Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

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Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



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By SGPresents

C H A P T E R T H I R T H Y - F I V E

Haeun entered her room without making any noise. The splashes of water from the bathroom gave her a sign that Sehun will be out in no time.

She just finish sending the kids over the school bus a few minutes ago and Sehun is on his way to work. More presumably to his practice.

But before all of that, She wanted to discuss him about the upcoming event in Time Square which was hosted by their company. She didn't have the chance to speak with him about it these past few days.

They both didn't have time for they were busy from work and fortunately, she had the opportunity today.

The shower from the bathroom turned off. An indication that he was finally done with his stuff. Haeun remained standing near the door.

It wasn't that long when Sehun came out covering his bottom part. His top was obviously revealing all his chiseled abs and great formed muscles and her eyes couldn't help but appraise him thoroughly as he dries his hair with another towel.

She has seen different men from any random magazines who have a more establish and mature physique than him. Yet, all in all, Sehun would always be the one that could make her feel affected and ludicrous at the same time.

Did he cast a spell on her or what? She just couldn't take her eyes away from him like that.

"Are you done praising your boyfriend?"

Her eyes gradually shift to meet his orifices.

Sehun was wearing a grin with a touch of his ruined damp hair and If I was one of his beloved fans, I could've been death in my direction when he steps out.

"W-We have to talk."

Haeun blink before averting her gaze to the bed. When she couldn't take the passion he was bestowing her, She let herself sat over the bed to maintain her stance.

"About what?"

Sehun walk passes by her to get to the closet and her nose couldn't stop lingering his newly fresh shower gel that obviously suits his style.

She let a loud sigh to hold her control.

Was he torturing her?

"About the fan sign event. T-this Friday."

Haeun scold herself inwardly when her voice startled more.

"Hm-hmm. What about it?"

She heard the clash of the hangers. Maybe he was trying to mismatch his outfit for the day.

She prefers him to look casual most of the time. But knowing Sehun, Anything seems to fit him like a model sporting his own good. Even jeans and shirt would make him look like some criterion for a rampway.

That's how handsomely captivating he was.

"Do you see anything wrong while working with your boyfriend?"

He once again ask when she couldn't find her sentence.

"It's not that."

Haeun heard his footsteps nearing her direction and it wasn't that long when he did. Sehun kneel down to heighten her face. He was randomly smirking.

"Then what's the reason to talk about it?"

His hot seat question spread like fire. It made her scowl.

However, she knew to herself that his topless body was making her cheeks burn more than anything else.

She might've seen Sehun's body without cloth quiet some times but can you blame her? She wasn't used to it. She will never be at this state.

"C-Can you wear your shirt first?"

Her oh-so-ethical mouth confessed. She look away when she saw a glint of tease in his eyes.

Sehun chuckled when he found her cute.

"Why? Do I look that bad?"

My head shake by it's self. "N-No."

"Then I guess it's fine. It's not like you haven't seen it before. You even touch it, Remember?"

Haeun was surpise at his directness.

Her hands immediately grab the pillow from behind. Haeun made sure to hit him hard. But unfortunately, Sehun's reflexes were fast.

He used his hands to cover his face and toss the pillow away.

It wasn't that long when she found her lips being captivated by Sehun. Engrossing it's own unique taste to satisfy his own decoy. He instantly played with her tongue when she offered him access to everything. His hands push her shoulders to the bed causing her to fall with him dominating on top.

His lone hands have its gratitude to explore her body. Sehun laid his hands over her thighs getting a nice touch of her cold skin up to her belly. He slid his hands inside. He grip her side waist that provokes a moan from her lips.

His feverish touch took Haeun to a different level of passion. Her fingers snarled his hair at the back of his head. As if trying to get the strength that Sehun was invading her.

"Sehun.. Stop."

She murmured in between their lips. Yet Sehun was immersed at the moment. He kiss her more. He pondered himself to her scent. Leaving marks on her neck and jawlines everytime he get to lose his patience because of her quiet moans.

