The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Five Part Three
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part One
Thirty One Part Two
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Two
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Six Part Four
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Chapter Ten Part Two

13.3K 627 36
By Jaidesmamasmama

"En guarde!"

Betsy sat on the deck with the children and the rest of the crew. Violet and Brutus were demonstrating the rapiers, as Betsy had mentioned at supper wanting to learn.

Supper had been a grand affair, all the lobsters had been boiled, the conch had been made into fritters and fried. The breadfruit had been stewed with shreds of pork and lightly flavored from the juice of the coconuts. Johnnycakes had been piled high and rounded out their meal. The plantains had been served for dessert, mashed with raw sugar and also a bit of the coconut juice. Everyone had feasted at the long wooden tables in the galley, amid boisterous conversation and many compliments to the cooks. Pete, Bart, and Timothy had been lauded for their catch of the day, as everyone ate, until they could eat no more.

The men were now providing the evening's entertainment, amid oohs and awes from the spectators. The swords they used were dulled practice blades, as this was only a demonstration, not an actual sword fight.

Betsy was amazed by the swiftness of the movement as the two men parried from one end of the lower deck to the other.

Lanterns had been hung, illuminating the deck, shining off the slim blades as they moved swiftly, with lightning speed.

Sarah sat in Betsy's lap. Betsy was flanked by Davey and Elias, the other boys sat to either side of them. The rest of the crew were also seated on the deck, along the rails, each shouting to their choice of victor, as the men seemed pretty evenly matched.

Paulie had Lila and Jonah, each taking up space on one of his knees, as he sat cross legged across the deck from Betsy and the boys.

Betsy was impressed, that even with the high anxiety and yelling going on from the sidelines, Paulie cursed not a once.

Betsy found herself mesmerized by the flashing steel, the athletic abilities of Violet and Brutus, and the quickness with which they defended then attacked. She could not choose either one to cheer for, as they both were equally astounding.

Everyone watching held their breath as Violet backed Brutus up against the helm deck. Brutus made a swift turnabout, which brought him to the steps, and he flew up them. Violet followed, as all heads from the gallery leaned forward to be able to see the continuing action.

The deck was not a large area and the fencing took on a close quarter duel, as the swords flashed, almost faster than the eye could keep track of. Brutus now attacked Vi, backing him up into the helm rail, which Violet grabbed with his free hand, springing himself atop it.

Davey leaned closer to Betsy and quietly said next to her ear, "Watch this!"

Violet sprung from the rail, his sword held out to the side while he flipped back and over, landing on the lower deck in position to resume the swordplay.

Brutus took two steps, flung his blade skyward, then vaulted, pushing off the rail with his hands, then feet, somersaulting once, to land right in front of his foe and catch his sword.

Cheers erupted as the men resumed the clash of steel, Betsy turned to grin at Davey, who had been watching her face, as her mouth had fallen open.

Davey was laughing and slapping his knees, as he had seen this all performed before. He was more entertained by Betsy's reaction as she watched the men astound her.

Violet and Brutus circled and danced, sword meeting sword as the men sweated and tired. Brutus gained the advantage and backed Violet up against the stern rail, which Violet climbed behind him. Still facing Brutus and parrying his thrusts, Vi stepped back and then up, three times, until he stood upon the rail. Brutus walked forward, placed a hand upon Vi's chest, and pushed.

Betsy gasped as Violet flailed his arms, tossing his sword to Brutus, before disappearing and creating a muted splash.

When all on deck began laughing and clapping, Betsy realized this was for their benefit and laughed along with them.

"Ain't they great?" Davey's eyes glowed with laughter as he spoke to Betsy.

"They sure are!" Betsy handed Sarah off to her brother, Johnny, then rose and went to the side of the ship where Violet would have to climb up. He was already halfway up the ladder, his smiling eyes returning the pleasure in her own.

Violet climbed aboard and bowed to Brutus, "Your match." He conceded, then he slipped the tie from his hair and shook his head, spraying anyone within close proximity with droplets of water.

Betsy clasped her hands together, "That was wonderful, I hate to even ask you to try to teach me if all of that is required." She chuckled as she said it, shaking her head at the feats she had just witnessed.

"There are no requirements and I shall be glad to teach you the basics to begin. But not tonight, tonight has worn the little ones out, and I have need of some dry clothes." His smile was wide as he bowed again, this time to the audience, as the applause had kept coming.

Brutus tossed the swords to Violet, who caught them and grinned at his opponent, as he made his way across deck towards the steps leading below.

