Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

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Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



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By SGPresents

C H A P T E R  T H I R T H Y - S E V E N

Arriving at the fan event, The whole ride was quiet. I was thankful enough that Sehun stop bugging me to talk. He was persistent. Though I wasn't responding to his stories at all, He kept the conversation going on between him and only him.

"Remember to stay close to me, Okay?"

He remind me when I step out of the car. I just nod and went straight to escort them. They were several security prepared for their defense from random threats in media and excited fans.

I couldn't help but to baffle at their massive fandom. I know Exo is distinguished globally but I have never seen any of their events nor concerts. This is just surreal.


I bump to someone and it was Manager Levi. Behind him was the girl named Dahee and the other guys. She kept glaring at me. Scrutinizing my attire from top to toe. Maybe trying to compare myself to hers.

I don't know why but I feel aggravated every time she's around. It's like her presence was a pessimistic vibe that trashes everything.

"We have to go straight to the event. Were just in time."

The screams went louder as we pass by an aisle of Exo's enormous fans. Lining up in order to meet and greet their bias personally.

Now, this was the reason why we almost failed to have our own sales in a few years. Exo couldn't be beaten just that. You have to have your own set of Exo just to equalize the deals they make and also the wealth they could convey. In short, No one in their era could surpassed the line of their victory.

Entering the core of Times Square Mall, I was even astonished by the gigantic crowd. I thought that was it from the entrance of the building. But this one's hell of a mob.

I tried to compose myself I send them to the stage.

This is a long way to go.

"Did you see her face? I would like to beat her up."

I glared at Sohyun. She kept arguing about that girl named Dahee since the program started and that's been hours ago. Though, she was getting hands-on with the team. This woman beside me couldn't just stop blabbering her efforts with ferocious thoughts.

"Just let her be, Sohyun. At least she's doing her job and we have lesser things to do."

Dahee volunteer herself to do roles that has to be involved with Exo. I tried to offer some help but she was persistent to do it on her own.

I decided to let her go since I didn't have plans to get close to Sehun either. I don't want to distract him from his fan service.

"She want to stick herself to the team because she wants attention. How desperate is that?" Sohyun tsked. "Poor girl."

I shake my head trying to withdraw the antagonistic vibes inside my body.

I know, I was also kind of pissed with her actions. Sohyun was half right with her secret intentions. Dahee wanted to get close to the team. That's too obvious and I wanted to contend with that.

But I knew to myself, I don't want to harm anyone. Specifically, Sehun. I need to stick my patience for quite a while.


My eyes drifted at the small stairs from the stage. I saw Manager Levi approaching my direction. I nod at him looking confused.

"Is there something wrong, Sir?"

I ask. Acting in general.

Sohyun is right beside me and recalling how investigative she was. She works more than those secret agents and paparazzi.

"I hope it's okay to ask for your help. I need someone to distribute the waters to the team. I just need to assist someone for a minute."

I was perplexed. But when he hand me two bags of water bottles, I didn't have any choice but to accept it.


Manager Levi lend a cheeky smile before tapping my shoulders.

"I owe you a lot. Thanks!"

I watch him ran back to the stage. Instructing some people under his designation.

Now, What?

"Go on, Haeun!" I turn behind where Sohyun was. "When you come back, I'll still be here satisfying my cravings." She stick the chocolate chips to her mouth like a hungry beast.

I laugh at her stance. Pregnant woman shouldn't work that ass off. Especially in this kind of event that is too crowded and Risky.

Who knows what could possibly happen to her and the baby, Right?

Stepping to the small stairs, I almost bump to Dahee if I didn't notice my direction. She stood in front of me and glance at the bag over my side.

"I could do that for you if you want too."

I was about to hand the bags when I heard Kris's voice.

"Hey, I need water." He smirk before glancing at Dahee. "Chinggu, Don't block her way. Don't you see she's carrying heavy stuff?"

When Dahee couldn't respond, I find my own spot to get the stage.

"Excuse Me," I said in all manners as I walk to Kris to hand him his own water.

"Finally, some refreshments! Thank you though."

I smiled at him and started distributing the water bottle for everyone. All I received was a pleasing thank you and raw smiles from the boys.

Sehun is sitting the first seat where the fans start lining up. He's busy doing his work and I was about to leave the bottle of his side when suddenly, Someone block my way.

It was Dahee.

"Is that for Sehunie?"

She ask with her voice feeling delighted. I frown at her stupid actions. I also want to puke at her childish nickname for Sehun. But she kept her smile as if taunting too.

