By linaxfics

24.5K 744 77

they "kylie jenner-ed" it More

•Secret Lives•
•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter one•
•Chapter two•
•Chapter three•
•Chapter four•
•Chapter five•
•Chapter six•
•Chapter seven•
•Chapter eight•
•Chapter nine•
•Chapter eleven•
•Chapter twelve•
•Chapter thirteen•
•Chapter fourteen•
•Chapter fifteen•
•Chapter sixteen•
•Chapter seventeen•
•Chapter eighteen•
•Chapter nineteen•
•Chapter twenty•
•Chapter twenty-one•
•Chapter twenty-two•
•Chapter twenty-three•
•Chapter twenty-four•
•Chapter twenty-five•

•Chapter ten•

352 11 0
By linaxfics

annie's pov

i open my eyes and hear the sound of my baby girl crying. "it's ok, mommy's here." i whispered, picking her up and standing up as well. i calmed her down, then saw hayden come out from the kitchen.

"i was just going to get her." he informed me, then took her to change her diaper.

i got up, then went to the bathroom. it was 6 am and we had a busy day. i took a literal two minute shower then brushed my teeth and put on my clothes. i sat on my vanity as i pumped and did my makeup and hair.

once i was done, i put my milk in the fridge then went to the nursery where hayden was holding kali who was sleeping again. hayden already changed her, and he was sleeping too. "babe," i called out, waking him up and earning a groan.

"i'm so tired." he whined as he got up with our daughter in his arms.

"i know, me too." i replied, "put her down and go get ready." i said, then he nodded and placed kali in her crib and went to our room, but not before giving me a kiss.

i packed the diaper bag and then went to the kitchen and made breakfast burritos so me and hayden can eat ok the way there. i wrapped them in foil then walked it four into a clear glass tubaware. i made a large smoothie, so me and hayden can share. in it was kale, avocado, frozen berries, a banana, pineapple, and then some almond milk. i put it in two separate cups and then hayden came out.

he put kali in her car carrier then we all went down to our car. we placed her in then both got in ourselves. it was about 7 now so hayden drove to the building. we got out then headed in.

we were guided to the 3rd floor where we met up with kenzie and johnny along with ezra and gabriella. we were going to do a facetime interview with gma.

"auntie annie!" gabriella ran to me, then gave me a big hug. i gave her a hug back and put her on my hip.

"i missed you!" i told her, then saw kenzie in the corner pumping and johnny putting ezra into clothes. "hey kenz! hey john!" i said hi to them and they can

returned the favor.

"hey annie, ohh look at this!" kenzie showed me a picture of an e and a g.

"what's it for?" i asked.

"well i want to get a letter of the each of my kids' names on my fingers. i don't know yet." kenzie shook her head, then we all just waited and got ready.

me and kenzie, along with kali, ezra, and gabriella all were on a "facetime" interview with gma tLonh about our series.

"you two started a series which has become a huge sensation over social media. everyone is talking about it. why did you two decide to make this series?" the interviewer asked.

"me and annie both started to plan out this series when she was pregnant and i just had ezra." kenzie first spoke.

"we really wanted our whole story to be known because our life isn't perfect. we've both went through so much no one knows about." i said, holding kali.

"like my sister, maddie, said in the first episode, people see the glamour and the glitz, but it's not true. both of our homes are a mess right now. my toddler threw all of her hair accessories before we came here. we're normal people as well and go through a lot, and it's rare we go through a day without something happening." kenzie said.

"we just wanted people to know the full story and not to assume we're so perfect." i said.

"so annie, you said in the video about loosing twins a few years ago."

"oh god," i sighed, wiping a tear that fell. "a few years ago, after kenzie and johnny had gabriella, i found out i was pregnant. before i could find out i was having twins, i had a miscarriage." i said, using a tissue to wipe my tears. "i even went through very deep depression and had a few, attempts." i said, and they knew what i meant.

"i'm so sorry," the interviewer said, "you two really opened up in this first part, what's the future for this series?"

"we already filmed the rest of the series but it does get pretty intense and the last part is our personal favorite because all of our close friends and family members speak about their opinion and how it's affected them. plus a little announcement is made." kenzie explained.

"exciting. now i'm wondering, are your kids spoiled? i mean my kids are but by my family. i'm like, she has enough toys!" the interviewer made us laugh.

"kali is still a bit young but kenzie loves to give her lots and lots of bows." i laughed.

"yeah, and me and my fiancé try not to spoil our kids but that doesn't stop our friends." kenzie laughed.

the interview went on normal, and it wasn't bad. i don't think we explained our series like we wanted to but it was a start.

as i fed kali, hayden packed up our things and helped me take off my heels. why did i wear them if the call only showed halfway up my torso?

me and kenzie decided to go to dinner at katsuya with our families. we made a reservation once we arrived to their house. "mommy! i hungry." gabriella told kenzie as we sat in the living room and kenzie was breastfeeding ezra.

"i can get a snack for her." i offered.

"thanks annie. the cabinet by the toaster." she told me, and then i held gabriella's hand as we walked to kenzie's insanely large and decorated kitchen. damn i'm jealous. it's spotless, the only mess in this house is in the living room because gabriella dumped the lego box out.

i opened the cabinet she told me to open, and saw an incredibly organized cabinet filled with healthy snacks. she has more than trader joe's and whole foods combined. gabriella pointed to the kale chips so i grabbed a baby bowl from another cabinet and poured some in there. i knew i shouldn't give her too much so i just gave her about 10. she ran back to the living room as i walked back.

hayden had kali with him and johnny in the recording room kenzie and johnny have. we all left soon after to the restaurant. kenzie gave me a onesie for kali from when gabriella was her age since kali spit up on her previous outfit.

once we got there, i was breastfeeding kali with a cover up as we ordered and Gabriella was in a high chair by kenzie and johnny. kenzie and johnny got us one of these strollers that is like a bassinet so it's so easy for her to sleep. hayden burped kali as we waited, then left to change her diaper.

"so annie, random question but do you know if you're, how should i say, ready to get married?" kenzie asked, making me look at her with wide eyes.

"what?" i yelled, my eyes wide warning a few stares. "sorry."

"i'm just asking." kenzie said.

"ask me again once i get your wedding invite." i joked, then we both laughed and hayden came back with our daughter.

when our food came, we put kali in the stroller and used the cover up so the lights wouldn't bother her. we all ate, laughing and talking. then seeing gabriella covered in chocolate just like johnny. like father like daughter i guess.

"night guys, thanks." me and hayden said, then gave johnny and kenzie a hug. me and hayden then gave ezra and gabriella a kiss on the forehead and kenzie and johnny did the same for kali.

once we got home, hayden helped with kali as i put our leftovers in the fridge. hayden came out after, closing kali's door. he started to unbutton his shirt as i put the dishes in the washer.

"oh god i'm so tired." i groaned, then hayden hugged me from behind.

"let's go to sleep." hayden said quietly, then i nodded, giving him a kiss and we went to our room. i made sure we had the baby monitor as we both got ready for bed.

we both fell asleep easily, tried from a long day, but one thing kenzie said still lingered in my mind. marriage?

it woke me up at 3, and kali was sleeping peacefully. i went out to the balcony, looking out and breathing in the air. marriage? no way are we ready yet. i mean we just had a kid. but marriage? i honestly don't know about the future. i love him so much but, are we gonna last? i mean it's best for our daughter-

"hey, what are you doing out here?" hayden asked tiredly, popping his head out the balcony door.

"just taking a small breather. i'll be right in." he nodded, giving me a kiss on the cheek and then going back in.

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