"Go ahead, Missy, I haves a tale fer the wee ones afore bed. T'would be ta me pleasure ta tuck 'em in." Paulie encouraged Betsy to follow Violet, as he called to Johnny to bring Sarah, and come along with him.

Betsy followed Josh and his men belowdecks, as they made their way to the galley to clean up the mess from dinner.

The boys, and most of the crew, took the skiffs and went to sit around the campfire, to spend an hour or two telling stories and just be on land. All knew they would be leaving soon and would not have another opportunity to do so for weeks.

Betsy walked through the door of their outer cabin, closing it behind her, and caught a glimpse of Violet stripping off his wet garments in the bedroom. His back was to her. He was standing in front of his dresser, a linen draped around his neck to catch the droplets that still dripped from his hair. He must not have heard her enter as he began a tug of war with his wet breeches.

Betsy stood, rooted to the spot she had stopped at, as his back was fully revealed to her view. Her eyes roved over his muscular torso as his derrière was revealed a mere moment later.

She was dumbfounded as more and more of his skin was uncovered for her viewing pleasure.

His thighs were white to right above his knees, as this was where his cut off breeches ended that he had been wearing for her swimming lesson, and then again later to swim back and forth to the beach. She raised her eyes to return to his bum and sighed her pleasure at what she saw.

His head whipped around, his rounded eyes found hers, as she gazed at him appreciatively, a small, stupid smile upon her mouth.

He chuckled at her, as he lowered the linen from his shoulders, wrapping it around his waist, as her nose wrinkled in displeasure at his interruption of her view.

He sat on the bed and summoned her to him with a hand, "You may as well help me since you are here."

Oh, she would like to help him alright, she would like to help him lose that towel, and let her acquaint herself better with just what she had married. But she went forward, walking towards him, a saucy smile upon her lips,"How can I be of service, my love?"

He chuckled again, "Help me to get these off, 'tis near impossible when they are wet." He gestured to the breeches, which were still around his knees.

"It would be my pleasure." Betsy purred, as she came forward to assist him.

Therein ensued a tug of war with the wet leather, which left her breathless and panting from the exertion.

As the breeches parted from Violet's body, she walked the few steps and tossed them into the tub.

Violet had risen and was going to his dresser for dry clothes when he felt her hands snake around him from behind. She wrapped her arms around his middle and placed a hand upon each of his pecks. Her body was pressed against his, as she sighed her pleasure once more.

Violet closed his eyes and luxuriated in the feeling of her hands worshipping his chest. Her hands then slid back to his sides, feeling his ribs as she went.

Violet turned in her arms and picked her up, kissing her, as her arms snaked around his neck. They enjoyed quite a few moments of their own sparring, until Violet finally had to call a halt to their play, as he realized she was asking for more than she bargained for.

He broke the kiss and pressed one to her temple as she lay her head upon his shoulder.

She absolutely loved when he held her so, he made her feel so small and fragile, as her toes once again, did not touch the ground.

He held her with one arm as the other hand pulled the tie from her hair, letting it fall to the ground. He then ran his hand through her hair, luxuriating in the silky feel of it sifting through his fingers. He needed these few moments to cool his ardor, which had become apparent, and he was not ready to give that lesson to his young bride just yet.

He clasped her to him for a moment more, before setting her upon her feet, giving her a rakish smile. "I have a plan, if you would take some nightclothes to the children while I dress.

She sighed again, this time in annoyance, at the halt to their play.

"We shall take some furs up to the helm, lie under the moon and stargaze, just the two of us, if it would please you, love." He brushed her cheek with his fingertips as she gazed at him with continued longing.

She needed to stop doing that or all his good intentions would be thrown out the window. To hell with wooing and courtship, he thought, if she keeps looking at me like that. He raised a brow at her in question, as she turned and huffed. Walking over to the small trunk, she lifted the lid.

Violet grinned, as she rummaged around for clean nightshirts, then he returned to his dresser to find his own clothes.

Setting them on the bed, he waited, as she turned back towards him, the nightclothes in her hand, and surveyed his muscular torso once more, before finally quitting the room.

Violet continued to grin, as he used the linen to dry his hair and body, before donning his clothes. He left his hair loose, and his feet bare, as he gathered some furs, taking them topside and tossing the heap upon the scrubbed helm deck. He then put out most of the lanterns, leaving only a couple, for the crew to find their way across the lower deck upon their return from shore.

He spread the furs, making sure it was going to be cushioned enough, before going back down to find his wife and bring her topside.


I just love a good sword fight !!!!

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