"Yes. It's for him." I maintained a straight face.

"Arasso. Let me take care of that!"

She was about to grab the bottle when somebody pulled her arms.

"Oppa? Where are you taking me?" I glance and saw Manager Levi motioning her to the backstage. "What the heck are you doing?"

I couldn't kept up with their talk when they slowly disappear from my sight.

"Weird." I murmured.

My eyes went back to Sehun. Turns out he was already waiting for me to hand over the last bottle inside the bag.

I purse my lips and walk to his direction. I was planning to put the water bottle beside his own table when he accepted it on his own.

Though he was busy entertaining his fans, I felt his fingers pinning some small paper to my palms. I immediately grip it away before the fan in front of me could have caught us tossing paper messages to each other.

I gave him a stare before I proceed to the backstage. I secretly opened the green paper when I sense privacy in my path after I step off the platform and all what greets me was his own hand writing.

You have to hear me explain. Please, Babe. We have to talk after the event.

I love you. Only you, Haeun Song.

The time past by so fast, The event was successful as it is.

When Dahee came back I decided to let her do the things she wants. Heck, I don't have time playing with her immaturity. If she want to act like she own everything then I don't care. Manager Levi even tried to ask for more favors to me in order to have contact with Sehun. But I didn't let it happen.

The last paper message he gave me was also th last contact we have all throughout the day.

"Haeun? I will be waiting at the front building of the mall. My husband is coming to pick me up."

Sohyun said as we watch the boys bid goodbye to their longing fans.

"Okay. But did you tell that to your team? We're in different group if you might've forget."

Sohyun gave me a scowl. "Pregnant women are always exempted." She told as if it's a mere fact.

I chuckled before permitting her to go. "Fine! Take care of yourself, Okay?"

"I will, You too!"

"Don't get stuck in the crowd!"

We wave each other goodbye. I watch her trance until she disappeared from my sight in between those hazy isle. There were still lots of fans hanging around, Taking last glances of their idols.

My eyes went back to the stage where I saw the team sending privilege to the fans that came.

"Thank you for coming everyone. We are hoping to see you all next time!"

Suho discloses the event with heart whelming messages. That simple sentence cause a loud wave of screams and hollers from the fans.

They hunched as a team before walking down the small stairs.

The security immediately came to escort everyone. Trying to make certain of their safety from the crazy fans until we reach the elevator that would lead us to the parking lot.


My eyes wander at the random staff of LE Company. She pointed one elevator separate from the team.

"Let's take the other lift so they could have fast."

I smiled and nod. "Neh!"

I was about to follow them when someone grabs my pulse talking me back to my initial spot.


It was Manager Levi. I gave him a frown for his sudden actions.


Instead of answering my curious thoughts, He acknowledged my co-worker.

"She's coming with us. The CEO assigned her for the assistance of the team."

The other staff look perplexed.

When I notice how the hallway gets a little chaos because of the screaming fans, I assigned my hand for my other colleagues to leave.

"It's okay. I'll see you guys at the office."

She then bowed and left to see the other staff in our company from the diverse lift.

As soon as I face Manager Levi, His voice suited low and commanding.

"We have to separate ways. Again."

"Will I take the other team this time?"

He glance at me. His eyes told my question was ridiculous.

"No, Sehun will be mad if I let you go."

I shake my head at the mention of that name.

Was he scared of him? He is the manager for goodness sake.

When we reach the team, Manager Levi detached the others to the free elevator. The woman named Dahee looks confused about their plan. But it was too late for to throw some questions when Kris pulled her once again with his team. Which was Exo M.

Huh. Was too afraid to loss Sehun off her sight? I can't believe her.

"I guess we're assigned on your hands again, Sunbaemin?"

I glared at Suho's joke. I signal my hands to the other elevator for them to enter. However, someone pulled my wrist inside. It was Sehun.

Everything happened too fast, I thought someone would get a glance of what he did. But the team immediately came to block our way. We both end up standing at the very end of the elevator. With the tall man Chanyeol and Kai, Thwarting in front, It was enough to give me solace.

No one would see that, Right?

I purse my lips. Slowly, I felt Sehun's arm circling around my waist. Suho and the others got busy talking about random stuff when I heard him call me.


I sighed. I knew his eyes were focus on me. I could feel his coarse stare but I kept my eyes straight at the front. Not minding his business.

"Are you still mad?"

His voice turned into a whisper but enough to hear in our own space.

Seconds past, I couldn't decide if I should talk back. All that's in my head was to keep my mouth shut and that's what I did.

