, that's perfect. Thanks, Darren. I appreciate it. Oh, and, uh, listen, you're at my table, seated next to Christopher. So be nice. All right, bye," Isabelle said as she hung up her phone as Kurt is waiting to speak to her. "Darren...?" He asked. "Aronofsky. Christopher Nolan," Isabelle said honestly. "Oh," Kurt nodded. "You may be seated," Isabelle said as Kurt took a seat beside her. "So, first of all, how is your dad?" Isabelle asked. "Oh, uh, thank you for asking. He's doing good. Um, he's back at work, and all his treatments seem to be working," Kurt smiled. " Good, I'm happy to hear that," Isabelle smiled. "I thought you might have called me in here because, um, you were gonna fire me," Kurt said nervously. "What? Why would I do that?" Isabelle said shaking her head. "Well umm I haven't been as involved with this internship since my classes at NYADA got more demanding and..." Kurt began. "You haven't been coming in as much. We've noticed," Isabelle said trying to sound intimidating "But quality trumps quantity always. And though NYADA's gain is's loss, I will never stop anyone from pursuing their passion," Isabelle said honestly. "Bless you fairy godmother," Kurt smiled. "But I need your help. You know I'm co-chairing the gala for New York City Ballet's educational programs?" Isabelle asked. "Yeah, it's only the social event of the performing arts season," Kurt said in awe. "My celebrity wrangler just canceled. It was going to be Anna's daughter, but she got the chicken pox à la Barbara Walters. So I need somebody. I need somebody good who can dive in ASAP," Isabelle said honestly. "If anyone else does this, I-I will literally die," Kurt said seriously. "Okay. All right," Isabelle chuckled."Yes," Kurt grinned. "And listen, um, if you want to draft a couple of friends to help you out, that's good, too," Isabelle smiled. "Yeah?" Kurt beamed knowing exactly who he wanted to draft in, maybe this was his way of helping Santana find her direction.

Cut to Kurt entering his apartment excited with his news. "Ladies? What is the event the Big Apple's hoi polloi must be invited to or they'll pull a Javert and swan dive off the Chrysler Building?" Kurt asked. "The New York City Ballet Gala, duh," Rachel said seriously. "And guess who gets to attend if they just volunteer a few short hours?" Kurt said as Rachel got excited. "Anne Hathaway?" Santana said jokingly. "It's us, it's us!" Kurt exclaimed excitedly. "Are you serious?" Rachel squealed as she and Kurt jumped up and down. "And just when you thought it couldn't get any gayer, it does," Santana smirked pointing towards Kurt and Rachel. "Make fun of it all you want, but the New York City Ballet Gala, it's a celebration of a timeless art. If it wasn't for ballet, I wouldn't be here," Rachel said seriously as she flashbacks to her time doing ballet as a child. "It was my gateway into show business. My dance teacher told me that I was a mini Margot Fonteyn. She taught me the power of music, and although that dance studio was just a tiny, moldy Lima storefront, to me, it was the most beautiful place on earth," Rachel said in a voice over as Santana looked at her in disbelief as Kurt then took over. "I started ballet at the ripe old age of three. My mom enrolled me after seeing me in front of the TV, jetéing and debouléeing to the Blues Clues theme song. That ballet class was one of the few places that just seemed to fit. And even when I saw some of the kids and their parents laughing at me, something inside my little brain said,"Screw them. Just go for it, Hummel." My can-do attitude was born in that room," Kurt grinned as he flashed back to his time in ballet class. "And I skipped all that crap to study the timeless art of crunk," Santana smirked as we cut back to regular time. "Look, you can tell Isabelle that I am definitely in," Rachel grinned. "Not me, count me out," Santana shrugged. "You mean you don't want to wear a designer dress from the legendary vault that you get to keep as a gift?" Kurt smirked as that got Santana's attention. "I'm in," Santana shrugged. "She's in," Rachel grinned. "She's in," Kurt also grinned, glad to finally get Santana to do something other than her job.

Cut back to the choir room as Ryder is prepared to perform. "I know these songs are supposed to be unplugged, but I asked Mr. Schue permission to do a full orchestration," Ryder said honestly. "Which I gladly agreed to, because Ryder eloquently told me that what he wanted to unplug were his feelings," Mr. Schue nodded. "I want to really reveal myself through this song. And frankly, I think I kind of need the support to get there. I'd like to dedicate this song to all of us, and for all the slushies...real and proverbial...that we've all taken to the face over the years," Ryder said seriously as he began to sing the R.E.M. hit 'Everybody Hurts'.

