The Prophecy Of The Immortal...

By emalelikestospam

4.9K 211 5

"Taeyong! When is it enough for you?! How many people do you have to hurt until you're satisfied?!" 2000 year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 15

101 3 0
By emalelikestospam

    After Jackson and Jaebum finished eating, Jungkook and Namjoon went upstairs to get the suits they were supposed to be wearing while they were on the mission. Jungkook handed them out to everyone, getting odd looks from Kai and Taehyun. "Why exactly do we have to wear these uncomfortable-looking, skin-tight suits?" Taehyun asked.

"One, because you obviously don't want to be wearing casual clothes on an important mission like this. Two, because this is a rescue team, and we have to at least dress like one as well." Jungkook sassed. Taehyun would've asked more, but he decided not to since he's already been scolded enough for one morning.

Yugyeom suddenly bounced up, startling Jungkook. "We've taken down their security! It'll take them approximately 3 hours to recover if they have backup hackers. You guys should go as soon as you're ready!" He announced the good news, causing Jaebum to let out a relieved sigh. "I guess all the lack of sleep was worth it in the end. You guys should keep working at it in case they recover while we're down there." Jaebum said.

The six hybirds quickly put on their suits. Jungkook could tell that Taehyun absolutely despised the suit, but didn't say anything. Taehyun and Kai each gathered a taser they could use in case they got caught down there, hooking it on a belt that they both had. On Jaebum's command, they stepped into the library and opened the door to the passage.

"The stairs are stable, by the way." Jungkook whispered at Jaebum quietly, causing the leopard hybrid to nod at him. Jaebum stepped down quietly, motioning everyone else to come down after he made it down the steps. Everyone else nodded and stepped down as quietly as they could, freezing and glaring at Kai everytime he accidentally made a sound.

They all tiptoed as quietly as the could through the long hallway. Once they made it to the actual place where all the abuse was being held, they found out that it was actually a lot like a club. Still, they weren't naive enough to let loose and continued to tiptoe near the wall, trying to get to the computer room.

"Psst! Hey!" Kai whispered to Taehyun, hand over his mouth. "What do you want?" Taehyun whispered back. "Do you think they can smell us?" Kai asked quietly, almost inaudible. Taehyun thought about it for a moment before internally panicking. "Jungkook, can they smell us?" Taehyun whispered frantically in Jungkook's ear. "As long as we have these suits on, they should be unable to smell us." Jungkook replied quietly.

Taehyun let out a quiet sigh of relief and continued to tiptoe behind Jungkook. Jaebum and Jackson eventually arrived outside of the computer room and walked inside to see energy drinks scattered all around the floor. They looked at the seats and saw two human men passed out on the chairs. Each of them had a name tag. One of them had 'Doyoung' written on it in capital letters and the other one had 'Taeil' written on it.

Jaebum and Jackson worked and checked the security, making sure that the other hackers were doing their job properly. Jinyoung looked over their shoulder as someone who looked over the details. Once they confirmed that their security was down, Jinyoung grabbed a rusted keychain from Doyoung and Taeil's belt. Jinyoung let everyone go in front of him, letting Jaebum lead the way.

They had to explore the place for a while before they arrived at the slums of the hideout. Jinyoung motioned for everyone to huddle together and discuss things quietly. "I'm assuming this is where the prison cells are. I can sense that there's someone guarding the entrance. Taehyun and Kai, I need you two to sneak up on the guards and tase them with your taser once you find an opening. Do you think you can do that?" Jinyoung asked, waiting for the two young hybrids to nod.

The duo took action immediately, getting into hunting mode. Jinyoung observed from afar as the two skillfully snuck up on the guards from behind, hiding behind boulders when the guards turned around. When they got close enough, they both leaped behind the guards. They whipped out their tasers with barely any sound and activated it, holding onto the guard's neck while tasing them from their backs.

Once they were down, they placed down the two bodies quietly, grabbing the keys that opened the large door they were guarding. Jinyoung got a glimpse of their names from their name tags while they rushed in. "Yukhei and Dejun, huh?" He whispered quietly to himself as he followed the others in.