Sehun did the same thing after a few encouraged to make me speak. He unexpectedly rests his head on my shoulders and Based on his breathing, He was exhausted from the event.

When he wasn't satisfied at all. He hides his face on the crook of my neck. The tip of his nose gradually brushing against my skin, inflicting a slight turmoil in my system. His arm remains to its place. He would rarely grip the side of my waist whenever he breaths.

I knew Sehun was always clingy since our youthful days, But I never expected him to him this greedy to what knows he owns.

I just wish he wouldn't feel how my heart thumps like crazy inside. It felt like it wanted to escape every time he does these simple gestures and touches.

We were like that until the elevator opened and if I didn't nudge Sehun to move, He wouldn't have the guts to do so.

"Stay close to me."

He requested.

But once we step off the lift, I knew what I have to do after seeing those bunch of staff at the parking lot. I distance myself away for him and walk away to a spot where he couldn't reach me that promptly.

He has to take care of his recklessness!

"Are we ready to go?"

Manager Levi asks. They were two vans already fix for the team to serve as a courtesy.

However, My orifices fix at the woman in front of Kris.

Dahee was glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. The way she stares at me was different. Like I did something she didn't really yearn for and I knew it has to be involved with Sehun. Again.

Ugh. Such a bratty. If she hates me then I hate her guts more.

"I guess so. Let's move along."

Kris turned to their own van with his hands gripping Dahee on the wrist.

"Oppa, Let me go! I want to go to the other van! Aish!"

But then again, It didn't work on Kris. She ended up climbing the van first.

I smirk inwardly. Serves her right!


I was back in my thoughts. I saw that Exo K was waiting for me to get inside first that everybody else.

"Oh, Mianhae."

Back to our old position in the car, Sehun was the last one to enter and shut the door. My eyes weary at his movement and once again, He rests his head over my shoulders.

I thought he would start invoking me to speak. But he didn't. Instead, He close his eyes and slopes his whole system over my shoulders thoroughly. Like a little kid asking for consolation.

I let him do that while we drove back to the company. Everyone was quiet the whole ride. Probably most of them were trying to recharge their strength from the recent event that tired them up.

It wasn't that long when we reach the parking lot of our building. I saw the other's came first than our ride with Dahee obviously look happy when she saw the trance of our vehicle.


I would want to make barriers around Sehun too bad but that will cause more trouble in this room.

"Sehun, Wake up."

I tap his thighs. He gradually woke up from a short nap and left a kiss under my jaw.

"Will you come to see your boss first before we get home?"

I glance sideways. I thought he would sit straight but he kept the close distance between us. 

"Y-Yeah. I still have to report about the event. You could go home first if you're tired." I saw him frowning at my suggestion but I continue, "So that you could rest."

He groan moving away. "No way. I'll wait for you at the foyer."

I just shrug when the car ceased. Sehun opened the door and walk out first. I came behind. His hands instantly guide me from the steps to the floor.


Sehun gleamed at me. He wasn't planning to let go of my arms when a voice intruded us.


Dahee ran to him. I quickly step away before hearing more of her pitchy voice.

"Can I ride with you on the way back home? You know like the way we used to back then!"

I froze after overhearing her demand.

I would hardly want to continue my footsteps but my foolish body decided to stay just to hear more.

"D-Dahee I can't do that now. I have more things to do."

"Wae?! I miss our hangouts in your car before! Like going on a road trip downtown just by ourselves every night? I was even the first woman to try your front-passenger seat, Right?"


Sehun scold. But I didn't put much attention to that. I could evidently feel my heart torch in pieces after hearing those words.

It sounded like he made good memories with her than we did.

"Oh C'mon, Sehunie! It wasn't like we didn't have fun on our own? Everybody in your team knows that."


His voice was threatening. But Dahee only gave him a wide smile. As if she had a victory over him.

I pursed my lips and continue my footsteps. All I know is I have to get out of here before someone notices the tear on my eyes.

In my boss's office. I wasn't into myself as I hear Eunwoo thanking about my efforts for the team. My mind was more likely somewhere in space. Searching for peace of mind that I needed at the moment.

"Haeun, Are you okay?"

I glance at my boss and showed a smile. I tried my best but it didn't reach my ears.

"Weren't you happy that you made the event successful as it is?"

"W-What? No, Sir."

"Then what is it?" Eunwoo lean unto his swivel chair. His eyes fix on me. "I could read sadness in your eyes, Ms. Song."

I gulp over his clear observation. Was I too obvious?