Everyone watched as Ryder performed from his soul is everyone seemed to be moved, no one more so than Kitty who felt what he was singing. We cut to flashbacks of various glee club members getting slushied including Tina, Jake, and Marley. As Ryder finished everyone applauded for him. "That was amazing, Ryder. You certainly unplugged whatever you were looking to let out," Will said honestly. "I didn't want to just get them out. I wanted to get in touch with them so I could maybe have the balls to tell you guys something. Something that's pretty hard to talk about," Ryder said honestly with a sigh. "It's cool, bro. You can let it out," Jake assured him as Ryder nodded. "I've actually only told one person this. Not even my parents know. But...I'm not sure if I could trust that person to keep it secret. So, before this gets out, I want to be the one to open the box. When I was 11, I was molested by my babysitter. She just walked in on me in the shower, and she touched me a bit. It kind of messed me up a bit. Like, I have trouble trusting girls because of it, I think," Ryder sighed as everyone looked stunned at this revelation. "What?" Tina exclaimed. "Are you serious?" Harmony frowned upset as Ryder nodded. "Ryder, I'm sorry, but I'm obligated to report it," Will said seriously. "Whatever, she already got locked up. She was caught doing it to some other kid," Ryder sighed as Will nodded with a heavy sigh. "Everyone give Ryder another round of applause for truly coming clean," Will said as everyone clapped for him as Kitty noticed how withdrawn Ryder had gotten after revealing his secret and realized they truly had a lot in common.

Cut to Breadstix later that night as Kitty is at a table with Ryder as a waitress brings them their food. "Here you go," the waitress smiled as she walked off. "So why did you invite me out? I mean I know we've been kind of dating, but it didn't seem like you were that into me," Ryder said honestly as Kitty took a deep breath. "I noticed how withdrawn you got this week in Glee Club after you told everyone your secret. It may have seemed like no one else in that room understood what you went through, but...I did," Kitty admitted as Ryder looked stunned, Kitty had been molested too? "It was, um, my friend Julie's older brother. I was in sixth grade. One night, Julie had a sleepover, and in the middle of the night, he came down into the basement and crawled into my sleeping bag. At first, I thought it was a joke. I didn't know what was happening. But then he started, feel me in places," Kitty said emotionally as Ryder listened intently to everything she had to say. "In the morning, I went straight home without saying good-bye, and I couldn't tell my parents for a while. I was afraid of upsetting them or something. So, when I did tell them, they were really confused. They didn't understand why I waited so long to say something about it. My mom called his parents, and all I could hear her say was how good of a kid he was and how she didn't know how something like that could happen. And then Julie stopped talking to me and told everyone at school that I was spreading rumors about her brother. Then she told all my friends to stop talking to me. Finally, I just decided it'd just be easier to switch schools. So, I did. I understand what it feels like to have something like that happen to you and feel like nobody understands. I guess I just wanted you to know that...I do," Kitty said emotionally as Ryder held her hand in his feeling truly bonded to her as they smiled back at each other, for once feeling like their relationship was truly going to go in the right direction.

We cut to the choir room as Marley begins to perform Charlene Soraia's rendition of 'Wherever You Will Go'.

"So lately, been wondering who will be there to take my place? When I'm gone, you'll need love to light the shadows on your face. If a great wave shall fall. It'll fall upon us all and between the sand and stone could you make it on your own? If I could, then I would, I'll go wherever you will go. Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go. Run away with my heart. Run away with my hope. Run away with my love. I know now just quite how my life and love might still go on in your heart, in your mind I'll stay with you for all of time. If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go. Way up high or down low. I'll go wherever you will go. If I could turn back time, I'll go wherever you will go. If I could make you mine, I'll go wherever you will go. I'll go wherever you will go," Marley sang acoustically as Jake watched her beaming proud as Ryder and Kitty seem bonded together as the song goes on, seeming to fall more in love with each other. "Nice," Will smiled as the New Directions cheered for Marley who looked thrilled with her performance. Ryder smiled over at Kitty who also seemed moved by the performance as the two seemed to form something real for the first time.

Cut to the New York City Ballet Gala as Isabelle walks in with Kurt and Rachel "Okay, you're on Rex Reed duty, Kurt. Keep him away from the open bar," Isabelle muttered to Kurt. "Gotcha," Kurt nodded. "Hey, Santana, how do you feel about Cherry Jones?" Isabelle called to Santana who turned around. "Whatevs," Santana shrugged not caring. "Miss Isabelle, I'm sorry, I know that we're just volunteers here, but Kurt and I were wondering if there was any possibility that we could maybe watch the performance from the audience," Rachel asked in a hopeful tone. "Absolutely not," Isabelle said quickly. "I'm sorry," Rachel apologized quickly. "You're gonna be watching from the wings with me. It's the best seat in the house," Isabelle grinned as Rachel and Kurt celebrated excitedly. "Santana, you want to join us?" Isabelle asked. "Oh, Santana doesn't like ballet. She's only here for the gown and the swag-bag," Kurt said honestly as Santana glared at him. "Oh, I don't believe that. Every little girl, no matter where she ends up even at starts out wanting to be a ballerina," Isabelle said as Santana smiled back at her. "Not Santana. We've discussed it. Kurt, can I just show you..." Rachel began. "Shut up, Berry," Santana gritted through her teeth. "I actually did take ballet classes. My abuela put me in them when I was little, because I was such a tomboy and it really pissed my dad off. I only took a few lessons, but it helped me, uh, escape a little, you know? It was the first time I danced. I felt safe there, and not different. And part of something beautiful," Santana smiled a bit as we cut to a fantasy where she, Isabelle, Kurt, and Rachel perform 'At the Ballet' from A Chorus Line while the ballet dancers danced.