"Ugh, what's that disgusting smell?" Kai tried to gag as quietly as he could. Everyone just stayed silent, trying to look for the cell Yuta was held in. Since Jungkook knew Yuta's scent the best, Jaebum let him lead the way. Jungkook struggled to find Yuta's scent over the disgusting smell of trash, vomit and maybe even shit.

Eventually, he found it as he got closer to the back. He ran towards the cell quietly, gripping onto the metal bars. "Yuta!" He whisper-yelled, only to get no response. By then, Jinyoung and the others already arrived. Jinyoung tested out all of the keys frantically, trying to be quiet. Finally, he unlocked the lock with the last key.

The lock fell with a loud clack, making Jinyoung wince from the sound. He ran inside the room as fast as he could, grabbing the bunny hybrid who was lying on the floor. "Yuta Nakamoto, right? I'm Park Jinyoung, a hacker in the group called GOT7. I'm here to rescue you along with my friends. Before we leave, can you put on this suit?" Jinyoung said to Yuta, trying to make him sit up and handing him a suit.

"T-take Sicheng too." Yuta stuttered, struggling to talk. He held out a weak arm and pointed to a corner. Jinyoung looked and saw a bruised human who was unconscious, skinny and sick. Jinyoung pulled out another suit for the human. "I'm glad I took two suits just in case. Yuta, you should take the smaller one." Jinyoung offered, helping Yuta get up.

Taehyun gently shook Sicheng awake. "P-please, don't hurt me anymore. I can't take anymore." He stuttered, trying to get away from Taehyun. "Don't worry, you're in safe hands. Come with us, Sicheng. You'll be in a safe place soon." Taehyun said, trying to reassure the shaking human. Jinyoung threw the suit at Taehyun, watching as the young hybrid caught it.

"Here, wear this. We'll get you out of here soon." Taehyun comforted gently, watching as Sicheng cautiously took the suit. They waited until they finished putting on the suit and started making their way out. Sicheng couldn't walk, which meant that Kai had to carry him back, much to his dismay. Yuta had his arm draped around Jungkook's shoulder as Jungkook led him back to his mansion.

They made it back safely and quietly. At times, Sicheng almost screamed from anxiety and fear, but were shushed by Taehyun after a lot of sugarcoated words and comforting. They went up the stairs quietly and closed the door behind them. Taehyun forced Kai to carry Sicheng to the washroom where he called a maid to help wash the shivering, scared human.

Yuta also went to take a shower in the washroom. After they finished showering, their wounds and injuries were checked by Jinyoung, who knew first aid. "Luckily neither of them seem to have broken bones, but they've faced starvation and Sicheng seems to have a very severe cold." Jinyoung reported to Jungkook who went to buy some medicine for Sicheng.

Before he left, Jinyoung told him a bit more about Sicheng's condition. "He seems to have severe PTSD and possible haphephobia. He kept on squirming when I was trying to treat his wounds." Jinyoung told Jungkook. After explaining what haphephobia was, Jungkook planned to take Sicheng to a therapist after he recovered.

After showering, Taehyun handed the two of them a plate of food each. He didn't expect them to just eat one plate, so he made a bit more just in case. He noticed that Sicheng kept eyeing the food, but didn't touch it. He placed a hand on Sicheng's shoulder, which made the human flinch. "Don't worry, the food is one hundred percent safe. I didn't put anything in it except for some spices and salt. Here, I'll take a bite out of it. If I don't die, that means it's safe to eat." Taehyun reassured, taking a bite out of the food.

Sicheng hesitantly took a bite out of the food after seeing that it didn't affect Taehyun. He took more bites until the plate was completely empty. Just as he was about to ask for more, a maid brought in more food for him to eat. "You're welcome to eat as much as you want here, we have plenty to share. If you need anything, just go to the gym. I'll be there if you need anything. After you finish eating, the maid will show you where it is." Taehyun said to Sicheng, who just nodded.

Taehyun made sure that Sicheng felt comfortable before leaving, taking the empty dishes with him. He was already starting to feel fond of Sicheng, although he knew that Sicheng wasn't in the best of health. He was absolutely furious that Taeyong would torture Sicheng to the point where even a touch would make him flinch. He balled his fist with one hand and scowled.

"You truly are a disgusting hybrid, Lee Taeyong."

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