"Damn, Baby." He stop and chuckle on the side of her neck. "You really look cute when you blush. It's making me want you so bad."

Haeun was panting for air when she poke his bare chest.

"Don't do that again when we're having a conversation. Seriously, Sehun. I can't take that role at the event."

Sehun raised his head. His eyes were bewildered with amusement.

"And why not? Do i make you feel nervous?"

With his presence barricading her, It doesn't make her nervous at all. But his sudden actions and secret touches in public does. Haeun find it careless of him to not care about his surroundings sometimes.

Sehun should keep that eagerness to himself. But no. Every time he sees her, He will do what he want to do. Kissing, Hugging, whatever it is.

She will never forget what happened at her boss's office, At the meeting room.

"You are not well-behave when i'm around, Sehun." She hissed.
"So i have to tell my boss to make some exchange with the event staffs."

His eyes quivered at her. She even saw his jaw went agitated. Indicating that he didn't what he heard.

"The event will happen in two days, Babe. Don't make everything hard for your boss. besides, he doesn't have any choice. Either He will choose you or his out."

Of course, how could she forget about the deal? More like, they blackmailing her boss.

If Eunwoo doesn't follow his words, He will lose the fame he has in the skincare industry these days and that's his treasure.

"Ugh, Fine. Then just.." She groan feeling perplex. "Just stop being too clingy in public, Sehun. Someone might caught us off guard without learning that."

Her voice held genuine concern. Truth to be told, She value his public appearance and all about his job more than anything else.

She doesn't want to drag his name at any scandal. Not now he's on the peak of his career in show business.

Sehun sighed. He raised from the bed and grab the shirt from the corner.

"I can't promise you that, Babe."

He wore his shirt in front of her bare sight. Making a full show of his flexing abs and vigors.

Haeun gulp at the sight before pulling herself up from lying on the bed.

"B-but you could atleast try."

Sehun brush his damp hair with his fingers. He lean down to heighten her face.

"My girlfriend is a living temptation."

Sehun hid her fallen hair behind her ear causing her heart to throb in it's place.

"You don't know how much I want to stop myself from touching you, kissing you or wanting you when you're around. However, I wasn't the only man who sees your beauty."

He cup her face. Slowly brushing the tip of his finger to her skin.

"Every time i see someone taking your attention from me, I knew I have to lose my control. I want them to know who owns you, Haeun. I want to them to know where you belong and It's mine. Are we clear?"

Jiwoo was walking home from school to the bus station. Suddenly he heard a car honking from his back.

he was gripping the strap of his bag as he turned to who it was.

The yellow Lamborghini made his mouth fell in awe. He suspect the people around him only to see that they were also in stunned by the luxurious car. It unexpectedly stop from where he was standing. Giving him a closer look of it's unearthing beauty.

"So gorgeous."

The hardly tinted window sloop down. Shortly, He saw Dahee waving at him from the driver seat. prompting him to get even more amazed.

"Going Home?"

"N-Noona?" His voice startled. "This is your car?"

She chuckled at his reaction. "I hope you have a spare time to join me? I promise we won't take long."

Jiwoo scratch his nape before checking his wristwatch. He still has time. However, He is too nervous to ride her car.

It was always his dream to ride one of these before. He rarely sees this kind in a magazine or tv somehow and he wasn't expecting for Dahee to have one!

Now, she is offering a lift and, Jiwoo, as a friend. He didn't know how long he could keep up with extreme fascination of her car.

"C'mon, Jiwoo. I don't like to cause traffic here."

He turn behind only to see cars lining up from where she was.

Obviously, He didn't have any choice but to get inside. Though he was trembling as he was clutching the car's handle.

He couldn't contain his excitement when he gets to have a free tour of the interiors. From the leather perch up to the clutches and sound bass. All the details scream a lot of money and riches.

"Your car is amazing, Noona. Daebak!"

Dahee stick the car to the street. The roar of it's engine made him feel thrilled.

"Anyway, Where are we going?"

"Let's go eat somewhere. I'm so much hungry. Like literally hungry."