"I-It's not that much to matter, Sir."

"It's Eunwoo, Haeun." He stood from his seat. His hands hiding inside his pockets. "I told you to call me Eunwoo if it's just the both of us talking. Right?"

I lowered my head. His footsteps took single thumps on the floor.

"E-Eunwoo.. There's nothing much to worry about. Actually, I'm exceptionally happy about the successful event. Thank you for that wonderful chance."

His face showed delightfulness. "If there's anything that's bothering you, Don't hesitate to talk to me. Perhaps, rang me up on the phone. I won't mind at all. I'm also here as your friend, Haeun."

That put solace on my heart at some point. "Thank you, Eunwoo."

Never in my life, I had met a boss who is as friendly as him. Though I knew he has some kind of mood. Despite that Eunwoo is really a nice person inside.

"You should go home and rest. You deserve to hang out with your kids tonight."

Reminding me of the twins, Made me more happy. Eunwoo is right. I deserve that!

I bowed at him and left his office. On the way to the foyer, I was troubled about Dahee's confession of her and Sehun's past. I mean, She was their former manager. I'm sure she made good relations with the team. But I didn't know she would mean that much to Sehun.

Huh. Exploring downtown at night? I could imagine how happy they were and my heart getting punch at the realization.

Sehun deserves a woman who's at the same level as his and I would never fit that. But Dahee can.

Walking to the bus station in front of our building, I was lost in thoughts. The image of Sehun and Dahee in one car with just them just couldn't get rid of my foolish mind.

"Pabo-yah." I scold myself.

Dahee is beautiful. Much close to an idol portrait as Sehun. Truth to be told, Beautiful is an understatement. She's a goddess. Too beautiful not to be noticed by anyone and Her doll-like physique is enough to equalize Sehun's perfect image.

Thus, the closeness they have could be stipulated more than just a friend. I mean, they used to hang out a lot. So, It's not new to me if ever Sehun confesses that he used to like her before.

I was deadlock from my illusions when a car stop in front of my direction.

The very familiar Black Mercedes Benz. It stood there periods of time and I could imagine Sehun eyeing me behind that hardly tinted windows.

I was hesitating. Thinking he might have took Dahee home and came back just because he felt bad for me?

Well, who knows?

As soon I enter his car, his dominating eyes vouch at me. When I close the door, He toss me some questions.

"Why did you leave just like that?"

I didn't glance at him. But I could sense his pissed mood.

"I still have to talk with my boss." I simply replied.

"I told you I will be waiting at the foyer then why are you here at the bus station?!"

I flinch at his tone.

What is he so mad about? I already gave him the time to take Dahee home. He should be thankful, Right?

"You shouldn't have returned to pick me up."

That words mindlessly came out straight from my mouth. But I didn't mind.

"What do you mean return? For what?" I simply glared accumulating the windows. "I was waiting for you to get down from your boss's office." He breath a deep sigh. "If you're thinking that I brought Dahee home.. I didn't, Haeun."

I look away. "Let's go home, Sehun."

"We are not going home until we fix this." His eyes stayed calculating my emotion. "Look at me.."

When I didn't follow his command, He repeated, "Haeun, Look at me.."

No endearment. Just my name. What is he mad about anyway?

The engine went off that made me perplexed. Was he serious about not going home if they don't talk?

"Hey, Look at me.."

His fingers reach for my chin. He made me face his direction and as soon as I met his eyes, It was pleading for attention from me.

"Let's talk things at home, Sehun. I'm already tired."

He sneered.

"Either do I. But I can't have another sleep knowing we are not okay, Babe. You don't know how hard it is for me to think about that all night."

I wanted to avert my gaze so badly. But Sehun was manipulative. He didn't let me loose. He want me to focus on him. Only to him and his eyes tells me that.

"About what Dahee confesses back in the basement, It's not all true... I do hang out with her downtown at night but that's because I have projects to do on my own and I have to close some deals with some endorsement only at night because I don't have time doing it in the morning. She was the first woman who ride my car not because I want her to but because I need too. She's the manager and I have to use my own car every time to do my own gigs because the company told me so. She's the one handling us and I can't make any complaints about that."

Sincerity and Hope filled his eyes. "Believe me, Babe. If I have a choice I wouldn't let her ride my car. Ever."


I was cut off when he pulled me for a kiss. It was different from any emotions I read from feeling his lips. Now, he was possessive.

"Give me one last chance, Haeun. One last chance. I will try my very best to avoid her at any way. At any circumstances, Babe."

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