We cut to a flashback of a young Santana taking ballet classes as she talks as Kurt and Rachel soon harmonize with her. We also see a young Rachel and Kurt taking ballet classes as we cut between the flashbacks and Santana, Kurt, Rachel, and Isabelle onstage. We cut to a fantasy of Young Kurt, Rachel, and Santana dancing together as their older counterparts watched smiling. As the fantasy of performing ends we cut back to regular time. "Sorry. Listen, I really love dancing. I just am not like you guys. I don't know what I want to do or how I'm even gonna get there," Santana sighed. "But you have plenty of time to figure it out. And... it doesn't have to be ballet or Broadway, just as long as it's something that you love, something that feeds your soul. And, Santana, baby steps are okay," Isabelle assured Santana who smiled back at her before turning to Kurt and Rachel who seemed proud of her in admitting what was really going on.

Cut to the classrooms and Hallway where the power has finally returned to McKinley High. The students begin to cheer as Figgins voice goes over the PA system. "Citizens of McKinley, the power has been restored. Congratulations to all of us for refusing to resort to idol worship and rampant cannibalism. We have discovered that the blackout occurred when a Mylar balloon congratulating my secretary Donna on her successful hysterectomy became trapped in an outlet behind her file cabinet. McKinley Titans, it is a new dawn. Let us welcome a new era of peace and prosperity. Yours truly, Principal Figgins," Figgins said as he then turned the PA system off before turning on his back massager.

Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are having their first meeting post blackout. "Okay, let's flip some switches and rock out, please," Jake said seriously. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, guys. Don't plug back in just yet. There's one more thing this power outage can really drive home for us: The power of singing acapella," Will smiled. "I hate whistling," Kitty cringed. "Nothing but our voices for this next number. No other instruments or bottles or tools or anything. At the end of the day, our voices are the only instruments that truly matter. So make it count," Will said as the New Directions nodded finding the idea of that exciting as Will gave them the sheet music to 'For the Longest Time' by Billy Joel.

 Cut to the auditorium as the New Directions are performing starting off with Jake, Artie, and Marley as the others backed them up. Kitty then sang her line singing towards Ryder with a huge smile on her face feeling like the two had truly gotten closer together. Marley sang her line as she held onto Jake. Ryder soon took over smiling towards Kitty as well who beamed back at him feeling herself falling more for him. Jake begins to sing as some of the guys twirl the girls, Jake twirling Marley, Ryder twirling Kitty, Sam twirling Harmony, and Blaine twirling Tina as the others sing background. The New Directions soon finished the song. "Alright," Will grinned clapping for them as the New Directions also applauded themselves feeling more together than before.

Cut to a NYADA class as the instructor pounds her cane. "I hope that..." she began as the door then opened as Santana walked in. "You're late," the teacher scolded. "I like to make an entrance. And if we're really gonna talk about late, can you say something to Gramps right here?" Santana snarked as she walked in. "Sit," the teacher said annoyed. "Excuse me," Santana said as the man she called 'Gramps' moved over to make room for her. "This is NYADA Extension. You sign up, you pay, you get in. Anyone. And what I was going to say was that I hope none of you came here expecting that it would help you get into NYADA as a student," the teacher explained. "Good. 'Cause the last thing I want to do is pay 30 grand a year to get a degree for doing something that I'm already freakin' Wonder Woman at," Santana said seriously. "Then what are you doing here?" the teacher asked slightly annoyed. "I love to dance. I'm an artist, but...I sort of lost touch with that part of myself lately, and so I'm here some reintroducing," Santana shrugged as the instructor nodded. "I can dig that. Everybody up. To the bar. Pliés, please. Two demi, one grand, port de bras forward," the instructor said as the class including Santana began to dance when Santana noticed her younger self watching and approached her. "Don't forget me again, okay?" Little Santana frowned. "I won't. I promise. I've got you now," Santana smiled as she hugged her younger self before returning to dance.

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