She drove to the nearest restaurant they could get. It wasn't that long when Jiwoo's eyes bewilder at one of the prominent hotels in Korea. Though, He knew more than that. It wasn't only outstanding in Korea, But to the whole world. This hotel originated in Europe and He knew this is just one of their branches that they made to expand in Asia.

Dahee step out of the car. Jiwoo followed her. She gave the keys to the valet personnel before they entered the massive hotel. His eyes couldn't be more fulfilled at this moment.

He ride a Lamborghini and now he's entering one of the most prestige places in Korea! What a lucky day he has.

They went straight to the hotel's buffet from the right end of the foyer. A girl wearing a navy colored uniform greet them from the entrance desk.

"Table for two."

Dahee showed a card before the woman gestured them to the door.

"This way, Ma'am."

Jiwoo kept his distance close to Dahee and ask, "Are you a permanent visitor here?"

She peeks at him as they follow the employee. "Not that much. Unless I have meetings to hold."

They reach the cornered table near the wall mirrors, where they could see a glimpse of the busy road.

"Should I take your order now, Ma'am?"

Dahee nod her head. They both sat on the chair before she receives the menu card. The employee also handed jiwoo the card, But he politely declines.

He's not used to these kind of places. Thus, it's better for Dahee to make orders for them. She's the one who recommend the place. So she surely recognize every food choices in here.

"We will have some vegetable meat. Make it rare too and, " Dahee pause, looking at his side. "Do you drink wine?"

Jiwoo was surprised but he shook his head. "I'm not allowed, Noona."

"Oh, Okay. White wine for me and fresh orange juice for him. That's all."

She hand back the menu card. The employee bowed at them before leaving.

"So? Young man who isn't allowed to drink alcohol. How was school?"

She teased. Jihun pursed his lips as he recall his study.

"It's fine. I'm still waiting for my university entrance exam result next week."

"Your turning college?" Her voice sound so surprise. He nod. "Time fly so fast, Huh? You were still a senior when we met three years ago."

A waiter then came in to give the glass of white wine that Dahee requested.

"Thank you." She opposed to the man who poured full blast on her own wine glass.

"Your drinking." His eyes followed as she sips the liquor. "Do you have any problem, Noona?"

He can't help but feel concerned.

That's how it is right? People drink alcohol to release there frustration or maybe something that was displeasing their mind. It's a human routine.

"Not that much." She pout.

"Let me guess. Is this about the friend that you like?"

He ask emphasizing the last word. He saw her taken back and she tried to release the tension by playing her glass in circles.

"I will take your silence as a yes, Noona."

Dahee took a sip before darting at him. Her eyes held openness.

"What will you do if the person you like, Reject you? And it has to be in front of many people."

Her question startled him. "He reject you? For real?"

Dahee grit her teeth as she recall what happened in the last few days. That broke her dignity as a woman. To be repudiated in front of random people was the last wish she had in life and that was easy for him to do.

That incident didn't gave her the confidence to visit their dorm again. She didn't know how to gain that enthusiasm once more.

"Maybe." She shrug. "He didn't accept the food I made for him and it's the very first time he did that and that means that, Right?"

He would always receive her gifts without any hesitation before. But now, He just change in a swift.

"Maybe he was just shy"

That made her smile. Shy? When did he became shy around his friends?

"You know Noona, When a man is starting to like other girls, they intend to build a gap in between."

Dahee quivered her eyes at him. "Don't give me a man riddle, Jiwoo. I'm not like you."

He sighed before he further explained, "They will start avoiding a girl because they are getting confused with there feelings too. You know? They will try to distant themselves for a week or a month or so, It will make you confuse as he is but it's a man's way to gather answers for their puzzling thoughts. Until one day, they will end up confessing their own feelings to you. Men always do that this days, Noona. Trust me."

Dahee began to feel ecstatic at what he told. So, he was secretly liking her too? Is that it?

"Oh My, Jiwoo! You just gave me a brilliant idea."

Jiwoo shake his head at her reaction. Girls mind is a chaotic world you didn't want to penetrate.

"What kind? You can tell me. Then i could help and perhaps give some few advices. So that he won't reject you next time."

Dahee facepalm.

No, He didn't reject her for sure. Perhaps, He was just in denial of his feelings. That's why!

"Lucky that they have an event this week."

Jiwoo shift to his seat. "Event?"

She nod happily. "Hm-hmm! He's an idol and we have to keep it a secret."

Jiwoo was amazed. "I see you have the same situation as my sister." He muttered.

"Really?" He was shocked when Dahee responded.

Damn. He thought he said it just for himself. Why does he have to be so careless and with Dahee?

"Your sister like an idol too?"

Jiwoo rub his nape. Silently cursing himself for his recklessness.

"I mean, It's normal for a woman like you to appreciate an Idol, Noona. It's nothing really new to everyone. Even the elders enjoyed watching their performance recently."

"Oh, You're right!"

Jiwoo felt solace when she bought his lies. He was almost caught!

"Well, I have a plan in mind already and I was hoping it will work!"

"Don't loose hope, Noona. You're beautiful. It's way too impossible for a guy not to like you."

"Wow. I didn't know you're a flatterer, Huh?"

Sarcasm held her tone. Jiwoo shake his head.

"I'm just telling the truth, Noona."

Jiwoo's right. She believes in the power of her beauty and confidence. They never failed her once and If she uses it wisely this time, she will have what she want. That is to make him confess his naive feelings. Besides, It's mutual already.

He's just being in denial. That's for sure.

Haeun's POV

I was waiting near the school gate of the twins after work. We were dismissed earlier that we were because Mr. Lee called an important meeting with his higher amazement and I couldn't be more happy with that news.

I get to pick up the kids again from school after a long long time since Sehun contends to do it himself after he came back. I'm also glad he let me go by myself.

I miss hanging out with my kids with just the three of us.

I was sneaking through the black gates like the other parents does when I saw a glimpse of Jihun. He looks excited as he runs with Jieun holding his hands tightly from behind.

Jihun scanned the place.

"Jihun-ah!" I raised my hand to get his attention. He immediately smile as soon as he saw my hands through the air. He waved back and gestured Jieun to go first.

I went to the entrance to welcome them with a big hug.


My smile instantly showed up when they reach my direction. Knowing they were completely fine after a long day was enough to make me feel pleased.

"I thought Daddy will be here to get us today?" Jieun was pouting as she told.

I pinch her nose to ease her disappointment.

"Daddy is busy with his practice that's why Mommy is here to pick you up. Don't you want me to fetch you two?"

I made a sad face causing them to feel worry.

"Of course we want mommy!"

"We love you like how much we love daddy so it's okay."

I chuckle and raised from leaning to touch them. "If that so, Who's up for a bubble tea?"

It was like a magic word that filled excitement in their faces. Their raised both of their hands.

"Me! Me!" Jihun was even jumping on his feet. "I want some bubble tea, Mommy!"

"Okay, Let's get you some before we get home."

I grab both of there hands and went to cross a pedestrian lane.

We were nearing the other sidewalk when I saw a black SUV hitting our way. My heart thumps when I suspect it wasn't planning to turn other ways. I immediately grab the kids. But the anonymous driver used the break creating a screech sound.

We almost got hit!

I look at the distance between me and the car and it was only a few inches if measured.

"Yah! You psycho!" I hit the hood of the car. "Didn't you see the sign? This is a school zone area you asshle!"


I immediately check the kids who look really frighten at what happened too.

"A-Are you two okay?"

They both nod. Their hug at my waist tighten in fear.

I look at the car. The windows are heavily tinted the reason I couldn't suspect who's driving the vehicle.

A few seconds had past but the driver didn't plan to show up. Instead, he turned at our side and drove away.


I couldn't help but murmur a curse before I went to comfort the kids.

"Mommy is here, Don't worry."

Damn. Should I tell Sehun about this?

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